Environmental Permit No.   EP-162/2003

環境許可證編號  EP-162/2003



Appendix B :        Measures to Mitigate Landscape and Visual Impacts for Operation



ID No.

Mitigation Measure


Woodland tree and shrub planting shall be implemented adjacent to the Deep Bay Road where it is at grade.  This will include cut and filled slopes (approx. area 0.4Ha).


Bio-engineering techniques shall be implemented to the cut slopes (approx. area 0.1Ha).


Non-invasive climbing plants shall be used to soften the appearance of viaduct columns at ground level.


Woodland tree and shrub planting shall be undertaken at cut slopes so as to compensate for vegetation lost during construction.  Any affected slope areas shall be hydroseeded and planted with woodland species, avoid shotcreting (approx. area 0.1Ha).


Native shrub planting shall be undertaken to screen the proposed works and blend it into the landscape (approx. area 3.4Ha).


Planting shall be incorporated where possible to screen the road and bridge in low level views from adjacent areas, and to tone down the extent of hard paving and surfaces and reduce the amount of glare (approx. area 0.2Ha).


Sensitive architectural design of engineering and other built structures, including form and finishes, this will include but not limited to: paved surfaces, retaining walls, walls, columns, buildings, and other structures, light standards, etc, shall be used.


Lighting of road and bridge shall be designed to minimize glare to all receivers.  Poles and fittings shall be designed to conform with the bridge design.


Tree stock (approximately 45 trees) shall be transplanted.