11.1                    Introduction


11.1.1              Findings of the EIA indicate that noise, air quality, water quality, cultural heritage and ecology requires monitoring and audit at various phases of this DP to meet the objectives listed in Section 11.1.3. An appropriate environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) programme is vital part of the environmental management and control of the Project. This chapter provides an outline of the EM&A requirements for the Project, highlighting the environmental parameters to be monitored, timing of the monitoring works and the frequency of the monitoring and audit work and the locations that require monitoring.


11.1.2              Technical details of the monitoring process, such as specifications of equipment, definition of limit/action levels and event/action plans, reporting and complaint handling procedures will be provided in a stand-alone EM&A Manual, prepared in accordance with Annex 21 of the TMEIA and EPD’s EM&A Guidelines for Development Projects in Hong Kong.


11.1.3              The objectives of the monitoring and audit process are:


(i)                  to clarify and identify sources of pollution, impact and nuisance arising from the works;


(ii)                to establish a record of change associated with the implementation of a project;


(iii)               to verify all or selected parameters measured are in compliance with legal and contract specifications, internal policies and standards;


(iv)              to provide an early warning system for impact prevention;


(v)                to provide a database of environmental parameters against which to determine any short term or long term environmental impacts;


(vi)              to propose timely, cost-effective and viable solutions to actual or potential environmental issues;


(vii)             to setup event and action plans and determine the degree and scope of any necessary remedial measures in case of exceedance of compliance, for which environmental monitoring forms the basis, or the recommendation of environmental controls in the event that the environmental objectives are not achieved;


(viii)           to monitor performance of the mitigation measures and to assess their effectiveness and, whenever necessary, identify any further need for additional measures;


(ix)              to verify the EIA predicted impacts and compare the impact predictions with actual impacts for the purpose of assessing of impact predictions in EIA;


(x)                to collate information and evidence for use in public and Government consultation; and


(xi)              to audit the environmental performance.


11.2                    EM&A Requirements


11.2.1              Based on the findings and recommendations of the EIA, EM&A procedures are required for different environmental issues during the design, construction and operational phases of the project implementation and a summary of the requirements for each of the environmental parameters is detailed in Table 11.1 below.


Table 11.1

Summary of EM&A Requirements


Environmental Issue

Design Phase of DP

Construction Phase of DP

Operational Phase of DP

Air Quality












Water Quality




Cultural Heritage







(site audit only)


Landscape and Visual



(site audit only)



                      4        Requires monitoring and audit.



11.2.2              The requirements of monitoring under each environmental issue are discussed in the following sections and summarised in Table 11.2 below.


Table 11.2

Framework for Environmental Monitoring Plan


Environmental Issue



Monitoring Frequency and Duration



Leq (30 min.)

L10 and L90 measures should also be logged for reference

One consecutive week not more than 3 months prior construction


Construction Phase Impact

Leq (30 min.) from 0700-1900 on normal work days. No construction works expected during restricted hours (i.e. no work after 1900 or on General Holidays)

Once every calendar week



24-hour total suspended particulates (TSP) (All locations)

1-hr TSP (All specified locations)

Daily (2 consecutive weeks)


Three times daily during time of peak dust levels (2 consecutive weeks)


Construction Phase Impact

24-hr TSP

1-hr TSP

Once every 6-days. Three times every 6 days



a)       Update habitat maps to show current conditions throughout the monitoring area.


b)      Maintain a vegetation photographic record within the monitoring area. The photographic record should be sufficiently detailed to allow identification of individual trees (where these are isolated) or the extent of tree clumps (where there is a closed tree canopy).

One-off survey prior construction



c)       Conduct a walk-through survey of the monitoring areas in order to identify changes which have taken place since the EIA survey (in particular the status of Ho Pui Egretry) which can be predicted to possibly or probably have had an impact on fauna distribution or numbers.



Construction Phase

a)       Vegetation Monitoring:


(i)    Monthly monitoring should be conducted along the boundary of the works area to confirm that there are no adverse impacts on habitats outside the site.


(ii)   A photographic record should be made at six monthly intervals and checked against the baseline record.


b)      Fauna Monitoring:


(i)    Monthly monitoring of all bird numbers including wetland species and species identified as being of conservation importance. Habitats utilized should be recorded.










Six month intervals












(ii)     Monitoring of the Ho Pui and Ma On Kong egretries for the period from March to August (i.e. spanning the March to July breeding season). Number of active nests, species and number of birds present and, breeding stage (nest building, incubation, feeding young) should be recorded.

(Ho Pui egretry) Bi-weekly monitoring from March to May.  If no egret nest found by May, monitoring change to monthly from June to August.  If egret nest found, bi-weekly monitoring carry on till August.


(Ma On Kong egretry) Monthly monitoring from March to August.




(iii)   Flight line surveys to record feeding areas and habitats used by breeding egrets should be undertaken twice per month during the period from April to June.


Twice per  month from April to June


Operational Phase Impact

Operational monitoring should be undertaken within the monitoring areas (Figure 11.5) for a period of one year upon completion of the construction. The monitoring should cover the following:


a)       Vegetation Establishment:


(i)    Quarterly establishment should be monitored along the stream sections lined with gabions to confirm continued recovery of vegetation cover through dry and wet seasons.


For a period of one year upon completion of construction.











b)    Fauna Monitoring:


(i)    Monthly monitoring of all bird numbers; for wetland species and species identified as being of conservation importance.  Habitats utilized should be recorded and birds utilizing the channel, the gabion banks and its immediate environs should be distinguished from those using the wider survey area.  Monitoring should be by means of a walk-through survey along the length of the channel.







(ii)   Monthly monitoring of the Ho Pui and Ma On Kong egretries for the period from March to August.  Number of active nests, species and number of birds present and, breeding stage (nest building, incubation, feeding young) should be recorded.  Counts should be undertaken so as not to cause disturbance to nesting egrets; details of breeding stage should only be collected where these can be undertaken with no additional disturbance being caused.


Monthly from March to August



(iii)  Flight line surveys to record feeding areas and habitats should be undertaken twice per month during the period from April to June.

Twice per month from April to June



Dissolved Oxygen




Suspended Solids



Three days per week for 4 weeks, not more than 3 months before construction. Interval between each day of monitoring carried out shall not be more than 36 hours.


Construction Phase Impact

Dissolved oxygen




Suspended Solids



Once a day, 3 days per week. Interval between each day of monitoring carried out shall not be more than 36 hours.

Cultural Heritage

Construction Phase Impact

Condition survey of historical grave near Ma On Kong (KT13-02-02)

Once a month during construction phase. In case of signs of damage, this frequency shall be increased to once a week.

Landscape and Visual


Record baseline changes with reference to the recorded conditions in the EIA

One-off site survey before construction


Construction Phase Impact

Ensure the proposed mitigation measure are properly implemented

Every two weeks as part of regular site audit

11.3                    Construction Program


11.3.1              The construction programme of KT13 is scheduled to commence in mid 2007 for completion in mid 2010.  The Environmental Team Leader shall make reference to the actual works progress and program during the construction stage to schedule the EM&A works, and the Contractor shall provide the respective information to the ET Leader for formulating the EM&A schedule.


11.4                    Monitoring Locations


11.4.1              If the proposed sites identified under this programme are not available or accessible, and alternative monitoring stations have to be proposed, the monitoring locations should be chosen based on the following criteria:


(a)                at locations close to the major site activities which are likely to receive impacts;


(b)               close to planned or existing sensitive receivers; and


(c)                for monitoring locations located in the vicinity of the sensitive receivers, care should be taken to cause minimal disturbance to the occupants or existing environment during monitoring.


11.4.2              The Contractor’s ET leader shall agree with the Engineer Representative (ER) and Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) on the monitoring position and the corrections adopted. Once the positions for the monitoring stations are chosen, the baseline monitoring and the impact monitoring shall be carried out at the same positions.


                 Air Quality


11.4.3              Table 11.3 lists the air quality monitoring locations that should be monitored under this EM&A programme. Figures 11.1 presents the locations of these air quality monitoring locations.


Table 11.3

Air Quality Monitoring Stations


Monitoring Location



ASR 14 (A1)

Ho Pui Village

Close to upstream works

ASR 15 (A2)

Ma On Kong Village

Closest to proposed works, most sensitive to air quality impact during construction



11.4.4              Table 11.4 lists the noise monitoring locations that should be monitored under this EM&A programme. Figure 11.2 presents the locations of these noise monitoring locations.


Table 11.4

Noise Monitoring Stations


Monitoring Location



NSR 13b (N1)

North of Ma On Kong Village

Closest to proposed works under Section A

NSR 13d (N2)

Village of Ho Pui

Closest to proposed works under Section B

NSR 13f (N3)

Village of Ma On Kong

Closest to proposed works for bypass culvert


11.4.5              The monitoring station shall normally be at a point 1m from the exterior of the sensitive receivers building facade and be at a position 1.2m above the ground. If there is problem with access to the normal monitoring position, an alternative position may be chosen, and a correction to the measurements shall be made. For reference, a correction of +3dB(A) shall be made to the free field measurements.


Water Quality


11.4.6              Table 11.5 lists the water quality monitoring locations that should be monitored under this EM&A programme. Figure 11.3a and b present the locations of these water quality monitoring locations.

Table 11.5

Water Quality Monitoring Stations

Monitoring Location


Purpose of Placing Sampling Location


Upstream of all works proposed under KT13 and of the stream

Establish background levels of parameters to be monitored, control station


In a short section left unmodified to retain dry weather flow

Monitor and audit potential impacts from Section B works to unmodified stream.


Upstream of the section to be left unmodified for ecological benefits

Monitor and audit potential impacts from Section B works to unmodified stream section, to ensure quality of water supplying the egretry and associated wetland habitats 


Upstream of the discharge point of a local brook into the main KT13 stream

Establish background levels of parameters to be monitored for this incoming water, control station.


Upstream of the discharge point of a second local brook into the main KT13 stream

Establish background levels of parameters to be monitored for this incoming water, control station.


Immediately above the discharge point to Kam Tin Main Drainage Channel

Monitor and audit potential impacts from all KT13 works, check water quality discharging to Kam Tin River Main Drainage Channel.



                 Sediment Quality


11.4.7              Table 11.6 lists the sampling locations for sediment quality characterisation. It is recommended that the Engineer should review and if necessary update the estimated quantity of contaminated sediments likely to arise from the excavation of the KT13 stream.  Such information including the sediment disposal programme should be submitted to EPD and the secretary of the MFC as required under the "General Allocation Conditions for Marine Borrow Areas and Mud Disposal Sites".  Figure 11.3a and b shows locations of these monitoring stations.

Table 11.6

Sediment Quality Monitoring Stations


Monitoring Location



Previous sediment quality sampling locations. Reused to verify whether previous estimation of contaminated sediment quantity is still valid






                 Cultural Heritage


11.4.8              Table 11.7 lists the historic building and structures that requires monitoring during construction phase to present any possible damage that might occur. Figure 11.4 shows the locations of these historic buildings and structures locations.


Table 11.7

Cultural Heritage Resources Requiring Condition Survey

during Construction Phase


Cultural Heritage Resources


Historical Grave (KT13-02-02)

Qing Dynasty Grave located at less than 15 m from works areas of bypass culvert. Surveys are required to monitor the stability of the grave





11.4.9              Table 11.8 list the locations representing ecological resources that required monitoring during construction and operation phase of this DP. Figure 11.5 shows the location of these resources and their relation to the ecological study area.  Technical specification of the monitoring equipment are described in the EM&A Manual.


Table 11.8

Ecological Resources Requiring EM&A under this Project


Ecological Resources Representative Monitoring Locations


Approximately 60m on either side of the existing channel as well as the bypass culvert. Within these areas monitoring should focus on the area around the Ho Pui egretry and habitats of at least moderate ecological importance. In addition, monitoring should be undertaken at the Ma On Kong egretry. The Ma On Kong egretry is outside the survey corridor but monitoring should be conducted in order to identify any adverse effects on the breeding egrets.

To identify any adverse effects on breeding egrets and to provide data on the success of use of gabions linings to facilitate colonisation of the channelised sections of the stream by riparian flora and fauna. More specifically, to:


·    Identify construction and operational phase impacts on habitats of ecological importance outside the site boundary;

·    Identify construction and operational phase impacts on the breeding egrets, including their use of riparian habitats within the monitoring corridor;

·    Identify operational phase impacts on vegetation and fauna within and outside the construction site boundary;

·    Evaluate performance of construction and operational stage mitigation measures.




                 Landscape and Visual


11.4.10          Site audit should be carried out once every two weeks throughout the construction period to ensure the proposed construction phase landscape and visual impact mitigation measures are properly implemented.