Annex A


Measures to Mitigate Environmental Impacts from Construction Noise During Construction

(Mitigation Measures Levels 1 and 2 as recommended in section 5.2.7 of the EIA Report)


1.         At all parts of all works areas and construction sites, and throughout the entire construction period, the following mitigation measures shall be implemented to minimize the noise impact of the construction works:


(a)        All powered mechanical equipment used in the works area shall be effectively sound reduced using the most modern techniques available;


(b)        Equipment with lowest noise levels shall be used, and all equipment shall be regularly maintained;


(c)        All equipment, engines and motors shall be equipped with proper mufflers;


(d)        Portable barriers shall be used when noisy works are undertaken within 100m from a noise sensitive receiver.  The barrier density shall be 20kg/m3, and shall be positioned to eliminate line of sight; and


(e)        The following measures shall be audited throughout the construction stage;


(i) operate of only well maintained plant on-site;


(ii) regularly service all plants used during the entire construction period;


(iii) restrict rock drilling to the shortest possible duration(s);


(iv) use silencers or mufflers on construction equipment and the regularly maintain;


(v) site of mobile plant as far away from noise sensitive receivers (NSRs) as possible;


(vi) shut down intermittently-used machines between work periods or throttled them down to a minimum; and


(vii) plants that emit noise strongly in one direction shall have the noisiest parts orientated furthest away from nearby NSRs.