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Table 11.1         Recommended Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project



Preliminary Assessment

Recommended Mitigation


HKSM and City Bus Depot


-   Low archaeological potential due to meandering of extensive river within the HKSM area

-   Few archaeological investigations undertaken

-   Minimal existing impacts


Archaeological survey should be undertaken at some of the footing locations at the entry plaza

Ocean Park Car Park at Lowland

-   Similar to HKSM, low archaeological potential

-   Few archaeological investigations undertaken

-   Extensive site formation and development involved for existing use

-   The existing impacts have resulted in such disturbance rendering the potential for archaeology in situ minimal.


No further action


Ocean Park-



-   Medium archaeological potential

-   No previous archaeological investigation

-   Thick fill and debris flow deposits according to bore hole data

-   Extensive development and landscaping


No further action


Ocean Park-




-   No archaeological potential

-   Extensive development


No further action


Ocean Park-

Tai Shue Wan



-   No archaeological potential of the hill slopes at Tai Shue Wan


No further action