Yiu Lian Dockyards Limited |
Relocation of Yiu Lian Floating Dock No. 3 |
Environmental Impact
Assessment Report Executive Summary October 2006 Report no: 01167R071 |
Yiu Lian Dockyards Limited |
Relocation of Yiu Lian Floating Dock No. 3 |
Environmental Impact
Assessment Report |
Author: |
Sharifah Or |
Checker: |
Dr. Guiyi Li |
Approver: |
Dr. Guiyi Li |
Report no: |
01167R071 |
Date: |
October 2006 |
Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability—COI Number 126012 47th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queens Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2911 2233 Fax: +852 2805 5028 www.hyderconsulting.com |
1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Description
of the Project................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Construction
Programme................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Study
Objectives.............................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Water
Quality................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Waste
Management......................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Air
Quality During Operation Stage at Tsing Yi................................................................ 5
2.5 Hazard
Assessment for the Dock at Tsing Yi.................................................................... 6
2.6 Oil
Spillage during the Dock Operation at Tsing Yi........................................................... 6
Figure 1-1 The
General Arrangement of Existing Dock
Figure 1-2 The
location of the Existing Floating Dock and proposed New Site
Lian Floating Dock No. 3 (hereafter refers as “the Dock”) has been in operation
at Yam O Wan since 1989.
1998, the Government changed the land use proposal for North-East Lantau from
the Lantau Port concept to the basis of the tourism and recreation theme. The re-orientation of the planning
rendered Yiu Lian’s facilities incompatible with the overall planning context,
as the retention of the Dock at Yam O would not fit into the rezoning plan of
the area and would constitute interface issues, particularly environmental and visual impacts.
on a decision reached at the Committee on Planning and Land Development on 21
December 1999, a revised program associated with the reclamation and proposed
developments at Yam O was formulated so as to allow a continuing operation of
the Yiu Lian facilities until the expiry of the existing lease term in 2008 in
order to minimise any impact upon the facilities. Policy support was secured regarding the possible
re-provisioning to the facilities as it had already been identified as being
essential in nature for supporting port activities in Hong Kong.
January 2003, the project proponent notified the Marine Department of the
proposal to relocate the Dock from the existing Yam O Wan site to the southwest
coast of Tsing Yi Island. The
project proponent was subsequently informed that the Marine Department had no
objection in principle to the relocation of the proposal.
April to August 2003, the project proponent notified the Economic Department
and Labour Bureau, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, the
Town Planning Board, the Planning Department, the Lands Department, and the
Antiquities and Monuments Office, of the relocation plan. The project proponent was subsequently informed that the above mentioned
departments have no objection in principle to the relocation plan.
There is
on-going discussion between the Marine Department and Yiu Lian on if the anchor
blocks should be removed from the existing site. Leaving the anchor blocks in place is preferred as it will
avoid the disturbance to the seabed and therefore minimise any potential
environmental impact of the decommissioning work. This EIA has taken into
account the possibility of the removing the anchor blocks from the existing
of the Project
existing floating dock, Yiu Lian No. 3 Floating Dock, is located at Yam O Wan, northeast of Lantua and has been in
operation since July 1989. The
existing dock is an individual caisson dock with continuous caisson and side
wings, suitable for docking vessels of up to 43,000 metric tons, or catering a
ship in size up to 43 meters in width and 300 meters in length. The general arrangement of the existing
dock is shown in Figure 1-1.
Principle dimensions of the Dock are:
Length over all Length over pontoon |
304.00 m 287.00 m |
over pontoon |
m |
of sidewall |
3.90 m |
of pontoon at centre line |
5.00 m |
of pontoon at side |
4.90 m |
of top deck at side |
m |
of safety deck at side |
m |
submerged draught |
m |
Floor area |
300 m x 54.8m |
proposed new site is located to the southwest of Tsing Yi Island and was used
previously by a floating dock named “Apple Dock” for years. The co-ordinates at the four corners of
the proposed new site are:
Latitude |
Longitude |
22o20.110N |
114o05.324E |
22o20.098N |
114o05.353E |
22o19.950N |
114o05.271E |
22o19.979N |
114o05.243E |
Table 1-1 The
Co-ordinates of the Proposed New Site
locations of the existing site and the proposed new site are shown in Figure
the relocation of the Dock is a single project, its scope covers two designated
projects specified under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance. They are (a) decommissioning of the
Dock at Yam O Wan and (b) reinstatement of the Dock at the southwest coast of Tsing Yi.
Project Profile (No. PP-239/2005) was submitted to Environmental Protection
Department (EPD) on 24 January 2005 for applying an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) Study Brief under Section 5(1) of the Environmental Impact
Assessment Ordinance. An EIA Study
Brief (ESB-124/2005) was issued by the Director of Environmental Protection on
8 March 2005. Hyder Consulting Ltd
was commissioned by Yiu Lian to undertake the EIA Study in accordance with the
EIA Study Brief.
assessment undertaken and major findings, conclusions and recommendations of
this EIA are summarised in this document.
construction works for the relocation of the Dock will take approximately 14
weeks. Due to safety reasons, the
relocation of the Dock should avoid the typhoon season which is between May and
September. Having considered the
safety issues, business commitment and the expiry date of the existing lease
term, Yiu Lian plans to relocate the Dock during the non-typhoon season between
February 2007 and March 2008.
objectives of the EIA study are as follows:
describe the Project and associated works together with the requirements for
carrying out the Project;
identify and describe the elements of the community and environment likely to
be affected by the Project and/or likely to cause adverse impacts to the
Project, including natural and man-made environment and the associated
environmental constraints;
(iii) to identify potential Tributyltin (TBT) and heavy metal contamination in marine sediments due to operation of the Dock in Yam O Wan and ways to minimise and mitigate the impacts;
(iv) to identify and quantify emission sources and determine the significance of impacts on sensitive receivers and potential affected uses including those along the Sham Tseng coast, especially in respect of marine water and sediment quality impacts;
identify mitigation measures for the proposed Dock at Tsing Yi with regard to
the risk incidence associated with the Caltex and ExxonMobil West terminals at
southwest Tsing Yi;
propose the provision of mitigation measures so as to minimize pollution,
environmental disturbance and nuisance arising from the Project;
investigate the feasibility, practicability, effectiveness and implications of
the proposed mitigation measures;
identify, predict and evaluate the residual environmental impacts (i.e. after
practicable mitigation) and the cumulative effects expected to arise from the
Project in relation to the sensitive receivers and potential affected uses;
identify, assess and specify methods, measures and standards, to be included in
the detailed design, decommissioning, construction and operation stage of the
Project which are necessary to mitigate these environmental impacts and reduce
them to acceptable levels;
investigate the extent of the secondary environmental impacts that may arise
from the proposed mitigation measures and to identify constraints associated
with the mitigation measures in the EIA study, as well as the provision of any
necessary mitigation measures;
identify constraints associated with the mitigation measures recommended in the
EIA study; and
design and specify the environmental monitoring and audit requirements to
ensure the effective implementation of the environmental protection and pollution control measures.
key findings of the EIA Study are summarised in the following.
relocation of the Dock from Yam O Wan to the south western coast of Tsing Yi
requires a small scale of the marine sediment dredging and backfilling at the
new site, and dredging at the existing site if the removal of the anchor blocks
is required. The key environmental
issues of the dredging are the potential release of suspended solids (SS) and
associated contaminants into the water column, thus affecting the marine
environment and sensitive receivers (SRs).
Baseline Conditions
baseline environmental condition in the study areas has been reviewed with
reference to the Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong 2004 and the marine water
quality data collected from this EIA Study. The baseline water quality at both the existing dock and the
proposed new site is generally good except for copper, which exceeded the
recommended water quality standards at both sites. The E Coli level in the vicinity of the proposed new
site is high, most likely caused by the disposal of sewage effluents from the
Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works.
sediment samples was collected at both the existing dock site and proposed dock
site. The concentrations of
Copper, Lead, Zinc, Mercury and Arsenic of some sediment samples from the
existing site exceed Upper Chemical Exceedance Level (UCEL). The sediments at the existing dock site
is classified as Category H in accordance with the Environment, Transport and
Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No. 34/2002, Management of
Dredged/Excavated Sediment. The
seabed at the proposed new dock site at Tsing Yi is also slightly polluted with
heavy metals and organic PAHs and the sediment is classified as Category
Construction Phase
elutriation tests have been carried out to determine the releasing potential of
various contaminants from the sediment into the receiving water during dredging
works. The nearest SR identified in the study areas is
located some 1800m away from the existing dock site and over 3000m away from
the proposed new dock site. The
potential water quality impacts have been quantitatively assessed. It was found that the release of SS and
other associated toxicants from the dredging would be minimal and insignificant
to the SRs.
average sediment contaminant levels at the existing site are typical in the
coastal area of North Western Water Control Zone and similar to or lower than
in typhoon shelters of Hong Kong waters.
The biological screening tests results indicated that the marine
sediment at the existing site is not suitable for open sea disposal. However, the proposed construction
method will reuse all the marine mud and no disposal is required. The bioaccumulation test was undertaken
to assess the bioaccumulation potential on the benthic organisms at the
existing site. Test results
indicated that the bioaccumulation potential of the marine sediment is low. Having reviewed the international
practice and local experience, leaving the sediment in place is the best option
for the handling of marine sediment at the existing dock site.
Operational Phase
literature review on non-TBT paints commonly used in the dock operation has
been undertaken. It is found that
the most common and widely used TBT free antifouling paint is copper
based. No significant
environmental consequences have been reported ever since copper was used as a
replacement of TBT in anti-fouling paints. Both International Maritime Organization and Green Peace
concluded that copper is less harmful than TBT. There are other toxic substances in the non-TBT paints. However, they are in trace amount and
will not cause any significant impacts to the environment. Research suggests that the key
environmental concern of the antifouling paint mainly results from their
leaching into marine environment during ship navigation.
main potential environmental impacts during the operation stage results from
hull washing. Effluent samples
from hull washing were collected and the analytical results were used to study
the potential impacts of the effluents discharged into the marine waters on the
SRs. Assessment results indicated
that the water quality impacts resulting from hull washing would be limited to the immediate
vicinity of the discharge point and the adjacent SRs will not be affected. However, in order to further minimise
the potential water quality impact, it is recommended to provide a settling
system to further improve the effluent discharge quality.
is an existing treatment system on the dock for the treatment of domestic
wastewater. Samples at the
domestic wastewater discharge point were collected and tested and the
performance of the treatment system was found acceptable. The domestic wastewater generated on
the dock at the proposed site will continue to be collected and treated using
the existing system. The potential
water quality impact assessment has been undertaken based on the amount of the
domestic waster generated from a maximum number of workers on board. Results indicated that the domestic effluent discharge could
meet the discharging standards of the Western Buffer Water Control Zone and
there would be no impact to the adjacent SRs.
Lian Floating Dock No. 1 and the United Dockyard are also located in the south
western coast of Tsing Yi. The
cumulative water quality impact caused by the operation of all those docks
concurrently has been studied and it was found that they would not impact on
the adjacent SRs.
potential TBT leakage of the TBT containing antifouling paint into the marine
environment, is a common concern during the
operation of a floating dock.
However, the use of TBT antifouling paint will be prohibited by 2008
when the International Convention on Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on
Ships will be enforced. In fact
most ships have already stopped using the TBT containing paints. After the relocation of the Dock, Yiu
Lian will cease to receive any TBT paint vessels in order to minimise the
potential environmental impacts on the marine water quality. A comprehensive ship receiving
procedures has been developed to serve this purpose.
Construction Phase
proposed construction method for either decommissioning the existing Dock or
commissioning the Dock at the Tsing Yi site will not require any disposal of
marine sediment.
new anchor blocks, which have been precasted in China, will be used for the
installation at the proposed new site for safety reasons. Therefore, there will be nine surplus
old concrete blocks from the existing site. These concrete blocks will be retrieved and reused in Hong
Kong or China.
general waste generated during the construction phase of the Project will be
temporarily stored on working vessels and disposed of in accordance with the
Yiu Lian’s existing waste management system. Therefore, there will be no waste related environmental impacts.
Operational Phase
existing waste management system implemented for the Dock has been
reviewed. All the wastes are
handled and disposed of properly in accordance with the relevant environmental
legislations and guidelines.
Therefore, the current waste management practice is considered appropriate
for the future operation. However,
good site practice and waste reduction measures are recommended for further
Quality During Operation Stage at Tsing Yi
electricity supply for the future dock operation at Tsing Yi will rely on the
diesel-powered generators on the Dock, which are identified as the major air
pollutant emission source.
Lian Floating Dock No. 1, which is located to the northeast of the Dock, and
also contains diesel-powered generators on board, may also contribute to the
air pollution at the sensitive receivers.. The potential cumulative air quality impact from both
sources has been assessed quantitatively.
The predicted SO2 and NO2 concentration at all
identified air quality sensitive receivers are well below the Air Quality
Objectives. The air quality impact
caused by the future dock operation is negligible.
Assessment for the Dock at Tsing Yi
proposed dock is sited within consultation zone of the Caltex Terminal (CT) and
ExxonMobil West Terminal (EMWT) in the west of Tsing Yi. A Hazard to Life Assessment has been
undertaken to identify mitigation measures for the proposed Dock at Tsing Yi
with regard to the risk incidence associated with the terminals.
relocation activities within the consultation zone and the operation activities
at the new site have been reviewed and mitigation measures including an
evacuation plan have been recommended.
The evacuation plan is developed for the operation of the Dock at the
new Tsing Yi site. It contains
emergency organizations, evacuation pre-arrangement, communication channels and
evacuation procedures (including evacuation routes) in response to a major
incident that may occur at the CT or EMWT.
that the recommended measures are implemented properly, the risk to the
workers/personnel working at the proposed dock site can be minimised to an
acceptable level.
Spillage during the Dock Operation at Tsing Yi
oil spillage from the vessels at the Dock has the potential to cause water
pollution at the nearby WSRs although
the oil spillage associated with the floating dock operation is rare. However, all WSRs are separated from the Dock by the fast
flowing channels. It is unlikely
for any oil spills from the Dock to across the channels and to affect the WSRs
within 6 hours from the incident.
An Oil Pollution Contingency Procedure has been developed by Yiu Lian and improvement in the preventive
measures has been recommended by this EIA.
With the full implementation of the Oil Pollution Contingency Procedure
and the improved preventive measures, the risks of the potential water
pollution resulting from any oil spillage incidents can be limited to an
acceptable level. The Dock relocation
will lead to a reduction in the pollution risk level at Ma Wan Fish Culture
Zone as the Tsing Yi site is further away than the existing site from the fish
culture zone.
comprehensive Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) programme for the
construction and operation phases has been recommended. The EM&A requirements cover water
quality monitoring, implementation schedule of the environmental
protection/mitigation measures, EM&A reporting procedures and complaint
handling procedures. The Manual is
a full reflection of the recommendations made from the EIA Report. Details of the programme are presented
in a separate EM&A Manual.
EIA Study has assessed the potential environmental impacts including water
quality, air quality, waste management and hazard to life associated with the
proposed project. The study
concluded that all the environmental impacts would be in full compliance with
the relevant environmental legislations and standards. However, appropriate mitigation
measures and good site practice have been recommended to further improve the
environmental performance of the proposed project.
decommissioning of the existing Dock at Yam O Wan will improve the overall
environment and in particular the visual environment of this area. It is also in line with the overall
planning context for tourism and recreation theme for this area. In addition, it will provide benefit to
the inshore fisheries and marine ecology in this coastal area as the vessel
disturbance and industrial wastewater discharges from the Dock operations will
unsightly visual impact of the existing dock imposed on the passengers and
drivers of North Lantau Express Way, MTR Tung Chung Line, Airport Express Way
and the ferries passing through the waters between Urmston Road and Ma Wan
Channel, will disappear after the Dock relocation.
proposed new site is at the southwest coast of Tsing Yi Island. The land use along this coastal area is
industrial. The relocation of the
Dock to this area is compatible with surrounding land use.
relocation, the Dock will no longer receive any ships with TBT-containing paint
for maintenance, ahead of the schedule imposed by the International
Convention. Therefore, the most
critical environmental problem associated with the Dock operations will no
longer exist, leading to an improvement in the environment.
the full implementation of the Oil Pollution Contingency Procedure and the
preventive measures, the risks of the potential water pollution resulting from
oil spillage from the Dock can be limited to an acceptable level.
Dock relocation will lead to a reduction in the pollution risk level at Ma Wan
Fish Culture Zone as the Tsing Yi site is further away than the existing site
from the fish culture zone.