environmental monitoring
This section further elaborates the requirements of
environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) for the construction and
operation phases of the Project, based on the assessment results of the various
environmental issues. Details of
the EM&A programme are presented in an EM&A Manual, which are released
as a separate document. Mitigation measures have been recommended in this
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report to prevent potential adverse
impacts from the construction of the project.
Implementation of
EIA Findings and Recommendations
Sections 4 to 10 have, where appropriate, identify and
recommend the implementation of mitigation measures in order to minimize the
potential construction and operation phase impacts of the Project. This findings and recommendations form
the primary deliverable from the whole EIA process. Once endorsed by Environmental
Protection Department, they will form an agreement as to the measures and
standards that are to be achieved. It is therefore essential that mechanisms
are put in place to ensure that the mitigation measures prescribed in the
Implementation Schedule (Appendix J) are fully and effectively implemented
during construction.
The required format for the Implementation Schedule is
specified in the EIA Study Brief.
The format requires the specification of implementation agent(s),
timing, duration and location for each of the recommended mitigation measures.
Apart from the mitigation measures defined in the EIA,
there is also scope for other requirements to be included within the finalised
Implementation Schedule. Prior to
the issue of an Environmental Permit, there is an EIA Determination Period. During this period the EIA Report is
reviewed and commented upon by both the public and professional bodies. Where recommendations are made and
accepted by either the Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE) or its EIA
subcommittee, these measures will be included within the Implementation
Schedule, where appropriate.
As the Project constitutes a Designated Project under
the EIAO, an Environmental Permit must be obtained before construction or
operation of the proposed drainage tunnel can commence.
Upon approval of the EIA Report, Drainage Services
Department (DSD) can apply for an Environmental Permit. If the application is successful, the
Environmental Permit will, in most circumstances, have conditions attached to
it, which must be complied with. In
addition, DSD and its appointed Contractors must also comply with all other
controlling environmental legislation and guidelines, which are discussed
within the specific technical chapters of this report. Failing to comply with these legislative
requirements could lead to prosecution under the various Pollution Control
Management Plan
For construction of the Project, it is envisaged that
the contractual documentation will require DSD’s Contractors to define
mechanisms for achieving the environmental requirements. This will most likely be achieved by
requiring the Contractor to produce and implement an Environmental Management
Plan (
EM&A Manual
The EM&A Manual provides a description of the
organisational arrangements and resources required for the EM&A programme based
on the conclusions and recommendations of this EIA. The EM&A Manual stipulates details
of the construction monitoring required, and actions that shall be taken in the
event of exceedances of the environmental criteria. In effect, the EM&A Manual forms a
handbook for the on-going environmental management during construction.
accordance with the Study Brief requirements, reporting of monitoring data on
air, noise and water quality shall be made available to the public via internet
access in the form of a website in the shortest possible time as soon as the
data become available..
The EM&A Manual comprises descriptions of the key
elements of the EM&A programme including:
appropriate background information on the construction
of the Project with reference to relevant technical reports;
organisational arrangements, hierarchy and
responsibilities with regard to the management of environmental performance
functions during the construction phase to include the EM&A team, the
Contractor's team and the Employer’s representatives;
a broad construction programme indicating those
activities for which specific mitigation is required, as recommended in the
EIA, and providing a schedule for their timely implementation;
descriptions of the parameters to be monitored and
criteria through which performance will be assessed including: monitoring
frequency and methodology, monitoring locations (in the first instance, the
location of sensitive receivers as listed in the EIA), monitoring equipment
lists, event contingency plans for exceedances of established criteria and
schedule of mitigation and best practice methods for minimising adverse
environmental impacts;
procedures for undertaking on-site environmental
performance audits as a means of ensuring compliance with environmental
criteria; and
reporting procedures.
The EM&A Manual will be a dynamic document which
will undergo a series of revisions to accommodate the progression of the
construction programme.
Objectives of
The objectives of carrying out EM&A for the
Project include:
to provide baseline
information against which any short or long term environmental impacts of the
projects can be determined;
to provide an early
indication should any of the environmental control measures or practices fail
to achieve the acceptable standards;
to monitor the
performance of the Project and the effectiveness of mitigation measures;
to verify the
environmental impacts predicted in the EIA Study;
to determine Project
compliance with regulatory requirements, standards and government policies;
to take remedial action
if unexpected problems or unacceptable impacts arise; and
to provide data to
enable an environmental audit to be undertaken at regular intervals.
The following sections summarise the recommended
EM&A requirements, further details are provided in the EM&A Manual.
Water Quality
Construction Phase
During the construction phase, regular site auditing
is recommended to ensure the recommended mitigation measures are properly
Impacts on water quality include generation of turbid
runoff, concrete washings, lubricants, chemicals and other contaminants. Impacts can be substantially reduced
through the implementation of good site practices and incorporation of suitable
drainage systems including sedimentation and infiltration pits and temporary
grease trap as well as silt curtains.
Discharge should be handled in accordance with ProPECC PN 1/94 on Construction Site Drainage.
It is proposed to carry out a baseline monitoring of
water quality (prior to commencement of works) in selected watercourses and
monitor the water quality at these same locations during construction, to
identify the presence of any impacts on water bodies within the Project
Area. A minimal environmental
monitoring and audit programme is therefore required to ensure effective
mitigation, thus, monitoring locations should be selected to represent the
major water bodies within the Project Area.
Before works commence one month of baseline monitoring
of marine water should be undertaken at western portal discharge outfall. One month of post-construction marine
water quality monitoring is recommended to be carried out on completion of
marine works.
Underground water level monitoring should be
undertaken at those intake locations near natural streams on monthly basis,
they are THR2(P), TP789(P), TP5(P), PFLR1(P), W12(P) and Eastern Portal.
Details of water quality monitoring requirements are
presented in the EM&A Manual.
Operation Phase
Underground water level monitoring should be undertaken
at those intake locations near natural streams during the first year of the
tunnel operation on a monthly basis, they are THR2(P), TP789(P), TP5(P),
PFLR1(P), W12(P) and Eastern Portal.
The water quality model predicted that the Project
would not have adverse impact on Western Buffer water control zone. No significant water quality impact is
expected at marine water sensitive receivers, EM&A for water quality is not
considered necessary.
Construction noise impacts were expected at NSRs
identified in this EIA. Appropriate
mitigation measures would be required in order to alleviate the impacts to meet
the EIAO-TM criteria. Noise
monitoring during construction phase will have to be carried out to ensure that
such mitigation measures will be implemented properly.
Noise measurement should be undertaken at all
monitoring stations for 30-minute period during the daytime when the noisiest
activities are being carried out.
To establish the prevailing background noise level,
one Leq (30 minutes) measurement, obtained between 0700 and 1900 hours of a
normal weekdays, and three consecutive Leq (5 minutes) measurement, obtained
for each monitoring period (between 1900 and 2300 hours; and between 2300 and
0700 hours), are required.
Baseline monitoring to establish the background noise
environmental will be required and should be carried out for at least 14
consecutive days prior to the commencement of the project.
Air borne and ground borne noise monitoring during TBM
construction phase and associated works should be carried out at selected
representative NSRs which are likely to be worst affected by the construction
works, have potential cumulative noise impacts or were predicted to have
residual impacts after all the practicable direct technical measures have been
An assessment for ecological impacts have been
conducted (Section 4 and Section 11), no unacceptable impacts on terrestrial
and marine ecology arising from the construction and operation of the project
would be anticipated. However,
amphibian surveys at Eastern Portal, PFLR1(P), W12(P), MB16, E5(B)(P),
TP789(P) and P5(P) intake locations should be carried out prior to commencement
of construction. Frogs and tadpoles found at these works areas will be collected and translocated to nearby unaffected stream prior to commencement of construction.
An assessment for Fisheries have been conducted
(Section 12), no unacceptable impacts arising from the construction and
operation of the project would be anticipated. A well-planned program of site practices should be
able to maintain the impacts to acceptable level. No monitoring and audit was
Waste Management
Waste management will be the contractor’s
responsibility to ensure that all wastes produced during the construction of
the Project are handled, stored and disposed of in accordance with good waste
management practices and
It is recommended that the waste arising generated
during the construction activities should be audited periodically to determine
if wastes are being managed in accordance with approved procedures and the site
Waste Management Plan. The audits
should look at all aspects of waste management including waste generation,
storage, recycling, transport and disposal. An appropriate audit programme would
include undertaking a first audit near the commencement of the construction
works, and then monthly audit thereafter.
In addition, the regular site inspection should check the strict
implementation of the recommended good site practices and other waste
management mitigation measures.
Air Quality
Potential dust impacts would be generated from site
clearance, excavation, materials handling and wind erosion. The construction works are controlled
under the Air Pollution Control
(Construction Dust) Regulation. Mitigation measures have been
proposed. With the implementation
of the proposed dust suppression measures, good site practices and
comprehensive dust monitoring and audit, the
Dust monitoring requirements have been recommended in
the EM&A Manual to ensure that the mitigation measures are properly
implemented and effective.
Cultural Heritage
As discussed in Section 9, the assessment of potential
impact on cultural heritage has concluded that the proposed construction works
for the Project will not cause any adverse impact to cultural heritage within
the boundary of the works area.
The Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment has identified several resources which
will require mitigation measures during the construction stage. This will
include condition surveys at Haw Par Mansion (including the boundary wall and
gate) and on the retaining wall of the Former Explosive Magazine of Victoria Barracks. The
surveys must be undertaken and findings submitted prior to the
commencement of construction works.
The contractor will be responsible for ensuring that a 3-meter buffer
zone (clearly demarcated by a temporary DSD standard metal site hoarding) will
be maintained between the boundary wall and gate of Haw Par Mansion and the
retaining wall at the Former Explosive Magazine and the respective works areas.
Landscape and
Visual Assessment
The propose landscape and visual mitigation measures
for the construction and operation phases of the Project are described in
Section 10. These measures are
design measures to be incorporated in the detail design of both portals and
intake structures.
Hazard to Life
There will be no overnight
storage of explosives for this project. Transportation of explosives to site
for the
construction of adit will be undertaken on a daily basis. The contractor is required to destroy
any unused explosives before nightfall.
With the implementation of rigorous safety measures
for the blasting operation, adverse impact to the nearby sensitive receivers adjacent to the blasting locations
will not be expected.