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Project Title: Landslide Preventive Works at Po Shan, Mid-levels –

Natural Terrain Risk Mitigation Measures


Reference of the Approved EIA Report in the Register : AEIAR-112/2007

Conditions of Approval under Section 8(3) of the EIA Ordinance (the Ordinance)



The EIA report as exhibited under Section 7(1) of the Ordinance is approved by the Director of Environmental Protection on the following conditions which shall form part of the approved EIA report:



1.                        A suitably qualified ecologist with 7 or more years of relevant experience shall be employed to conduct a detailed vegetation survey prior to the commencement of construction in order to identify and label the affected plant species of conservation interest, including but not limited to Small Persimmon, Common Tutcheria, Bird-nest Fern and Chinese Pholidota.  The ecologist shall also advise on the selection and on-site adjustment of the locations of soil nails and raking drains in order to avoid or minimize any damage to the root system of existing plants.



Environmental Protection Department

October 2007