
Executive Summary

1                      introduction                                                                           

1.1                   Purpose of the Report                                                      

1.2                   Structure of the Report                                                  

2                      Project information                                                           

2.1                   Background                                                                            

2.2                   Site Description                                                                     

2.3                   Construction Activities                                                    

2.4                   CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME                                                

2.5                   Project Organisation and Management Structure

2.6                   Status of Environmental Approval Documents   

3                      environmental monitoring REQUIREMENTS               

3.1                   Noise Monitoring                                                                   

3.2                   Cultural Heritage                                                               

3.3                   Landscape and Visual Monitoring                                

3.4                   Environmental Requirements in Contract Documents   

4                      Implementation Status on Environmental MITIGATION MEASURES   

5                      Monitoring Results                                                             

5.1                   Noise                                                                                           

5.2                   Landscape and Visual Monitoring                                

5.3                   Cultural Heritage                                                               

5.4                   Waste Management                                                              

5.5                   Effectiveness of Mitigation Measures and Monitoring  

6                      Environmental Site Inspection                                      

7                      Environmental Non-conformance                               

8                      REVIEW OF THE EM&A DATA AND EIA PREDICTIONS         

8.1                   NOISE                                                                                           

8.2                   Waste Management                                                              

8.3                   Summary of Review                                                              

9                      Conclusions                                                                            




Table 2.1  Summary of Construction Activities undertaken in this Reporting Period

Table 2.2   Summary of Environmental Licensing, Notification and Permit Status

Table 3.1    Construction Phase Noise Monitoring Locations

Table 3.2  Noise Monitoring Equipment

Table 3.3 Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise Monitoring

Table 3.4 Alert, Alarm and Action (AAA) Levels for Vibration Monitoring

Table 3.5 Event and Action Plan for vibration monitoring

Table 4.1 Status of Required Submissions

Table 5.1 Findings of Monthly Tree Inspection in the Reporting Period

Table 5.2 Summary of Vibration Monitoring for Other Construction Works

Table 5.3 Quantities of Waste Generated from the Project

Table 8.1 Comparison of Construction Noise Standard and Noise Monitoring Results

Table 8.2 Quantity of Actual Amount of C&D Materials, General Wastes and Chemical Wastes Generated and EIA Estimation



Annex A

Locations of Works Areas and the Surroundings

Annex A1

Project Location

Annex A2

Declared Monuments within the Project Site

Annex B

Project Organization Chart and Contact Detail

Annex C

Locations of Noise Monitoring Stations and Noise Sensitive Receivers

Annex D

Calibration Reports for Calibrators and Sound Level Meters

Annex E

Event/Action Plans for Noise

Annex F

Summary of Implementation Status

Annex G

Noise Monitoring Results

Annex H

Construction Programme of the Project

Annex I

Waste Flow Table

Annex J

Cumulative Environmental Complaint, Environmental Summons, Prosecution Log and Investigation Report for Environmental Enquiry

Annex J1

Cumulative Environmental Complaint and Summons/Prosecutions Log

Annex J2

Investigation Report for Environmental Enquiry

Annex K

Not Used

Annex L

Records of Vibration Monitoring for Other Construction Works

Annex M

Summary of Key Findings of Monthly Cultural Heritage Site Audits, Non-compliance Reports and Condition of Character Defining Elements, Historic Buildings and Structures

Annex M1

A Summary of Key Findings of Monthly Cultural Heritage Site Audits

Annex M2

Non-compliance Reports

Annex M3

A Summary of Condition of Character Defining Elements, Historic Buildings and Structures



The construction works of Central Police Station Conservation and Revitalisation Project commenced on 24 October 2011.  This is the 6th annual Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) review report summarising the EM&A works carried out during the period from 1 November 2016 and 31 October 2017 in accordance with the EM&A Manual.

Environmental Monitoring and Audit Progress

A summary of the monitoring activities undertaken in this reporting period is listed below:


· Construction Noise Monitoring during normal weekdays at each monitoring station


66 times

· Joint Environmental Site Inspection

12 times

· Heritage Site Inspection

292 times

· Landscape & Visual Monitoring / tree inspection ([1])

12 times

· Vibration monitoring for other construction works           

292 times


66 sets of 30-minute construction noise measurements were carried out at each of the monitoring stations (NM2 and NM6) during normal weekdays of the reporting period.  No exceedance of the Action or Limit Level of construction noise was recorded.

Cultural Heritage

No vibration monitoring was carried out for demolition works, trial piling or pile/bored piling works as the aforementioned works were not conducted during the reporting period.

Vibration monitoring carried out for other construction works during the reporting period are listed below:

· 292 vibration monitoring measurements for the structural addition and alteration works at Block 11.

No exceedance of Alert, Alarm and Action Levels of vibration was recorded during the reporting period. 

292 heritage site inspections were conducted and the Contractor has generally implemented the necessary protection measures as recommended.    

Landscape & Visual

Landscape and visual monitoring has commenced since October 2011 on a monthly basis.  Twelve monthly tree inspections have been conducted by the arborist during the reporting period.  An ad-hoc joint tree inspection for Tree 6 and Tree 7 was carried out by the representatives of the arborist, Contractor, IEC, ET, HKJC, EPD and relevant parties on 8 August 2017.  Most recommended actions have been performed by the Contractor as advised in the reporting period.

Waste Management

Wastes generated from this Project include inert construction and demolition (C&D) materials and non-inert C&D materials.  883.74 tonnes of inert C&D materials and 862.89 tonnes of non-inert C&D materials were generated during the reporting period.  1,314 kg of paper/cardboard packaging waste were produced and sent to recyclers for recycling.  No metals or plastics waste was recycled during the reporting period.  No chemical waste was generated and collected by licenced chemical waste collector during the reporting period.

Environmental Site Inspection

Twelve joint environmental site inspections were carried out by the representatives of the Contractor, the IEC and the ET during the reporting period.  The Contractor has generally implemented the mitigation measures as recommended. 

Environmental Exceedance/Non-conformance/Compliant/Summons and Prosecution

No exceedance of the Action or Limit Level of construction noise was recorded at designated monitoring stations during the reporting period. 

No exceedance of the Alert, Alarm and Action Levels of vibration was recorded during the reporting period. 

One enquiry was received during the reporting period.

No environmental non-compliance event was recorded during the reporting period.  6 non-compliance events related to the character defining elements, historic buildings and structures were recorded during the reporting period.

No complaint was received during the reporting period.

No summons/prosecutions were received in this reporting period.


1                                          introduction

ERM-Hong Kong, Limited (ERM) was appointed by the Jockey Club CPS Limited (the CPS Ltd) as the Environmental Team (ET) to undertake the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) programme for the Central Police Station Conservation and Revitalisation Project (the Project).

1.1                                   Purpose of the Report

This is the 6th annual EM&A review report, which summarises the impact monitoring results and audit findings for the EM&A programme during the first year of the construction period from 1 November 2016 to 31 October 2017. 

1.2                                   Structure of the Report

The structure of the report is as follows:

Section 1 :  Introduction

details the scope and structure of the report.


Section 2 :  Project Information

summarises background and scope of the Project, site description, project organization and contract details, construction programme, the construction works undertaken and the status of Environmental Permit(s)/License(s) during the reporting period.


Section 3 :  Environmental Monitoring Requirements

summarises the monitoring parameters, monitoring programmes, monitoring methodologies, monitoring frequency, monitoring locations, Action and Limit Levels, Event/Action Plans, environmental mitigation measures as recommended in the EIA report, and relevant environmental requirements.


Section 4 :  Implementation Status on Environmental Mitigation Measures

summarises the implementation of environmental protection measures during the reporting period.


Section 5 :  Monitoring Results

summarises the monitoring and waste management results obtained in the reporting period.


Section 6 :  Environmental Site Inspection

summarises the audit findings of the monthly site inspections undertaken within the reporting period.




Section 7 :  Environmental Non-conformance

summarises any monitoring exceedance, environmental complaints and environmental summons received within the reporting period.


Section 8 :  Review of the EM&A Data and EIA Predictions

          compares the monitoring data and waste quantity against predictions in the approved Project EIA report.


Section 9 :  Conclusions


2                                          Project information

2.1                                   Background

The Chief Executive (CE)’s 2007-2008 Policy Address highlighted revitalisation as the guiding principle of heritage conservation and the Project was among one of the specific proposals put forward by the CE in the same Policy Address.  At the meeting of the Executive Council (ExCo) on 15 July 2008, the ExCo advised and the CE ordered that Government should enter into a partnership with the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) in the form of an agreement (or agreements) to take forward the conservation and revitalisation of the CPS project based on various guiding parameters.  The Project is now being undertaken in partnership with the Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government.  The HKJC has taken on board the decision at the ExCo meeting and further investigated the design and implementation of the Project.  The Project is now implemented by the Jockey Club CPS Limited.

2.2                                   Site Description

The location of the Project Site is shown in Annex A1.  The Site is bounded by Hollywood Road to the north, Arbuthnot Road to the east, Chancery Lane to the south and Old Bailey Street to the west.

The Site comprises three Declared Monuments designated under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance in 1995.  They are:

·      Central Police Station;

·      Former Central Magistracy; and

·      Victoria Prison Compound.

They are collectively named the Central Police Station (CPS).  Annex A2 shows the location of the Declared Monuments within CPS and the buildings within the CPS.

2.3                                   Construction Activities

A summary of the major construction activities undertaken in this reporting period is shown in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1        Summary of Construction Activities undertaken in this Reporting Period

Construction Activities Undertaken

1st Quarter

·          Resumption of works for Block 19 and open ground;

·          Hard landscape construction;

·          Timber elements repair and replacement at Blocks, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14 and 19;

·          Metal works installation at Blocks 8, 9 and 11;

·          External façade repair at Blocks 3, 8, 10, 13, 14 and 17;

·          Fitting out works at Blocks 1, 2, 15, 19, Arbuthnot Wing and Old Bailey Wing;

·          E&M fixing at Blocks 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, Arbuthnot Wing and Old Bailey Wing; and

·         Footbridge construction.

2nd Quarter

·          Hard landscape construction;

·          Timber elements repair and replacement at Blocks 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 14;

·          Fitting out works at Blocks 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, Arbuthnot Wing and Old Bailey Wing;

·          Metal works installation and repair at Blocks 1, 3, 8, 9, 15, 17 and 19;

·          External façade repair at Blocks 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 17;

·          E&M fixing at Blocks 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, Arbuthnot Wing and Old Bailey Wing;

·          Footbridge construction;

·          External staircase construction; and

·          Old Bailey Street staircase construction.

3rd Quarter

·          Sitewide hard landscape construction;

·          Timber elements repair and replacement at Blocks 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 13 and 14;

·          Fitting out works at Blocks 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, Arbuthnot Wing and Old Bailey Wing;

·          Metal works repair at Blocks 1, 3, 8, 9, 14 and 17;

·          External façade repair at Blocks 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 17;

·          E&M fixing at Blocks 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, Arbuthnot Wing and Old Bailey Wing;

·          Footbridge construction;

·          Old Bailey Street staircase construction; and

·          Enhancement works at Blocks 6 and 7.

4th Quarter

·          Sitewide hard landscape construction;

·          Timber elements repair and replacement at Blocks 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 14;

·          Fitting out works at Blocks 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, Arbuthnot Wing and Old Bailey Wing;

·          Metal works repair at Blocks 1, 3, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 14;

·          External façade repair at Blocks 1, 3, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17 and 19;

·          E&M fixing at Blocks 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, Arbuthnot Wing and Old Bailey Wing;

·          Footbridge construction;

·          Guard house works construction; and

·          Enhancement works at Blocks 3, 8, 9, 10 and 14.

2.4                                   CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME

The most updated construction programme for the Project is presented in Annex H.

2.5                                   Project Organisation and Management Structure

The Project organization chart, hotline number and contact details are shown in Annex B.

2.6                                   Status of Environmental Approval Documents

A summary of the valid permits, licences, and/or notifications on environmental protection for this Project within the reporting period is presented in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2        Summary of Environmental Licensing, Notification and Permit Status

Permit/ Licences/ Notification


Validity Period


Environmental Permit (EP)



superseded by EP-408/2011/C



Throughout the Contract

Permit granted on 29 April 2016

Notification of Construction Works as required under Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation

Ref. No. 332920

Throughout the Contract


Registration of Chemical Waste Producer under Waste Disposal Ordinance

Chemical Waste Producer No.: 5213-122-G2347-25

Throughout the Contract


Disposal of C&D material/waste

Billing Account Number: 7013338

Throughout the Contract


Effluent Discharge License under Water Pollution Control Ordinance

License No. WT00010633-2011

21 Oct 2011 - 31 Oct 2016


Notification of Commencement of Asbestos Abatement Work under Air Pollution Control Ordinance


Throughout the Contract

EPD’s letter (EPD’s ref.: (5) in EPAC/A/4/000/233 II) dated 2 December 2011 satisfied that the content of the asbestos abatement plan (Report No.: 0210/11/ED/0078A) is in accordance with the APCO

Approval of Asbestos Abatement Work (Phase 2)


Earliest commencement date on 26 January 2012.

EPD’s letter (EPD’s ref:() in EPAC/A/4/000/233) dated 18 January 2012.

Construction Noise Permit (CNP)


30 May 2016 at 0000 hours to 28 November 2016 at 2400 hours




15 December 2016 at 0000 hours to 11 June 2017 at 2400 hours




12 June 2017 at 1900 hours to 10 December 2017 at 1800 hours

This CNP was cancelled and superseded by GW-RS0599-17 at 1900 hours on 17 July 2017.



17 July 2017 at 1900 hours to 16 January 2018 at 2300 hours




4 September 2017 at 2300 hours to 3 November 2017 at 0600 hours


3                                          environmental monitoring REQUIREMENTS

3.1                                   Noise Monitoring

3.1.1                           Monitoring Location

The construction noise monitoring locations are given in Table 3.1 and shown in Annex C. 

Table 3.1        Construction Phase Noise Monitoring Locations

Monitoring Location 

Proposed Construction Noise Monitoring Station


ID in EM&A Manual


Type of Measurement


Rooftop of Ho Fook Building





Rooftop of Chancery Mansion




Accesses to the original proposed monitoring location in the EM&A Manual, Chancery House (N5), were rejected; alternative location of Chancery Mansion (N6), were therefore proposed and approved by the Authorised Person (AP), the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) and EPD.

The noise sensitive receivers are also shown in Annex C. 

3.1.2                           Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Programme

Weekly construction noise monitoring was conducted in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the EM&A Manual. 

The construction noise levels were measured in terms of A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq) in decibels dB(A).  Leq (30min) were used as the monitoring parameter for the time period in between 0700 – 1900 hours on normal weekdays.  Supplementary information for data auditing, two statistical sound levels L10 and L90; the levels exceeded for 10 and 90 percent of the time respectively, were also recorded during the monitoring for reference.  The measured noise levels were logged in every 5 minutes throughout the impact monitoring period.

3.1.3                           Monitoring Equipment and Methodology

Construction noise measurements were conducted in accordance with the calibration and measurement procedures as stated in Annex – General Calibration and Measurement Procedures of Technical Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work other than Percussive Piling (GW-TM) issued under the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) (Cap 400).

The sound level meters and calibrator used for the noise measurement, as listed in Table 3.2, complies with IEC 651: 1979 and 804:1985 (Type 1) specification.  The calibration certificates of the sound level meters are included in Annex D.

Table 3.2        Noise Monitoring Equipment

Monitoring Stations

Monitoring Equipment (Sound Level Meter and Calibrator)

NM2, NM6

CEL 120 (S/N 3421612)

Sound Level Meter
CEL 633A (S/N 3521757)

Immediately prior to and following the noise measurements, the accuracy of the measurement equipment was checked using an acoustic calibrator generating a known sound pressure level at a known frequency. 

Measurements were accepted as the calibration level from before and after the noise measurement agree to within 1.0 dB.

3.1.4                           Event / Action Plan

Table 3.3 Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise Monitoring

Noise Monitoring Location

Action Level

Limit Level, Leq(30mins), dB(A)


NM2, NM6

When one documented complaint is received from any one of the sensitive receivers

75 (note)

Applicable during 0700 – 1900 hours on normal weekdays.


a)     Acceptable Noise Levels for Area Sensitivity Rating of A/B/C.  Limit Level is reduced to 70dB(A) for schools and 65dB(A) during school examination periods.

b)     If works are to be carried out during restricted hours, the conditions stipulated in the CNP issued by the NCA have to be followed.

The Event / Action Plan (EAP) for noise monitoring is presented in Annex E.

3.1.5                           Mitigation Measures

The mitigation measures in accordance with the EP, EIA and EM&A Manual and their implementation status are presented in Annex F.

3.2                                   Cultural Heritage

3.2.1                           Vibration Monitoring

In accordance with the EM&A Manual, vibration monitoring is required and the vibration control limits and vibration monitoring proposal are defined by a specialist for AMO’s approval.

Baseline Monitoring

Baseline vibration monitoring was not conducted during the reporting period.   

Vibration Monitoring for Demolition Works

As no demolition works were carried out, vibration monitoring for demolition works was not conducted during the reporting period.

Vibration Monitoring for Trial Piling and Pipe/Bored Piling Works

As no trial piling or pipe/bored piling works were carried out, vibration monitoring for trial piling and pipe/bored piling works was not conducted during the reporting period.

Vibration Monitoring for Other Construction Works

Vibration monitoring for specific construction works other than demolition works, trial piling works and pipe/bored piling works is also required in accordance with Building Department’s requirement.  The monitoring location is shown in Annex L.  The number and location of monitoring location will depend on the location of the specific construction works.  The vibration monitoring should be conducted for duration of 5 minutes on a daily basis (working day) at each vibration monitoring location. 

Alert, Alarm and Action Levels

The Alert, Alarm and Action (AAA) Levels are to be implemented during the vibration monitoring and shown in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4        Alert, Alarm and Action (AAA) Levels for Vibration Monitoring

Instrument Type

Item Monitored

Alert Level

Alarm Level

Action Level

Vibration Monitoring

Horizontal Movement

2.0 mm/s

2.5 mm/s

3.0 mm/s

The Event / Action Plan (EAP) for vibration monitoring is shown in Table 3.5.


Table 3.5          Event and Action Plan for Vibration Monitoring



Exceedance of Alert Level

Notify Management Contractor

Exceedance of Alarm Level

Notify Authorised Person/ Resident Engineer

Exceedance of Action Level

Cease Works and submit mitigation

3.2.2                           Mitigation Measures

Cultural heritage mitigation measures in accordance with the EP, EIA and EM&A Manual were implemented by the Contractor and the implementation status is given in Annex F.

3.3                                   Landscape and Visual Monitoring

In accordance with the EM&A Manual, inspections of affected trees were conducted by an experienced and appropriately trained arborist.  All irregularities that deviate from the recommended tree protection measures or could impose deleterious impacts on the protected trees were reported.  Besides, implementation of mitigation measures for landscape and visual resources recommended in the EIA Report were also monitored during the site inspection.

3.3.1                           Mitigation Measures

Landscape and visual mitigation measures in accordance with the EP, EIA and EM&A Manual were implemented by the Contractor and the implementation status is given in Annex F.

3.4                                   Environmental Requirements in Contract Documents

The environmental requirements as specified in the contract documents were reviewed and were covered in the EIA’s requirements.


4                                          Implementation Status on Environmental MITIGATION MEASURES

The Contractor has generally implemented the environmental mitigation measures and requirements as stated in the EIA Report, EM&A Manual, EP and the contract documents.  The implementation status during the reporting period is summarised in Annex F.

Status of required submissions under the EP during the reporting period is presented in Table 4.1. 

 Table 4.1      Status of Required Submissions



Submission Date

EP Condition



Conditions 3.4

·      60th Monthly EM&A Report

14 November 2016


·      61st Monthly EM&A Report

14 December 2016


·      62nd Monthly EM&A Report

13 January 2017


·      63rd Monthly EM&A Report

14 February 2017


·      64th Monthly EM&A Report

14 March 2017


·      65th Monthly EM&A Report

13 April 2017


·      66th Monthly EM&A Report

12 May 2017


·      67th Monthly EM&A Report

14 June 2017


·      68th Monthly EM&A Report

14 July 2017


·      69th Monthly EM&A Report

14 August 2017


·      70th Monthly EM&A Report

14 September 2017


·      71st Monthly EM&A Report

13 October 2017

EM&A Manual



Section 10.4

·      17th Quarterly EM&A Report

30 November 2016


·      18th Quarterly EM&A Report

30 November 2016


·      19th Quarterly EM&A Report

30 November 2016


·      20th Quarterly EM&A Report

2 February 2017


·      21st Quarterly EM&A Report

31 March 2017


·      22nd Quarterly EM&A Report

4 July 2017


·      23rd Quarterly EM&A Report

24 October 2017

5                                          Monitoring Results

5.1                                   Noise

A total of 66 sets of 30-minute construction noise measurements were carried out at each monitoring station, NM2 and NM6, during normal weekdays of the reporting period.  The monitoring results together with graphical presentations are presented in Annex G.  The local impacts observed near the monitoring stations of NM2 and NM6 were summarised below:

·      NM2: construction noise from activities in the Project Site and traffic noise from Old Bailey Street.

·      NM6: construction noise from activities in the Project Site and traffic noise from Chancery Lane.

No exceedance of the Action or Limit level of construction noise was recorded during the reporting period.      

5.2                                   Landscape and Visual Monitoring

Monthly tree inspections were conducted by the arborist during the reporting period and key findings and recommendations are summarised in Table 5.1.  

Table 5.1        Findings of Monthly Tree Inspections in the Reporting Period

Tree No.

Botanical Name

Overall Health Condition

Arborist’s Observation / Recommendations

1st Quarter (2 Nov 2016, 6 Dec 2016 and 4 Jan 2017)

Tree -5

Mangifera indica


·         The new planter has been built and was ready for backfilling of topsoil.

·         Before backfilling of topsoil, the topsoil supplier should provide the Topsoil Test Reports to the Contractor for inspection and ensure that the topsoil is qualified and not infected by Phellinus noxius.  The Contractor should closely monitor the topsoil backfilling work.

·         The Contractor did not inspect the Topsoil Test Report prepared by the soil suppliers before backfilling of the topsoil.  It was understood that the soil suppliers may have filled unqualified topsoil to the new planter.

·         The Contractor should closely monitor the growth of tree in coming months.

Tree -6

Aleurites moluccana


·         No further action required.


Aleurites moluccana


·         No further action required.


Plumeria rubra


·         To remove litter from the planter.


Araucaria cunninghamia


·         No further action required.


Dracaena marginata


·         Many withered leaves were observed on the tree and at the planter;

·         Renovation works were observed being carried out near the tree with working platform set up adjacent to the tree.  The Contractor was recommended to remove the working platform which may affect the growth of the tree;

·         To provide further protection measures (e.g. erect temporary shelter) to the tree during the nearby renovation works;

·         The Contractor should ensure that the nearby renovation works would not cause damage to the tree.

2nd Quarter (8 Feb, 15 Mar and 7 Apr 2017)

Tree -5

Mangifera indica


·         The Contractor should closely monitor the growth of tree in coming months due to backfilling of unqualified topsoil.

Tree -6

Aleurites moluccana


·         No further action required.


Aleurites moluccana


·         No further action required.


Plumeria rubra


·         No further action required.


Araucaria cunninghamia


·         No further action required.


Dracaena marginata


·       Withered leaves were observed on the tree and at the planter;

·       Renovation works were observed being carried out near the tree with working platform set up adjacent to the tree; 

·       A temporary shelter has been erected for protection of the tree;

·       Construction debris was observed at the planter and the Contractor was reminded to remove them;

·         The Contractor should closely monitor the growth of the tree.

3rd Quarter (5 May, 8 Jun and 10 Jul 2017)

Tree -5

Mangifera indica


·         The Contractor should erect a Tree Protection Zone at the planter as repairing of the planter is nearly completed.

Tree -6

Aleurites moluccana


·         The Contractor should add more mulch and erect a Tree Protection Zone at the planter.

·         Signs of pest (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) have been observed on the faded leaves.

·         Application of pesticides to the tree should be carried out as soon as possible.


Aleurites moluccana


·         The Contractor should add more mulch and erect a Tree Protection Zone at the planter.

·         A decayed log has been observed on the upper branches.

·         Signs of pest (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) have been observed on the faded leaves.

·         Application of pesticides to the tree and puning of the decayed log should be carried out as soon as possible.


Plumeria rubra


·         The Contractor should add more mulch and erect a Tree Protection Zone at the planter.


Araucaria cunninghamia


·         The Contractor should add more mulch and erect a Tree Protection Zone at the planter.


Dracaena marginata


·         Remove construction debris away from the planter

·         Remove construction debris away from the planter

·         The planter was observed to be covered with construction dust.

·         To wrap the trunk with hessian cloth and to add more hessian cloth to cover the planter.

·         Withered leaves were observed on the tree.

·         The Contractor should closely monitor the growth of the tree.

4th Quarter (4 Aug, 5 Sep and 9 Oct 2017)

Tree -5

Mangifera indica


·       Signs of pests (Mealy Bugs) were observed on the tree.

·         Application of pesticides should be carried out as soon as possible.

·         Application of pesticides and pruning of decayed logs were conducted on 26 September 2017

Tree -6

Aleurites moluccana


·       Signs of pest (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) apparently reduced due to pesticide application on 3 and 4 August 2017.

·       Leaves on the crown are rather sparse.

·       Four pits near the planter were created for ventilation purpose for the tree

·         Keep monitoring on the growth of the tree.


Aleurites moluccana


·       Signs of pest (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) apparently reduced due to pesticide application on 3 and 4 August 2017.

·       Leaves on the crown are rather sparse.

·       Four pits near the planter were created for ventilation purpose for the tree

·         Keep monitoring on the growth of the tree.


Plumeria rubra


·         No further action required.


Araucaria cunninghamia


·         No further action required.


Dracaena marginata


·       Remove construction debris away from the planter.

·       Construction debris observed in the last inspection has been removed from the planter.

·       Withered leaves were observed on the tree.

·         The Contractor should closely monitor the growth of the tree.

Follow-up actions needed to be implemented were recommended to the Contractor and the status of the follow-up actions was reviewed during the subsequent monthly site inspections.  Recommendations have generally been implemented by the Contractor during the reporting period.

An article on 31 July 2017 and a follow-up article on 5 August 2017 concerning Tree 6 and Tree 7 were published by Ming Pao.  An investigation has been carried out to address the Ming Pao reports.  The 31 July 2017 article indicated that pests were found on Tree 6 and 7 and the current amount of leaves on Tree 6 and Tree 7 have seemingly reduced in comparison with the photo of the trees which was said to be taken in December 2015, suggesting that the health of Tree 6 and Tree 7 may have deteriorated.  The report enquired if the construction work has been carried out in compliance with the requirements in the Environmental Permit and potential measures to rectify the condition of Tree 6 and Tree 7.  The 5 August 2017 article reported that the contractor has applied pesticides to the trees but queried if the contractor did not rectify the problem in a timely manner.  An ad-hoc joint tree inspection for Tree 6 and Tree 7 was carried out by the representatives of the arborist, Contractor, IEC, ET, HKJC, EPD and relevant parties on 8 August 2017.  An investigation has been carried out to address the Ming Pao reports and the investigation report is provided in Annex J.  The recommended follow-up actions have been implemented.

5.3                                   Cultural Heritage

5.3.1                           Vibration Monitoring

No vibration monitoring was carried out for demolition works, trial piling or pile/bored piling works as the aforementioned works were not conducted during the reporting period.

Other construction works

A summary of vibration monitoring for underpinning, strengthening and structural alteration works at Blocks 11 in the reporting period is presented in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2        Summary of Vibration Monitoring for Other Construction Works

Month/ Date

Works Locations

Number of monitoring at monitoring station

Nov 2016

Block 11


Dec 2016

Block 11


Jan 2017

Block 11


Feb 2017

Block 11


Mar 2017

Block 11


Apr 2017

Block 11


May 2017

Block 11


Jun 2017

Block 11


Jul 2017

Block 11


Aug 2017

Block 11


Sep 2017

Block 11


Oct 2017

Block 11


The monitoring results for other construction works are presented in Annex L.

All monitoring results were below the Alert/Alarm/ Action Levels throughout during the reporting period. 

5.3.2                           Heritage Site Audit

Heritage site audits were conducted by the Heritage Checker on every working weekday during the reporting period.  Key site audit findings and recommendations for each month are summarised in Annex M.  Observations and recommendations were made to the Contractor during the site audits and follow-up actions were generally undertaken in the subsequent site audits.

A total of 6 non-compliance reports related to the character defining elements, historic buildings and structures were issued during the reporting period.  The non-compliance reports are provided in Annex M.      

A summary of condition of the character defining elements, historic buildings and structures is contained in Annex M.  

5.4                                   Waste Management

Wastes generated from this Project include inert construction and demolition (C&D) materials and non-inert C&D materials.  Non-inert C&D materials were made up of wastes such as general refuse and mixed construction waste.  With reference to relevant handling records and trip tickets of this Project, the quantities of different types of waste generated in the reporting period are summarised in Table 5.3.  The summary of Waste Flow Table prepared by the Contractor is shown in Annex I.  

Table 5.3        Quantities of Waste Generated from the Project

Month / Year



C&D Materials (inert) (tonnes) (a)

C&D Materials (non-inert) (tonnes) (b)

Chemical Waste

Recycled materials


Liquid (L)

Solid (kg)

Paper/cardboard (kg)

Plastics (kg)

Metals (kg)


November 2016









December 2016









January 2017









February 2017









March 2017









April 2017









May 2017





228 (c)




June 2017





266 (c)




July 2017









August 2017









September 2017









October 2017



















(a)   Inert C&D materials include bricks, concrete, building debris, rubble and excavated soil, which were disposed of at Chai Wan Public Fill Barging Point, Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Fill Bank and Tuen Mun 38 Fill Bank.   

(b)   Non-inert C&D materials include general refuse and mixed construction waste, which were disposed of at SENT Landfill, Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Sorting Facility, Tuen Mun Area 38 Sorting Facility and NENT Landfill.

(c)    The paper/cardboard recycling was reported by the Contractor after the submission of the 23rd quarterly EM&A report (May to July 2017).

5.5                                   Effectiveness of Mitigation Measures and Monitoring

The mitigation measures recommended in the EIA report and required by the EP are considered effective in minimising environmental impacts.

The EM&A for the Project was conducted as scheduled during the sixth construction year.  No exceedance of Action Level of construction noise was recorded during the reporting period.   No exceedance of limit level of construction noise was recorded and no environmental non-compliance events were observed during site inspections.  6 non-compliance reports related to the character defining elements, historic buildings and structures were issued during the reporting period.  No complaint was recorded during the reporting period.  One enquiry was recorded during the reporting period.

The follow up mitigation measures for the enquiry and the 6 non-compliance events related to cultural heritage were carried out accordingly.  The mitigation measures taken were considered efficient and effective.  The EM&A programme is considered effective.



6                                          Environmental Site Inspection

Monthly environmental site inspections were conducted by the representatives of the Contractor, IEC and the ET.  There was no environmental non-compliance event recorded during site inspections for the sixth year of the construction period.  Key site audit findings and recommendations are summarised below.  Monthly recommendations were implemented and observations were rectified by the Contractor in the subsequent monthly site inspections.   

17 November 2016

·      Nil.

16 December 2016

·      Nil.

19 January 2017

·      Nil.

16 February 2017

·      Nil.

16 March 2017

·      Nil.

20 April 2017

·      Nil.

25 May 2017

·      It was observed that over 20 bags of cement were stored near Block 3, some of them opened without covered by impervious sheet.  The Contractor was reminded to provide impervious sheet to the cement bags after use.

15 June 2017

·      Noise label for the air compressor located near Block 14 was observed missing.  The Contractor was reminded to provide and attach appropriate noise label for the air compressor.

18 July 2017

·      Nil.

24 August 2017

·      Nil.

An ad-hoc joint tree inspection for Tree 6 and Tree 7 was carried out by the representatives of the arborist, Contractor, IEC, ET, HKJC, EPD and relevant parties on 8 August 2017.

18 September 2017

·      Nil.

26 October 2017

·      Nil.


7                                          Environmental Non-conformance

7.1.1                           Summary of Monitoring Exceedance

No exceedance of the Action or Limit Level of construction noise or Alert, Alarm and Action Level of vibration was recorded during the reporting period.   

7.1.2                           Summary of Enquiry

One enquiry was received during the reporting period.  Please refer to Section 5.2 for the details of the enquiry.

7.1.3                           Summary of Non-Compliance

No environmental non-compliance event was recorded during the reporting period.  6 non-compliance events related to the character defining elements, historic buildings and structures were recorded during the reporting period.  The non-compliance reports are contained in Annex M.

7.1.4                           Summary of Environmental Complaint

No complaint was received during the reporting period.  The cumulative number of complaints is presented in Annex J.

7.1.5                           Summary of Environmental Summons and Successful Prosecution

No summons was received during the reporting period.  The cumulative summons/prosecution log is shown in Annex J.

8                                          REVIEW OF THE EM&A DATA AND EIA PREDICTIONS

8.1                                   NOISE

A comparison was made between the monitoring results in this reporting period and the Noise Standard for general construction works during 0700 – 1900 hrs on normal weekdays (Table 8.1).

Table 8.1        Comparison of Construction Noise Standard and Noise Monitoring Results

Reporting Month
Monitoring Stations
Corresponding NSR in EIA

Noise Limit Level

Predicted Construction Noise Level (With Mitigation) in EIA

Measured Construction Noise Level




Leq, 30 min dB(A)

Leq, 30 min dB(A)

Leq, 30 min dB(A)

Nov 2016




67 - 72

69.4 – 72.1




73 - 75

64.2 – 68.4

Dec 2016




67 - 72

68.2 – 73.1




73 - 75

65.1 – 69.0

Jan 2017




67 - 72

64.3 – 71.0





73 - 75

60.6 – 66.0

Feb 2017




67 - 72

67.6 – 71.5




73 - 75

61.9 – 66.1

Mar 2017




67 - 72

65.2 – 69.1




73 - 75

63.5 – 65.0

Apr 2017




67 - 72

67.8 – 69.5





73 - 75

63.7 – 68.0

May 2017




67 - 72

67.5 – 70.6




73 - 75

64.3 – 67.5

June 2017




67 - 72

66.3 – 71.0




73 - 75

62.7 – 66.7

July 2017




67 - 72

64.0 – 67.5





73 - 75

63.3 – 68.3

August 2017




67 - 72

65.5 – 69.1




73 - 75

62.1 – 66.3

Sep 2017




67 - 72

67.0 – 69.8




73 - 75

63.6 – 65.4

Oct 2017




67 - 72

65.9 – 69.1





73 - 75

62.6 – 65.3

The monitoring results recorded during the reporting period have been below the Limit Level and comparable to the predicted construction noise level in the approved EIA.  Recommended mitigation measures in Section 5.9.1 of EIA will continue to be implemented throughout the construction stage.

8.2                                   Waste Management

The estimated amount of waste generated in the approved EIA and the accumulated quantities of waste generated up to this reporting period are presented in Table 8.2.  The accumulated amount of inert and non-inert C&D materials is higher than the estimated amount in EIA.  The major chemical waste generated on site was primarily asbestos which was not estimated in the approved EIA and hence no data is available for comparison.  Recommended mitigation measures in Section 8.5.1 of the EIA will continue to be implemented throughout the construction stage. 

Table 8.2        Quantity of Actual Amount of C&D Materials, General Wastes and Chemical Wastes Generated and EIA Estimation

Type of Material

Estimated Amount of Waste in EIA

Accumulated Actual Amount of Waste Recorded (a) (b)  

Amount of C&D Materials (Inert) Arising

16,440 m3

37,898.25 m3

Amount of C&D Materials (Non-inert) Arising

890 m3

15,634.13 m3

General Refuse

130 kg per day

- (c)

Chemical Waste

Less than 100L per month

-      57 L

-      395 kg

-      7,000 kg of asbestos generated


(a)  The accumulated actual amount of C&D Materials and chemical waste were recorded since the commencement of construction works.

(b)  The volume of waste materials are provided by the Contractor based on the updated waste record in October 2017.

(c)  The amount of general refuse generated was not recorded.

8.3                                   Summary of Review

The EIA predictions and the monitoring results since the commencement of construction works have been reviewed.  The EIA concluded that the Project would not cause adverse impacts to the environment and the monitoring results have also indicated the same so far.  Mitigation measures recommended in the EP, EIA and EM&A Manual were implemented by the Contractor as far as practicable and were considered effective.  The recommended mitigation measures will continue to be implemented throughout the construction phase of the Project.

The effectiveness of the monitoring programme has been exhibited therefore change to the programme is not considered to be necessary.


9                                          Conclusions

This 6th Annual EM&A review Report presents the EM&A works undertaken during the reporting period from 1 November 2016 to 31 October 2017 in accordance with EM&A Manual. 

No exceedance of Action or Limit Level of construction noise was recorded at the monitoring stations during the reporting period.    

Tree inspections were conducted in this reporting period.  Most of the necessary landscape and visual mitigation measures recommended in the EIA Report were implemented by the Contractor. 

No exceedance of the Alert, Alarm and Action Levels of vibration was recorded during the reporting period. 

One enquiry was received during the reporting period.

No environmental non-compliance event was recorded during the reporting period.  6 non-compliance events related to the character defining elements, historic buildings and structures were recorded during the reporting period.

No complaint was received during the reporting period.

No summons/prosecution was received during the reporting period.

The monitoring programme was considered effective in reflecting the environmental conditions at the designated representative sensitive receivers.  The monitoring results also indicate that the Project have not caused adverse impacts on the environment with implementation of appropriate mitigation measures.  Change to the monitoring programme is not considered to be necessary.  The ET will keep track on the EM&A programme to ensure compliance of environmental requirements and the proper implementation of all necessary mitigation measures in the coming periods.


([1])        An ad-hoc joint tree inspection for Tree 6 and Tree 7 was carried out during the reporting period.