8.                  OVERALL CONCLUSION

8.1               This EIA Report has provided an assessment of the potential environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation phases of the proposed “Expansion of Heliport Facilities at Macau Ferry Terminal (MFT),” based on the available design information at the time of preparing this report.  The expansion works for the existing heliport at the rooftop of the MFT are required to meet the anticipated growth in cross-boundary helicopter services in the Pearl River Delta region. 

8.2               The environmental issues below have been assessed in the EIA Study, in accordance with the EIA Study Brief (No. ESB-118/2004) registered under the EIAO for the Project:


(i)                   Noise impact


(ii)                 Air quality impact


(iii)                Water quality impact


(iv)                Waste management implications


8.3               The findings of the EIA have provided information on the nature and extent of environmental impacts arising from the construction and operation of the proposed heliport expansion.   A summary of assessment findings of these individual issues is provided at the end of each section.  The EIA has, where appropriate, identified specific mitigation measures for incorporation into the design and construction method of the Project to ensure compliance with environmental legislation and standards.  The Implementation Schedules of the recommended mitigation measures are presented in Section 9. 

8.4               Overall, the EIA Report for the Expansion of Heliport Facilities at MFT has predicted that the Project would comply with all environmental standards and legislation after the implementation of the proposed construction and operation phase mitigation measures.  This EIA has also demonstrated the acceptability of the residual impacts from the Project and the protection of the identified environmentally sensitive resources.  Environmental monitoring and audit requirements have been recommended as a check on the implementation of mitigation measures.  Table 8.1 summarizes the environmental outcomes/benefits from the implementation of the Project and the recommended mitigation measures. 


Table 8.1          Summary of Key Environmental Outcomes/Benefits



Environmental Outcomes/Benefits and Mitigation Measures


Population and environmentally sensitive areas protected

If all helicopters are operated at the proposed new helipad, the Shun Tak Centre Offices would provide noise screening effect to about 12,000 people at residential buildings within 500m of the study area.




Environmental Outcomes/Benefits and Mitigation Measures


Environmentally friendly designs recommended


The proposed helipad is located behind the Shun Tak Centre which would provide screening effect to the nearby noise sensitive receivers.


Key Environmental Problems Avoided

(1) The helicopter noise exceedance arising from proposed new helipad alone  would be avoided or (2) the cumulative noise levels from the existing and new helipads at the representative NSRs would not be worse than the existing allowable helipad operation conditions (less than 1.0 dB(A) increase) as


(i)                   Proposed helipad is located behind Shun Tak Centre such that many noise sensitive receivers have no direct line of sight on the helicopter operation during hovering and idling mode;

(ii)                 The use of noisy helicopter S92 or helicopter with noise emission larger than helicopter S76C+ is not recommended for proposed new helipad.;

(iii)                flight frequency arrangement controlThe maximum allowable flight schedule during 1901 – 2259 hours would be 34 movements and the maximum flight per hour should not exceed 6 movements per hour.


Note:        The Project would not involve the use of renewable energy and would not require any compensation areas.