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Table 7.5          Potential Contaminative Areas/Activities in the Existing Ocean Park



Site Descriptions

Sign of Potential Contamination


3.3kv transformer room

Near the tennis court

No apparent stain, no spillage record and no crack observed on the concrete paved ground.  The room was tidy and maintained with good housekeeping.


DG storage

Near the Country Club

No apparent stain, no spillage record and no crack observed on the concrete paved ground.  The storage was tidy and maintained with good housekeeping.


Plant rooms

(Compressor, pump, chiller etc.)

The dolphin university

No apparent stain, no spillage record and no crack observed on the concrete paved ground.  All rooms were tidy and maintained with good housekeeping.



Plant rooms

(Compressor, pump, chiller etc.)

The shark aquarium

No apparent stain, no spillage record and no crack observed on the concrete paved ground.  All rooms were tidy and maintained with good housekeeping.


E&M workshop and chemical storage

The dragon

Small area (about 0.5m x 0.5m) with stain was observed. No large-scale spillage recorded and no crack observed on the concrete paved ground.  Possibility of migration to soil underneath the slab is very low.


The workshop and chemical storage area were tidy and maintained with good housekeeping.

Minor spillage indicated by sign of few drips of lubricant on the concrete slab. 

Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) storage area

Headland workshop area (in the middle between atoll reef and eagle)

No apparent stain, no spillage record and no crack observed on the concrete paved ground.  All areas were tidy and maintained with good housekeeping.


E&M workshop


Chemical storage


Plant room and backup generator

The ocean theatre

The generator is used for backup service only.  No apparent stain, no spillage record and no crack observed on the concrete paved ground.  The room was tidy and maintained with good housekeeping.



Plant room

(Compressor, pump etc.)

The Ocean Park tower

The room was tidy without apparent stain observed and maintained with good housekeeping.


Plant room


At the pacific pier

The room was tidy without apparent stain observed and maintained with good house keeping.
