11.1          Introduction

11.1.1    This section further elaborates the requirements of environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) for the construction and operation phases of the Project, based on the assessment results of the various environmental issues.  The objectives of carrying out EM&A for the Project include the following:

·      provide a database against which any short or long term environmental impacts of the Project can be determined;

·      provide an early indication should any of the environmental control measures or practices fail to achieve the acceptable standards;

·      monitor the performance of the Project and the effectiveness of mitigation measures;

·      verify the environmental impacts predicted in the EIA Study;

·      determine the Project compliance with regulatory requirements, standards and government policies;

·      take remedial action if unexpected problems or unacceptable impacts arise; and

·      provide data to enable an environmental audit.

11.1.2    The following section summarises the recommended EM&A requirements for the Project.  The recommended EM&A programme and environmental mitigation measures for construction and operation of Siu Ho Wan WTW Extension, which is classified as a designated project under EIAO, would be under the control of the Environmental Permit.  The proposed environmental mitigation measures and EM&A requirement for non-designated project including construction & operation of Siu Ho Wan Raw Water Booster Pumping Station, demolition & reprovisioning of the Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station, uprating of the Pui O No. 2 Raw Water Pumping Station and laying of two sections of 1200 mm diameter raw water mains at Pui O would be administratively implemented and would not be under the control of the Environmental Permit.  Details of the specific requirements are provided in a stand-alone EM&A Manual.


11.2          Air Quality Impact

Construction Phase

11.2.1    Potential dust impacts would be generated from site clearance, excavation, materials handling, concreting operation and wind erosion.  The construction work is controlled by the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation, and mitigation measures such as watering are required under the regulation to limit its dust emission.  It was predicted that the TSP criteria would be satisfied at the ASRs.  Dust monitoring requirements have been recommended in the EM&A Manual to ensure that the mitigation measures are to be properly implemented.

Operation Phase

11.2.2    No operational air quality would be expected and therefore no monitoring and audit is required during operation phase. 


11.3          Noise Impact

11.3.1    Construction noise impacts from this Project were expected at the village house in vicinity of construction site at Pui O during laying raw water mains, demolition and reprovisioning of Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station.  Appropriate mitigation measures would be required were recommended to alleviate the impacts to meet the EIAO-TM criteria.  Noise monitoring during construction phase would havewere recommended to be carried out to ensure that such mitigation measures would be implemented properly. 

11.3.2    The construction activities would be carried out during daytime (between 0700 and 1900 hours).  If there is construction work undertaken in restricted hours, measurements would be carried out for the following periods:

·        between 1900 and 2300 hours;

·        between 2300 and 0700 hours of next day; and

·        between 0700 and 1900 hours on Sunday or public holidays.

11.3.3    Noise measurement should be undertaken at all monitoring station for a 30-minute period during the daytime and a 5-minute period during restricted hours when the noisiest activities are being carried out.  Type 1 sound level meters, which comply with the International Electrochemical Commission (Publications 651:1979 and 804:1985), must be used for carrying out the noise measurement.

11.3.4    To establish the prevailing background noise level, one Leq (30 minutes) measurement, obtained between 0700 and 1900 hours of a normal weekdays, and three consecutive Leq (5 minutes) measurements, obtained from each monitoring period (between 1900 and 2300 hours, and between 2300 and 0700 hours), are required.

11.3.5    Baseline monitoring to establish the background noise environment would be required and should be carried out for at least 14 consecutive days prior to the commencement of the Project.  During the construction phase, impact monitoring would be required in order to assess whether operations on site are in compliance with construction noise criteria stipulated in EIAO-TM.

11.3.6    Detail construction noise monitoring requirements have been recommended in the EM&A Manual.


11.4          Water Quality Impact

11.4.1    The potential water quality impacts arising from the construction activities for the proposed extension of Siu Ho Wan WTW have been assessed.  The primary concern with regard to water quality would be earthworks, demolition works and the control of construction site runoff and drainage.  The water quality assessment concluded that the identified water quality impacts could be controlled by implementing the recommended mitigation measures.  No unacceptable residual water quality impact was expected.  Any effluent discharges from the site would be required to comply with the terms and conditions of a discharge licence, issued by EPD, under the WPCO.  Water quality monitoring during the construction phase was therefore not considered warranted for the Project.  However, it was recommended that regular site inspections be undertaken to inspect the construction activities and works areas in order to ensure the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented.


11.5          Ecology

Construction Phase

11.5.1    The ecological assessment concluded that no adverse ecological impacts from the Project would be expected on ecology of the Siu Ho Wan and Pui O Assessment Area with the proper implementation of mitigation measures during construction phase.  However, audit is required to ensure that the mitigation measures would be implemented properly.

Operation Phase

11.5.2    Following any transplantation of Pavetta hongkongensis and Aquilaria sinensis individuals, regular monitoring of the trees and seedlings should be conducted to check on the health and condition of the plants. Monitoring should cover the 12-month period following transplantation, monitoring conducted at least twice a month for the first four months after transplantation, and once a month for the remaining eight months. Monitoring should be conducted by a suitably qualified botanist/horticulturalist appointed by the Project Proponent. If audit records indicate that the transplanted plants are not establishing properly, the botanist/horticulturalist should recommend and undertake measures to rescue the plants.


11.6          Landscape and Visual Impact

Construction Phase

11.6.1    Landscape and visual impact assessments concluded that with effective mitigation measures, there would be no significant adverse landscape and visual effects caused by the proposed Project in Siu Ho Wan and Pui O sites.

11.6.2    Implementation of mitigation measures in terms of architectural finishes and sympathetic design of structures during construction phase is required to be audited by a Registered Landscape Architect (RLA) to ensure the mitigation measures are implemented properly.

Operation Phase

11.6.3    Landscape and visual impact during the operation phase would be negligible with the proper implementation of compensatory planting works, and reinstatement of disturbed land. A Registered Landscape Architect (RLA) shall be employed to ensure the mitigation measures are implemented properly.

11.7          Cultural Heritage

Construction Phase

11.7.1    There will be no impacts on areas of known or potential archaeological sites with the adoption of proposed alignment for the raw water mains at Pui O. EM&A programme is not required

11.7.2    There will be no impacts on the identified Built Heritage resources as they are located at a sufficient distance of the proposed works, except for the SHW-01 at Pui O Lo Wai Tsuen.  Mitigation measures in the form of a temporary fenced off buffer zone in proximity to a shrine at Pui O Lo Wai Tsuen with allowance for public access should be provided as far as practicable as the demolition and reprovisioning works for the Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station may restrict access or affect the structure.  In case of site constraint, the existing perimeter fence at Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station could be incorporated to protect the shrine and should form the limit of the buffer zone.Mitigation measures in the form of a temporary fenced off buffer zone with allowance for public access (minimum 1 m) should be provided around the shrine as the demolition and reprovisioning works for the Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station may restrict access or damage the structure.  These mitigation measures would be incorporated in the contract.

Operation Phase

11.7.3    There will be no impacts arising from the proposed works during the operation phase on both Archaeological and Built Heritage Resources within the study areas.  EM&A programme is not required.


11.8          Waste Management

11.8.1    Waste management would be the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that all wastes produced during the construction of the Project are handled, stored and disposed of in accordance with the recommended good waste management practices and EPD’s regulations and requirements.  The mitigation measures recommended in Section 10 should form the basis of the site Waste Management Plan to be developed by the Contractor at the construction stage.

11.8.2    Waste arisings generated during the construction activities should be audited periodically to determine if wastes are being managed in accordance with approved procedures and the site Waste Management Plan.  The audits should look at all aspects of waste management including waste generation, storage, transport and disposal.  The audits should also check that any chemical wastes generated during maintenance of construction equipment and vehicles are not stored within the site of the Siu Ho Wan WTW and the Pui O Pumping Stations. An appropriate audit programme would be to undertake a first audit near the commencement of the construction works, and then to audit on a quarterly basis thereafter.   In addition, the routine site inspections should check the implementation of the recommended good site practices and other waste management mitigation measures.