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11.               Hazard to Life


11.1            A Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) study for the explosives related activities for the Project identified various risk control measures to ensure the risk level would be acceptable.

Mitigation Measures

11.2            The following assumptions have been defined in the QRA:

·         The explosives magazine will be located adjacent to a service road off Nam Long Shan Road.

·         The location is shielded by natural slopes to the north, east and south.

·         There will be two separate magazines - one for detonators and a second for high explosives; 

·         The magazines and the magazine compound will be designed to the requirements and standards set down by the relevant authorities; 

·         These provisions will include security services operational 24 hours a day and 7 days per week; 

·         Mines Division of CEDD will deliver all explosives to be used at the Site directly to and unload the explosives into the magazines on a daily basis.  This delivery will take place at noon or early in the afternoon; 

·         The section of Nam Long Shan Road, leading to the service road to the explosives magazine, is within Ocean Park.  The existing Ocean Park security control at Nam Long Shan Road will be relocated to the west to encompass the explosives magazine as well as a proposed storage facility for emulsion matrix; 

·         Daily loading and transport of explosives to the blasting sites shall take place immediately after sunrise (6:00 to 7:00 am depending on time of year) for charging and blasting of explosives by 9:00 am before Ocean Park opens to the public; 

·         There will be no off-site delivery of emulsion matrix to the north portal of the funicular system.  Emulsion matrix will be delivered directly to the north portal of the funicular system by the supplier of the bulk emulsion; 

·         All charging and blasting of explosives will take place before Ocean Park opens to the public;

·         Surface blasting will be subject to additional controls on the movement of persons within Ocean Park.  

·         Mines Division will deliver all explosives directly to the explosives magazine by road transport and will not utilise marine transport or the proposed marine barging point;

·         Reduction in the diameter of individual blast holes and the amount of explosives used for each blast; and

·         There will be no on site storage of ammonium nitrate, fuel oil or ANFO.  The blasting operations will utilise emulsion matrix and the on-site storage will be provided in accordance with the requirements to be laid down by Fire Services Department.

11.3            Based on the above, the following safeguards and recommendations identified in the systematic hazard identification workshop are presented in the EIA report.

General Good Practice (likely to be incorporated through relevant Mines Division and FSD Licences)

·         Keep the area around the magazines free of vegetation.

·         Provide for control of (small) fires:

n              Conduct a weekly check of fire fighting equipment and the on-site fire water tank level.

n              Conduct a daily check of all critical safety equipment on vehicle, including fire extinguishers.

n              Maintain back-up means of fighting fire on the explosive vehicles.

n              Provide safety training for drivers and other personnel present during explosive delivery with regards to operating fire hydrants and fighting of explosive fires.

·         Secure magazine against unauthorised entry and theft of explosives:

§           Maintain a list of persons authorised to enter the magazine.  Ensure list is available to the magazine security guard.

§           Activate an alarm system that limits times at which explosive can be removed from the magazine.  Connect system to central security station (licenced security contractor).

§           Incorporate "Duress code" function in the alarm system.

§           Maintain alarm system in good condition (by licenced security contractor.

·         Locate the magazine security guard separately from the magazine complex, so that in case of a fire in the magazine he is safe and can raise the alarm.

·         Ensure communication can be maintained in emergency:

n              Provide non- hazardous electronic equipment for persons working within 60 m of detonators.

n              Ensure availability of phone numbers for all key personnel.

·         Cease all operations at magazines and transport when typhoon signal no. 3 or above, or black rainstorm signal is raised.

·         Reduce likelihood of detonators exploding on vehicle during transit:

§           Ensure magazine within vehicle is lined.

§           Limit off-site transport to 5.00 to 6.00 am, each day.

§           Escort vehicle with separate security vehicle when using the public road.

§           Ensure that UN 1.4B packaging of detonators remains intact until handed over at blasting site.

·         Activate fuel isolation switch on vehicle when fire breaks out to prevent fire spreading and reducing likelihood of prolonged fire leading to explosion,.

·         Use experienced driver with accident-free safety record for both explosive vehicle and security escort. 

·         Ensure that drivers are healthy, e.g. conduct health check before employing.

·         Maintain the vehicle in good condition to reduce chance of accident due to vehicle breaking down.

·         To avoid truck fuel fire escalating to cause explosion:

§           Ensure Contractor to is aware of potential hazards on site,

§           Maintain appropriate fire fighting equipment.

§           Require Contractor to plan and make emergency arrangements.

·         Provide spare / redundant fire fighting equipment.

·         Maintain communications between the two vehicles (drivers and security) during whole trip to ensure prompt response (e.g. stopping the second truck) in case of an accident, to prevent collision of the two explosives and/or security vehicles.

·         Institute checking of the condition of the driver’s condition by either the contractor supervisor or the security guard and empower them to suspend transportation operation if condition of driver is of concern.

Project Specific

·         Restrict speed limit along the Ocean Park portion of Nam Long Shan Road within 100 m of the explosives magazine to 25 km/hour.

·         Restrict other contractors’ use of the Ocean Park Internal service road during delivery of explosives, i.e. the period 6 to 7am.

·         Arrange for the Ocean Park guard to call through to the magazine guard on an hourly basis when explosives are stored in magazines.

·         Arrange for evacuation of part or all of Ocean Park Headland Area in case of the explosive magazine being engulfed in fire.

·         Limit risk to the public from accidental initiation during charging and blasting:

§           Close Ocean Park to the public from commencement of charging holes until after blasting is completed each day.

§           Arrange for relevant authorities to post notices to mariners -  warning them of blasting operations and advising them to stay away from a strip 100m wide immediately to the east of Headland from commencement of charging holes until after blasting is completed each day (i.e. 9:00 am).

§           Do not operate amusement rides, in event of accidental explosion, until confirmed free of critical damage.

·         If unexploded explosives are found in blasthole(s), delay opening of Ocean Park or part thereof to the public in the event that there are any unspent explosives.

·         Reduce opportunity for arson / deliberate initiation of explosives,

§           Pay attention to the security alert status from the Government.

§           Develop a security plan to address high alert level.

·         Develop emergency plan to address uncontrolled fire in magazine area.

·         Request that Mines Division allows transfer of explosives between 5:00 and 6:00 am when pedestrian traffic along explosive transportation route is very small.

·         Maintain road surface along the explosive transportation route.

·         Maintain separation of vehicles during whole trip.

·         Provide and test contractor's driver and security escort in respect of safety plan, including implementation of contingencies.  Enforce mandatory practice of driving the route during the period 5:00 to 6:00 am before drivers undertake first delivery of explosives.

·         Limit likelihood of vehicle accident by ensuring adequate space for the explosives vehicle to manoeuvre without reversing close to the magazine.

·         Provide lighting for vehicles transporting explosive on temporary road(s).

11.4            In addition, the following risk control measure should be implemented if the Project is to be permitted to proceed:

·         Ammonium nitrate emulsion (ANE) to be delivered outside of Park opening times.

Site Inspection

11.5            The blasting activities should be inspected and audited at practical intervals to ensure that the recommendations from the QRA and the safeguards and recommendations from the systematic hazard identification are consistently implemented in accordance with the intent of the hazard to life assessment.