Table 7.2a     Ecological Value of River Habitats in the Assessment Area.




Although they remain largely natural, river habitats in the Assessment Area have been variously modified, and receive moderate inputs of domestic sewage and agricultural run-off.


PNH, TTT and LTT Rivers: Moderate.

LTT (2) River: Small (approximately 1-2m in width).


Moderately diverse fish communities.


The estuarine confluence and lower reaches of the rivers supported several avifaunal species of conservation interest, comprising: Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea), Great Egret (Casmerodius alba), Little Egret (Egretta garzetta), Chinese Pond Heron (Ardeola bacchus), Striated Heron (Butorides striatus), Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) and White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis).  


PNH River: Supported fish species of conservation interest: Flagtail (Kuhlia marginata) & Predaceous Chub (Parazacco spilurus). One avifaunal species of conservation interest recorded: Plumbeous Redstart (Rhyacornis fulignosus).


TTT River: Supported fish species of conservation interest: Predaceous Chub (Parazacco spilurus).


LTT & LTT (2) Rivers: Supported the avifaunal species of conservation interest recorded: Common Teal (Anas crecca)


Relatively unmodified lowland rivers are becoming increasingly rare habitats in Hong Kong.




The habitats are generally unfragmented, although agricultural weirs (such as in PNH River) could prevent the migration of fish between downstream and upstream reaches of the rivers.

Ecological linkage

The rivers (especially LTT & LTT (2)) are structurally and functionally linked to areas of marshland in the Assessment Area. PNH River flows close to woodland at Butterfly Hill, and is functionally linked to this habitat.

Potential value

With the removal of pollution sources and restoration of river-beds and banks, the ecological value of all rivers could be improved.

Nursery ground

The lower, estuarine reaches of the rivers appear to serve as a nursery and breeding ground for some common brackish fish species.



Abundance/Richness of Wildlife


Ecological value

PNH River:                  Moderate-high

TTT River:                  Moderate

LTT River:                  Moderate

LTT (2) River:                          Low-Moderate