Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinance, Cap. 499
Application for Permission to Apply Directly for Environmental Permit
Application No. DIR-048/2001

Temporary Wind Monitoring Station on Lamma Island

Conditions Imposed under Section 5(12) of the Ordinance for Permission to Apply Directly for Environmental Permit

1. The Applicant shall fully implement all measures described in the Project Profile submitted with the Application of 9 February 2001.

2. The Applicant shall submit further information to the satisfaction of the Director, prior to application for Environmental Permit, regarding the bird strike risk and to propose the necessary precautionary measures.

Under section 17 of the EIA Ordinance, the Applicant may appeal to the Appeal Board against any of the above conditions within 30 days of the receipt of this notice of the Director's decision.

Environmental Protection Department
March 2001