Table 15.1 Project
Implementation Schedule
EIA Ref. |
EM&A Ref. |
Recommended Mitigation Measures |
Objectives of the Recommended Measure & Main Concern to Address |
Who to implement the measure? |
Location of the measure |
When to implement the measure? |
What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve? |
A |
Noise Impact |
S 3.124 |
S 2.26 |
Good Site Practice: § Only well-maintained plant should
be operated on-site and plant should be serviced regularly during the
construction program § Silencers or mufflers on
construction equipment should be utilized and should be properly maintained
during the construction program § Mobile plant, if any, should be
sited as far from NSRs as possible § Machines and plant (such as
trucks) that may be in intermittent use should be shut down between work
periods or should be throttled down to a minimum § Plant known to emit noise strongly
in one direction should, wherever possible, be orientated so that the noise
is directed away from the nearby NSRs § Material stockpiles and other
structures should be effectively utilised, wherever practicable, in screening
noise from on-site construction activities. |
To reduce construction noise
impact |
Contractor |
Works area |
Construction phase |
S 3.125 |
S 2.27 |
Use of quieter plant for the following tasks: (a) Funicular
Railway -
Site Clearance, Tunnel Excavation, Tunnel Portal
Construction, Piling for Station and Station Construction (b) -
Site Clearance, Demolition, Ground Contamination
Clean Up, Realignment of Ocean
Park Road, Drainage Diversion, Sewerage Diversion, Site Formation &
Excavation, Piling Works and Superstructure Construction (c) -
Site Clearance, Demolition, Slopeworks, Site
Formation & Excavation, Piling Works and Superstructure Construction (d) Whisker’s
Harbour -
Site Clearance, Demolition, Site Formation, Piling
Works and Superstructure Construction (e) Back of
House - Waterfront -
Site Clearance, Demolition, Site Formation and
Superstructure Construction |
To reduce construction
noise impacts |
Contractor |
Works area |
Construction phase |
S 3.126-S 3.128 |
S2.28-2.29 |
Use of movable noise barrier for the following tasks: (a) Funicular
Railway -
Site clearance, tunnel excavation, tunnel portal
construction, piling for station and station construction (b) -
Site clearance, demolition, ground contamination clean
up, realignment of Ocean Park
Road, drainage diversion, sewerage diversion, site formation & excavation,
piling works and superstructure construction (c) -
Site clearance, demolition, slopeworks, site formation
& excavation, piling works and superstructure construction (d) Whisker’s
Harbour -
Site clearance, demolition, site formation, piling works
and superstructure construction (e) Back of
House - Waterfront - Site clearance,
demolition, site formation and superstructure construction |
To reduce construction
noise impacts |
Contractor |
Works area |
Construction phase |
S 3.131-3.132 |
S2.30 |
Construction works to be
undertaken close to the school NSRs should be rescheduled during the
examination period. The following
construction activities should be avoided during examination period: (a) -
Demolition, realignment of (b) - Demolition, slopeworks, piling works and superstructure construction |
To reduce construction
noise impacts |
Contractor |
Works area |
Construction phase |
S 3.134 |
S2.31 |
To minimise noise nuisance from blasting, the
following mitigation measures should be implemented: Ÿ
The Contractor shall establish a communication channel with
the nearest NSRs to liaise on the blasting schedule and inform them of any
scheduled blasting in advance. Ÿ
Sufficient time shall be allowed for alerting all the
potential sensitive receivers through established channel of communication
prior to blasting. Ÿ
Proper procedures shall be put in place to alert and
minimise any startling effect on the staff working in |
To minimise noise nuisance
from blasting |
Contractor |
- |
Construction phase |
- |
S 3.136 |
S2.32 |
The following shall be
considered as far as possible in the detailed design of fixed plant: (a)
Choose quieter plant such as those which have been effectively
silenced. (b)
Include noise levels specification when ordering new plant (including
rides, E/M equipment and PA system). (c)
Locate fixed plant away from any NSRs as far as practicable. (d)
Locate fixed plant in plant rooms with thick walls or specially
designed enclosure (e)
Locate noisy machines in basement or a completely separate building (f)
Develop and implement a regularly scheduled plant
maintenance programme in order to maintain controlled level of noise. |
To reduce fixed plant
noise impact |
Whole Site |
Design and operation
phases |
S 3.138 |
S2.34 |
The following factors shall be taken into account in the detailed design of the loudspeaker system as
far as possible: (a)
The system should comprise a cluster of small power loudspeaker
instead of a few large-power loudspeakers. (b)
The speakers should be distributed throughout the spectator area
rather than being clustered at one end of the stage or directly pointing to
NSRs, and should be placed closer to audience. (c)
Directional speakers should be used and oriented to point towards the audience
and away from the nearby NSRs. (d)
The system so provided should comply with relevant statutory noise
criteria and at the same time the entire system will provide sufficient
direct sound when considering the intelligibility of a sound system. (e)
Upon completion of system installation, sound tests to be witnessed by
independent qualified professionals of IEC shall be conducted to demonstrate
the loudspeaker system will satisfy the acoustic design requirements
mentioned above. |
To reduce entertainment
noise impacts |
Whole Site |
Design and operation
phases |
S 3.141 |
S2.37 |
Implement the following good management practices during rehearsals
and shows: (a) Conduct noise monitoring during rehearsals and shows (b) Set up a complaint hotline (c) Distribute advance notice to nearby NSRs |
To reduce entertainment
noise impacts |
Whole Site |
Design and operation
phases |
S 3.140 |
S2.36 |
Conduct a review study of fixed noise source impact based on detailed
design available in later stage.
The study should include a review of audio levels required for meeting
both the operational need for the lagoon night show and statutory noise
control requirements. |
To ensure fixed noise
source impact would be acceptable |
- |
Detailed design stage |
S 3.142 |
S2.38 |
As a fall back option, should non-compliance of EIAO-TM noise limit at
NSRs be identified for the lagoon night show, interim measures such as
turning down/off music volume would be implemented before long-term measures
such as redesigning show with no music/lower music volume are in place. |
To ensure fixed noise
source impact would be acceptable |
- |
Operation phase |
B |
Landscape and Visual Impacts |
Table 4.8 |
S3.9 |
Due consideration on
existing surrounding vegetation during construction: (a) set up temporary tree nurseries (c) hill fire prevention (d) dust and erosion control for exposed soil (f) quarterly report on existing trees to be retained
or transplanted, with photographic record |
To minimize landscape
impact |
Whole Site |
Construction Phase |
Table 4.8 |
S3.10 |
Appearance and view
considerations: |
To minimize visual impact |
Whole Site |
Construction Phase |
Table 4.8 |
S3.12 |
Inspection/ supervision
by qualified resident site staff. |
To minimize landscape and
visual impacts |
Whole Site |
Construction Phase |
Table 4.8 |
S3.13 |
Ensure provision of compensatory planting at a min 1:1 ratio. |
To minimize landscape and
visual impacts |
Whole Site |
Operation Phase |
EIAO-TM ETWBC 14/2002 |
Table 4.8 |
S3.15 |
1-year establishment period to ensure high quality and good
maintenance of soft landscape works. |
To minimize landscape
impact |
Contractor |
Whole Site |
Operation Phase |
Table 4.8 |
S3.14 |
Minimize disturbance to existing roadside trees outside the new Park boundary. |
To minimize landscape and
visual impact |
Whole Site |
Operation Phase |
Table 4.8 |
S3.7 |
Good soft landscape
design: |
To minimize landscape and
visual impacts |
Whole Site |
Design Phase |
Table 4.8 |
S3.8 |
Good hard landscape/
architectural design: (b) consideration of design input for the
retaining wall (e) avoidance
of glare of large building forms and outdoor hard paved areas |
To minimize visual impact |
Whole Site |
Design Phase |
Table 4.8 S 4.56 |
3.9 |
A competent person,
trained in theory and practice of outdoor lighting and illumination
requirements and lighting systems will be employed to design the overall
lighting strategy to avoid night-time glare |
To ensure there will be
no unacceptable night-time glare impact. |
Whole site |
Design phase |
C |
Ecological Impact |
5.133 |
S4.7 |
The design of conveyor belt system and the location of
tunnel has been considered to avoid impact to potential nest sites in the
tall shrubland habitat at Tai Shue Wan Area where possible. |
avoid impact to impact potential nest sites in the tall shrubland habitat at
Tai Shue Wan |
nest sites in the tall shrubland habitat at Tai Shue Wan |
Phase |
5.133 |
S4.7 |
The site clearance works before excavation in the Headland
Area shall commence before the breeding season of Black Kite (from October to May) and there shall not be any direct impact on
nesting activities. |
avoid impact to any nesting Black Kite in the excavation site |
Contractor |
Shrubland in the excavation site of the Headland Area |
Phase |
5.134 |
S4.7 |
Existing man-made freshwater ponds, one located in Tai
Shue Wan and another one in Lowland Area would be preserved to avoid
disturbance of the roosting site of birds such as Black crowned Pond Heron. |
To avoid disturbance of the
roosting site of birds |
Existing man-made freshwater ponds, one located in
Tai Shue Wan and another one in Lowland Area |
Phase |
5.135 |
S4.7 |
The design of construction works have been considered to
minimise impacts to the more valuable areas such as the existing shrubland
habitat. The proposed funicular train at the Headland area would be
in tunnel to minimise impacts to natural terrain. |
minimize impacts to the more valuable areas |
site |
Phase |
5.136 |
4.7, S4.10 |
All excavation works carried out close to water bodies shall
be carefully controlled to avoid runoff entering
watercourses, especially during periods of heavy rain. Site runoff shall be directed towards regularly
cleaned and maintained silt traps and where appropriate, oil/grease
separators to minimise risk of sedimentation and pollution. Suitable size / capacity silt
traps and oil/grease interceptors shall be used. Coral monitoring shall be implemented |
minimise sedimentation/ water quality impacts in order to minimise
disturbance to freshwater
habitats and marine ecological sensitive receivers (coral communities) |
Contractor |
site |
Phase |
Note PN 1/94 |
5.137 |
4.7 |
Noise mitigation measures including the use of
quiet excavation methods, quiet construction plant and temporary noise barriers
shall be implemented. |
To minimise disturbance
to habitats adjacent to the works areas. |
Contractor |
site |
Phase |
5.138 |
4.7 |
Vegetation survey and subsequent transplantation of
locally uncommon or restricted species (i.e. Long Tentacle Orchid,
Sword-leaved Orchid, Green-flowered Rattlesnake-Plantain, Cycad-fern Balloon
Flower and Chinese Lily) shall be carried out to determine the feasibility
and suitability of individual plants for transplantation. Receptor sites shall be identified. Transplantation shall be supervised by a suitably
qualified botanist/ horticulturist. A detailed transplantation methodology shall be
formulated during the detailed design stage based on the information
collected during the detailed vegetation survey. |
To protect plant species of conservation interest |
Contractor and qualified botanist/
horticulturist/ ecologist |
and low shrubland habitat affected by proposed works |
Phase |
5.139 |
S4.7 |
or stockpile shall only be in designated works areas wherever practicable. Access
routes shall be selected as far as practicable on existing disturbed land. |
minimise disturbance to habitats. |
Contractor |
site |
Phase |
5.139 |
4.7 |
activities shall be restricted to designated works areas. |
minimise disturbance to natural habitats outside works area. |
Contractor |
site |
Phase |
5.139 |
4.7 |
works areas shall be reinstated immediately after completion of works. |
minimise disturbance to habitats. |
Contractor |
site |
Phase |
5.139 |
4.7 |
skips shall be provided to collect general refuse and construction wastes. The
wastes shall be disposed of timely and properly off-site. |
minimise disturbance to habitats. |
Contractor |
site |
Phase |
S5.139 |
S4.7 |
Drainage arrangements shall
include sediment traps to collect and control construction run-off |
minimise disturbance to habitats. |
Contractor |
site |
Phase |
5.139 |
S4.7 |
burning on works sites is illegal, and shall be strictly enforced. |
prevent accidental hill-fires. |
Contractor |
site |
Phase |
5.139 |
S4.7 |
works on newly formed land will as far as possible make use of native plant
species. |
enhance ecological value of landscaped areas. |
Contractor |
site |
Phase |
S 5.140 |
S4.7 |
Trees located within the
works areas shall be preserved as far as practicable. |
To protect plant species of conservation interest |
Contractor and qualified botanist/
horticulturist |
site |
Phase |
S 5.141 |
S4.7 |
The loss of |
mitigate loss of tall shrubland habitat |
Contractor and qualified botanist/
horticulturist |
site |
Phase or Pre-construction Phase |
D |
Waste Management Implications |
S6.31 |
S5.4 |
Good site practices: § Nomination of an
approved person, such as a site manager, to be responsible for good site
practices, arrangements for collection and effective disposal to an
appropriate facility, of all wastes generated at the site § Training of site
personnel in proper waste management and chemical handling procedures § Provision of sufficient
waste disposal points and regular collection of waste § Appropriate measures to
minimise windblown litter and dust during transportation of waste by either
covering trucks or by transporting wastes in enclosed containers § Regular cleaning and
maintenance programme for drainage systems, sumps and oil interceptors. |
To reduce waste
management impacts |
Contractor |
Works area |
Construction phase |
S6.32 |
S5.5 |
Waste reduction measures: § Sort C&D waste from
demolition and decommissioning of the existing facilities to recover
recyclable portions such as metals § Segregation and storage
of different types of waste in different containers, skips or stockpiles to
enhance reuse or recycling of materials and their proper disposal § Encourage collection of
aluminium cans by providing separate labelled bins to enable this waste to be
segregated from other general refuse generated by the work force § Proper storage and site
practices to minimise the potential for damage or contamination of
construction materials § Plan and stock
construction materials carefully to minimise amount of waste generated and avoid
unnecessary generation of waste. |
To achieve waste
reduction |
Contractor |
Works area |
Construction phase |
S6.34 -S6.35 |
S5.7-5.8 |
General refuse: § General refuse should
be stored in enclosed bins or compaction units separate from C&D
material. A reputable waste
collector should be employed by the contractor to remove general refuse from
the site, separately from C&D material. Preferably an enclosed and covered
area should be provided to reduce the occurrence of 'wind blown' light
material. § In order to minimise
impacts resulting from collection and transportation of C&D material for
off-site disposal, the excavated materials arising from site formation and
tunnel construction should be reused on-site as backfilling material and for
landscaping works as far as practicable.
In addition, volcanic rock generated from the tunnelling works should
be subject to beneficial re-use. Other mitigation requirements are listed
below: o
A Waste Management Plan should be prepared o
A recording system for the amount of wastes generated,
recycled and disposed (including the disposal sites) should be used. o
In order to monitor the disposal of C&D and solid
wastes at public filling facilities and landfills, and to control
fly-tipping, a trip-ticket system (e.g. ETWB TCW No. 31/2004) should be
included. |
To minimize environmental
impacts during the handling, transportation and disposal of general refuse |
Contractor |
Works area |
Construction phase |
ETWB TCW No.19/2005 ETWB TCW No.31/2004 ETWBTC(W) No.19/2005. |
S6.36 |
S5.9 |
Chemical waste: Contractor would be required to
register with the EPD as a chemical waste producer and to follow the
guidelines stated in the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and
Storage of Chemical Wastes.
Good quality containers compatible
with the chemical wastes should be used, and incompatible chemicals should be
stored separately. Appropriate
labels should be securely attached on each chemical waste container
indicating the corresponding chemical characteristics of the waste, such as
explosive, flammable, oxidizing, irritant, toxic, harmful, corrosive,
etc. The Contractor shall use a
licensed collector to transport and dispose of the chemical wastes, either to the
approved Chemical Waste Treatment Centre, or another licensed facility, in accordance
with the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation |
To minimize environmental
impacts during the handling, transportation and disposal of chemical refuse |
Contractor |
Works area |
Construction phase |
Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General)
Regulation |
E |
Land Contamination |
S 7.40 - S 7.42 S 7.44 S 7.49 |
S6.4-6.5 |
The excavated soil contaminated with TPH should be disposal of at
landfill following the recommendation in the RAP. A further study, Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) testing, should be conducted to determine the leachability (hence the toxic risk) of the soil with elevated level of metals following the
recommendation in the RAP. As a
conservative approach, treatment by cement solidification/ stabilisation
should be conducted following the procedure in the RAP. |
To clean up any
identified contaminated land where the ground will be disturbed by the
proposed works. |
Exiting site user at
Citybus Depot (CBD) /Project Proponent |
CBD Site |
Prior to the commencement
of site clearance and construction works |
“Guidance Notes for Investigation and
Remediation of Contaminated Sites of Petrol Filling Stations, Boatyards, and
Car Repair/Dismantling Workshops” published by EPD, HKSAR EPD ProPECC Note No.
3/94 Universal Treatment
Standard by USEPA for TCLP Test Remediation Action Plan
attached in the EIA. |
S 7.25 - S 7.26 S7.57, S7.72, S7.75 |
S6.6-6.8 |
A Contamination Assessment Plan
(CAP) detailing the sampling location and the sampling & testing schedule
should be submitted for EPD’s approval. Site investigation works should be
carried out at Hong Kong School of Motoring (HKSM) site in accordance with
the CAP. A Contamination Assessment Report
(CAR) should be compiled after completing the SI works following the requirements
in the CAP. The CAR should compare the
findings with relevant standards and provide interpretation of the laboratory
analysis. If land contamination is
confirmed, a Remediation Action Plan (RAP) should be drawn up to formulate
necessary remedial measures. The subsequent CAR and RAP should be endorsed by
EPD before implementation of any remedial works. If the soil is contaminated with
heavy metals or organic contaminants, the recommendation for handling such
contaminated soil in the EIA should be followed. i.e. by biopiling (if TPH
exceedance found in the SI) and/or cement solidification/stabilisation (if
heavy metals exceedance found in the SI). Remediation treatment could be
carried out at either Tai Shue Wan or the open space In the case that the heavy metal
contaminated soil volume is small, treatment by CS/S could be conducted in
the HKSM site. The soil treated by biopiling or
CS/S should be finally re-used on-site as backfill materials. |
To clean up any
identified contaminated land where the ground will be disturbed by the
proposed works. |
Site: Existing site user or other responsible parties (under
Scenario A) N.B. Details of the
Scenario descriptions are referred to EIA Sections 7.24 – 7.25 & 7.61
-7.66. |
HKSM Site |
Prior to the commencement
of site clearance and construction works (under Scenario A). |
“Guidance Notes for Investigation and
Remediation of Contaminated Sites of Petrol Filling Stations, Boatyards, and
Car Repair/Dismantling Workshops” published by EPD, HKSAR EPD ProPECC Note No.
3/94 Dutch “B” standard for soil remediation |
S7.62 to S7.64. |
S6.9-6.10 |
whole HKSM site would initially be fenced off and the suspected contaminated
area would be fully demarcated and isolated. Site investigation (SI) works
would be carried out at the HKSM site in accordance with the
CAP. Once
the SI results are available, the potential contaminated area could be
identified and the fenced-off area could be adjusted to isolate only the area
of contamination. No work would be undertaken within the fenced off area. The
design of the new entry plaza and access road would be modified so as to accommodate
this fenced off area in its layout and to limit access to, as well as
circulation around it. |
To identify and isolate the
potentially contaminated area to ensure there would be no risk to the general
public |
Project Proponent (under
Scenario B) N.B. Details of the
Scenario descriptions are referred to EIA Sections 7.24 – 7.25 & 7.61
-7.66. |
Prior to the commencement
of site clearance and construction works (under Scenario B). |
“Guidance Notes for Investigation and Remediation
of Contaminated Sites of Petrol Filling Stations, Boatyards, and Car
Repair/Dismantling Workshops” published by EPD, HKSAR EPD ProPECC Note No.
3/94 |
S 7.76 |
S6.11 |
Mitigation measures for handling of the contaminated materials: ·
Construction workers' potential contact with contaminated
materials should be minimised by using bulk earth-moving excavator equipment; ·
Exposure to any contaminated materials should be minimised
by wearing appropriate clothing and personal protective equipment such as
gloves and masks (when interacting directly with suspected contaminated
material), providing adequate hygiene and washing facilities and preventing
smoking and eating during such activities; ·
Stockpiling of contaminated excavated materials on site
should be avoided as far as possible; ·
The use of contaminated soil for landscaping should be
prohibited unless there is proper treatment of soil; ·
Vehicles containing any excavated materials should be
suitably covered to limit potential dust emissions or contaminated wastewater
run-off, and truck bodies and tailgates should be sealed to prevent any
discharge during transport or during wet conditions; ·
Only licensed waste haulers should be used to collect and
transport any contaminated material to an appropriate disposal site and
procedures should be developed to ensure that illegal disposal of waste does
not occur; ·
Speed control for the trucks carrying contaminated
materials should be enforced. ·
The necessary waste disposal permits should be obtained,
as required, from the appropriate authorities, in accordance with the Waste
Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354), Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General)
Regulation (Cap 35), as required; ·
Records of the quantities of wastes generated and disposed
of should be maintained; and ·
In accordance with good construction practice, silt traps
should be used to reduce the impact to drainage caused by suspended solids
arising from disturbed ground, or any construction materials such as cement
and gravel. Wastewater, surface runoff or extracted groundwater should be
disposed of in accordance with the WPCO. |
To minimise the
potentially adverse effects on the health and safety of construction workers
and the impacts arising from the disposal of potentially contaminated
materials. |
The Contractor |
Within the HKSM/CBD
Sites/Remediation Site |
During the site
investigation and excavation of contaminated soil (if any). |
Waste Disposal Ordinance Waste Disposal (Chemical
Waste) (General) Regulation Water Pollution Control
Ordinance |
S 7.78 |
S6.12 |
If biopiling and cement solidification/stabilisation
processes are carried out, the following mitigation
measures shall be implemented: Air
Quality Impact §
Biopile should be covered by tarpaulin or low permeable
sheet to avoid dust emission; §
Vented air from biopile should be
connected to blower and carbon adsorption system for treatment before release
to the atmosphere. Exhaust air from the blower and carbon adsorption system
should be monitored regularly §
The materials which may generate airborne dust emissions
e.g. untreated contaminated soil
should be adequately wetted prior to and during the loading, unloading
and handling operations Noise Impact §
Silencers should be installed at biopile blower to
minimise noise impact; §
Quiet plant shall be used for
biopile treatment such as generator, blower, etc. Water Quality Impact §
Impermeable liners should be placed at the bottom of
biopile and leachate collection sump should be constructed along the
perimeter of biopile to minimise contaminated run-off. The leachate should be recycled back
to the biopile or trucked away to Chemical Wastes Treatment Centre for
disposal; §
Mixing of contaminated soils and cement/water/other
additive(s) should be undertaken at a solidification plant to minimise the
potential for leaching; §
Run-off from the solidification/stabilisation area should
be prevented by constructing a concrete bund along the perimeter; Waste Management §
The loading, unloading, handling, transfer and storage of
cement should be carried out in an enclosed system; §
The contaminated soils should be transported by roll-off
trucks (containerisation). This
provides the most effective way to control the handling of contaminated soil
and minimise the chance of spillage/ leakage during transportation. §
Mixing process and other associated material handling
activities should be properly scheduled to minimise potential noise impact. Visual Impact §
Temporary hoarding should be
provided around the treatment area in order to minimize the visual impact. |
To reduce the potentially
adverse effects on the health and safety of construction workers and the
environment during remediation. |
The Contractor |
Remediation site |
During soil treatment |
Waste Disposal Ordinance Waste Disposal (Chemical
Waste) (General) Regulation Water Pollution Control
Ordinance Air Pollution
Control(Construction Dust) Regulation Noise Control Ordinance Occupational Safety &
Health Ordinance; Guidelines on Occupational Exposure |
EIA Ref. |
EM&A Ref. |
Recommended Mitigation Measures |
Objectives of the Recommended Measure & Main Concern to Address |
Who to implement the measure? |
Location of the measure |
When to implement the measure? |
What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve? |
F |
Air Quality Impact |
S8.42 |
S7.23 |
measures stipulated in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust)
Regulation and good site practices including but not limited to the following shall be implemented: § Use of regular
watering, with complete coverage, to reduce dust emissions from exposed site
surfaces and unpaved roads, particularly during dry weather. § Use of frequent
watering for particularly dusty construction areas, temporary stockpiles and
areas close to ASRs. § Side enclosure and
covering of any aggregate or dusty material storage piles to reduce
emissions. Where this is not
practicable owing to frequent usage, watering shall be applied to aggregate
fines. § Open stockpiles shall
be avoided or covered. Where
possible, prevent placing dusty material storage piles near ASRs. § Restricting heights from
which materials are dropped, as far as practicable to minimise the fugitive
dust arising from unloading/ loading. § Tarpaulin covering of
all dusty vehicle loads transported to, from and between site locations. § Use of vehicle wheel
and body washing facilities at the exit points of the site. § Provision of wind
shield and dust extraction units or similar dust mitigation measures at the
loading points, and use of water sprinklers at the loading area where dust
generation is likely during the loading process of loose material,
particularly in dry seasons/ periods. § Imposition of speed
controls for vehicles on unpaved site roads. Ten kilometers per hour is the
recommended limit. § Dusty activities should
be re-scheduled if high-wind conditions are encountered. § Where possible, routing
of vehicles and positioning of construction plant should be at the maximum
possible distance from ASRs. § Implementation of an environmental monitoring and auditing program to monitor the construction process in order to enforce controls and modify method of work if dusty conditions arise. |
To ensure compliance with
the guideline level and AQO. |
The Contractor |
Construction Site |
Construction phase |
S8.43 |
S7.24 |
Drilling & blasting activities: §
Watering on the exposed area after blasting §
Use of vacuum extraction drilling methods §
Carefully sequenced blasting §
Firing of explosive shall be
carried out in
the morning prior to opening of the Park. |
To reduce the emissions from drilling & blasting
activities |
The Contractor |
Construction Site |
Construction phase |
S8.44 |
S7.25 |
Temporary crusher: §
Water sprays on the crusher. §
Fabric filters installed for the crushing plant. §
When transferring materials from crusher to the conveyors,
chutes or dust curtains would be used for controlling dust. |
To reduce dust emission from crusher plant |
The Contractor |
Construction Site |
Construction phase |
S.8.45 |
S7.26 |
Barging point and conveyor belt
system: §
The conveyors would be placed within a totally enclosed
structure (see Figure 3.5 and 3.6). §
Profiled steel cladding would be provided at two sides of
loading point. §
Dust suppression sprays would be installed and operated in
strategic locations at the feeding inlet and outlet. §
The transfer points would be placed within a totally
enclosed structure, e.g. enclosed chute.
All transfer points to and from conveyors would be enclosed. Flexible curtain shall be hung on the
enclosed chute to prevent dust emission when excavated materials/ rocks are
loaded into the barge. |
To reduce the dust emissions from barging point and
conveyor belt system |
The Contractor |
Construction Site |
Construction phase |
S8.46 |
S7.27 |
Suitable buffer zone
from major construction activity shall be provided as far as possible. The
works areas shall be fenced off with hoarding. The height of hoarding should not be
less than |
To prevent construction dust impacts affecting the
visitors in the Park |
The Contractor |
Construction Sites |
Construction phase |
G |
Water Quality Impact |
S9.44 |
S8.3 |
Construction Site
Run-off and Drainage: · Before commencing any
site formation work, all sewer and drainage connections should be sealed to
prevent debris, soil, sand etc. from entering public sewers/drains. · Temporary ditches
should be provided to facilitate run-off discharge into appropriate
watercourses, via appropriately sized/ designed silt retention pond or
similar structure. No site
run-off should enter artificial ponds.
Cut-off ditches should be provided for all major site clearance/
excavation works where soils would be exposed so that instances of
uncontrolled run-off from exposed areas would be minimized. As well as channels, earth/ concrete
bunds and/ or sand bags, as appropriate, should be deployed to direct surface
run-off towards channels.
Catchpits and perimeter channels should be constructed in advance of
relevant site formation works. · Boundaries of
earthworks should be marked and surrounded by dykes or embankments for flood
protection, as necessary. · Sand/silt removal
facilities such as sand/silt traps and sediment basins should be provided to
remove sand/silt particles from runoff to meet the requirements of the
Technical Memorandum standard under the Water Pollution Control
Ordinance. The design of silt removal
facilities should be based on the guidelines provided in ProPECC PN
1/94. All drainage facilities and
erosion and sediment control structures should be inspected monthly and
maintained to ensure proper and efficient operation at all times and particularly
during rainstorms. · Silt removal facilities,
channels and manholes should be maintained and the deposited silt and grit
should be regularly removed, at the onset of and after each rainstorm to
ensure that these facilities are functioning properly at all times. · exposed soil surfaces should
be covered, · Water pumped out from
foundation excavations should be discharged into silt removal facilities. · If excavation cannot be
avoided during rainy seasons, temporarily exposed slope/soil surfaces should
be covered by a tarpaulin or other means, as far as practicable, and
temporary access roads should be protected by crushed stone or gravel, as
excavation proceeds. Interceptiong channels should be provided (e.g. along
the crest/ edge of the excavation) to prevent storm runoff from washing
across exposed soil surfaces.
Arrangements should always be inplace to ensure that adequate surface
protection measures can be safely carried out well before the arrival of a
rainstorm.. Other measures that
need to be implemented before, during and after rainstorms are summarized in
ProPECC PN 1/94. · Exposed soil areas
should be minimized to reduce potential for increased siltation and
contamination of runoff. · Earthwork final
surfaces should be well compacted and subsequent permanent work or surface
protection should be immediately performed. Appropriate intercepting channels
should be provided where necessary.
Rainwater pumped out from trenches or excavations should be directed
to silt removal facilities before discharge. · Open stockpiles of
construction materials or construction wastes on-site of more than |
To minimize water quality
impacts |
Contractor |
Works area |
Construction phase |
ProPECC PN 1/94
Construction Site Drainage Technical Memorandum standard under the Water
Pollution Control Ordinance |
9.45 |
8.4 |
· Locate the construction phase discharge point at
the outlet of the existing · Sand/ silt removal facilities with enhanced performance shall be
employed for treatment of runoff from the major excavation at the · To minimize the water quality impact during rainy seasons,
a silt curtain system shall be used to enclose the
construction phase discharge point at Tai Shue Wan. · The contractor shall set out and agree with EPD the
specific measures, and any additional measures, in a site run-off management
plan, before commencement of construction activities during the wet season. |
To minimize water quality
impacts |
Contractor |
Tai Shue Wan near the
existing Middle Kingdom Major excavation areas at
the At the proposed
construction phase discharge point at Tai Shue Wan Not applicable |
Construction phase |
Technical Memorandum standard under the Water
Pollution Control Ordinance |
S9.45-S9.46 |
S8.3 |
Construction Activities: · Debris
and refuse generated on-site should be collected, handled and disposed of
properly to avoid entering any nearby water bodies and public drainage
system. Stockpiles of cement and
other construction materials should be kept covered when not being used. ·
Oils and fuels should only be used and
stored in designated areas which have pollution prevention facilities. To prevent spillage of fuels and
solvents to nearby water bodies and public drains, all fuel tanks and storage
areas should be provided with locks and be sited on sealed areas, within
bunds of a capacity equal to 110% of the storage capacity of the largest
tank. The bund should be drained
of rainwater after a rain event. |
To minimize water quality
impacts |
Contractor |
Works area |
Construction phase |
S9.47 |
Sewage from Construction Workforce: ·
Temporary sanitary facilities, such as
portable chemical toilets, should be employed on-site where necessary to
handle sewage from the workforce.
A licensed contractor would be responsible for appropriate disposal of
waste matter and maintenance of these facilities. |
To minimize water quality
impacts |
Contractor |
Works area |
Construction phase |
Water Pollution Control
Ordinance |
9.48 |
S8.4 |
Ozone should be the primary disinfectant used in the
marine life pools and aquariums.
Chlorine should only be used as a back-up. When chlorine is used in pool water
subject to discharge direct to sea, the discharge shall be less than §
Mechanical cleaning of pools shall be used to reduce the
need to drain the pools for manual cleaning §
Filter backwash water shall be discharged only to foul
sewer after passing through an effluent holding tank. §
Sludge accumulating in effluent holding tanks shall be
pumped out and removed from site by a licensed contractor §
Discharges to public sewer or to the sea shall comply with
the requirements of the relevant effluent discharge license § There shall be no discharge of sewage or cooling water to sea |
To reduce potential
operational phase water quality impact |
Whole site |
Operational phase |
Water Pollution Control
Ordinance |
9.49 |
S8.5 |
Control of non-point source discharges: §
Where possible, surface run-off shall be collected into
artificial ponds at the Park, to be re-used for irrigation water on
landscaped areas §
Potentially toxic chemicals including pesticides should
not be applied during heavy rainfall, or if heavy rainfall were to be
forecast imminently §
Surface run-off shall not be discharged direct to sea but
shall pass through trenches or catch pits containing loose soil or other
porous media to act as a delay to the “first-flush” run-off and to provide a
certain amount of additional adsorption capacity §
Environmental friendly fertilisers and pesticides should
be selected where available in the market, either consisting of natural
products and/ or having a rapid degradation half life of three days or less §
chemicals should be selected that have a low toxicity to
non-target animals |
To reduce potential water
quality impact |
Whole site |
Operational phase |
Water Pollution Control
Ordinance |
H |
Sewerage and Sewage Implications |
S10.43, S10.44-S10.45 S10.46
S10.52 |
S9.3-9.4 |
Upgrading of the sewers is proposed for the redevelopment
project. |
To reduce impact to the
existing sewer |
Government |
Relevant sections of the
existing sewers (outside |
Design and Construction
phase |
DSD Sewerage Manual |
I |
Heritage Impact |
S 11.54 |
S10.3 |
Conduct archaeological investigation at the HKSM
and Citybus Depot sites. |
of presence or absence of archaeological deposits |
archaeologist |
Kong |
Prior to
construction phase |
S11.106 |
S10.4 |
Removing of pavement and artificial layers in
areas identified for Archaeological Investigation |
archaeological investigation |
Contractor |
areas of archaeological investigation at |
Prior to
archaeological investigation |
S11.106 |
S10.4 |
Fence off any test pits for archaeological investigation |
public safety through fencing of the site. |
contractor |
areas of archaeological investigation at |
During Archaeological
investigation |
S11.10311.108 |
S10.5 |
If any works are planned within one metre of the
grave, a one metre buffer zone should be provided around the grave,
demarcated by a temporary fence. |
the grave from damage during construction works |
Contractor |
of |
phase |
J |
Hazard to Life |
12.15 |
S11.3 |
The blasting activities shall be inspected and audited at practical intervals to ensure that the assumptions and recommendations from the Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) study and the safeguards and recommendations from the systematic hazard identification are consistently implemented in accordance with the intent of the hazard to life assessment. |
To ensure risk would be
within acceptable levels |
Works area |
Construction phase |