2                        Air Quality

2.1                 Introduction

2.1.1           As identified in the EIA Report, no adverse impact arising from construction works would be expected with the implementation of mitigation measures stipulated in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation.  Therefore, no air quality monitoring would be required during construction of the Project.  It is recommended that auditing works during construction phase be carried out to ensure that the Contractor has implemented the recommended mitigation measures to minimize the construction dust impact.


2.2                 Air Quality Mitigation Measures

2.2.1           Weekly site inspections should be carried out in order to ensure the dust control mitigation measures are implemented and are working effectively.  The Contractor shall be responsible for implementation of the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation and good site practices.  A number of practical measures are listed below:


·         Use of regular watering to reduce dust emissions from exposed site surfaces and unpaved road, with complete coverage, particularly during dry weather;

·         Use of frequent watering for particularly dusty static construction areas and areas close to air sensitive receivers (ASRs);

·         Tarpaulin covering of all dusty vehicle loads transported to, from and between site location;

·         Establishment and use of vehicle wheel and body washing facilities at the exit points of the site; and

·         Routing of vehicles and positioning of construction plant should be at the maximum possible distance from ASRs.

2.2.2           Upon receipt of an environmental complaint, or as part of the environmental audit, the Contractor shall liaise with the ET on some other mitigation measures, propose to ER for approval, and implement the mitigation measures.

2.2.3           The implementation schedule for the recommended air quality mitigation measures is presented in Appendix A.