7.1              Air


Construction Phase


The construction of the Link Roads G & L will inevitably lead to dust generation. It is predicted that various construction activities during the establishment of embankment would give rise to high hourly TSP levels. Mitigation measures are therefore necessary to suppress dust emissions from construction activities through good site practice. In order to ensure full compliance of the dust levels with the criteria, it is recommended that baseline dust monitoring and dust impact monitoring should be carried out prior to and during the construction works.


Operational Phase


The results of the air quality assessment for the operational phase of the Link Roads G & L demonstrate that the predicted pollutant concentrations at ASRs comply with the criteria set in Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives. Therefore, the air quality impacts associated with the operation of this Project are acceptable.


7.2       Noise


Construction Phase


The cumulative noise impact of both unmitigated construction activities of Link Roads G & L and mitigated construction activities of Rotue 9 would cause exceedance of the daytime construction noise criterion at the nearby NSRs during the normal working hours.  The most seriously affected area is Mei Foo Sun Chuen, Phase 8, Blk 112 (at MF3) with unmitigated noise levels of upto 77dB(A) predicted.


Therefore, adequate control measures will be necessary for the works in order to meet the criterion.  Mitigation measures including the use of quiet plant are proposed which will reduce the residual noise level to an acceptable level.  It is also recommended that regular monitoring of noise at NSRs is undertaken during the construction phase.


Operational Phase


The assessment has predicted that the traffic noise levels including the contribution from Link Roads G & L at the year 2018 will result in exceedances of the road traffic noise criterion at the nearby NSRs such as Mei Foo Sun Chuen, KMB Bus Depot CDA site and Site 10 housing Development.


Overall noise impacts including the contribution from Link Roads G & L at some of the existing NSRs (i.e. Mei Foo Sun Chuen) will still be above the EIAO-TM.  However, the main noise contribution at all of these NSRs will be from existing roads and noise contribution on the Link Roads G and L (new roads) is less than 1 dB(A). As a result, the traffic noise impact arising from the operation of Link Roads G & L can be complied with the EIAO-TM criteria. Moreover, none of these NSRs will be eligible for indirect noise mitigation as the contribution from the new road is less than 1.0 dB(A) in every case.


Overall noise impacts including the contribution from Link Roads G & L at the planned NSRs (i.e. KMB Bus Depot CDA and Site 10 Development Site) will still exceed the requirements of the EIAO-TM.  However, the main noise contribution at all of these NSRs will be from existing roads and noise contribution on the Link Roads G and L (new roads) is less than 1 dB(A)).  As a result, the traffic noise impact arising from the operation of Link Roads G & L can be complied with the EIAO-TM criteria.


7.3       Wastes


The potential environmental impacts with the handling and disposal of waste arising from the construction of Link Road G & L have been assessed.  Operational impacts on the proposed route are not expected to be a key concern and no detailed assessment will be required.  Key issues include the need for effective waste management planning during the construction phase.  The assessment has concluded that the potential environmental impacts associated with the handling, storage, treatment and disposal of waste arising for the construction of Link Roads G & L meet the requirements of the EIAO-TM.


7.4       Recommendations


It is recommended that monitoring be undertaken during construction of this Project to ensure the environmental mitigation measures are being complied with during construction.  Following construction monitoring should be carried out to confirm the relatively small contribution to the overall noise level from Link Roads G&L.


7.5       Summary of Environmental Outcomes


·         There will be no residual impact on the environment following the implementation of this Project.


·         Mitigation measures and monitoring and audit programmes are recommended for the construction phase for noise, dust and wastes management to ensure that the dwellings at Mei Foo Sun Chuen are protected from adverse environmental impacts. 


·         For the operational phase monitoring is proposed for one year following the opening of Link Roads G & L to confirm the predictions of the noise modelling.


·         Noise and air quality problems experienced at the sensitive receivers are shown by the model to be due to the traffic on existing or planned roads.


·         Waste reduction/reuse/recycling measures are proposed for construction.


·         Environmental benefits from implementing this Project include the completion of the Lai Wai Interchange and a reduction in noise and air pollution associated with the potential problems of congestion in the West Kowloon Reclamation area.


The Environmental Outcome Profile is attached as Annex K.