In the EIA report, although there is no special requirement about
EM&A program for the ecological impact of this project, predicted the
substantial impact on the ecosystem in the vicinity, site inspection is
required to ensure the mitigation measures are fully implemented.
Potential impacts
to terrestrial ecological resources are not expected to be high since most of
the habitats impacted are generally of low ecological importance.
For the direct
impacts to the bird community within the study area due to increased background
noise during construction and operation phases, it is anticipated there could
be no long-term adverse impact.
Habitat / Vegetation loss
On-site planting
should be provided if there are loss of vegetation due to construction
activities. Species used for planting
should take reference from the species identified in the tree survey identified
in the EIA report and be native to the Hong Kong situation.
Construction Practice
Erect fences where
practical along the boundary of construction sites before the commencement of
works to prevent tipping, vehicle movements, and encroachment of personnel into
adjacent areas, particularly where the rare/protected species are located.
temporary work sites / disturbed areas to its original condition immediately
after completion of the construction.
Check the work
site boundaries regularly to ensure that they are not exceeded and that no
damage has been caused to the surrounding natural habitats.
Prohibit and
prevent open fires within the site boundary during construction and provide
temporary fire fighting equipment in the work areas.
The implementation
schedule of the recommended mitigation measures is presented in Appendix 2e.
The constraints on
dredging and filling operations defined within the water quality section of the
EIA Report will act as appropriate mitigation measures to control the
environmental impacts to marine ecological resources to within acceptable
levels. If there are actual impacts due to the construction activities,
then it will be
monitored through impacts to water quality (see Section 4 of this EM&A Manual). However, due to
the limited impact on the marine water, no specific monitoring measures on marine
ecology envisaged.
Potential Impact
Marine ecological
impact associated with proposed road improvement works is considered to be low.
Mitigation Measures
Apart from the
purpose use of armour stone random by placed seawall construction, no mitigation
measure is required since no unacceptable ecological impact is anticipated.
According to the
EIAO TM, the order of priority for mitigating impacts should be avoidance,
minimization and compensation. Fisheries impacts have been avoided by
minimising the reclamation area and scale of dredging. Since no insurmountable
fisheries impacts have been identified, mitigation measures are not necessary.
The monitoring and
audit activities designed to detect and mitigate any unacceptable impacts to
water quality and marine ecology will also serve to protect against
unacceptable impacts to fisheries resources.
However, due to the limited impact on the marine water, no specific
monitoring and audit activities are needed.
Site inspection
checklist should be developed to check the performance of the Contractor.