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Table 11.2         Adverse Impacts to Historical Buildings during the Construction Phase


Minimum Distance

(Works Boundary)

Adverse Impacts

Buildings in Wong Chuk Hang San Wai (AAHB-900 to 915)


100 metres (works associated with construction of new back of house facilities and entry plaza)

None, as the works will be carried out at a sufficient distance from the village such that standard vibration level limits will be acceptable for the historical structures in the village.

Buddhist Blessing Stone near Wong Chuk Hang San Wai (AAHB-916)

60 metres (works associated with construction of new back of house facilities and entry plaza)

None, as the resource contains no fragile structural elements and works are located at a sufficient distance to prevent any vibration impacts.

Old Military Buildings on Nam Long Shan Road

(AAHB-917 to 920)


There are no major works planned in the vicinity of the structures. Ongoing slope improvement works may be required in the vicinity of the buildings.


Blasting for summit site formation and tunnel portal are located at approximately 12 metres from the buildings.

There will be no direct impacts to the structures. The buildings were constructed directly into the hillside and contain no delicate structural features, the windows and doors are modern. The structures will not be impacted by ongoing slope works in their vicinity.

As the four buildings have been undergoing regular maintenance and contain no fragile architectural elements, the blasting programme will  not cause any adverse impacts to the buildings.