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Table 11.4         Adverse Impacts to Historical Buildings during the Operation Phase


Minimum distance to Proposed development

Intervening Landscape

Adverse Impacts

Buildings in Wong Chuk Hang San Wai

(AAHB-900 to 915)


100 metres

Wooded area in front of village which borders Wong Chuk Hang Road (Expressway), extension road and associated landscaped area.

None, as all works are located on the opposite side of the existing Wong Chuk Hang Road (an expressway) and will not infringe upon the wooded area in front of the village.

Buddhist Blessing Stone (Wong Chuk Hang San Wai) (AAHB-916)

60 metres

Shrine is located in wooded area next to Wong Chuk Hang Road

None, as all works are located on the opposite side of the existing Wong Chuk Hang road (expressway) and will not infringe on the wooded area containing the stone.

Old Military Buildings on Nam Long Shan Road

(AAHB-917 to 920)

There are no works planned in the immediate vicinity of the buildings.

Wooded hillside and Nam Long Shan Road

No adverse environmental impact will arise.