Environmental Permit No. EP-049/1999
環 境 許 可 證 編 號 : EP-049/1999

Section 10

環 境 影 響 評 估 條 例
(第 499章 )
第 10條


建 造 及 營 辦 指 定 工 程 項 目 的
環 境 許 可 證

A部 (許 可 證 主 要 部 分 )

Pursuant to Section 10 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, the Director of Environmental Protection (the Director) grants this environmental permit to the SMARTONE MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as the "Permit Holder") to construct and operate the designated project described in Part B subject to the conditions described in or attached to Part C. The issue of this environmental permit is based on the documents, approvals or permissions described below :

根 據 環 境 影 響 評 估 條 例 第 10條 的 規 定 ﹐ 環 境 保 護 署 署 長 (署 長 ) 將 本 環 境 許 可 證 批 予 數 碼 通 電 訊 有 限 公 司 (下 稱 "許 可 證 持 有 人 ") 以 建 造 及 營 辦 B部 所 說 明 的 指 定 工 程 項 目 ﹐ 但 須 遵 守 C部 所 說 明 或 附 載 的 條 件 。 本 環 境 許 可 證 的 發 出 ﹐ 乃 以 下 表 所 列 的 文 件 、 批 准 或 許 可 作 為 根 據 ﹕ -

Application No.
申 請 書 編 號 :
Document in the Register:
登 記 冊 上 的 文 件 :
Project Profile and further information submitted on 1 Nov 1999 -
"Proposed Installation of Integrated Mobile Phone Base Station at Ma On Shan Country Park"
(Register No. : PP-063/1999)

工 程 項 目 簡 介 及 一 九 九 九 年 十 一 月 一 日 呈 交 的 進 一 步 資 料 -
"擬 建 中 馬 鞍 山 郊 野 公 園 內 縱 合 無 線 電 話 發 射 站 "
(登 記 冊 編 號 : PP-063/1999)

Director's Permission to Apply Directly for Environmental Permit
署 長 批 准 直 接 申 請 環 境 許 可 證
Letter Reference: (26) in EP2/N1/Q/40
信 件 檔 號 : (26) in EP2/N1/Q/40

Dated : 9 December 1999
日 期 : 一 九 九 九 年 十 二 月 九 日

日 期

(Elvis W. K. AU)
Assistant Director of Environmental Protection for
Director of Environmental Protection
環 境 保 護 署 署 長
(環 境 保 護 署 助 理 署 長 區 偉 光 代 行 )


B部 (指 定 工 程 項 目 的 說 明 )

Hereunder is the description of the designated project mentioned in Part A of this environmental permit (hereinafter referred to as the "Permit"):

下 列 為 本 環 境 許 可 證 (下 稱 "許 可 證 ")A部 所 提 及 的 指 定 工 程 項 目 的 說 明 :

Title of Designated Project
指 定 工 程 項 目 的 名 稱
Proposed Installation of Integrated Mobile Phone Base Station at Ma On Shan Country Park.

[This project is hereinafter referred as "the Project".]

Nature of Designated Project
指 定 工 程 項 目 的 性 質
Building works in Country Park.
Location of Designated Project
指 定 工 程 項 目 的 地 點
Slope of Ma On Shan Country Park as shown in enclosures attached to the application form.
Scale and Scope of Designated Project
指 定 工 程 項 目 的 規 模 和 範 圍
The proposed integrated mobile phone base station is of area of about 82.5m2 [11m(l)x7.5m(w)]. There will be fences surrounding the base station in which mobile phone equipment and two aerial poles of about 13m high will be erected.

擬建中馬鞍山郊野公園內縱合無線電話發射站面積為八十二點五平方米[十一米乘t點五米闊]. 發射站四週均有圍闌而內有無線電話發射器及兩柱約十三米高天線.


1. General Conditions

1.1 The Permit Holder shall ensure full compliance with all conditions of this environmental permit. Any non-compliance may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap.499) and shall be definite ground for enforcement action or permit cancellation where applicable.

1.2 This Permit shall not remove the responsibility of the Permit Holder to comply with any legislation currently in force such as the Noise Control Ordinance (Cap.400), Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap.311), Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap.358), Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap.466), the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap.354), and others.

1.3 The Permit Holder shall make copies of this Permit available at all times for inspection by the Director at all the sites covered by this Permit.

1.4 The Permit Holder shall give a copy of this Permit to the person(s) in charge of the site(s).

1.5 The Permit Holder shall display a copy of this Permit on the construction site(s) at all vehicular site entrances/exits or at a convenient location for public information at all times. The Permit Holder shall ensure that the most updated information about the environmental permit, including any amended Permit, is displayed at such locations. If the Permit Holder surrenders a part or the whole of the Permit, the notice he sends to the Director of Environmental Protection shall also be displayed at the same locations as the original permit.

1.6 A copy of the Project Profile shall be kept in the Permit Holder's site representative's office and another copy shall be kept in the Contractor's office on site for reference.

1.7 The Permit Holder shall construct and operate the Project in accordance with the project descriptions in Part B of this Permit.

1.8 The Permit Holder shall ensure that the Project is designed, constructed and operated in accordance with the information and recommendations contained in the Project Profile.

1.9 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director 4 weeks prior to the commencement of the Project works.

2. Measures for Construction and Operation of the Project

2.1 The Permit Holder shall erect temporary hoarding to screen off the site before the commencement of construction

2.2 Any waste materials should be stockpiled inside the site area and removed off-site for disposal as soon as possible during construction period.

2.3 The site should be completely watered to minimize any dust problem during construction period.

2.4 No construction shall be carried out on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays.


1. This Permit consists of three parts, namely, PART A (Main Permit), PART B (Description of Designated Project) and PART C (Permit Conditions).

2. The Permit Holder may apply under section 13 of the Ordinance to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this environmental permit. The permit holder shall replace the original permit displayed on the construction site by the amended permit.

3. A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project may, before he assumes responsibility of the designated project, apply under section 12 of the Ordinance to the Director for a further environmental permit.

4. Under section 14 of the Ordinance, the Director with the consent of the Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands, may suspend, vary of cancel this environmental permit. The permit shall be removed from the display on the construction site.

5. If this Permit is cancelled or surrendered during the construction or operation, an environmental permit must be obtained under the Ordinance before the construction or operation of the project could be continued. It is an offence under section 26(1) of the Ordinance to construct or operate a designated project without an environmental permit.

Environmental Permit No. EP-049/1999

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