Annex C
1. At
all parts of all works area and construction sites, and throughout the entire
construction period, the following mitigation measures shall be implemented to
minimize the site run-off during construction:
(a) construction
site run-off and drainage shall be prevented or minimized in accordance with
the guidelines stipulated in EPD’s Practice Note for Professional Persons on
Construction Site Drainage, Professional Persons Environmental Consultative
Committee, 1994 “Construction Site Drainage” (copy attached at Annex D);
(b) run-off
from all the construction sites shall not be discharged directly into any
watercourse or the marine environment;
(c) wastewater
arising from tunneling and excavation works shall be discharged into the storm
drainage system via petrol interceptors and silt traps/sediment tanks;
(d) all
drainage facilities and erosion and sediment control structures shall be
regularly inspected and maintained to ensure proper and efficient operation at
all times;
(e) sediment
tanks of sufficient capacity, constructed from pre-formed individual cells of
approximately 6-8m3 capacity shall be used at all sites for settling
wastewater prior to disposal;
(f) all
equipment shall be checked to prevent oil or lubricant leakage;
(g) a
surface water drainage system shall be provided to collect operational tunnel
seepage. Where oils and
lubricating fluids could be spilt, the operational tunnel discharge and track
runoff shall pass through the oil and grit / silt interceptors / chambers to
remove oil, grease and sediment before being disposed to the public stormwater
drainage system;
(h) silt
traps and oil interceptors shall be regularly cleaned and maintained in good
working order;
(i) all
water and liquid waste products arising on the site shall be collected and
removed from site via a suitable and properly designed temporary drainage
system and disposed of at a location and in a manner that will not cause pollution
or nuisance;
(j) sewage
from site toilets and kitchens shall be collected and disposed at an
appropriate sewage treatment works.
Grease traps shall be installed to collect wastes from canteen, and
shall be capable of providing at least 20 minutes retention during peak flow,
prior to discharge; and
(k) all
existing stream courses and drains within, and adjacent to, the site(s) shall
be kept safe and free from any debris and any excavated materials arising from
the construction works.