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10.               CULTURAL HERITAGE


10.1            As revealed in the EIA Report, the proposed Ocean Park redevelopment and operation was found to incur no impact on areas of archaeological interest, except within the School of Motoring and City Bus Depot sites. An Archaeological Investigation (AI) comprising test pit excavation should be undertaken prior to the construction phase to verify the presence or absence of archaeological deposits at these two sites.  The area proposed for AI is shown in Figure 10.1.

10.2            The grave located within the works boundary for the redevelopment may be impacted by construction works in its immediate vicinity.  Precautionary measures to protect the identified grave is recommended.

Mitigation Measures before the Construction Phase

10.3            An Archaeological Investigation (AI) should be undertaken by a licensed archaeologist at the area as shown on Figure 10.1 prior to the commencement of the construction phase. The scope and precise location of the AI, which will include test pit excavations, should be agreed with Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) prior to the licence application of the qualified archaeologist and the commencement of the construction works.

10.4            A qualified archaeologist should undertake the Investigation.  The archaeologist should apply for a licence to excavate and search for antiquities in accordance with the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53). Upon any discovery of significant cultural remains during the AI, the archaeologist will report the findings immediately to AMO and provide field registers for examination upon request.  An AI report should be compiled in accordance with Section 3.4.9 of the Study Brief and the “Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment” at Annex F of the Study Brief.  The report will be submitted to satisfaction of the AMO. 

10.5            The paving and any artificial layers currently covering the HKSM and City Bus Depot sites should be removed in the areas where archaeological testing will be conducted before the AI can commence.  The access to the HKSM and City Bus Depot sites during the AI should be restricted to designated personnel only.

Mitigation Measures during Construction Phase

10.6            If any works are planned within one metre of the grave, a one metre buffer zone should be provided around the grave, demarcated by a temporary fence.

10.7            The implementation for the recommended built heritage mitigation measures is presented in Appendix B.