5                    SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT

5.1              Introduction

5.1.1        Waste management will be the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that all wastes generated during construction of the CWB & IECL are handled, stored and disposed of in accordance with good waste management practices and EPD’s regulations and requirements.

5.1.2        Waste materials generated during construction activities, such as construction and demolition (C&D) materials, chemical wastes and general refuse from the workforce, are recommended to be audited periodically to determine if wastes are being managed in accordance with approved procedures and the site Waste Management Plan.  The audits should look at all aspects of waste management including waste generation, storage, recycling, transport and disposal.  An appropriate audit programme would be to undertake a first audit at the commencement of the construction works, and then to audit quarterly thereafter. The Contractor will be responsible for the implementation of any mitigation measures to minimise waste arisings or to redress problems arising from the waste materials.

5.2              Waste Control and Mitigation Measures

5.2.1        Mitigation measures for waste management are summarised below. With appropriate handling, storage and removal of waste arisings during the construction of the CWB & IECL as defined below, the potential to cause adverse environmental impacts will be minimised.  The implementation schedule of recommended mitigation measures for waste management is presented in Appendix A. 

Segregation of Wastes

5.2.2        In order to ensure that all waste is disposed of in an appropriate manner, waste shall be separated by category on‑site by the Contractor.  It is recommended that the waste could be segregated into defined categories and then be disposed of as follows:

·        inert portion of C&D material (including inert excavated material), that is, public fill, deemed suitable for re-use on site as far as possible and only the surplus material should be disposed of off-site;

·        non-inert portion of C&D material, that is, C&D waste deemed unsuitable for reclamation or land formation shall be disposed of at landfill;

·        chemical waste as defined by Schedule 1 of the Waste Regulations (Chemical) 1992, shall be stored in accordance with approved methods defined in the Regulations and the chemical waste disposed of at the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre located at Tsing Yi; and

·        general refuse shall be collected by a licensed sanitary contractor and disposed of at landfill.


Waste Minimisation

5.2.3        C&D materials should be recycled or reused wherever possible.  The waste management strategy to be employed shall be waste minimisation at source.  Where waste generation is unavoidable then the potential for reuse or recycling shall be explored and opportunities taken.  If wastes cannot be reused or recycled then the recommended disposal routes shall be followed.

5.2.4        Waste reduction measures shall be introduced at the design stage and carried through the construction activities, wherever possible, by careful purchasing control, reuse of formwork and good site management.

5.2.5        Training and instruction of construction staff shall be given at the site to increase awareness and draw attention to waste management issues and the need to minimise waste generation.  The training requirements shall be included in the site Waste Management Plan.

Storage, Collection and Transport of Waste

5.2.6        Reputable waste hauliers shall be used to collect and transport the wastes to the appropriate disposal points.  The necessary measures to minimise adverse impacts such as windblown litter and dust from the transportation of these wastes, and impacts on water quality during the storage, handling and transportation of these wastes shall also be instigated.

5.2.7        The following shall be observed:

·           prior to disposal of C&D waste, steel and other metals shall be separated for re-use and/or recycling to minimise the quantity of waste to be disposed of to landfill;

·           wastes shall be handled and stored in a manner, which ensures that they are held securely without loss or leakage thereby minimising the potential for pollution.  Release of potential pollutants into marine waters during storage and handling shall not be permitted;

·           only reputable waste hauliers authorised to collect the specific category of  waste concerned shall be employed;

·           removal of demolition material shall coincide with the demolition work;

·           appropriate measures shall be employed to minimise windblown litter and dust during transportation by either covering trucks or transporting wastes in enclosed containers;

·           the necessary waste disposal permits shall be obtained from the appropriate authorities, if they are required, in accordance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap. 354), Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation (Cap. 354) and the Lands Ordinance;

·           collection of general refuse shall be carried out frequently, preferably daily;

·           waste shall only be disposed of at licensed sites and the site staff and Contractor shall develop procedures to ensure that illegal disposal of wastes does not occur;

·           waste storage areas shall be well maintained and cleaned regularly;

·           in order to monitor the disposal of public fill and solid wastes at public filling areas and landfills, and to control fly-tipping, a trip-ticket system shall be included as one of the contractual requirements and implemented by the ET; and

·           the amount of wastes generated, recycled and disposed of off-site during the implementation of the project should be recorded.

5.2.8        During the site inspections as described in Section 7.1 of this Manual, the ET Leader shall pay special attention to the issues relating to waste management, and check whether the Contractor has followed the relevant contract specifications and the procedures specified under the laws of Hong Kong.  Stringent control and audit will be necessary to ensure that effective waste management practices and correct storage, transportation and disposal requirements for the various waste materials are being implemented.