The proposed U-channel at Butterfly
Hill near Ling Tsui Tau Village within the boundary of the Chung Hau
Archaeological Site and the Yuen Compound located at Luk Tei Tong River has
been identified as an area of cultural heritage with archaeological
significance located within the proposed works area.
Further archaeological investigation
was recommended for the affected two areas within the Chung Hau Archaeological
Site (AS), including the works area within Area E and the site of the abandoned
factory as well as works area not covered by the previous archaeological
survey. Figure 7.1 shows the
locations of the two areas within the AS.
The construction of the proposed U-channel at Ling Tsui Tau Village
should minimise any excavation works within the boundary of the Chung Hau
Archaeological Site.
Specific construction method should be
selected to avoid vibration impact on the retaining wall and buildings of the
Yuen Compound (Figure 7.2) during construction of the proposed retaining
wall and rubble seawall. The implementation schedule of the recommended
mitigation measures is presented in Appendix A.
Baseline monitoring should be carried
out to establish the existing condition of the cultural heritage resources.
Subject to the findings of the further
investigation, for any excavation works within the AS, a watching brief was
recommended in order to record and collect any artefacts and/or archaeological
data during excavation. If significant archaeological deposits are found, a
rescue excavation may need to be undertaken before the construction work takes place.
Monitoring of vibration impacts should
be conducted during the construction works to ensure no damage to the existing
structures of the Compound.
All measures undertaken by the
Contractor during the construction phase in the vicinity of the AS and Yuen
Compound should be audited by the ET, on a regular basis to ensure the
compliance with the intended aims of the recommended mitigation measures. Site inspections should be conducted at
least once per month during the construction period, to avoid any possible
damage through on-site liaison with the Contractor and ER before and during the
works, covering:
and ensure no exceedence of approved works area; and
of the surrounding area and ground, particularly the Yuen Compound, to ensure
that the existing features are not impacted.