

1          Introduction

1.1        Project Background

1.2        Purpose and Scope of the EIA Study

1.3        EIA Study Area

1.4        The Approach

1.5        Structure of the EIA Report

2          Description of the Project

2.1        General Description of the Project

2.2        Key Project Requirements

2.3        Need for the Project

2.4        Consideration of Alternatives

2.5        Site Location and Site History

2.6        Nature, Scope and Benefits of the Project

2.7        Size, Scale, Shape and Design of the Project

2.8        Project Timetable

2.9        Related Projects

2.10      “No Project” Scenario

3          Air Quality Impact

3.1        Introduction

3.2        Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guideline

3.3        Description of the Existing NENT Landfill and the Extension

3.4        Air Sensitive Receivers

3.5        Identification of Air Pollution Source and Environmental Impact

3.6        Assessment Methodology

3.7        Prediction and Evaluation of Air Quality Impact

3.8        Precautionary Measures

3.9        Residual Environmental Impact

3.10      Implication of IWMF Implementation

3.11      Conclusion

4          Noise Impact

4.1        Introduction

4.2        Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

4.3        Description of the Environment

4.4        Noise Sensitive Receivers

4.5        Assessment Methodologies

4.6        Construction, Restoration & Aftercare Noise Impact Assessment

4.7        Operational Noise Impact Assessment

4.8        Residual Environmental Impact

4.9        Conclusion

5          Water Quality Impact

5.1        Introduction

5.2        Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

5.3        Baseline Conditions

5.4        Water Sensitive Receivers

5.5        Assessment Methodology

5.6        Identification and Evaluation of Water Quality Impacts

5.7        Cumulative Impacts

5.8        Precautionary Measures

5.9        Residual Impacts

5.10      Conclusion

5.11      Reference

6          Waste Management Implications

6.1        Introduction

6.2        Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

6.3        Assessment Methodology

6.4        Identification and Evaluation of Waste Management Implications

6.5        Mitigation Measures

6.6        Residual Impacts

6.7        Environmental Audit

6.8        Implication of IWMF Implementation

6.9        Conclusion

7          Landfill Gas Hazards

7.1        Introduction

7.2        Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

7.3        Background Information

7.4        LFG Hazard Assessment

7.5        Protective and Precautionary Measures

7.6        Monitoring Requirement

7.7        Implication of IWMF Implementation

7.8        Conclusion

8          Landscape and Visual Impact

8.1        Introduction

8.2        Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

8.3        Landscape And Visual Impact Assessment Methodology

8.4        Baseline Study Frameworks

8.5        Planning and Development Control Review

8.6        Source of Impacts and Impact Assessment

8.7        Conclusion

9          Impact on Cultural Heritage

9.1        Introduction

9.2        Environmental Legislation & Standards

9.3        Description of the Study Area

9.4        Archaeology

9.5        Built Heritage

9.6        Identification and Evaluation of Impacts

9.7        Mitigation Recommendations

9.8        Conclusions

9.9        References

10         Ecological Impact

10.1      Introduction

10.2      Relevant Legislation and Guidelines

10.3      Field Survey Scope and Methodology

10.4      Key Ecological Issues

10.5      Results of Literature Review

10.6      Results of Field Surveys

10.7      Evaluation of Habitats and Species

10.8      Impact Identification and Evaluation

10.9      Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Measures

10.10    Residual Ecological Impacts

10.11    Ecological Monitoring and Audits

10.12    Conclusion

10.13    Reference

11         Summary of Environmental Outcome

11.1      Population and Environmental Sensitive Areas Protected

11.2      Environmental Friendly Design and Benefit

11.3      Key Environmental Problem Avoided

11.4      Environmental Protection Measures and Precautionary Measures

12         Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements

12.1      Introduction

12.2      Project Organisation

12.3      EM&A Manual and Implementation Schedule

12.4      EM&A Programme

12.5      Method Statements

13         3-Dimensional EIA

14         Conclusion

14.1      Option Evaluation

14.2      Air Quality Impact

14.3      Noise Impact

14.4      Water Quality

14.5      Waste Management

14.6      Landfill Gas Hazards

14.7      Landscape and Visual Impact

14.8      Cultural Heritage Impact

14.9      Ecological Impact

14.10    Environmental Monitoring and Audit

14.11    3D-EIA Tools

14.12    Overall Conclusion






24315/01/001        Location Plan

24315/01/005        Existing NENT Landfill and Proposed Landfill Extension

24315/01/101        Landfill Extension Layout Option 1

24315/01/102        Landfill Extension Layout Option 1a

24315/01/103        Landfill Extension Layout Option 1b

24315/01/104        Landfill Extension Layout Option 2

24315/01/105        Landfill Extension Layout Option 2a

24315/01/106        Landfill Extension Layout Option 3

24315/01/107        Landfill Extension Layout Option 4

24315/13/101        Location of Air Sensitive Receivers (Assessment Points)

24315/13/102        Dust Emission Source Location (Existing NENT Landfill Final Capping + NENT Landfill Extension Phase 1)

24315/13/103        NO2, SO2 & VOC Emission Source Location

24315/13/104        Odour Emission Source Location

24315/13/105        Predicted 1-hour TSP Contour (mg/m³) at 1.5m Above Ground (Worst-case Scenario)

24315/13/106        Predicted 24-hour TSP Contour (mg/m³) at 1.5m Above Ground (Worst-case Scenario)

24315/13/107        Predicted 1-hour Averaged NO2 Contour (mg/m³) at 10m Above Ground (Worst-case Scenario : ASP ON))

24315/13/108        Predicted 1-hour Averaged SO2 Contour (mg/m³) at 10m Above Ground (Worst-case Scenario : ASP ON)

24315/13/109        Predicted 1-hour Averaged Benzene Contour (mg/m³) at Worst Affected Location (Worst-case Scenario : ASP ON)

24315/13/110        Predicted Annual Averaged Benzene Contour (mg/m³) at Worst Affected Location (Worst-case Scenario : ASP ON)

24315/13/111        Predicted 1-hour Averaged Vinyl Chloride Contour (mg/m³) at Worst Affected Location (Worst-case Scenario : ASP ON)

24315/13/112        Predicted Annual Averaged Vinyl Chloride Contour (mg/m³) at Worst Affected Location (Worst-case Scenario : ASP ON)

24315/13/113        Predicted 5-second Averaged Odour Contour at 1.5m Above Ground (Northern Tipping)

24315/13/114        Predicted 5-second Averaged Odour Contour at 1.5m Above Ground (Western Tipping)

24315/13/201        Location of Noise Sensitive Receivers

24315/13/202        Proposed Planter Wall at Wo Keng Shan Road

24315/13/203        Location of Fixed Noise Sources

24315/13/301        Location of Groundwater Monitoring Point for Existing NENT Landfill

24315/13/302        Boreholes Location Plan

24315/13/303        Location of Water Sensitive Receivers and Sampling Points for Stream Water Baseline Survey           

24315/13/304        Catchment Areas near the NENT Landfill Extension Site

24315/13/501        Geological Map of NENT Landfill Extension Site

24315/13/502        LFG Consultation Zone

24315/13/503        Monitoring of Background CO2 Levels at 25 Boreholes

24315/13/504        Existing Landfill and Landfill Extension Monitoring Plan

24315/14/001        NENT Landfill Extension & Source of Impact

24315/14/002        Landscape Character Areas (LCAs) Plan & Impact Assessment (Without Mitigation)

24315/14/003        Aerial Photograph of the Project Site and the Surroundings

24315/14/004        Landscape Resources (LRS) Plan & Impact Assessment (Without Mitigation)

24315/14/005        Tree Survey Plan

24315/14/006        Visual Envelope and Visual Sensitive Receivers (VSRs) Plan & Impact Assessment (Without Mitigation)

24315/14/007        Typical View of Visual Sensitive Receivers to Proposed Development (Sheet 1 of 2)

24315/14/008        Typical View of Visual Sensitive Receivers to Proposed Development (Sheet 2 of 2)

24315/14/009        Mitigation Plan

24315/14/010        Photo Montage of Selected View (Sheet 1 of 3)

24315/14/011        Photo Montage of Selected View (Sheet 2 of 3)

24315/14/012        Photo Montage of Selected View (Sheet 3 of 3)

24315/13/601        CHIA Issues

24315/13/602        Study Area of Option 4 (Divided into Four Sub-sections for Ease of Reference)

24315/13/603        Solid and Superficial Geology (Sheung Shui) Hong Kong Geological Survey

24315/13/604        Location of Auger Holes and Test Pits

24315/13/605        Contexts of Test Pits

24315/13/606        Archaeological Findings

24315/13/701        Location of Site of Conservation Importance and Sampling Transects and Points for Fauna

24315/13/702        Habitat Map Location of Species of Conservation interest overlaid with Option 4

24315/13/703        Photos of Habitat and Species of Conservation interest





Appendix 2.1      EIA Study Brief ESB-114/2004

Appendix 2.2      Tentative Outline Programme

Appendix 3.1       Construction Dust Assessment

Appendix 3.2      Gaseous Emission Assessment

Appendix 3.3A    Identification of Worst Weather Condition for Odour Assessment

Appendix 3.3      Odour Emission Assessment

Appendix 3.4      Odour Emission Strength and Modelling Parameters

Appendix 3.5      Surface Roughness Calculation in the area

Appendix 3.6      Odour Hourly Emission Concentration

Appendix 3.7      Predicted 1-hour and 24-hour TSP concentration

Appendix 3.8      Predicted 1-hour, 24-hour and annual averaged NO2 and SO2 concentration (mg/m3) at ASRs under various modes of operations

Appendix 3.9      Predicted 1-hour and annual averaged VOC concentration (mg/m3) at ASRs under various modes of operations

Appendix 3.10     Predicted odour concentration

Appendix 4.1      Sound Power Level of PMEs  

Appendix 4.2      Construction Plant Inventory

Appendix 4.3      Locations of Notional Sources and Distance to NSRs

Appendix 4.4      Detail Calculation of Construction Noise Assessment

Appendix 4.5      Detail Calculation of Cumulative Construction Noise Assessment

Appendix 4.6      Compute Plot of Road Traffic Noise Model

Appendix 4.7      Noise Measurement Results of Aeration Lagoon

Appendix 4.8      Noise Measurement Results of Ammonia Stripping Plant

Appendix 4.9      Noise Measurement Results of Refuse Vehicle

Appendix 4.10     Detail Calculation of On-site Operation Noise (Un-mitigated Scenario)

Appendix 4.11     Detail Calculation of On-site Operation Noise (Mitigated Scenario)

Appendix 4.12     Detail Calculation of Existing Landfill Operational Noise

Appendix 5.1      Groundwater Monitoring Data for Existing NENT Landfill from January 2005 to March 2006

Appendix 5.2      Leachate Generated from Landfill

Appendix 7.1      LFG Protection Measures in Existing NENT Landfill

Appendix 7.2      Specific LFG Protection Measures for Building Services

Appendix 9.1      Plates

Appendix 9.2      Grave Catalogue

Appendix 9.3      Cultural Landscape Feature Recording Form

Appendix 9.4      Methodology for Preservation by Record

Appendix 10.1     Freshwater Fish known to be present in Lin Ma Hang Stream

Appendix 10.2     Bat species recorded in Ling Ma Hang or in the vicinity of the Study Area

Appendix 10.3     Plant species recorded within the Study Area

Appendix 10.4     Bird species and their abundance in the Project Area

Appendix 10.5     Bird species and their abundance in the Study Area

Appendix 10.6     Dragonfly species and their abundance in the Project Area

Appendix 10.7     Butterfly species and their abundance in the Project Area

Appendix 10.8     Dragonfly species and their abundance in the Study Area

Appendix 10.9     Butterfly species and their abundance in the Study Area