6                     LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL




6.1        As identified in the Landscape and Visual Assessment of the EIA report, there will be moderate visual impact to the adjacent hotels and HKCEC Old Wing (Phase I) due to the proposed project. The recommended mitigation measures should be implemented for overall landscape and visual quality.


6.2        A design-and-build main Contractor to be employed by TDC will be responsible for the implementation of all mitigation of measures.  The Contractor will employ a qualified landscape consultant for both construction and operation phases to ensure achievement of required quality for hard and soft landscape works.


Monitoring Requirement


1.3               Due to the architectural-orientated nature of the Project, a Registered Landscape Architect (RLA) with substantial construction site experience shall be responsible for conducting the baseline review and monitoring the design, implementation and maintenance of landscape and visual mitigation measures during construction and operational phases in accordance with the EIA Report.


6.4        Town Planning Board’s planning approval under Section 16 of the Town Planning Ordinance early this year has set out a condition on a landscape proposal submission, which is yet to be prepared and submitted separately. The delegated RLA or RA shall monitor and advise its consistency with an approved EIA.


Construction Phase


Baseline Review


6.5        A baseline review shall be undertaken at the commencement of the construction contracts.  The purpose of the review is:

·         to check the status of the landscape resources within, and immediately adjacent to, the construction sites and works areas;

·         to determine whether any change has occurred to the status of the landscape resources since the EIA;

·         to determine whether amendments in the design of the landscape and visual mitigation measures are required for those changes; and,

·         to recommend any necessary amendments to the design of the landscape and visual mitigation measures.

Design of Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures


6.6        The landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be incorporated as soon as possible during detailed design stage, to ensure quality of visual and landscape mitigation aims as described in Table 7.7, Section 7 of EIA report.  Any changes to the mitigation measures that may be recommended as a result of the Baseline Review or ongoing Monitoring of the Design, Construction and Establishment Works shall be taken into account.


Landscape and Visual Monitoring


6.7        The design, implementation and maintenance of landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be checked bi-weekly to ensure that they are fully achieved.  Any potential conflicts between the proposed landscape measures and any other project works or operational requirements shall also be resolved in early stage, without compromising the intention of the mitigation measures.


Operational Phase


6.8        A Registered Landscape Architect shall make monthly on-site visits to monitor all landscape and visual mitigation measures during the first year of the Operation Phase before handing over responsibility of maintenance to the HKCEC.


Mitigation Measures


Design Phase


6.9        Good hard landscape/ architectural design should be adopted:

·         Careful design of the temporary footbridge for linking up existing Phase I and Phase II of HKCEC to minimize visual impact;

·         Architectural design to create cascaded roofs and to provide sensitive façade treatment to visually reduce the bulkiness of the building structure and to avoid ‘giant wall effect’ to the surroundings.

·         Sensitive landscape design for roofs to maximize greening opportunity, which will require sufficient soil depth, structural loading, and drainage.  The finishes of the roofs shall be of colours and patterns contributing to the overall modern style of HKCEC and lessening visual impact of the vast flat roofs;

·         Careful selection of landscape lighting and floodlighting for roofs and for building façade to avoid unnecessary glare;

·         The area underneath the Atrium Link Extension shall be improved through sensitive selection of both hard and soft landscape;

·         Consideration for appearance of building service elements to avoid the industrial feel;


6.10      Good soft landscape design should be adopted:

·         Provision of a combination of in-situ planting and potted planting for a variety of grasses, climbers, groundcovers, small shrubs, small trees and palms will be provided to rooftops of the Atrium Link Extension to achieve 30% of the roof area as planting area for the project;

·         Transplanting of affected existing trees at ground level to adjacent locations within HKCEC’s management, tentatively to a garden to the west of the existing HKCEC Old Wing (Phase I) near Grand Hyatt Hotel;


Construction Phase


6.11      Appearance and view considerations:

·         Frequent liaison with hotel operators on hoardings and partition walls for screening the construction;

·         Suitable access for construction workers to reach construction areas without passing through the hotels and the existing HKCEC;

·         Careful selection of construction floodlights to avoid light pollution.


6.12      Existing Tree Protection:

·         Protection to existing trees in vicinity to construction areas and to temporary works areas.


Operational Phase


6.13      Appearance and view considerations:

·         Provision of interior visual screens or rearrangement of layouts within various areas of the hotel premises to avoid the view of the proposed project;


6.14      The implementation for the recommended landscape and visual impact mitigation measures is presented in Appendix B.