In order to
facilitate the construction works for the Cyberport Development, the Project
Proponent intends to erect a concrete batching plant for the day-to-day
consumption at the site. However, the
proposed facility has the potential to cause adverse cumulative impacts on the
air quality and to a lesser extent the noise level, water quality, waste
management and visual quality at the nearby sensitive receivers. As the issue
was not addressed in the Environmental Impact Assessment Report, entitled
“Infrastructural Works for the Proposed Development at Telegraph Bay”
(hereinafter called “approved EIA Report”) for the proposed development, the
establishment of the proposed facility is considered to constitute a Material
Change to the approved EIA Report. This report has been prepared to address
this Material Change in fulfilment of the requirement of the Environmental
Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO).
Consultant Asia Limited (MCAL)
in association with Maunsell Environmental Management Consultants Limited
(MEMCL) were commissioned by Cyber-Port Limited to assess the potential
environmental impact of constructing and operating the proposed concrete
batching plant on the nearby
sensitive receivers. This report presents the assessment criteria, methodology,
and results for the potential noise, dust and visual impacts, as appropriate,
during construction and operation phases, with and without mitigation measures.
It addresses also the cumulative effect with the concurrent construction
activities including advance works, main construction works and road works
(include Southern Access Road, Northern Access Road, D1 and D2 roads). An
EM&A Manual has also been prepared as a stand-alone document.
main objective of this EIA were as follows :
identify and describe the elements of the community and environment likely to
be affected by the Projects;
identify and quantify emission
sources and determine the significant of impacts on sensitive receivers and
potential affected uses;
propose the provision of mitigation measures so as to minimizeminimise
pollution, environmental disturbance and nuisance arising from the project;
To identify, predict and evaluate the
residual environmental impacts (i.e. after practicable mitigation) and the
cumulative effects expected to arise from the project in relation to the
sensitive receivers and potential affected uses;
identify, assess and specify
methods, measures and standards, to be included in the Project which are
necessary to mitigate these environmental impacts and to reduce them to
acceptable levels.
EIA study addressed the likely potential air quality, noise, visual, waste management
and water quality impacts of the project, together with any other key issues
identified during the course of the EIA study.
The concrete
batching plant will be constructed in two stages. Stage 1 is a mobile unit, with a total cement silo capacity of 45 tonnes, and
Stage 2 is a more permanent unit with a total cement silo capacity of 800 tonnes. Once the
Stage 2 plant is operational, the Stage 1 mobile unit will be used as back up
and will not operate concurrently with the Stage 2 plant. As a worst case
scenario, the assessment has therefore focused only on the impacts arising from
the Stage 2 batching plant.