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9                                  visual illustration

9.1                            Introduction

The height of the various proposed structures in the Project will not exceed the existing maximum building height of +83 mPD and no additional chimney will be erected in the Project.  With reference to Section 3.4.7 of the Study Brief, a visual illustration of the Project is therefore provided in this section, instead of a detailed assessment of the landscape and visual impacts according to the criteria and guidelines in Annexes 10 and 18 of the EIAO-TM.

The discussion in this section provides an analysis of the following:

·       the Site and its surroundings;

·       the visible elements of the Project; and

·       the potential visibility of the new structures to be built as part of the Project.

9.2                            The Existing Site and Its Surrounding

9.2.1                      Description of the Site

The existing Site is located along the coast of Tap Shek Kok in Tuen Mun.  The Site has been used as a power station since the early 1980’s and is characterised by a group of large industrial building structures.

Figure 9.1 provides an aerial view of the existing Site and its surroundings.  The Site is dominated by the existing Castle Peak Power Station (CPPS) and is surrounded by the open waters of the Urmston Road to the north, west and south.  The eastern side of the Site is bordered by the foothills of Castle Peak.  The restored Siu Lang Shui Landfill lies to the north-east of the Site.  The land uses to the south-east of the Site are mostly industrial in nature.  These include a cement plant, a steel mill, the future Permanent Aviation Fuel Facility, the future EcoPark and the River Trade Terminal.  The nearest residential settlements are the villages at about 1 km north of the Site.

Figure 9.1      Aerial View of the Site and Its Surroundings

9.2.2                      Potential Impact on the Surrounding Landscape

It is considered that the Project will have no impact on the surrounding landscape as all the works will be completely contained within the boundary of the existing CPPS.

9.3                            Visibility of the Project

9.3.1                      Visible Elements of the Project

FGD and SCR Facilities

The majority of the FGD and SCR facilities to be constructed will be concentrated in an area (approximately 200 m x 300 m) immediately south-west of the four boiler houses of CPB.  The currently envisaged layout of these facilities is shown in Figure 9.2.  The locations of the existing stack of CPB, the FGD absorbers and the SCR units are highlighted for reference.


Figure 9.2      Proposed Layout of the Key Elements of the Project including the FGD and SCR Units

The tallest structures among the above-mentioned group of new facilities will be the SCR units at approximately 65 m.  The second tallest structures will be the FGD absorbers with their highest point at approximately 50 m.  It is envisaged that the structures of these new facilities will be dwarfed by the existing boiler houses (approximately 78 m tall) and the stack (approximately 245 m tall) and the visibility of these new elements will be low.

Figure 9.3 illustrates the scale of the FGD and SCR facilities in relation to the adjacent existing structures. (Note: all dimensions are in millimetres).

9.3.1                      Gypsum Storage

The gypsum storage area will be located adjacent to the West Coal Yard (please refer to Figure 2.1 for its location).  The proposed storage building will be a steel-frame structure covered with metal claddings measuring approximately 70m long x 47m wide x 20m high.  This new element will be visible but it will simply appear as another storage area within the existing CPPS.

9.3.2                      Additional Berthing Facility

The additional berthing facility for the loading and unloading of process reagents and by-products will be a piled deck structure of a total length of 140 m at the south-western corner of the existing CPPS (please refer to Figure 2.1 for its location).  The structure of the berth will be at the same level as the existing road and the new rail-mounted limestone unloader and gypsum loader will be the only above-ground elements.  It is therefore considered that the additional berthing facility will have a low visibility from the surrounding areas.

9.3.3                      Rail-Mounted Loader / Unloader

There will be a limestone loader /gypsum unloader located alongside the additional berthing facility.  Technical drawings for this structure are not yet available however it will be approximately 20 m tall, and will be installed at the level of the existing deck.  When not in use, the structure will be rotated towards the berthing facility.  Figure F2 shows a typical loading/unloading structure and the structure will not create any adverse visual impacts.

9.3.4                      Proposed Colour Scheme

It is currently envisaged that the new structures associated with the Project, including those of the additional conveyor systems, will mainly be metal structures painted in a colour scheme that complements the surrounding industrial setting of the existing CPPS.

These colours will include shades of off-white, grey and light blues as can be seen used on the existing power station.

9.4                            Potential Viewpoints

The potential visibility was determined by a site visit.  From the observations during the site visit, the new structures should only be visible from the open waters to the south and west of the Site.  The new structures within CPB will most likely be screened by the existing structures of the Castle Peak Power Station “A” Units (CPA) when viewed from the north.  The visibility of the new structures would therefore potentially affect passengers on the marine vessels passing the Urmston Road.

Two viewpoints (VPs) from the open waters of the Urmston Road have been selected and are shown in Figure 9.4.

Figure 9.4      Selected Viewpoints towards the Site

Annex F contains photomontages that have been prepared from each of the two viewpoints to illustrate the visibility of the new facilities.

Figure F1 shows the view towards the Site from VP1.  From this viewpoint, the FGD absorbers and the SCR units will be visible.  However, as the height of these elements will not exceed the existing boiler houses, they are considered to have low visibility.  The gypsum storage building is also expected to be visible but it will complement the existing industrial building structures of the CPPS.

Figure F2 shows the locations of the FGD and SCR facilities, the gypsum storage building and the additional berthing facility from VP2.  From this VP, all three groups of facilities will be visible.  However, as with VP1, they are expected to be dwarfed by the existing buildings and therefore are considered to have low visibility.

9.5                            Summary and Conclusions

The proposed structures associated with the Project will not have any negative impact on the surrounding landscape and will have a very low visibility for the following reasons:

·       the proposed structures are located within a large existing industrial facility;

·       there will be no impacts on the surrounding landscape area as all structures are contained within the existing industrial site; and

·       the new structures are expected to be finished to complement the existing industrial surroundings;

It is considered that the Project will have a low visibility and therefore should not pose any concerns visually.