8.1 General

8.1.1 It is recommended that EM&A during the design, construction and operational stages is undertaken. The design stage EM&A will consist of auditing the detailed landscape designs. Construction and operational stage EM&A will comprise audit of the EIA recommendations together with planting and planting establishment in the form of site inspection. The operational stage auditing will be undertaken for one year during the Contractor's maintenance period.

8.1.2 The extent of the works areas should be regularly checked during the construction phase. Any trespass by the Contractor outside the limit of the works, including any damage to landscape areas should be reported to the Engineer. The progress of the engineering works should be regularly reviewed on site to identify the earliest practical opportunities for implementing landscape and visual mitigation measures.

8.1.3 The Monthly Report shall provide a statement on the general state of the landscape and visual aspects in the study area, and confirm that required mitigation measures are being implemented.

8.2 Mitigation Measures

8.2.1 All mitigation measures are for the DBL under the EIA boundary but are also included here because they fall within the study boundary of the SWC. The measures will also be included in the SWC as the landscape construction works are to be entrusted by the DBL to the SWC.

8.2.2 Recommended landscape and visual mitigation measure for impacts caused during the construction and operation phase of the project are detailed as follows:

Construction Phase

Conservation (excavation and stockpiling on site) of topsoil for re-use in landscape works. This includes the proper storage of topsoil to minimise erosion of stockpiles.
Control of night-time lighting.
Replanting of disturbed vegetation should be undertaken and this should use predominantly native plant species.
Screen hoarding, using decorative graphic and chromatic devises should be erected around the works wherever possible to screen the works from motorists and other receivers within the road corridor and adjacent areas.
Maintaining and protecting existing vegetation adjacent to Deep Bay Road for a minimum width of 10 metres on either side.
Planting within and at the perimeter of temporary work sites should be undertaken at the earliest possible stage before and during construction, and opportunities should be sought for undertaking any advance planting.
Existing trees to be transplanted as per the Master Landscape Plan (Refer Figure EM8.1).

Operation Phase

Woodland tree and shrub planting should be implemented adjacent to the Deep Bay Road where it is at grade. This will include cut and filled slopes (approx. area 0.4Ha).
Implementation of bio-engineering techniques to the cut slopes (approx. area 0.1Ha).
Climbing plants should be used to soften the appearance of viaduct columns at ground level.
Woodland tree and shrub planting should be undertaken at cut slopes so as to compensate for vegetation lost during construction. Any affected slope areas should be hydroseeded and planted with woodland species, avoid shotcreting (approx. area 0.1Ha).
Native shrub planting should be undertaken to screen the proposed works and blend it into the landscape (approx. area 3.4Ha).
Planting should be incorporated where possible to screen the road and bridge in low level views from adjacent areas, and to tone down the extent of hard paving and surfaces and reduce the amount of glare (approx area 0.2Ha).
Sensitive architectural design of engineering and other built structures, including form and finishes, this will include but not limited to: barriers, paved surfaces, retaining walls, walls, columns, buildings, and other structures, light standards, etc. The design of built structures shall be to the satisfaction of the ACABAS.
Lighting of road and bridge. Should be designed to minimise glare to all receivers. Poles and fittings should be designed to conform with the bridge design.
Transplanted Tree Stock (approximately 45 trees)