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Table 5.7a        Overall Impact Evaluation of Low Shrubland and Tall Shrubland


Evaluation Criteria

Low Shrubland

Tall Shrubland

Habitat quality




Six floral species (Buttercup Orchid, Spathoglottis pubescens; Phantom Orchid, Habenaria dentata; Balloon Flower, Platycodon grandiflorus; Cycad-fern, Brainea insignis; Silver-back Artocarpus, Artocarpus hypargyreus; and Small Persimmon, Diospyros vaccinioides).


Three faunal species (Chinese Cobra, Naja atra; Greater Coucal, Centropus sinensis; and Lesser Coucal, Centropus bengalensis) of conservation importance recorded from this habitat type.

Seven floral species (Buttercup Orchid, Spathoglottis pubescens; Balloon Flower, Platycodon grandiflorus; Chinese Lily, Lilium brownii; Small Persimmon, Diospyros vaccinioides; Long Tentacle Orchid, Peristylus calcaratus; Sword-leaved Orchid, Cymbidium ensifolium, and Green-flowered Rattlesnake-Plantain, Goodyera viridiflora.


Six faunal species (Black Kite, Milvus migrans; Crested Goshawk, Accipiter trivirgatus; Collared Scops Owl, Otus bakkamoena; Greater Coucal, Centropus sinensis; Chinese Cobra, Naja atra and Palla’s Squirrel, Callosciurus erythraeus styani) of conservation importance recorded from this habitat type.


Direct impact to approximately 3.7ha of habitat in the Headland assessment area.

Direct impact to a total of approximately 4.8ha of habitat in the three assessment areas


Loss of habitat within footprint of proposed development would be permanent.


Indirect construction phase disturbance would last for duration of construction phase.


Very minor, permanent increase in disturbance during operational phase.

Loss of habitat within footprint of proposed development would be permanent.


Indirect construction phase disturbance would last for duration of construction phase.


Very minor, permanent increase in disturbance during operational phase.


Loss of habitat within footprint of proposed development would be irreversible.


Indirect construction phase disturbance would be temporary and reversible.


Minor increase in disturbance during operational phase will be permanent.

Loss of habitat within footprint of proposed development would be irreversible.


Indirect construction phase disturbance would be temporary and reversible.


Minor increase in disturbance during operational phase will be permanent.


The scale of the impacts is considered low.

The scale of the impacts is considered low.

Overall impact conclusion


Low to Moderate