To describe the proposed project and associated works together with the
requirements for carrying out the proposed project;
To identify and describe the elements of the community and environment
likely to be affected by the proposed project and/or likely to cause adverse
impacts to the proposed project, including both natural and man-made
To identify and quantify emission sources and determine the
significance of impacts on sensitive receivers and potential affected uses;
To identify and quantify any potential losses or damage to flora, fauna
and natural habitats;
To identify and quantify any potential landscape and visual impacts and
to propose measures to mitigate these impacts;
To propose the provision of infrastructure or mitigation measures so as
to minimize pollution, environmental disturbance and nuisance during
construction and operation of the Project;
To identify, predict and evaluate the residual (i.e. after practicable
mitigation) environmental impacts and the cumulative effects expected to arise
during the construction and operation phases of the Project in relation to the
sensitive receivers and potential affected uses;
To identify, assesses and specify methods, measures and standards, to
be included in the detailed design, construction and operation of the project
which are necessary to mitigate these environmental impacts and reducing them
to acceptable levels;
To investigate the extent of side-effects of proposed mitigation
measures that may lead to other forms of impacts;
To identify constraints associated with the mitigation measures
recommended in the EIA study; and
To design and specify the environmental monitoring and audit
requirements, if required, to ensure the implementation and the effectiveness
of the environmental protection and pollution control measures adopted.
EIA Final Assessment Report for Route 10 – North Lantau to Yuen Long
Highway Investigation and Preliminary Design (September 1999);
Preliminary Project Feasibility Study (PPFS) Report for Improvement to
Castle Peak Road between Ka Loon Tsuen and Siu Lam (March 1998);
Environmental Impact Assessment for Feasibility Study for Castle Peak
Road Improvements between Ka Loon Tsuen and Yau Kom Tau (December 1996); and
Noise Impact Assessment for Improvement to Castle Peak Road from Siu
Lam to So Kwun Tan (June 1995).
air quality impacts;
noise impacts;
water quality impacts;
construction waste impacts;
ecological impacts;
fisheries impacts; and
visual and landscape impacts.
Section 1 presents the introduction of this EIA Study;
Section 2 presents a description of the Project, including the Project location, EIA Study Area and the works programme;
Section 3 identifies and assesses potential air quality impacts arising from the construction and operation of the Project, and recommends appropriate mitigation measures, wherever necessary;
Section 4 identifies and assesses potential noise impacts arising from the construction and operation of the Project, and recommends effective mitigation measures, wherever necessary;
Section 5 identifies and assesses potential water quality impacts associated with the construction and operation of the Project and recommends mitigation measures to meet the established water quality standards of effluents;
Section 6 identifies and assesses potential solid waste impacts and management association with the construction and operation of the Project and recommends mitigation measures to reduce solid waste arisings, maximize recycling and to comply with established standards;
Section 7 identifies and assesses potential ecological impacts arising from the construction and operation of the project and recommends mitigation measures to alleviate the impacts to be minimum;
Section 8 identifies and assesses potential fisheries impacts arising from the construction and operation of the project and recommends mitigation measures;
Section 9 identifies and assesses potential landscape and visual impacts arising from the project and recommends mitigation measures;
Section 10 presents the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) requirements.
Section 11 reviews the findings and presents the overall conclusions of this EIA study;
Section 12 presents the Implementation Schedules of recommended mitigation measures for various environmental issues.