New World First Bus Services Limited
Environmental Impact Assessment
New World First Bus Permanent Depot
at Chai Wan
Volume 2
Environmental Management Plan
Prepared by:
Westwood Hong & Associates Ltd
Supported by
ERM-Hong Kong Ltd
2. purpose of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) *
3. Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements *
3.1 Introduction *
3.2 Air Quality *
3.3 Noise *
3.4 Waste Management Plan *
3.5 Contamination Avoidance Plan *
3.6 Hazard *
4. Compliance with Legal Requirement *
4.1 Introduction *
4.2 Air Quality *
4.3 Noise *
4.4 Waste Management *
4.5 Land Contamination *
4.6 Hazard *
5. Environmental Management System (EMS) *
5.1 Introduction *
5.2 Background *
5.3 EMS Development and Implementation *
6. operational agreement *
Table 3.3.1 Listing of Quiet PME items *
Table 4.2.1 Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives *
Table 4.3.1 Acceptable Noise Levels for day, evening and night periods *
Table 4.3.2 ANLs for Construction other than Percussive Piling, dB(A) *
Table 4.3.3 ANLs for daytime, evening and night-time periods *
Table 5.3.1 List of Environmental Aspects *
Table 5.3.2 Summary of Key Environmental Impacts and EMS Recommendations *
Figure 1.1 |
Site Location |
Figure 3.1 |
Proposed Bus Ingress/ Egress Routeing |
Appendix A |
Project Organisation |
Construction Phase
Powered Mechanical Equipment (PME) |
Maximum SWL, dB(A) (or SPL at 7m) |
Reference |
Excavator |
104 |
BS 5228: Part 1: 1997 Table 7 |
Lorry |
105 |
BS 5228: Part 1: 1997 Table 7 |
Concrete Pumps |
106 |
BS 5228: Part 1: 1997 Table 9 |
Concrete Mixers |
92 |
BS 5228: Part 1: 1997 Table 9 |
Compressors |
96 |
BS 5228: Part 1: 1997 Table 10 |
Generators |
75 |
GW - TM CNP102 |
Operational Phase
Wastewater Management
Records of Wastes
Prevention Measures for Diesel Fuel Spillage
Tank Construction
Operation Procedures
Tank Filling Operation
Handling Oily Waste and Sludge from Oil/Petrol Interceptor
Training and Exercises
General Procedures
Spillage During Tank Filling Operations
Diesel Fuel Spill Along the Pipelines
Prevention Measures for Chemical Spillage
Storage of Chemicals and Chemical Wastes
Emergency Procedures
Spillage/Leakage of Liquid Chemical/Waste at Storage Area
Spillage/Leakage at Other Areas
Recording of Incidents
Procedures for Disposal of Waste
Construction Dust Criteria
Air Pollution Control Ordinance
Table .1 Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives
Concentration in micrograms per cubic metre (i) |
Pollutant |
1 Hour (ii) |
8 Hours (iii) |
24 Hours (iii) |
3 Months (iv) |
1 Year (iv) |
Sulphur Dioxide |
800 |
350 |
80 |
Total Suspended Particulate |
260 |
80 |
Respirable Suspended Particulate (v) |
180 |
55 |
Carbon Monoxide |
30000 |
10000 |
Nitrogen Dioxide |
300 |
150 |
80 |
Photochemical Oxidants (as ozone) (vi) |
240 |
Lead |
1.5 |
Notes : (i) Measured at 298K(25o C) and 101.325 kPa (one atmosphere).
(ii) Not to be exceeded more than three times per year.
(iii) Not to be exceeded more than once per year.
(iv) Yearly and three monthly figures calculated as arithmetic means.
(v) Respirable suspended particulate means suspended particles in air with nominal aerodynamic diameter of 10 micrometres and smaller.
(vi) Photochemical oxidants are determined by measurement of ozone only.
Construction Noise Criteria
Table .1 Acceptable Noise Levels for day, evening and night periods
Noise Standards, dB(A), Leq (30 mins) |
Uses |
0700 to 1900 hours on any day not being a Sunday or general holiday |
1900 to 0700 hours or any time on Sundays or general holiday |
All domestic premises including temporary housing accommodation |
75 |
(see Note 3) |
Hotels and hostels |
75 |
(see Note 3) |
Educational institutions including kindergartens, nurseries and all others where unaided voice communication is required |
70 65 (during exam.) |
(see Note 3) |
Note 3: The criteria laid down in the relevant technical memoranda under the Noise Control Ordinance for designated areas and construction works other than percussive piling may be used for planning purpose. A Construction Noise Permit (CNP) shall be required for the carrying out of the construction work during the period.
Table .2 ANLs for Construction other than Percussive Piling, dB(A)
Area Sensitivity Rating (ASR) |
Time Period |
A |
B |
C |
All days during the evening (1900 to 2300 hours), and general holidays (including Sundays) during the day-time and evening (0700 to 2300 hours) |
60 |
65 |
70 |
All days during the night-time (2300 to 0700 hours) |
45 |
50 |
55 |
Table .3 ANLs for daytime, evening and night-time periods
Area Sensitivity Rating (ASR) |
Time Period |
A |
B |
C |
Day (0700 to 1900 hours) and evening (1900 to 2300 hours) |
60 |
65 |
70 |
Night (2300 to 0700 hours) |
50 |
55 |
60 |
Waste Disposal Ordinance
Waste Disposal (Chemical) (General) Waste Regulation
Crown Land Ordinance
Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances by-laws
Additional Guidelines
Stage 1 Identification of Environmental Aspects
Stage 2 EMS Design and Development
Stage 3 EMS Implementation and Training
Stage 1 Identification of Environmental Aspects
Table .1 List of Environmental Aspects
Potential Environmental Impacts |
Concern Areas |
Air Quality |
Noise |
Waste |
Land Contamination |
Hazard |
Resources |
Exhaust emissions (from ventilation system and buses) |
3 |
Noise emissions (from maintenance areas, workshops, plantrooms, vehicles and air grilles) |
3 |
Material storage |
3 |
Waste management |
3 |
3 |
Wastewater management (process water from bus washing, depot cleaning, kitchen and toilet) |
3 |
Spillage (from fuel storage system and during refueling) |
3 |
3 |
Energy/material usage |
3 |
Abnormal operation/Emergency |
3 |
Stage 2 EMS Design and Development
Table .2 Summary of Key Environmental Impacts and EMS Recommendations
Key Environmental Impact Areas |
EMS Recommendations |
Legal Requirement/ Guideline/ Reference |
Air |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Noise |
N/A |
Waste |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Spillage |
N/A |
Resource consumption |
N/A |
N/A |
Stage 3 EMS Implementation and Training
Appendix A
Project Organisation
EMS Organisation