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Table 5.5b      Evaluation of Faunal Species of Conservation Interest Recorded Within Assessment Area


Common Name

Scientific Name

Conservation Status*

Protection Status**, Distribution


Little Egret

Egretta garzetta


Locally common and widespread. Large secure population of regional significance.

Pacific Reef Egret

Egretta sacra


Locally common and widespread but has restricted breeding population.

Chinese Pond Heron

Ardeola bacchus


Locally common and widespread. Large local population is declining.

Black-crowned Night Heron

Nycticorax nycticorax


Locally common and widespread but has restricted breeding population.

Yellow Bittern

Ixobrychus sinensis


Locally common and widespread but declining and has restricted breeding population.

White-bellied Sea Eagle

Haliaeetus leucogaster


Class II protected species under mainland legislation. Locally uncommon.

Black Kite

Milvus migrans


Class II protected species under mainland legislation. Locally common and widespread but with restricted roosting and breeding sites.

Crested Goshawk

Accipiter trivirgatus


Class II protected species under mainland legislation. Locally common, widespread and increasing population.

Collared Scops Owl

Otus bakkamoena


Class II protected species under mainland legislation. Locally common and widespread.

Greater Coucal

Centropus sinensis


Class II protected species under mainland legislation. Locally common and widespread.

Lesser Coucal

Centropus bengalensis


Class II protected species under mainland legislation. Locally fairly common and widespread.


Chinese Cobra

Naja atra


Protected. Locally common and widespread but regionally declining population.


Japanese Pipistrelle

Pipistrellus abramus


Protected. Common and widespread.

Dog-faced Fruit Bat

Cynopterus sphinx sphinx


Protected. Common and widespread.

Palla’s Squirrel

Callosciurus erythraeus


Protected. Common and widespread.

* LC – Local Concern (Habitat loss/damage in Hong Kong would pose significant threat to local survival); RC – Regional Concern (Habitat loss/damage in Hong Kong would pose significant threat to regional survival); PRC – Potential Regional Concern (Large, secure populations in Hong Kong are of regional significance). Letters in parentheses indicate that assessment of status is based on restrictedness of breeding and/or roosting sites rather than general occurrence. Refer to Fellowes et al. (2002) for further explanation of status.

** Information taken from various sources including Karsen et al. (1998), Carey et al. (2001), and Fellows et al. (2002)

***All wild birds are protected under the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap.170).