9.                  LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL


9.1              Details of all mitigation measures should be further developed at the detail design stage. The recommended mitigation measures should be included into the Contract Document where the Contractor is responsible for their implementation as recommended in the EIA Study.  During the site environmental audit inspections, the ET and IC(E) should be responsible for ensuring that landscape and visual mitigation measures are fully implemented by the Contractor, as per the approved construction programme.

Mitigation Measures

Detail Design Stage

9.2              Implementation of Tree Survey Report at an early stage in accordance with Works Branch Technical Circular No.14/2002 to ensure specific recommendations for existing trees are resolved before construction.  Careful and efficient transplanting of affected trees at an early stage to appropriate locations in or outside the site area.  Government guidelines on the preservation and felling of trees are detailed in Government General Regulation 740, Works Branch Technical Circular No.14/2002.

9.3              Design of the reformed slope areas should include planting in-keeping with the surrounding landscape character.

9.4              Appropriate finishes to reinstated areas of footpath in-keeping with existing finishes.

9.5              Architectural finishes to proposed structures which are sympathetic to the surrounding landscape.

9.6              Appropriate paint finishes to sections of exposed pipeline to reduce visual prominence.

9.7              Soft landscape design to the proposed structures.

Tender Preparation Stage

9.8              The Engineer Consultant is responsible to supply the Contractor with construction specifications and accurate construction drawings.

9.9              The recommended mitigation measures should be included into the Contract clauses where the Contractor is responsible for their implementation.

Construction Stage

9.10          Mitigation measures recommended in the EIA Report for landscape and visual impacts during the construction stage are summarised below.

·        Screening of site construction works by use of hoarding that is appropriate to its site context;

·        Retaining existing trees and minimising damage to vegetation where possible by close co-ordination and on site alignment adjusted of rising main and gravity sewer pipelines.  Tree protective measures should be implemented to ensure trees identified as to be retained are satisfactorily protected during the construction phase;

·        Careful and efficient transplanting of affected trees (1 no.) to temporary or final transplant location (the proposed tree to be transported is a semi-mature Macaranga tanarius and is located at the proposed Pumping Station P2 location);

·        Short excavation and immediate backfilling of sections upon completion of works to reduce active site area;

·        Conservation of top-soil for reuse.

·        Night-time light source from marine fleets should be directed away from the residential units

Operation Stage

9.11          A landscape architect should make regular on-site visits within the establishment period to monitor the condition of the transplanted tree and newly planted vegetation before handing over the responsibility of maintenance to the relevant government department.

9.12          Mitigation measures recommended in the EIA Report for landscape and visual impacts during the operation stage are summarised below:

·        planting to reformed slope areas to create a native species palette in-keeping with the surrounding landscape character.

·        appropriate finishes to reinstated areas of footpath in-keeping with existing finishes;

·        architectural finishes to proposed structures which are sympathetic to the surrounding landscape;

·        soft landscape finishes to the proposed structures; and

·        appropriate paint finishes to sections of exposed pipeline to reduce visual prominence.

9.13          The implementation for the recommended landscape and visual impact mitigation measures is presented in Appendix A.