Environmental Permit No.
A部 (許可證主要部分)
to Section 10 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), the
Director of Environmental Protection (the Director) grants this environmental
permit to the Civil Engineering and Development Department (hereinafter referred
to as the "Permit Holder") to construct the designated
project described in Part B subject to the
conditions specified in Part C. The issue of this environmental permit
is based on the documents, approvals or permissions described below :-
根據《環境影響評估條例》(環評條例)第10條的規定,環境保護署署長(署長)將本環境許可證批予土木工程拓展署 (下稱“許可證持有人”)以建造B部所說明的指定工程項目,但須遵守C部所列明的條件。本環境許可證的發出,乃以下表所列的文件、批准或許可作為根據:-
Application No. 申請書編號 |
AEP-559/2018 |
Document in the Register |
(1) Project Profile - Natural
Terrain Hazard Mitigation Works at Study Area 11NE-B/SA3, Razor Hill, Clear
Water Bay Road (Register No.: PP- 565/2018) 工程項目簡介 - 位於西貢清水灣道鷓鴣山研究範圍編號11NE-B/SA3 的天然山坡山泥傾瀉風險緩減工程 (登記冊編號: PP-565/2018) (2) The Director’s letter of permission to apply directly for Environmental
Permit dated 6 April 2018 (Ref.: (16) in EP2/N8/Q/132) 署長於2018年4月6日發出批准直接申請環境許可證的信件 (檔案編號:(16) in EP2/N8/Q/132) (3) Application for an Environmental Permit
submitted by the Permit Holder on 15 May 2018 (Application No. AEP- 559/2018) 許可證持有人於2018年5月15日提交的環境許可證申請文件 (申請書編號 AEP- 559/2018) |
7 June 2018
Date 日期 |
(Louis P.L. CHAN) Principal
Environmental Protection Officer for
Director of Environmental Protection 環境保護署署長 (首席環境保護主任 陳檳林 代行) |
B部 (指定工程項目的說明)
is the description of the designated project(s) mentioned in Part
A of this environmental permit (hereinafter referred to as the “Permit”):-
Title of Designated Project(s) 指定工程項目的名稱 |
Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Works at Study
Area 11NE-B/SA3, Razor Hill, Clear Water Bay Road [This designated project is hereinafter referred
to as "the Project"] 位於西貢清水灣道鷓鴣山研究範圍編號 11NE-B/SA3 的天然山坡山泥傾瀉風險緩減工程 [這指定工程項目下稱“工程項目”] |
Nature of Designated Project(s) 指定工程項目的性質 |
Mitigate potential
landslide hazards arising from the natural terrain by implementing natural
terrain hazard mitigation measures within a conservation area above Clear
Water Bay Road 於清水灣道上的自然保育區內實行天然山坡災害緩減措施以減低天然山坡構成的潛在災害 |
Location of Designated Project(s) 指定工程項目的地點
The Project is
located at Razord Hill along Clear Water Bay Road,
Sai Kung. The location of this Project is shown in Figure 1 attached to this Permit. 工程項目位於西貢清水灣道鷓鴣山。工程項目的位置載於本許可證夾附的圖一。 |
Scale and Scope of Designated Project(s) 指定工程項目的規模和範圍 |
The total works area
is approximately 24,700m2 and the project comprises:- (a) installation of about 845 nos. soil
nails with 1 - 2m spacing and 0.15m in diameters at the western portion of the works area; (b) provision of 4-6m high flexible
barriers and maintenance staircases; (c) installation of about 168 nos. anchors
for flexible barriers; and (d) landscaping
works. The scope of works is
shown in Figure 2 of this Permit.
The full details are given in the Project Profile (Register No.: PP-565/2018). 本工程項目涉及的面積約 24,700 平方米,擬建工程包括: (a) 於工地範圍的西部安裝設約 845 支泥釘,每支泥釘約有 1 至 2 米間距及直徑 0.15 米; (b) 鋪設約高 4 至 6 米的柔性泥石防禦網及斜坡維修樓梯; (c) 安裝約 168 支柔性防禦網錨定杆;及 (d) 景觀美化工程。 工程項目的範圍載於本許可證圖二,而有關工程的詳細資料已在工程項目簡介內列明 (登記冊編號:PP-565/2018)。 |
C部 (許可證條件)
1. General
1.1 The Permit Holder and any person
working on the Project shall comply with all conditions set out in this Permit.
Any non-compliance by any person may constitute a contravention of the
Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap. 499) and may become the
subject of appropriate action being taken under the EIAO.
1.2 The Permit Holder shall ensure
full compliance with all legislation from time to time in force including,
without limitation to, the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311), Waste
Disposal Ordinance (Cap. 354), Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 358) and
Noise Control Ordinance (Cap. 400). This Permit does not of itself
constitute any ground of defence against any proceedings instituted under any
legislation or imply any approval under any legislation.
許可證持有人須經常確保完全符合現行法例的規定,包括但不限於《空氣污染管制條例 》(第311章)、《廢物處置條例》(第354章)、《水污染管制條例》(第358章)及《噪音管制條例》(第400章)。本許可證本身不會就根據任何法例提起的法律程序構成任何抗辯理由,或根據任何法例默示任何批准。
1.3 The Permit Holder shall make
copies of this Permit together with all documents referred to in this Permit and
the documents referred to in Part A of the Permit
readily available at all times for inspection by the Director or his authorised
officers at all sites covered by this Permit. Any reference to the Permit shall
include all documents referred to in the Permit and also the relevant documents
in the Register.
1.4 The Permit Holder shall give a
copy of this Permit to the person(s) in charge of the site(s) and ensure that
such person(s) fully understands all conditions and all requirements
incorporated in the Permit. The site(s) refers to site(s) of construction of the
Project and shall mean the same hereafter.
1.5 The Permit Holder shall display
conspicuously a copy of this Permit on the Project site(s) at all convenient
locations for public’s information at all times. The Permit Holder shall ensure
that the most updated information about the Permit, including any amended Permit,
is displayed at such locations. If the Permit Holder surrenders a part or
the whole of the Permit, the notice he sends to the Director shall also be
displayed at the same locations as the original Permit. The suspended,
varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project
1.6 The Permit Holder shall construct the Project in accordance
with the project description in Part B of this
1.7 The Permit Holder shall ensure
that the Project is designed and constructed
in accordance with the information and recommendations described in the Project
Profile (Register No. PP-565/2018), the application document for environmental
permit (Application No. AEP-559/2018), other relevant documents in the
Register, the information and mitigation measures described in this Permit, mitigation
measures to be recommended in submissions that shall be deposited with or
approved by the Director as a result of permit conditions contained in this
Permit, and mitigation measures to be recommended under on-going surveillance
and monitoring activities during all stages of the Project. Where
recommendations referred to in the documents of the Register are not expressly
referred to in this Permit, such recommendations are nevertheless to be
implemented unless expressly excluded in this Permit or otherwise agreed by the
(登記冊編號:PP-565/2018)所說明的資料及建議;環境許可證的申請文件 (申請書編號AEP- 559/2018);登記冊內的其他相關文件;本許可證所說明的資料或緩解措施;根據本許可證內載的條件須向署長存放或獲署長批准的提交文件所建議的緩解措施;以及在工程項目各階段進行的持續監察及監測工作所建議的緩解措施。登記冊文件所述建議如沒有在本許可證明確表示,則仍須實施這些建議,除非獲本許可證明確豁除或另獲署長同意。
1.8 All submissions, as required
under this Permit, shall be rectified and resubmitted in accordance with the
comments, if any, made by the Director within one month of the receipt of the
Director’s comments or otherwise as specified by the Director.
1.9 All submissions approved by the
Director, all submissions deposited without comments by the Director, or all
submissions rectified in accordance with comments by the Director under this
Permit shall be construed as part of the permit conditions described in Part C of this Permit. Any variation of the
submissions shall be approved by the Director in writing or as prescribed in
the relevant permit conditions. Any non-compliance with the submissions may
constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance
(Cap. 499).
1.10 The Permit Holder shall release all
finalized submissions as required under this Permit, to the public by
depositing copies in the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register
Office, or in any other places or any internet websites as specified by the
Director, or by any other means as specified by the Director for public
inspection. For this purpose, the Permit Holder shall provide sufficient copies
of the submissions.
1.11 All submissions to the Director required
under this Permit shall be delivered either in person or by registered mail to
the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office (currently at
27/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong). Electronic copies of all finalized
submissions required under this Permit shall be prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) (version 4.0 or later) and in
Portable Document Format (PDF version 1.3 or later), unless otherwise agreed by
the Director and shall be submitted at the same time as the hard copies.
1.12 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director
in writing the commencement date of construction
of the Project no later than two weeks prior to the commencement of construction of the
Project. The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing immediately if
there is any change of the commencement date of the construction.
1.13 For the purpose of this Permit,
“commencement of construction”
does not include works
related to site clearance and preparation or other works as agreed by the
2. Specific
The Permit Holder
shall not carry out any work outside the boundary of works areas as indicated in Figure 2 of this Permit
or otherwise agreed by the Director.
The Permit Holder shall implement all measures described in
the Project Profile (No. PP-565/2018) submitted with the application on 28
February 2018.
許可證持有人須實施在2018年2月28日隨申請書提交的工程項目簡介 (登記冊編號:PP-565/2018) 內載述的所有措施。
The Permit
Holder shall submit to the Director for approval, at least 6 weeks before
commencement of construction, 3 sets of a Detailed Baseline Survey Report
showing the updated number, locations and conditions of all plant species of conservation importance and
existing trees within the
works areas.
The Permit Holder shall submit to the Director for approval, at
least 6 weeks before commencement of construction, three sets of a Detailed
Landscape Mitigation Plan showing the details of protective measures for
existing plants, trees and root systems during construction. The Detailed
Landscape Mitigation Plan shall also indicate with the aid of figures,
re-vegetation by native shrubs, and locations of re-vegetation of the existing
disturbed ground including other suitable areas within the works area. The
Permit Holder shall implement all measures recommended in the approved Detailed
Landscape Mitigation Plan during construction.
The Permit Holder shall submit to the Director for deposit, three hard
copies and one electronic copy of the monthly monitoring reports showing the
updated conditions of the plant species of conservation importance within the
works areas and site audit information for implementation of the measures
recommended in the Project Profile within two weeks after the relevant monitoring
data are collected.
An independent environmental
checker (IEC) shall be employed by the Permit Holder before commencement of
construction of the Project. The IEC shall not be in any way an associated body
of the Contractor for the Project. The IEC shall audit the implementation of
all measures recommended in the Project Profile (Register No. PP-565/2018), and
to certify in writing in the monthly monitoring reports for full implementation
of the measures during and upon completion of the construction works. The final
monitoring report should include a summary with photos to illustrate the
condition of all the plant species of conservation importance before
commencement and upon completion of the construction works.
在工程項目的建造工程展開前,許可證持有人須聘用一名獨立環境查核人。獨立環境查核人不得與工程項目的承辦商或環境小組有任何聯繫。獨立查核人須在建造工程施工期間及完成後審核工程項目簡介(登記冊編號:PP-565/2018)內建議的所有措施的實施情況,及在每月監測報告中以書面確認已實施有關措施。 最終的監測報告須包括以照片顯示在建造工程展開前及完成後所有具保育價值植物狀況的摘要。
1. This Permit consists
of three parts, namely, Part A (Main Permit), Part B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions). Any person relying on this Permit
should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO,
and the following notes are for general information only.
(指定工程項目的說明) 及C部
2. If there is a breach
of any conditions of this Permit, the Director or his authorized officer may,
with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment, order the cessation of
associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant
environmental damage, and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out
any associated works without the permission of the Director or his authorized
3. The Permit Holder
may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the
conditions of this Permit. The Permit Holder shall replace the original permit
displayed on the Project site by the amended permit.
4. A person who assumes
the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may,
before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s), apply under
Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental permit.
5. Under Section 14 of
the EIAO, the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the
Environment, suspend, vary or cancel this Permit. The suspended, varied or cancelled
Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site.
6. If this Permit is
cancelled or surrendered during construction
of the Project, another environmental permit must be obtained under the EIAO before
the Project could be continued. It
is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to construct a designated project
listed in Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental
7. Any person who constructs the Project contrary to
the conditions in the Permit, and is convicted of an offence under the EIAO, is
on a first conviction on
indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months;
on a second or subsequent
conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2
on a first summary conviction to
a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months;
on a second or subsequent summary
conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year; and
any case where the offence is of a continuing nature, the court or magistrate
may impose a fine of $10,000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence
8. The Permit Holder
may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within
30 days of receipt of this Permit.
9. The Notes are for
general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for
details and seek independent legal advice.
Environmental Permit No. EP-559/2018
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