1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose of the Manual................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Description of EIA Study............................................................................................... 3
1.4 Environmental Monitoring & Audit Requirements............................................................ 3
1.5 Project Organisation....................................................................................................... 3
1.5.2 Environmental Team......................................................................................... 3
1.5.3 Engineer/Engineer’s Representative.................................................................. 4
1.5.4 Contractor......................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Decommissioning Programme......................................................................................... 5
1.7 Structure of the EM&A Manual...................................................................................... 5
2 Noise................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Noise Monitoring Requirement....................................................................................... 6
2.2 Noise Parameters........................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Monitoring Equipment.................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Monitoring Locations..................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Baseline Monitoring........................................................................................................ 8
2.6 Impact Monitoring.......................................................................................................... 8
2.7 Event and Action Plan for Noise..................................................................................... 9
2.8 Noise Mitigation Measures............................................................................................. 9
3 Air Quality................................................................................................................... 11
4 Land Contamination............................................................................................. 12
5 Cultural Heritage.................................................................................................. 15
6 Waste Management................................................................................................ 16
7 Water Quality............................................................................................................ 17
8 Site Environmental Audit.................................................................................. 18
8.1 Site Inspection............................................................................................................. 18
8.2 Compliance with Legal and Contractual Requirement.................................................... 19
8.3 Environmental Complaints............................................................................................ 20
9 Reporting..................................................................................................................... 22
9.1 General........................................................................................................................ 22
9.2 Baseline Monitoring Report.......................................................................................... 22
9.3 Monthly EM&A Reports.............................................................................................. 23
9.3.2 First Monthly EM&A Report........................................................................... 23
9.3.3 Subsequent EM&A Reports............................................................................. 24
9.4 Data Keeping............................................................................................................... 26
Implementation Schedule
Apppendix 2
Data Sheets of Monitoring
Apppendix 3
Proposed Noise Monitoring Locations
Apppendix 4
Sample of Complaints Proforma
Figure 1.1 Locations of Site and Sensitive Receivers
Figure 1.2 Project Organisation
Figure 8.1 Complaint
Response Procedure
a) Responsibilities of the Contractor, the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative (ER), Environmental Team (ET) with respect to the EM&A requirements during decommissioning of the underground diesel storage tanks;
b) Information on project organization and programming of decommissioning activities for the project;
c) Requirements with respect to the decommissioning schedule and the necessary environmental monitoring and audit programme to track the varying environmental impact;
d) Full details of the methodologies to be adopted, including all field, laboratory and analytical procedures, and details on quality assurance;
e) Definition of Action and Limit levels;
f) Establishment of event and action plans;
g) Requirements of reviewing pollution sources and working procedures required in the event of non-compliance of the environmental criteria and complaints;
h) Requirements for review of EIA predictions, implementation of mitigation measures, and the effectiveness of the environmental protection and pollution control measures adopted;
i) Requirements of presentation of environmental monitoring and audit data and appropriate reporting procedures.
a) To meet the agreed objectives and deadlines as set out in this EM&A Manual;
b) To monitor the various environmental parameters as required by this Manual;
c) To follow up and close out of the non-compliance actions;
d) To investigate and audit the Contractor’s equipment and work methodologies with respect to pollution control and environmental mitigation and to anticipate environmental issues that may require mitigation before the problem arises;
e) To audit and prepare audit reports on the environmental monitoring data and the site environmental conditions; and
f) To report the environmental monitoring and audit results to the Contractor, the Engineer and EPD.
a) Appoint an ET to undertake monitoring and reporting of EM&A, and to arrange laboratory analysis as necessary;
b) Monitor the Contractor’s compliance with contract specifications, including the effective implementation and operation of the environmental mitigation measures;
c) Instruct the Contractor to follow the agreed protocols or those in the Contract Specifications in the event of exceedances or complaints; and
d) Comply with the agreed Event Contingency Plan in the event of any exceedance.
a) Provide assistance to ET in carrying out monitoring;
b) Submit proposals on mitigation measures in case of exceedances of Action and Limit levels in accordance with the Event Contingency Plan;
c) Implement measures to reduce impact where Action and Limit levels are exceeded; and
d) Work within the scope of the construction contract and other tender conditions with respect to environmental requirements.
Section |
Title |
Aims |
1 |
Introduction |
An introduction of the background
information and the layout of the EM&A Manual |
2 |
Construction Noise |
Outline the requirements, methodology,
equipment, monitoring locations, and criteria for noise monitoring |
3 |
Air Quality |
List the information reviewed in the EIA study |
4 |
Land Contamination |
List the information reviewed in the EIA study |
5 |
Cultural Heritage |
List the information reviewed in the EIA study |
6 |
Waste Management |
List the information reviewed in the EIA study |
7 |
Water Quality Assessment |
List the information reviewed in the EIA study |
8 |
Site Environmental Audit |
Present the requirement and recommendations for the site
environmental audit |
9 |
Reporting |
Present the requirement and recommendations for reporting |
Appendices |
Description |
1 |
Schedule |
2 |
Sample Data
Sheets of Monitoring |
3 |
Noise Monitoring Locations |
4 |
Sample of
Complaints Proforma |
Table 2.1 : Description of noise monitoring locations
Description |
Uses |
NM1 |
Adult Education Centre |
Educational Institution |
NM2 |
Hon Chu Gifted Education Centre |
Educational Institution |
a) at locations close to the major site activities which are likely to have noise impacts;
b) close to the noise sensitive receivers (N.B. For the purposes of this section, any domestic premises, hotel, hostel, temporary housing accommodation, hospital, medical clinic, educational institution, place of public worship, library, court of law, performing art centre should be considered as noise sensitive receiver); and
c) for monitoring locations located in the vicinity of the sensitive receivers, care should be taken to cause minimal disturbance to the occupants during monitoring.
The Action and Limit levels for construction noise are defined in Table 2.2. Should non-compliance of the criteria occur, actions in accordance with the Action Plan in Table 2.3 shall be carried out.
Table 2.2 : Action and limit levels for construction noise
Time period |
Action |
Limit |
on normal weekdays |
one documented complaint is received |
75* dB(A) |
* reduce
to 70 dB(A) for schools and 65 dB(A) during school examination periods.
Table 2.3 : Event/ action plan for construction noise
Event |
Action |
Leader or ER |
Contractor |
Level |
Notify Contractor 2.
Analyse investigation 3.
Require Contractor to propose measures for the analysed noise problem 4.
Increase monitoring frequency to check mitigation effectiveness |
Submit noise mitigation proposals to Environmental Team Leader/Engineer's
Representative 2.
Implement noise mitigation proposals |
Level |
Notify Contractor 2.
Notify EPD 3.
Require contractor to implement mitigation measures 4.
Increase monitoring frequency to check mitigation effectiveness |
Implement mitigation measures 2.
Prove to Environmental Team Leader ER effectiveness of measures applied |
a) Scheduling of construction works outside school examination period/ during summer holidays to less intrusive periods would definitely reduce the noise impacts on the NSRs;
b) Intermittent noisy activities should be scheduled to minimise exposure of nearby NSRs to high levels of construction noise. For example, excavator can be scheduled to remove the spoils after the concrete slab has been broken up by using hand-held breaker, the excavator and truck shall be operated sequentially (i.e. the breaker, excavator and truck should not be used contiguously);
c) Limiting operating time of construction equipment, e.g excavator and crane-mounted truck/ lorry operate for 20 minutes in every consecutive 30-minute period and hand held breakers for about 15 minutes;
d) Using quieter powered mechanical equipment;
e) Locating of 3.5m high hoarding along the site boundary, or movable noise barrier to screen noise at ground level zone. For high-rise NSRs, cantilevered top cover should be considered. The surface density of these barriers and hoarding need to be not less than 13kg/m2;
f) Only well-maintained plant should be operated on-site and plant should be serviced regularly during the construction programme;
g) Machines and plant (such as trucks, cranes) that may be in intermittent use should be shut down between work periods or should be throttled down to a minimum;
h) Plant known to emit noise strongly in one direction, where possible, be orientated so that the noise is directed away from nearby NSRs;
i) Silencers or mufflers on construction equipment should be properly fitted and maintained during the construction works; and
j) A rigorous EM&A programme should be undertaken, and should focus on those NSRs of particular concern, in order to identify and rectify any problems at the earliest possible stage.
a) Spray the area at which demolition work takes place with water or a dust suppression chemical immediately prior to, during and immediately after the demolition activities so as to maintain the entire surface wet;
b) Cover all demolished items (including tress, shrubs, vegetation, boulders, poles, pillars, structures, debris, rubbish and other items arising from site clearance) entirely by impervious sheeting or place them in an area sheltered on the top and the 3 sides within a day of demolition;
c) Open stockpiles should be avoided or covered;
d) Use of wind shield or dust extractor at the loading and unloading areas;
e) Use of tarpaulin to cover all dusty material on the transport vehicle;
f) Side enclosure and covering of any aggregate or dusty material storage piles;
g) Provision of temporary or movable barriers between the site and sensitive receivers;
h) Position of all plant at the maximum separation distance from receiver if possible.
a) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as safety hat, chemical protective gloves, masks (for both dust and vapour) eye goggles, protective clothing and protective footwear etc. shall be provided to staff who would be involved in the decommissioning works. No works should be allowed without the suitable PPE.
b) Workers shall inspect and check their PPE before, during and after use. In cases where any of the PPE is impaired, the worker shall stop work immediately and inform the site agent. The worker shall not be allowed to re-start his work until the impaired PPE is replaced.
c) Workers shall always maintain basic hygiene standard (e.g. hand wash before leaving the contaminated work zone). Workers shall also be responsible for cleaning and storing their own PPE in a secure place before leaving the site.
d) Eating, drinking and smoking must be strictly prohibited within the site area.
e) The decommissioning works, particularly the breaking of the concrete chamber of the diesel storage tank and removal of the broken concrete, shall be carried out in dry weather condition to prevent any surface run-off. The decommissioning works shall be stopped immediately once surface water run-off caused by rainfall or otherwise is observed.
f) Stockpiling of excavated material (i.e. broken concrete and the associated soils) shall be avoided. Where this cannot be avoided, temporary cover such as tarpaulin shall be provided for the stockpile material (if any).
g) The contractor’s representatives must be informed if any workers feel uncomfortable physically or mentally during the decommissioning works. All workers shall leave the work areas and the work shall be temporarily suspended until the reason for the uncomfortable feeling has been identified.
h) The decommissioning works shall be stopped or discontinued when any typhoon signals or storm signal (amber, red or black) is hoisted. All stockpile materials (if any) shall be covered immediately by tarpaulin or other similar protective and waterproof materials.
a) The contractor’s representatives shall stop the decommissioning works immediately and inform the relevant party (e.g. EPD Local Control Office).
b) A minimum of 2 samples of the potential petroleum contaminated soils from each suspected area shall be collected for the analysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) to confirm whether the soil is contaminated. A qualified Land Contamination Specialist shall be engaged to supervise the soil sampling and interpret the laboratory results for evaluation of the contamination level.
c) If the soils is confirmed as contaminated (i.e. exceed the Dutch B value), a 5m-diameter boundary and 2.5m depth (around the sampling point where the contaminated soils was collected) of the soil shall be excavated. All excavation work of the contaminated soils shall be carried out in dry weather condition to prevent any contaminated pond and surface runoff.
d) The contaminated soils shall be excavated by mechanical excavators. Manual excavation shall be avoided.
e) Stockpiling of the excavated contaminated soils shall be avoided. However, if stockpiling is required, the contaminated soils shall be stockpiled in a designated concrete paved and bunded area.
f) The stockpiled contaminated soils shall be covered by water proved material (i.e. tarpaulin) to prevent contaminated surface runoff. Fencing with warning sign shall be erected around the stockpiled area to prevent unauthorised entry.
g) Following the excavation of the contaminated soils, confirmatory soil samples shall be collected from the base and perimeter of excavation and tested for TPH. A minimum of 5 samples (4 boundary and 1 from the centre of the excavation) shall be collected from each excavation location. All sampling shall be supervised and the results interpreted by a qualified Land Contamination Specialist. If the analytical results of any one sample exceeded the Dutch B value, the excavation must be extended by a 0.5m increment (vertically and horizontally) and the sampling regime repeated until all contaminated soils is excavated.
h) As TPH contaminated soils is treated as chemical waste, approval from the Facilities Management Group of EPD shall be obtained prior to the disposal of the contaminated soils to co-disposal landfill or other authorised disposal sites. A licensed contractor shall be appointed for the collection, transportation and disposal of the TPH contaminated soils.
a) Provide on-site waste separation facilities;
b) Provide storage areas for construction and demolition material;
c) Separate non-inert and inert waste and dispose to appropriate locations;
d) Store chemical waste separately and engage licensed chemical contractors to dispose of the waste; and
e) Provide on-site refuse collection point.
a) Provision of a designated area far from the nearby storm drain and fowl sewers should be provided for a temporary stockpiling of the topsoil. Temporary covers (i.e. tarpaulin) shall also be provided to minimise the generation of high SS runoff.
b) A licensed waste collector shall be standby on-site to collect the chemical waste as well as the used water from diesel tank purging. The used water will then be transported to a facility liscened to receive chemical waste, such as Chemical Waste Treatment Facility at Tsing Yi.
a) the EIA recommendations on environmental protection and pollution control mitigation measures;
b) works progress and programme;
c) individual works methodology proposals (which shall include proposal on associated pollution control measures);
d) the contract specifications on environmental protection;
e) the relevant environmental protection and pollution control laws; and
f) previous site inspection results.
a) log complaint and date of receipt onto the complaint database;
b) investigate the complaint to determine its validity, and to assess whether the source of the problem is due to works activities;
c) if a complaint is valid and due to works, identify mitigation measures;
d) if mitigation measures are required, advise the Contractor accordingly;
e) review the Contractor's response on the identified mitigation measures, and the updated situation;
f) if the complaint is transferred from EPD, submit interim report to EPD on status of the complaint investigation and follow-up action within the time frame assigned by EPD;
g) undertake additional monitoring and audit to verify the situation if necessary, and review that any valid reason for complaint does not recur;
h) report the investigation results and the subsequent actions to the source of complaint for responding to complainant (If the source of complaint is EPD, the results should be reported within the time frame assigned by EPD); and
i) record the complaint, investigation, the subsequent actions and the results in the monthly EM&A reports.
a) up to half a page executive summary;
b) brief project background information;
c) drawings showing locations of the baseline monitoring stations;
d) monitoring results (in both hard and diskette copies) together with the following information:
- monitoring
- equipment used
and calibration details
- parameters
- monitoring
locations (and depth)
- monitoring date,
time, frequency and duration;
e) details on influencing factors, including:
major activities, if any, being carried out on the site during the
weather conditions during the period
- other factors
which might affect the results;
f) determination of the Action and Limit Levels for each monitoring parameter and statistical analysis of the baseline data;
g) revisions for inclusion in the EM&A Manual; and
h) comments and conclusions.
a) 1-2 pages executive summary;
b) basic project information including a synopsis of the project organisation, programme and management structure, and the work undertaken during the month;
c) a brief summary of EM&A requirements including:
- all monitoring
- environmental
quality performance limits (Action and Limit levels)
- Event-Action
- environmental mitigation measures, as recommended in the project EIA study final report
- environmental
requirements in contract documents;
d) advice on the implementation status of environmental protection and pollution control/mitigation measures, as recommended in the project EIA study report, summarized in the updated implementation schedule;
e) drawings showing the project area, any environmental sensitive receivers and the locations of the monitoring and control stations;
f) monitoring results (in both hard and diskette copies) together with the following information:
monitoring methodology
equipment used and calibration details
- parameters
- monitoring
locations (and depth)
- monitoring date,
time, frequency, and duration;
g) advice on the solid and liquid waste management status;
h) a summary of non-compliance (exceedances) of the environmental quality performance limits (Action and Limit levels);
i) a review of the reasons for and the implications of non-compliance including review of pollution sources and working procedures;
j) a description of the actions taken in the event of non-compliance and deficiency reporting and any follow-up procedures related to earlier non-compliance;
k) a summary record of all complaints received (written or verbal) for each media, including locations and nature of complaints, liaison and consultation undertaken, actions and follow-up procedures taken and summary of complaints; and
l) An account of the future key issues as reviewed from the works programme and work method statements.
The subsequent monthly EM&A reports shall include the following :
a) Title Page;
b) Executive Summary (1-2 pages)
Breaches of AL levels
Complaint Log
Reporting Changes
Future key issues;
c) Contents Page;
d) Environmental Status
Drawing showing the project area, any environmental sensitive receivers
and the locations of the monitoring and control stations
Summary of non-compliance with the environmental quality performance
Summary of complaints;
e) Environmental Issues and Actions
Review issues carried forward and any follow-up procedures related to
earlier non-compliance (complaints and deficiencies)
Description of the actions taken in the event of noncompliance and
deficiency reporting
Recommendations (should be specific and target the appropriate party
for action)
Implementation status of the mitigation measures and the corresponding
effectiveness of the measures;
f) Future Key Issues; and
g) Appendix
AL levels
Graphical plots of trends of monitored parameters at key stations over
the past four reporting periods for representative monitoring stations
annotated against the following:
i) major activities
being carried out on site during the period
ii) weather conditions
during the period
iii) any other factors which might
affect the monitoring results
Monitoring schedule for the present and next reporting period
Cumulative complaints statistics
Details of complaints, outstanding issues and deficiencies.
The site document, such as the monitoring field records, laboratory analysis records, site inspection forms, etc. are not required to be included in the monthly EM&A reports for submission. However, the document shall be well kept by the ET Leader and be ready for inspection upon request. All relevant information shall be clearly and systematically recorded in the document. The monitoring data shall also be recorded in magnetic media form, and the software copy can be available upon request. All the documents and data shall be kept for at least one year after completion of the construction contract.
1 –Implementation
2 – Sample Data Sheets of Monitoring
Noise Monitoring Field Record Sheet
Monitoring Location |
Description of Location |
Date of Monitoring |
Measurement Start Time (hh:mm) |
Measurement Time Length (min.) |
Noise Meter Model/Identification |
Calibrator Model/Identification |
Measurement Results |
L90 (dB(A)) |
L10 (dB(A)) |
Leq (dB(A)) |
Major Construction Noise Source(s) During Monitoring |
Other Noise Source(s) During Monitoring |
Remarks |
Name & Designation Signature Date
Recorded By :
Checked By :
APPENDIX 3 – Proposed
Noise Monitoring Locations
APPENDIX 4 – Sample of Complaints Proforms