A1                             Implementation Schedule

A1.1                       Introduction

This Annex summarises all the mitigation measures recommended in the EIA Study and presents them in the form of an Implementation Schedule in accordance with the requirements of Section of the EIA Study Brief No. ESB-145/2006.


The Implementation Schedule has the following column headings:




This denotes the section number or reference from the EIA Report Main text.


EM&A Ref


This denotes the sequential number of each of the recommended mitigation measures specified in the Implementation Schedule.


Recommended Mitigation Measures


This denotes the recommended mitigation measures, courses of action or subsequent deliverables that are to be adopted, undertaken or delivered to avoid, reduce or ameliorate predicted environmental impacts.


Objectives of the Recommended Measure and Main Concerns to be Addressed


This denotes the objectives of the recommended mitigation measures and main concerns to address.


Location/Duration of Measures/Timing of Completion of Measures


This indicates the spatial area in which the recommended mitigation measures are to be implemented together with details of the programming or timing of their implementation. 


Implementation Agent


This denotes where the responsibility lies for the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures.


Implementation Stage


This denotes the stage at which the recommended mitigation measures are to be implemented either during the Design, Construction, Operation or Decommissioning phases.


Relevant Legislation


This defines the controlling legislation that is required to be complied with.

Table A1.1a   Implementation Schedule

EIA Ref.

EM&A Ref

Environmental Protection Measures

Objectives of the Recommended Measure & Main Concerns to address

Location/Duration of Measures/Timing of Completion of Measures

Implementation Agent

Implementation Stage

Relevant Legislation Guidelines





Noise – Construction Phase











·          Avoid or reduce concurrent operation of construction equipment;

·          Use of quiet construction plant;

·          Use of site hoarding barriers ([1]) with a minimum height of 3m.  In general, this would provide a minimum 10 dB(A) attenuation for the low-rise receivers.  The barriers should not have openings or gaps and have a superficial surface density of at least 10 kgm-2.  The location and extent of the proposed barrier are shown in Figure 4.7a;

·          As a last resort, indirect mitigation measures in the form of window insulation and air-conditioning (air-conditioners have been provided for the staff quarters) are recommended to mitigate the residual noise impact.  In general, this would provide a minimum 10 dB(A) attenuation for the receivers. 

To minimise potential noise nuisance arising from the enabling works to CSD’s Staff Quarters (NSR N3).

During construction of enabling works near CSD’s Staff Quarters (NSR N3)

Construction contractor





Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM



·          Close liaison with the CSD to programme the noisy construction works.  Prior to commencement of the construction, CSD will be notified with the programme of the works, the planned construction activities, the potential impacts to the Staff Quarters, the measures to mitigate the impacts, the monitoring programme to check the efficiency of the measures, and the communication channels between CSD and the Site Engineer.









Noise – Operational Phase











A wind turbine with typical sound power level of 104 dB(A) with no tone, impulse and intermittence characteristics shall be adopted.


To minimise potential noise nuisance arising from operation of wind turbine.

During detailed design stage






Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM



During the operation phase, noise monitoring will be undertaken at the nearest NSR (ie Hei Ling Chau Addiction Treatment Centre (Annex) (N2)) during the night-time period at the agreed monitoring location to ensure the compliance with the stipulated noise criterion.  As wind speed will vary throughout the year and hence the potential noise impact.   It is recommended to monitor the noise levels at monthly intervals for first 12 months of the operation of the wind turbine.   The monitoring frequency will be increased to biweekly intervals for the higher wind speed months (ie winter months (from December to January) and storm season (July)).



To ensure that adverse environmental impacts are prevented

At NSR N2 for the first 12 months of operation of the wind turbine







Ecology – Construction Phase











To mimimise the loss of Common Rat Snake and Bodagek’s Burrowing Lizard due to the development of wind turbine, a search of the Common Rat Snake and Bodagek’s Burrowing Lizard within the Project Site and along the impacted sections of the Long and Short Access Routes will be conducted prior to the commencement of the construction works.  Due to the small size of the Project Site and given that there are no optimal habitats for Common Rat Snake and Bodagek’s Burrowing Lizard, one day-time survey is considered sufficient.  The impacted areas will be actively searched with special attention to the leave litters and rocks.  All recorded Common Rat Snake and Bodagek’s Burrowing Lizard will be caught by hand and translocated to the shrubland at the north of the Hei Ling Chau Correctional Centre (Annex), which is the less disturbed shrubland habitat within the Study Area, immediately after the search.  The search and the translocation (if required) will be undertaken by a qualified ecologist with relevant experience in faunal translocation works.

To mimimise the loss of Common Rat Snake and Bodagek’s Burrowing Lizard (if any) due to the development of wind turbine

Prior to commencement of construction work

Construction contractor





Annex 16 of the EIAO-TM



Construction Runoff:

Storm water run-off from the construction sites will be directed into existing drainage channel via adequately designed sand/silt removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and sediment basins.  Channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers will be provided on site to properly direct storm water to such silt removal facilities. 

To minimise potential ecological impacts arising from the works.

During construction phase for all construction work sites

Construction contractor





Annex 16 of the EIAO-TM



Good Construction Practice:

·            Erect fences along the boundary of the Project Site before the commencement of works to prevent vehicle movements, and encroachment of personnel, onto adjacent areas; 

·            Regularly check the work site boundaries to ensure that they are not breached and that damage does not occur to surrounding areas; and,

·           Reinstate temporary impacted area, immediately after completion of construction works. 

To minimise potential ecological impacts arising from the works.

During construction phase

Construction contractor





Annex 16 of the EIAO-TM



Some trees within the work areas of the proposed road upgrading works may need to be removed during construction.  The actual number of trees affected will be determined in the Tree Survey during the detailed design.  The impacted trees will either be transplanted or compensated by tree planting along the access routes or within the Project Site.

To compensate for the trees removed due to the construction works.

During construction phase

Construction contractor





Annex 16 of the EIAO-TM

Ecology – Operational Phase











During the operation of the wind turbine, bird collision monitoring will be undertaken at monthly intervals for a period of 12 months.  An area of 50m radius will be searched around the base of the wind turbine.  If, after the 12-months monitoring period, insignificant number of bird collisions have been reported then the monitoring will be ceased.

To minimise the ecological impacts arising from the works

Project Site/12 months from the commencement of operation phase and until no bird collisions have been reported






Annex 16 of the EIAO-TM

Landscape and Visual – Construction Phase











Landscape Mitigation Measures:

·          LMM 1 – Cultivation of areas impacted during construction.  Areas impacted during the construction phase that are not required during the operation phase, are to be cultivated to a depth of 300mm.


To minimise the impact on the Landscape Resources (LRs).


Impacted area during construction phase


Construction contractor







Annexes 10 and 18 of EIAO-TM and EIAO Guidance Note 8/2002



·          LMM 2 – Soil stabilisation and embankment planting. During the design process a soil stabilisation and embankment planting strategy will ensure that all land affected by slope excavation can be replanted, wherever practicable.  All soil preparation and the selection and provision of suitable growing medium is to be completed in accordance with the relevant best practice guidelines.

To minimise the impact on the LRs.

Enabling works area and Project Site/ during detailed design phase

CAPCO/ Construction contractor





Annexes 10 and 18 of EIAO-TM and EIAO Guidance Note 8/2002



·          LMM 3 – Tree and shrub planting.   All planting of trees and shrubs is to be carried out in accordance with the relevant best practice guidelines.  Plant densities are to be provided in future detailed design documents and are to be selected so as to achieve a finished landscape that matches the surrounding, undisturbed, equivalent landscape types.

To minimise the impact on the LRs.

Enabling works area and Project Site /during construction

Construction contractor





Annexes 10 and 18 of EIAO-TM and EIAO Guidance Note 8/2002



There will be moderate to significant visual impact from the VSR of Hei Ling Chau among the eleven VSRs.  Although the visual impact is unable to mitigate practically, the adverse effects are not considered too excessive in view of the size of landtake and form of the structure.  Hence, the visual impact is not unacceptable.  There are no significant visual impacts for other VSRs and there will be no interference with key views.  Therefore, the landscape and visual impacts will be acceptable.









Landscape and Visual – Operational Phase









6.4.8 & 6.4.10


The impacts on landscape resource will mainly be associated with the construction phase.  With the implementation of the recommended landscape mitigation measures, the long term impacts of the Project on landscape resource of Hei Ling Chau will be negligible.  The Project Proponent will maintain the landscape mitigation measures (see EM&A Ref. Item no. 9) during the operation phase. 

To minimise the impact on the LRs.

Enabling works area and Project Site /during operation






Annexes 10 and 18 of EIAO-TM and EIAO Guidance Note 8/2002



There will be moderate to significant visual impact from the VSR of Hei Ling Chau among the eleven VSRs.  Although the visual impact is unable to mitigate practically, the adverse effects are not considered too excessive in view of the size of landtake and form of the structure.  Hence, the visual impact is not unacceptable.  There are no significant visual impacts for other VSRs and there will be no interference with key views.  Therefore, the landscape and visual impacts will be acceptable.











Water Quality  – Construction Phase











Establishment of a drainage management plan

To ensure discharges from the Project Site drainage system in compliance with the Water Pollution Control Ordinance.

Project Site and associated enabling works/during construction phase

Construction contractor





Water Pollution Control Ordinance



Construction Runoff and Drainage

·            Provision of perimeter channels to intercept stormwater run-off from outside the site.  These will be constructed prior to the site formation works and other earthworks at the Project Site.


To minimise potential water quality impacts arising from the construction works


All construction works areas/ during construction phase


Construction contractor







EPD Practice Note for Professional Persons, Construction Site Drainage (ProPECC PN 1/94)



·            Exposed soil surfaces will be covered by a tarpaulin as soon as possible to reduce the potential for soil erosion.











·            Open stockpiles of construction materials on site will be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms.











·            Storm water run-off from the construction site will be directed into an existing stream channel via adequately designed sand/silt removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and sediment basins.  Channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers will be provided on site to properly direct storm water to such silt removal facilities. 











·            Silt removal facilities, channels and manholes will be maintained and the deposited silt and grit will be removed regularly, at the onset of and after each rainstorm to ensure that these facilities are functioning properly at all times.











·            During excavation in the wet season, temporarily exposed soil surfaces will be covered, eg by tarpaulin, and temporary access roads will be protected by crushed stone or gravel, as excavation proceeds.  Intercepting channels will be provided (eg along the crest/edge of the excavation) to prevent storm runoff from washing across exposed soil surfaces.  Arrangements will always be in place to ensure that adequate surface protection measures can be safely carried out well before the arrival of a rainstorm.











·            Earthworks final surfaces will be well compacted and the subsequent permanent work or surface protection will be carried out as soon as practical after the final surface are formed to prevent erosion caused by rainstorms.  Appropriate intercepting channels will be provided, where necessary.  Rainwater pumped out from trenches or foundation excavations will be discharged into storm drains via silt removal facilities.











·            The contractor(s) concerned will apply for and obtain all the necessary discharge licences.











General Construction Activities

·            Debris and rubbish generated on-site will be collected, handled and disposed of properly to avoid entering the nearby storm water drains and open drainage channels. 


To minimise potential water quality impacts arising from the construction works


All construction works areas/ during construction phase


Construction contractor







EPD Practice Note for Professional Persons, Construction Site Drainage (ProPECC PN 1/94)



·            All fuel tanks and storage areas will be provided with locks and be sited on sealed areas, within bunds of a capacity equal to 110% of the storage capacity of the largest tank.











·            Open storm water drains and culverts near the works area will be covered to block the entrance of large items of debris and refuse. 











Sewage from Workforce

Portable chemical toilet will be provided at the work areas.  A licensed contractor will be employed to collect and dispose the sewage.


To minimise potential water quality impacts arising from the works


Work areas/ during construction


Construction contractor







EPD Practice Note for Professional Persons, Construction Site Drainage (ProPECC PN 1/94)



·            To carry out monthly site audits to the works areas to monitor the environmental performance of the Project and to enable prompt actions to rectify any malpractice which may give rise to water pollution problem.

·            To carry out ad-hoc visits to the impacted sites in responses to any complaints or reported non-compliance on water quality aspect.



To minimise potential water quality impacts arising from the works

All work areas /throughout construction phase

Construction contractor/ CAPCO






Waste Management  – Construction Phase











All the necessary waste disposal permits are obtained prior to the commencement of construction work.


To ensure that adverse environmental impacts are prevented

Before construction works commence

Construction contractor








Construction Waste

Wherever practicable, the excavated soil will be segregated from other wastes to avoid contamination and reused on-site for the site formation works to reduce the amount of construction waste to be disposed off-site.

The Contractor must ensure that no waste, spoil or excavated materials arising from the Project will be improperly dumped in the Hei Ling Chau Island, in particular the environmental sensitive area/ecological habitat identified in the Section 5 of the EIA report.


To ensure that adverse environmental impacts are prevented


All work areas /throughout construction phase


Construction contractor









Chemical Waste

The construction contractor will be registered as a chemical waste producer with the EPD.  Chemical waste will be handled in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Handling and Storage of Chemical Wastes.


To ensure proper handling of chemical waste


All work areas /throughout construction phase


Construction contractor







Code of Practice on the Packaging, Handling and Storage of Chemical Wastes



Management of Waste Disposal

The construction contractor will open a billing account with the EPD in accordance with the Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation.  Every construction waste or public fill load to be transferred to the Hei Ling Chau Refuse Transfer Station will produce a valid “chit”. 

A trip-ticket system will also be established in accordance with Works Bureau Technical Circular No.31/2004 to monitor the disposal of construction waste at the Hei Ling Chau Refuse Transfer Station, and to control fly-tipping.  The trip-ticket system will be included as one of the contractual requirements and implemented by the contractor.


To ensure that adverse environmental impacts are prevented


All work areas /throughout construction phase


Construction contractor







Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation


Works Bureau Technical Circular No.31/2004



Staff Training

At the commencement of the construction works, training will be provided to workers on the concepts of site cleanliness and on appropriate waste management procedures, including waste reduction, reuse and recycling.


To ensure that adverse environmental impacts are prevented


All work areas /throughout construction phase


Construction contractor









Environmental Monitoring & Audit Requirements


Monthly audits of the waste management practices will be carried out during the construction phase to determine if wastes are being managed in accordance with the good site practices described in this EIA Report.  The audits examine all aspects of waste management including waste generation, storage, recycling, transport and disposal.






To ensure that adverse environmental impacts are prevented



All work areas /throughout construction phase



Construction contractor








Cultural Heritage  – Construction Phase











Since the Project will not impose any direct or indirect impact on identified cultural heritage resources, no mitigation measures are required.









Cultural Heritage  – Operational Phase











Since the Project will not impose any direct or indirect impact on identified cultural heritage resources, no mitigation measures are required.










 (1)     If CSD could arrange not to use this staff quarter during the construction period, there will be no noise impact to this NSR. It will not be necessary to provide a noise barrier at this location.