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Environmental Permit No.   EP-162/2003

環境許可證編號  EP-162/2003



Appendix A :        Measures to Mitigate Landscape and Visual Impacts During Construction




ID No.

Mitigation Measure


Conservation (excavation and stockpiling on site) of topsoil shall be undertaken for re-use in landscape works.  This includes the proper storage of topsoil to minimise erosion of stockpiles.



Night-time lighting shall be controlled to minimize glare to sensitive receivers.



Replanting of disturbed vegetation shall be undertaken and this shall use predominantly native plant species.



Screen hoarding, using decorative graphic and chromatic devises shall be erected around the works wherever possible to screen the works from motorists and other receivers within the road corridor and adjacent areas.



Existing vegetation adjacent to Deep Bay Road shall be maintained and protected for a minimum width of 10 metres on either side.



Planting within and at the perimeter of temporary work sites shall be undertaken at the earliest possible stage before and during construction, and opportunities should be sought for undertaking any advance planting.



Existing trees shall be transplanted as per the Master Landscape Plan in the SWC EIA Report.