

10.1          This section further elaborates the requirements of EM&A for the construction and operation of the project, based on the assessment results of various environmental issues. The following sections summarise the recommended EM&A requirements. Details of the EM&A programme are presented in an EM&A Manual, which are released as a separate document.


Air Quality Impact


Construction Phase


10.2          The construction work will inevitably lead to dust (TSP) emissions, mainly from excavation, truck haulage and material handling.  It is predicted that the dust generated will exceed the hourly and daily criteria of 500 mg m-3 and 260 mg m-3, respectively, at some ASRs especially at Siu Lam Interchange.


10.3          Mitigation measures have been proposed.  With implementation of the proposed dust suppression measure, good site practice and comprehensive dust monitoring and audit, the TSP levels at all ASRs will comply with the dust criteria.


10.4          Dust monitoring requirements are recommended in the EM&A Manual to ensure the efficacy of the control measures.


10.5          As adverse air quality impact would not be generated from the operation of the improved Castle Peak Road, operational air quality monitoring and audit is considered not necessary.


Noise Impact


Construction Phase


10.6          Construction noise impacts from this project is expected at NSRs identified in this EIA.  Appropriate mitigation measures are required in order to alleviate the impacts to meet the EIAO-TM criteria.  Noise monitoring during construction phase will have to be carried out to ensure that such mitigation measures will be implemented properly. 


10.7          The construction activities will be carried out during daytime (between 0700 and 1900 hours).  If there is construction work undertaken in restricted hours, measurements will be carried out for following periods:


·        between 1900 and 2300 hours;

·        between 2300 and 0700 hours of next day; and

·        between 0700 and 1900 hours on Sunday or public holidays.


10.8          Noise measurement should be undertaken at all monitoring station for a 30-minute period during the daytime and a 5-minute period during restricted hours when the noisiest activities are being carried out.  Type 1 sound level meters, which comply with the International Electrochemical Commission (Publications 651:1979 and 804:1985), must be used for carrying out the noise measurement.


10.9          Ad hoc noise monitoring should also be carried out if necessary.  To establish the prevailing background noise level, one Leq (30 minutes) measurement, obtained between 0700 and 1900 hours of a normal weekdays, and three consecutive Leq (5 minutes) measurements, obtained from each monitoring period (between 1900 and 2300 hours; and between 2300 and 0700 hours), are required.


10.10      Baseline monitoring to establish the background noise environment will be required and should be carried out for at least 14 consecutive days prior to the commencement of the project.  During the construction phase impact monitoring will be required in order to assess whether operations on site are in compliance with construction noise criteria stipulated in EIAO-TM.


Operational Phase


10.11      Traffic noise monitoring should be carried out after the completion of project at NSRs in the vicinity of the proposed CPR.  The purpose of this monitoring is to ensure that the proposed mitigation measures are effective.  The Highways Department will be responsible for the operational phase monitoring.  Qualified environmental team should be employed to carry out the proposed monitoring. The parameters, monitoring equipment, locations and procedures are presented in detail in the EM&A Manual.


Water Quality Impact


10.12      Monitoring and auditing for marine water quality is considered necessary during the dredging activities of the proposed project to ensure that the released SS concentrations from the dredging activities would not adversely affect the sensitive receivers.  This monitoring programme will be required to ensure the implementation of the recommended water quality mitigation measures and to assess the effectiveness of these measures during the construction works.  If monitoring results indicate that the dredging activities have exceeded the predicted elevated SS concentrations even after the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, the construction program should be carefully reviewed to slow down production rates.  Details of the water quality monitoring procedures are given in the stand-alone EM&A Manual.


Waste Management Implications


10.13      Waste management will be the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that all wastes produced during the construction of the CPR are handled, stored and disposed of in accordance with good waste management practices and EPD’s regulations and requirements.  The mitigation measures recommended should form the basis of the site waste management plan to be developed by the Contractor at the detailed design stage.


10.14      It is recommended that the waste arisings generated during the construction activities should be audited periodically to determine if wastes are being managed in accordance with approved procedures and the site Waste Management Plan.  The audits should look at all aspects of waste management including waste generation, storage, recycling, transport and disposal.  An appropriate audit programme would be to undertake a first audit near the commencement of the construction works, and then to audit quarterly thereafter.


Ecological Impact


10.15      An assessment for ecological impacts has been conducted (Section 7).  Based on the latest information available, no unacceptable impacts on terrestrial and marine ecology arising from the construction and operation of the project are anticipated.  Hence, environmental monitoring and audit is considered not necessary.


Fisheries Impact


10.16      An assessment of the fisheries impact associated with the construction and operation of the project has been carried out.  Since no insurmountable fisheries impacts have been identified, environmental monitoring and audit is not required.


Landscape & Visual Impact


Construction Phase


10.17      A number of mitigation measures are proposed to minimise the Landscape and Visual impact during construction phase. The mitigation measures are to be included in the construction contract and HyD will be responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of those measures is maintained during the works


Operational Phase


10.18      New woodland and planting areas are to be provided as mitigation measures. Continued annual monitoring in the first six years should be undertaken to assess the health and progress of planting in order to ensure the continued establishment of effective mitigation measures.