The EIA has recommended that
EM&A for land contamination, hazard to life and environmental risk be undertaken
during the design phase of the project. A design phase audit is recommended to ensure that the
design of the PAFF, including the spill response plan, includes the necessary
elements to control, detect, contain, clean up, handle and dispose any material
that could lead to contaminated land or pose a risk to life or the
The Land Contamination, Hazard to Life
and Fuel Spill Risk sections of the EIA have recommended a series of mitigation
measures for integration into the design.
All mitigation measures for these three parameters are based upon the
need to minimise the likelihood of the loss of fuel from the system occurring,
specify procedures to detect and contain a leak if it did occur and define
methods for clean up and disposal. These measures include the following, which
are also summarised in the environmental mitigation implementation schedules
provided in Appendix A:
ultimate bunding of all fuel storage areas to a level of up to 150% of largest
individual tank in each compound;
adherence to relevant design standards for storage tanks, pipework,
containment and drainage;
regular monthly plant inspections and maintenance;
impermeable lining of tank pits;
leak detection systems;
controlled surface drainage and the provision of emergency shut off
emergency spill response plans;
provision of spill control materials and equipment on site;
run off from the roofs of site buildings and landscaped areas shall be
conveyed in closed drains to the nearest storm water drain to prevent the
generation of excessive quantities of surface water which may be polluted;
suitable absorbent materials (e.g. sand or earth) shall be kept on site
to deal with spills. Chemical
dispersants shall not be employed;
the facility shall be designed, constructed, operated and maintained in
full accordance with the Code of Practice for Oil Installations, 1992;
tank pressure testing shall be carried out routinely to check for
possible tank leaks. Product inventory monitoring
shall be integrated into site management procedures to check for any abnormal
or unexpected product loss;
tank overfill monitoring systems shall be installed and regularly
tested. Inlet valves should
automatically shutdown on exceedance of “high-high level” to prevent
pipe leakages shall be routinely checked for by means of a pressure
sensitive leak detection system and routine inventory control;
pipeline to be protected by armour layer;
drainage from areas of hardstanding shall be treated by means of oil /
water separators prior to discharge to storm drain. All surface drainage shall
be fitted with closure valves to provided additional containment and facilitate
clean up of any leaks;
the delivery pipeline from the jetty and the supply line to the airport
shall be fitted with pressure sensitive leak detectors.
The results of the spill modelling have shown that some key sensitive
marine ecological receivers could be affected in the short term by a spill
associated with the PAFF. As such it will be necessary to include contingencies
to protect these resources in the spill response plan. The locations which should be protected by
the rapid use of booms are as follows:
Ma Wan fish
culture zone;
Lung Kwu Tan
beach and horseshoe crab nursery area;
Tai Ho Wan
mangroves and seagrass stands and horseshoe crab nursery area;
Tai O mangrove
gazetted beaches
coastline of Lung
Kwu Tan, Sha Chau and
Sha Chau and
Tung Chung
Bay/San Tau mangrove and seagrass stands and horseshoe crab nursery area.
The PAFF operator will maintain a readiness to react to any fuel spills
in the Spill Response Plan procedure which will set out all necessary actions
for preparedness, prevention and responses.
The rationale for the spill response plan should be based around
prevention and early detection and will
be continuously developed before and after the commissioning of the PAFF. In particular, the spill response plan will
define procedures to contain and clean up spills of various categories in order
to reduce hazards to life and impacts to the environment. A Jetty Operation Manual will be prepared to
specify the requirements for vessels to berth at the jetty including the
compulsory use of pilots and tug boats.
In addition, spill control equipment will be stored at the PAFF tank
farm and the jetty and will include at least the following:
sand bags;
oil water separator;
containment booms;
oil skimmers with recovery containers;
absorbent booms; and
absorbent pads.
On the prevention side, the whole PAFF facility will be protected by
impressed current cathodic protection system and monitoring by a leak detection
system to prevent and manage the risk of fuel leakage. Routine inspections will
be undertaken on a regularly basis (such as daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly
basis) to ensure the proper functioning of the whole facility.
The key features which should be included in the spill response
procedures are summarised below and an
outline Fuel Spill Contingency Plan is provided in Appendix J3 of the EIA
organization of
the spill response team and the responsibilities of each member.
procedures to be adopted in the case of a spill, including:
identification of
the source of spill;
reporting to
relevant Authorities;
containment of
leaking fuel;
recovery and
processing of free fuel;
clean up
methodology; and
handling and
disposal protocols; and
at sea surveys
and beach surveys for dolphins to look for stranded animals and include the
need to liaise with
establishment of
an emergency control centre on the PAFF site;
establishment of
effective communication emergency mechanisms and a 24-hour emergency contact
training and
competence level requirement of PAFF staff; suitable and regular spill response
training to be provided to the operating personnel and regular spill response
drills to be conducted to test and exercise the responses;
provision and
maintenance of spill equipment at the PAFF land site, on the PAFF jetty at the
Sha Chau reception point and at the HKIA site;
drills and
exercise requirements; and
procedures and post spill recordings.
The measures
proposed within the EIA to mitigate for land contamination and risk to life and
the environment should be embodied into the detailed design drawings and
contract documents. Designs should be
checked to ensure that the measures are fully incorporated and that potential
conflicts with civil engineering, geo-technical, structural, lighting, signage,
drainage, underground utility and operational requirements are resolved prior
to construction.
The design phase
EM&A requirements for land contamination and risk to life and the
environment comprise the audit of the integrated fuel spill control, detection
and containment detailed design specifications to be prepared during the
detailed design. Monitoring of design works against the recommendations within
the EIA should be undertaken as and when the designs are produced to ensure
that they fulfil the intentions of the mitigation measures. The design items for
audit will include:
¨ land and marine spill response plan;
¨ pipeline leak detection and automatic shut-off system;
¨ pipeline rock armour protection;
¨ tank high level shut-off;
¨ tank bunding;
¨ tank leak drainage isolation and containment system;
¨ on-site fire fighting equipment;
¨ jetty protection; and
¨ emergency shut down valves for fuel delivery.
Detailed design of the facility will extend into the
construction period and as such EM&A for the Design Phase refers to audit
of the design as and when it is completed and not necessary pre-construction.
As such, the design audit shall be undertaken as and when the relevant design
aspects are produced and liaise with the design
engineer to ensure all measures have been incorporated in the design in a
format that can be specified to the Contractor for implementation. In the event of a non conformity, the
Event/Action plan as detailed in Table 10.1 below should be followed.
Table 10.1 Event / Action Plan for Design Phase
Action Level |
Auditor |
Site Respresentative (FSR) |
Design Engineer (DE) |
Non Conformity (with Design Standards and
Specification) |
Identify Source ·
Inform FSR and DE ·
Discuss remedial actions with ·
Verify remedial actions when complete. |
Discuss remedial actions with DE ·
Ensure remedial designs are fully
incorporated |
Amend designs ·
Discuss remedial actions with FSR |
Impact Monitoring
Much of the prevention for
the risks to human life, leakages and spillages, on land and in the sea, are
based upon the design and construction of PAFF following the latest technology,
standards and guidelines. In order to
ensure that the
required design measures are taken into account during the planning and design
for the future tank development, a review of the EIA report will be undertaken
at the planning stage for the future expansion (around 2025 as
required). The review is required only if the latest technology, standards and statutory
requirements are deemed to have changed by that time. The review should be undertaken by an
environmental specialist appointed by the Franchisee at that time.
In addition, the following regular inspections and audits will be
undertaken by the Franchisee during the operational
phase of the facility:
two inspections every year of the tank farm, jetty and pipelines
including one undertaken pursuant to the Joint Inspection Group (JIG) explained
inspection of the whole sub sea pipelines every 5 to 10 years;
Health, Safety and Environmental audit of the facility once every 3
years; and
inspection of the structural integrity of the tanks once per year.
Also, in order to ensure the
on-going adequacy of the fuel spill contingency plan and that it is being
implemented as required, it is proposed that an Environmental Management System
be set up for the operational phase of the project to allow regular audits of
the systems/mitigation measures incorporated in the project and the fuel spill
contingency plan. The Environmental Management System shall be
developed with 3 months of the commencement of the operation of the PAFF and it
is recommended that audits are undertaken at least every 24 months and the
audits should be undertaken by an environmental specialist appointed by the Franchisee.
In addition, it
is recommended that the Franchisee undertake some routine monitoring of water
quality in the vicinity of the PAFF site to check the effectiveness of the
proposed precautionary measures implemented for on-site spill control. The details of the monitoring to be
undertaken, including the parameters, frequency and monitoring locations, will
be prepared by the Franchisee as part of the PAFF Operations Manual and the
details will be agreed with the relevant authorities within 3 months of the
commencement of operation of the PAFF. However, the
monitoring should include but not be limited to the parameters of TPH and PAH
and reference should be made to the existing monitoring programme undertaken
for the fuel tank farm on the HKIA platform.
As such, the details of this monitoring are not specified in this