APPENDIX 7.1 Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA)
Evaluation Framework
Tier I - Categorisation of Benthic Cover
Table 1 Categories to be used in the Surveys - Benthic Attributes
Ecological |
Substratum |
Hard coral |
Hard substrate |
Dead standing coral |
Continuous pavement |
Soft coral |
Bedrock |
Black coral |
Rubble |
Macroalgae |
Sand |
Turf algae |
Silt |
Large boulders (>50 cm) Small boulders (<50 cm) |
Table 2 Categories to be used in the Surveys - Ordinal Ranks of Percentage Cover
Rank |
Percentage Cover (%) |
0 |
None recorded |
1 |
1-5 |
2 |
6-10 |
3 |
11-30 |
4 |
31-50 |
5 |
51-75 |
6 |
76-100 |
Tier II - Taxonomic Inventories to Define Types of Benthic Communities
· Scleractinian (hard) corals to species wherever possible.
· Soft corals, anemones and conspicuous macroalgae shall be recorded according to morphological features and to genus level where possible.
· Other benthos (including sponges, zoanthids, ascidians and bryozoans) shall be recorded to genus level wherever possible or phylum plus growth form.
Table 3 Ordinal Ranks of Taxon Abundance
Rank |
Abundance |
0 |
Absent |
1 |
Rare* |
2 |
Uncommon |
3 |
Common |
4 |
Abundant |
5 |
Dominant |
Note: * The classification of “rare” abundance refers to low abundance (small quantity) on the transect, rather than in terms of distribution in Hong Kong waters.