New World First Bus Services Limited
Environmental Impact Assessment
New World First Bus Permanent Depot
at Chai Wan
Volume 3
Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual
Prepared by:
Westwood Hong & Associates Ltd
Supported by
ERM-Hong Kong Ltd
1.1 Purpose of the Manual *
1.2 Background *
1.3 Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements *
1.4 Project Organisation *
1.5 Construction Programme *
2. air quality *
3. noise *
3.1 Introduction *
3.2 Construction Phase *
3.3 Operational Phase *
4. waste management *
5. contamination avoidance *
6. Hazard *
7. site environmental audit *
7.1 Site Inspections *
7.2 Compliance with Legal Requirements *
7.3 Environmental Complaints *
8. reporting *
8.1 General *
8.2 Baseline Monitoring Report *
8.3 Monthly EM&A Reports *
8.4 Quarterly EM&A Summary Reports *
8.5 Data Keeping *
8.6 Interim Notifications of Environmental Quality Limit Exceedances *
Figure 1.1 |
Site Location |
Figure 1.2 |
Locations of Representative Sensitive Receivers (SRs) |
Figure 3.1 |
Noise Monitoring Locations |
Figure 3.2 |
Proposed Bus Ingress/ Egress routeing |
Appendix A |
Implementation Schedule |
Appendix B |
Project Organisation |
Appendix C |
Tentative Programme |
Appendix D |
Noise Monitoring Field Record Sheet |
Appendix E |
Flow Chart of the Complaint Response Procedure |
Appendix F |
Sample Template for Interim Notifications of Environmental Quality Limits Exceedances |
Project Description
Representative Sensitive Receivers (SRs)
Table .1 Representative SRs closest to the project site
Representative SRs |
SQ1 |
HK Technical College (Chai Wan) Staff Quarters |
HFC1 |
Block 50, Heng Fa Chuen |
HFC2 |
Block 15, Heng Fa Chuen |
HFC3 |
Block 17, Heng Fa Chuen |
TWE1 |
Tsui Shou House, Tsui Wan Estate |
TWE2 |
Tsui Hong House, Tsui Wan Estate |
TC1 |
HK Technical College (Chai Wan) |
Summary of requirement of the EIA Study
Construction and Operation Organisations
Operation Organisation
Dust Control during Construction Phase
Noise Parameters
Monitoring Equipment
Impact Monitoring of Construction Noise
Event and Action Plan for Noise
Table .1 Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise
Time Period |
Action |
Limit |
0700-1900 hours on normal weekdays |
When one documented complaint is received |
75* dB(A) |
* reduce to 70dB(A) for schools and 65dB(A) during school examination periods
Table .2 Event/Action Plan for Construction Noise
Event |
Action |
ET Leader |
IC (E) |
ER |
Contractor |
Action Level |
Limit Level |
Noise Mitigation Measures
Table .3 Listing of Quiet PME items
Powered Mechanical Equipment (PME) |
Maximum SWL, dB(A) (or SPL at 7m) |
Reference |
Excavator |
104 |
BS 5228: Part 1: 1997 Table 7 |
Lorry |
105 |
BS 5228: Part 1: 1997 Table 7 |
Concrete Pumps |
106 |
BS 5228: Part 1: 1997 Table 9 |
Concrete Mixers |
92 |
BS 5228: Part 1: 1997 Table 9 |
Compressors |
96 |
BS 5228: Part 1: 1997 Table 10 |
Generators |
75 |
GW - TM CNP102 |
Solid Waste Management
Wastewater Management
Records of Wastes
Tank Construction
Operation Procedures
Tank Filling Operation
Handling Oily Waste and Sludge from Oil/Petrol Interceptor
Storage of Chemicals and Chemical Wastes
Recording of Incidents
Procedures for Disposal of Waste
First Monthly EM&A Report
Subsequent EM&A Reports
Appendix A
Implementation Schedule
Appendix B
Project Organisation
Construction Organisation
(applicable to the EM&A)
Operation Organisation
(applicable to the EM&A and EMS)
Appendix C
Tentative Programme
Appendix D
Noise Monitoring Field Record Sheet
Noise Monitoring Field Record Sheet |
Monitoring Location: |
Description of Location: |
Date of Monitoring: |
Noise Meter Model: |
Calibrator Model: |
Calibration: |
before: |
after: |
Measurement Time and Period: |
Start: |
Finish: |
Recorded Level Leq dB(A): |
Factors influencing Recorded Noise Level (if any) : |
Construction Activity Noticeable during measurement period: |
Remarks: |
Name & Designation |
Signature |
Date |
Recorded by: |
Checked by: |
Appendix E
Flow Chart of the Complaint Response Procedure
Flow Chart of the Complaint Response Procedure
Appendix F
Sample Template for Interim Notifications of
Environmental Quality Limits Exceedances
Incident Report on Action or Limit Level Non-compliance |
Project: |
Date: |
Time: |
Monitoring Location: |
Parameter: |
Action & Limit Levels: |
Measured Level: |
Possible reason for Action or Level Non-compliance: |
Action taken / to be taken: |
Remarks: |
Location Plan:
Name & Designation |
Signature |
Date |
Recorded by: |