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11.1          Introduction


This Section describes the requirements for environmental monitoring and audit during the construction and operation of the Proposed Beach Development.  With respect to the scale of the Proposed Beach Development, the low potential impacts and the nature and frequency of the monitoring and audit to be undertaken, it is considered that real-time reporting of the monitoring data is not applicable.  The Implementation Schedule, containing the recommended mitigation measures, monitoring and audit requirements, and implementation agent of the mitigation measures for the Proposed Beach Development, is also presented.


11.2          Environmental Management Plan


The Contractor will be contractually bound to produce and implement an Environmental Management Plan (EMP).  EMP’s are similar in nature to safety or quality plans and provide details of the means by which the Contractor (and all subcontractors working for the Contractor) will implement the recommended mitigation measures and achieve the environmental performance standards defined both in Hong Kong environmental legislation and in the Implementation Schedule.  The primary reason for making the EMP a contractual requirement is to ensure that the Contractor is fully aware of his environmental responsibilities and to ensure his commitment to achieving the specified standards.


To evaluate Contractor’s commitment, each contract bidder shall be required to produce a preliminary EMP as part of the tendering process.  The skeletal EMP will indicate the determination and commitment of the bidding Contractor and indicate how the contractor intends to meet the environmental performance requirements laid out in the EIA.  Upon Contract Award, the successful bidder(s) will be required to submit a draft and final version of the EMP for approval by the project proponent (Civil Engineering and Development Department) prior to the commencement of the work.


11.3          EM & A Manual


The EPD requires the submittal for approval of an EM&A Manual prior to the commencement of construction.  The EM&A Manual defines the mechanisms for implementing the EM&A requirements specific to each phase of the work.  The EM&A Manual provides a description of the organisational arrangements and resources required for the EM&A programme based on the conclusions and recommendations of this EIA.  The EM&A Manual stipulates details of the construction monitoring required and actions that shall be taken in the event of exceedances of the environmental criteria.  In effect, the EM&A Manual forms a handbook for the on-going environmental management during construction.

The EM&A Manual comprises descriptions of the key elements of the EM&A programme including:


·            Appropriate background information on the construction of the Proposed Beach Development with reference to relevant technical reports;


·            Organisational arrangements, hierarchy and responsibilities with regard to the management of environmental performance during the construction phase. The EM&A team, the Contractor(s) team and the CEDD’s representatives are included;


·            A broad construction programme indicating those activities for which specific mitigation is required and providing a schedule for their timely implementation;


·            Descriptions of the parameters to be monitored and criteria through which performance will be assessed including: monitoring frequency and methodology, monitoring locations (typically, the location of sensitive receivers as listed in the EIA), monitoring equipment lists, event contingency plans for exceedances of established criteria and schedule of mitigation and best practice methods for reduced adverse environmental impacts;


·            Procedures for undertaking on-site environmental performance audits as a means of ensuring compliance with environmental criteria; and


·            Reporting procedures.


The EM&A Manual will be a dynamic document which will undergo a series of revisions, as needed, to accommodate the progression of the construction programme.


11.3.1  Objectives of EM&A


The objectives of carrying out EM&A for the Proposed Beach Development include:


·            Providing baseline information against which any short or long term environmental impacts of the projects can be determined;


·            Providing an early indication should any of the environmental control measures or practices fail to achieve the acceptable standards;


·            Monitoring the performance of the Proposed Beach Development and the effectiveness of mitigation measures;


·            Verifying the environmental impacts identified in the EIA;


·            Determining Proposed Beach Development compliance with regulatory requirements, standards and government policies;


·            Taking remedial action if unexpected results or unacceptable impacts arise; and


·            Providing data to enable an environmental audit to be undertaken at regular intervals.


The following sections summarise the recommended EM&A requirements and further details are provided in the EM&A Manual.


11.4          Construction Phase Air Quality Impact (Dust)


Dust should be monitored once every 6 days at two locations at ASRs A4 (No. 101 Lung Mei Tsuen) and A6 (No. 79 Lo Tsz Tin Tsuen) throughout the construction phase.  The parameters to be monitored include 1-hr and 24-hr total suspended particulates (TSP).


11.5          Noise Impact


11.5.1    Construction Phase


Noise monitoring should be carried out during the construction phase to ensure compliance with the noise criterion at the NSRs.  Weekly noise monitoring should be undertaken at the representative NSRs (N1 – N4) (Table 11.1).  If house No. 101 Lung Mei (N2a) is changed to residential use, noise monitoring should be conducted at N2a instead of N2.  Regular site audits at the frequency of twice a month should be conducted to ensure that the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented during the construction stage. 


Table 11.1: Locations for Construction Noise Monitoring




Village house - No. 165A Lung Mei


Village house - No. 103 Lung Mei


Village house - No. 70 Lo Tsz Tin


Village house - No. 79 Lo Tsz Tin


11.5.2    Operational Phase


The predicted operational noise levels at the representative NSRs are expected to comply with the daytime criteria based on the assessment using a set of specified maximum SWLs for the fixed plant to be installed at the Proposed Beach Development.  Attenuation measures, if required, will be provided to the fixed plant for achieving the guaranteed noise levels during the detailed design stage, and therefore operational phase noise monitoring is not required.


11.6          Water Quality


In accordance with the recommendations of the EIA, mitigation measures have been proposed during the construction phase of the Project.  Details of the mitigation measures are presented in Table 11.3 Implementation Schedule in this Report.


In accordance with the recommendations of the EIA, water quality EM&A is required during dredging and sandfilling activities.  In addition, baseline water quality monitoring will be required prior to the commencement of construction activities. 


11.6.1    Construction Phase


Water Quality Parameters Measurements of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) concentration (mg L-1), DO saturation (%), Salinity (mg L-1), Temperature (ºC) and Turbidity (NTU) should be taken in situ by the EM&A team at monitoring stations identified below.  Water samples for the measurements of SS (mg L-1) and chlorophyll-a (µg L-1) should also be collected for laboratory analysis.  In addition to the water quality parameters, other relevant data should also be measured and recorded in Water Quality Monitoring Logs including the location of the sampling stations, water depth, time, weather conditions, sea conditions, tidal stage, current direction and speed, special phenomena and work activities undertaken around the monitoring and works area that may influence the monitoring results.  The monitoring station locations should be presented in the EM&A Manual.


The monitoring stations should be sampled during Baseline Monitoring (prior to the dredging works), Impact Monitoring (during dredging and sandfilling works) and Post Project Monitoring (after completion of sandfilling work).


For baseline, impact and post-project monitoring, monitoring should be undertaken 3 days per week, at mid-flood and mid-ebb tides, with sampling/ measurement at the designated stations.


Measurements shall be taken at 3 water depths: 1m below water surface, mid-depth and 1m above sea bed, except where the water depth less than 6m, the mid-depth station may be omitted. Should the water depth be less than 3m, only the mid-depth station will be monitored. 


11.6.2    Post-Construction Phase


The Post-Construction Phase is defined as after completion of construction works but before the operation of the beach.  No sewage and wastewater generated from the beach building facilities will be discharged into the beach or marine environment, water quality impact due to sewage and wastewater discharge from the beach building facilities is not anticipated (refer to EIA Report Section 6).


E. coli Monitoring


Monitoring for E. coli is recommended at the outfall of the eastern culvert and western channel within six weeks after the completion of construction works.  The purpose of the monitoring is to investigate the characteristics of E. coli loading in the box culvert/channel and to establish relationship with E. coli levels at the beach.  Samples will be collected at the locations specified in Figure 5.2 at/near the outlet of the outfall when no influx of seawater occur (e.g. during low tide).  During the same tide, E. coli samples should be collected at EPD’s routine beach monitoring stations.  The sampling team should confirm the locations of EPD’s routine monitoring stations prior to the commencement of any sampling events.  In some occasions, it is not practicable to take the samples at EPD’s routine monitoring stations, for example, the water is too shallow.  Then the sampling team should determine the nearest sampling locations which should be as close to EPD’s stations as possible.  The coordinates of all the sampling locations should be recorded. 


E. coli samples should be stored in cool box (4°C) during the sampling and transportation and should be delivered to the HOKLAS accredited laboratory, or equivalent, to determine the E. coli content in the sample. 

Other water quality parameters, i.e., pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) concentration (mg L-1), DO saturation (%), Salinity (mg L-1), Temperature (ºC) and Turbidity (NTU) should be taken in situ by the sampling team at same monitoring stations as for E.coli measurements.  Observations such as and weather and beach conditions, should also be recorded.


Sampling should be conducted twice per week within six weeks after the completion of construction works.


11.6.3    Operational Phase([1])


                        Routine Monitoring of Beach Water Quality


EPD has well established a comprehensive water quality monitoring programme for all gazetted beaches to detect any deterioration of beach water quality, which will also be implemented for this Lung Mei bathing beach. 

EPD’s current monitoring programme requires all gazetted beaches are monitored at least three times per month during bathing seasons. During non-bathing seasons, gazetted beaches are monitored once per month. The monitoring data assists to detect any deterioration of beach water quality.   In case the beach water quality tends to be deteriorated, EPD will continue monitoring of the beach water quality and provide Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) the monitoring data.  In case the beach water quality tends to be deteriorated, LCSD will decide the most appropriate method of improving the beach water quality.

In case the beach water quality at Lung Mei tends to be deterioriated and becomes not desirable for swimming, LCSD will close the beach temporarily until the beach water quality becomes suitable for swimming.  EPD will continue monitoring the beach water quality and provide LCSD the monitoring results.    


            Red Tides


In the event of red tide that may occur naturally, similar to the practice adopted for other gazetted beaches by LCSD, Lung Mei beach may be closed to swimmers in accordance with the relevant procedures.


11.7          Waste Management


11.7.1    Construction Phase

In order to ensure that the Contractor has implemented the recommendations of the EIA Report, regular site audits should be conducted of the waste streams, to determine if wastes are being managed in accordance with the approved procedures and the site Waste Management Plan.  The audits should look at all aspects of waste management including waste generation, storage, recycling, transport and disposal.  An appropriate audit programme should be undertaken with the first audit conducted at the commencement of the construction works.  Routine weekly site inspections should also include waste management.


11.7.2    Operational Phase

As it is not expected that large quantities of waste will be generated from the operation of the Proposed Beach Development and no adverse environmental impacts will arise with the implementation of good waste management practices.  Waste monitoring and audit programme for the operational phase of the Proposed Beach Development will not be required.



11.8          Ecology


11.8.1    Construction Phase

To undertake a one day-time search of the Common Rat Snake within the land based Proposed Beach Development just before the commencement of the construction works.  All recorded Common Rat Snake should be caught by hand and translocated to the shrubland at the north of the Study Area, immediately after the search.  The Common Rat Snake search and translocation works should be undertaken by a qualified ecologist.


For the mitigation measures and monitoring requirement to minimise the water quality impact to the marine ecology during the construction phase of the Proposed Beach Development, details should be referred to Section 6.6 and Table 11.3.


Good construction site practices as specified in Section 6.6 and Table 11.3 should be adopted to minimise the potential ecological impacts during the construction phase of the Proposed Beach Development. 


11.8.2    Operational Phase

Due to the loss of some mangrove plants and seedlings recorded within the Proposed Beach Development, the EIA has recommended that compensation mangrove seedling planting should be implemented before the operation of the Proposed Beach Development.  The mangrove seedling planting should be located along the diverted eastern box culvert (Figure 10.19 of EIA Report Section 10).  The planting mix should be at a ratio 1:1:1 for Aegiceras corniculatum, Avicennia marina and Kandelia obovata.  Detailed mangrove planting proposal providing information of planting methodology, recipient site, planting species and mix, implementation programme, post-planting monitoring and personal involved shall be submitted to and approved by AFCD.  Mangrove seedling planting would be undertaken and supervised by a suitably qualified botanist/ horticulturist. 


After planting, one year monitoring should be undertaken to check the performance and health conditions of the planted individuals on a monthly basis.  Remedial actions should be discussed with AFCD in the event of unsuccessful mangrove seedling planting.


11.9          Fisheries


11.9.1    Construction Phase

As no unacceptable impacts have been predicted in the EIA to occur during the construction of the beach at Lung Mei, monitoring of fisheries resources during the construction phase is not considered necessary.  However, water quality monitoring will be conducted (see EM&A Manual Section 12.6) at the Yim Tin Tsai East Fish Culture Zone.


11.9.2    Operational Phase

In accordance with the recommendation of the EIA regarding fisheries impact assessment, EM&A is not required during the operation phase of the Proposed Beach Development. 


11.10      Landscape and Visual Impact


11.10.1Construction Phase

Regular site inspections during the construction phase should be undertaken to maintain the quality of the constructed landscape. Inspection of the proposed plant material should also be undertaken prior to delivery on site. 

11.10.2Operational Phase

Ongoing monitoring and maintenance to approved Hong Kong standards should be undertaken to ensure the long term health of the plant materials.


11.11      Implementation Schedule

This section summarises all the mitigation measures recommended in the EIA Study and presents them in the form of an Implementation Schedule in accordance with the requirements of Section of the EIA Study Brief No. ESB-138/2006 (Table 11.3).

The Implementation Schedule has the following column headings:

EIA Reference

This denotes the section number or reference from the EIA Report Main text.

EM&A Reference

This denotes the sequential number of each of the recommended mitigation measures specified in the Implementation Schedule.


Recommended Mitigation Measures

This denotes the recommended mitigation measures, courses of action or subsequent deliverables that are to be adopted, undertaken or delivered to avoid, reduce or ameliorate predicted environmental impacts.

Objectives of the Recommended Measure and Main Concerns to be Addressed

This denotes the objectives of the recommended mitigation measures and main concerns to address.

Location/Duration of Measures/Timing of Completion of Measures

This indicates the spatial area in which the recommended mitigation measures are to be implemented together with details of the programming or timing of their implementation. 

Implementation Agent

This denotes where the responsibility lies for the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures.

Implementation Stage

This denotes the stage at which the recommended mitigation measures are to be implemented either during the Design, Construction, Operation or Decommissioning phases.


Relevant Legislation


This defines the controlling legislation that is required to be complied with.


Table 11.3       Implementation Schedule


EIA Ref.

EM&A Ref

Environmental Protection Measures

Objectives of the Recommended Measure & Main Concerns to address

Location/Duration of Measures/Timing of Completion of Measures

Implementation Agent

Implementation Stage

Relevant Legislation Guidelines





Air Quality – Construction Phase











Dust Control

a     Vehicle washing facilities should be provided at the designated vehicle exit point;

b     Every vehicle should be washed to remove any dusty materials from its body and wheels immediately before leaving the worksite;

c     The load carried by the trucks should be covered entirely to ensure no leakage from the vehicles;

d     Hoarding of not less than 2.4 m high from ground level should be provided along the entire length of that portion of the site boundary adjoining a road or other area accessible to the public except for a site entrance or exit;

e     The main haul road should be kept clear of dusty materials and should be sprayed with water so as to maintain the entire road surface wet at all the time;


f      The stockpile of dusty materials should be either covered entirely by impervious sheets; place in an area sheltered on the top and three sides; or sprayed with water to maintain the entire surface wet at all the time;

g     Belt conveyor system should be enclosed on the top and two sides;

h     The height of the belt conveyor should be kept as low as possible to avoid delivery at height; and

i       All the exposed area should be kept wet always to minimise dust emission.



To ensure dust emission is controlled and compliance with relevant statutory requirements


Project Site / During construction









Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations



Air Quality Control 

a     All dump trucks entering or leaving the Project Site should be provided with mechanical covers in good service condition; and

b     Ultra-low-sulphur diesel (ULSD) should be used for all construction plant on site.



To ensure air quality standards compliance with relevant statutory requirements


Project Site / During construction









ETWC TC No 19/2005



EM&A Requirements

Regular site audits (at a frequency of not less than once every two weeks) are recommended.


To ensure that appropriate dust control measures are implemented and good site practices are adopted


Project Site / During construction


ET and Contractor







Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations



Implementation of a construction dust monitoring in every six days


To ensure compliance with the relevant criterion during the construction works.

ASRs A4 (No. 101 Lung Mei Tsuen) and A6 (No. 79 Lo Tsz Tin tsuen) / during construction

ET and Contractor





Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations

Noise – Design Phase









5.4.2 (Table 5.7)


The maximum allowable SWLs presented in Table 5.7 of the EIA Report should be included in the tender specification to ensure the assumptions for the operational noise impact assessment remain valid. 

The suppliers of equipment should guarantee the specified SWLs, with the characteristics of tonality, impulsiveness and intermittency accounted for, by providing certificate of measurement and verify the SWL during testing and commissioning in accordance with international standard procedures. 

If necessary, the suppliers should apply attenuation measures (eg use of silencers) to achieve the guaranteed noise levels during the detailed design stage.

To reduce the operational noise impact.

Project Site / During design






Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

Noise – Construction Phase











Site hoardings at the particular work site boundary may be provided for achieving screening effect, provided that the hoardings have no openings or gaps and meet the same specifications for movable noise barriers.  The proposed movable noise barriers should be at least 3m high with a surface density of not less than 7 kg m-2, which could provide a minimum of 5 dB(A) attenuation.  Skid footing of movable noise barriers should be located at a distance not more than a few metres of stationary plant and mobile plant such that the NSRs would not have direct line of sight to the plant.  The length of the barriers should also be at least five times greater than its height.

To reduce the construction noise impact.

Project Site / During construction

ET and Contractor





Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

5.7.1 (Table 5.12)


The following Quiet Powered Mechanical Equipment (PME) should be used during the construction Phase.

·     Mobile Crane, SWL listed in the data base of quality powered mechanical equipment prepared by the Noise Control Authority, 107 dB(A);

·     Tracked Loader, British Standard 5228 – Table C3, Reference No. 16, 104 dB(A); 

·     Pneumatic breaker, British Standard 5228 – Table C2, Reference No. 10, 110 dB(A);

·     Concrete Lorry Mixer                British Standard 5228 – Table C6, Reference No. 23, 100 dB(A); and

·     Excavator     British Standard 5228 - Table C3, Reference No. 97, 105 dB(A).

To reduce the construction noise impact.

Project Site / During construction phase






Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

5.7.1 (Table 5.13)


Construction Works on Land

Movable noise barrier should be provided for excavator and mobile crane;

Timber sawing machine should be operated behind site hoarding/ movable noise barrier; and

Concrete lorry mixer should be operated behind site hoarding/movable noise barrier.


To reduce the construction noise impact.


Project Site / During the Site Formation, construction of seawall, ramp, staircase, retaining walls, sump tanks for grey water system and superstructure foundation









Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

5.7.1 (Table 5.13)


Timber sawing machine should be operated behind movable noise barrier; and

Movable noise barrier should be provided for excavator and mobile crane.

To reduce the construction noise impact.

Project Site / During the localised road widening works along Ting Kok Road






Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

5.7.1 (Table 5.13)


Car Park Paving

Movable noise barrier should be provided for excavator.


To reduce the construction noise impact.


Project Site / During the car park paving









Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

5.7.1 (Table 5.13)


Building Works

Movable noise barrier should be provided for excavator, mobile crane and earth auger; and

Timber sawing machine should be operated behind site hoarding/ movable noise barrier.


To reduce the construction noise impact.


Project Site / During foundation and tanking works









Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

5.7.1 (Table 5.13)


Movable noise barrier should be provided for mobile crane; and

Timber sawing machine should be operated behind site hoarding/ movable noise barrier.

To reduce the construction noise impact.

Project Site / During superstructure works






Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

5.7.1 (Table 5.13)


Movable noise barrier should be provided for mobile crane.

To reduce the construction noise impact.

Project Site / During building finishes & internal fitting-out






Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

5.7.1 (Table 5.13)


Rock filling for the Groynes

Movable noise barrier should be provided for excavator and derrick lighter.


To reduce the construction noise impact.


Project Site / During the construction of gabion channel









Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

5.7.1 (Table 5.13)


Box Culvert Construction

Movable noise barrier should be provided for excavator.


To reduce the construction noise impact.


Project Site / During the construction of gabion channel









Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

5.7.1 (Table 5.13)


Movable noise barrier should be provided for excavator, mobile crane; and

Concrete lorry mixer should be operated behind site hoarding/movable noise barrier.

To reduce the construction noise impact.

Project Site / During the construction of western culvert






Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

5.7.1 (Table 5.13)


Concrete lorry mixer should be operated behind site hoarding/movable noise barrier.

To reduce the construction noise impact.

Project Site / During the construction of eastern culvert






Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

5.7.1 (Table 5.13)


Site hoarding should be provided for work site.

To reduce the construction noise impact.

Project Site / During the construction of 90m box culvert






Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

5.7.1 (Table 5.13)


Sand Filling

Movable noise barrier should be provided for excavator.


To reduce the construction noise impact.


Project Site / During the construction of gabion channel









Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM



Good Site Practice

Only well-maintained plant should be operated on-site and plant should be serviced regularly during the construction programme;

Silencers or mufflers on construction equipment should be utilized and should be properly maintained during the construction programme;

Mobile plant, if any, should be sited as far from NSRs as possible;

Machines and plant (such as trucks) that may be in intermittent use should be shut down between work periods or should be throttled down to a minimum;

Plant known to emit noise strongly in one direction should, wherever possible, be orientated so that the noise is directed away from the nearby NSRs; and

Material stockpiles and other structures should be effectively utilised, wherever practicable, in screening noise from on-site construction activities.


To reduce the construction noise impact.


Project Site / Throughout the construction period









Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM



EM&A Requirements

Implementation of weekly construction noise monitoring at the representative NSRs.


To ensure compliance with the relevant criterion during the construction works.


N1, N2/N2a, N3 & N4/ Throughout the


ET and Contractor







Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM

Noise – Operational Phase











EM&A Requirements

No noise monitoring is required during operational phase.










Water Quality – Construction Phase











Dredging and Sandfilling Operations

Sandfilling works should be carried out after the completion of groyne construction.

To further minimise the SS level during sandfilling works

Project Site / During sandfilling







6.6.1 and Figure 6.20


A movable cage type / metal frame type silt curtain will be deployed around the dredging area next to the grab dredger prior to commencement of dredging works.


To further minimise the SS level during the dredging and sandfilling works


Project Site / During dredging and sandfilling









Annex 6 of the EIAO-TM


and Figure 6.21


Standing type silt curtains will be deployed around the proposed sandfilling extent prior to commencement of sandfilling works. 

To further minimise the SS level during the dredging and sandfilling works

Project Site / During dredging and sandfilling






Annex 6 of the EIAO-TM



A hourly dredging rate of a closed grab dredger (with a minimum grab size of 3 m3) should be less than 31 m3 hr-1, with reference to the maximum rate for dredging, which was derived in the EIA.

To further minimise the SS level during the dredging works

Project Site / During dredging









A daily filling rate should be less than 1,000 m3 day-1, which was defined in the EIA.

To further minimise the SS level during the sandfilling works

Project Site / During sandfilling









Mechanical grabs should be designed and maintained to avoid spillage and should seal tightly while being lifted.

To further minimise the SS level during the dredging works

Project Site / During dredging









Barges or hoppers should have tight fitting seals to their bottom openings to prevent leakage of material.

To further minimise the SS level during the dredging and sandfilling works

Project Site / During dredging and sandfilling









Loading of barges or hoppers shall be controlled to prevent splashing of dredged material to the surrounding water.

To further minimise the SS level during the dredging works

Project Site / During dredging









Barges or hoppers should not be filled to a level which will cause overflow of materials or pollution of water during loading or transportation.

To further minimise the SS level during the dredging and sandfilling works

Project Site / During dredging and sandfilling









Excess material should be cleaned from the decks and exposed fittings of barges or hoppers before the vessel is moved.

To further minimise the SS level during the dredging and sandfilling works

Project Site / During dredging and sandfilling









Adequate freeboard should be maintained on barges to reduce the likelihood of decks being washed by wave action.

To further minimise the SS level during the dredging and sandfilling works

Project Site / During dredging and sandfilling









All vessels should be sized such that adequate clearance is maintained between vessels and the seabed at all states of the tide to ensure that undue turbidity is not generated by turbulence from vessel movement or propeller wash.

To further minimise the SS level during the dredging and sandfilling works

Project Site / During dredging and sandfilling









The works should not cause foam, oil, grease, litter or other objectionable matter to be present in the water within and adjacent to the Project Site. 

To further minimise the SS level during the dredging and sandfilling works

Project Site / During dredging and sandfilling






ProPECC PN 1/94



Construction Site Runoff

The excavation works for the drainage diversions should be carried out to minimise any seawater influx entering the works area and hence to keep the works area dry as much as possible.  


To ensure the works area will be kept dry as much as possible and hence avoid construction site runoff


Project Site / During excavation for the drainage diversions















Figure 6.21


Silt curtains at the inshore waters should be deployed to enclose the works area before the commencement of the excavation works for two drainage diversions until the completion of the diversions. 

To avoid any adverse water quality impacts resulting from the site runoff due to heavy rainfall

Project Site / During excavation for the drainage diversions












At the start of site establishment, perimeter cut-off drains to direct off-site water around the site should be constructed and internal drainage works and erosion and sedimentation control facilities implemented.  Channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers should be provided on site to direct stormwater to silt removal facilities.  The design of efficient silt removal facilities should be based on the guidelines in Appendix A1 of ProPECC PN 1/94.

To minimise the construction site runoff

Project Site / During land based construction works









ProPECC PN 1/94



All the surface runoff should be collected by the on-site drainage system and diverted through the silt traps prior to discharge into storm drain. 

To minimise the construction site runoff

Project Site / During land based construction works






ProPECC PN 1/94



All exposed earth areas should be completed as soon as possible after earthworks have been completed, or alternatively, within 14 days of the cessation of earthworks, where practicable.  If excavation of soil cannot be avoided during the rainy season, or at any time of year when rainstorms are likely, exposed slope surfaces should be covered by tarpaulin or by other means.

To minimise the construction site runoff

Project Site / During land based construction works






ProPECC PN 1/94



All drainage facilities and erosion and sediment control structures should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure proper and efficient operation at all times and particularly following rainstorms.  Deposited silt and grit should be removed regularly and disposed of by spreading evenly over stable, vegetated areas.

To minimise the construction site runoff

Project Site / During land based construction works






ProPECC PN 1/94



Measures should be taken to reduce the ingress of site drainage into excavations.  If the excavation of trenches in wet periods is necessary, they should be dug and backfilled in short sections wherever practicable.  Water pumped out from trenches or foundation excavations should be discharged into storm drains via silt removal facilities. 

To minimise the construction site runoff

Project Site / During land based construction works






ProPECC PN 1/94



Open stockpiles of construction materials (for example, aggregates, sand and fill material) of more than 50 m3 should be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms.  Measures should be taken to prevent the washing away of construction materials, soil, silt or debris into any drainage system.

To minimise the construction site runoff

Project Site / During land based construction works






ProPECC PN 1/94



Manholes (including newly constructed ones) should always be adequately covered and temporarily sealed so as to prevent silt, construction materials or debris being washed into the drainage system.

To minimise the construction site runoff

Project Site / During land based construction works






ProPECC PN 1/94



Precautions to be taken at any time of year when rainstorms are likely, actions to be taken when a rainstorm is imminent or forecasted, and actions to be taken during or after rainstorms are summarised in Appendix A2 of ProPECC PN 1/94.  Particular attention should be paid to the control of silty surface runoff during storm events, especially for areas located near steep slopes.

To minimise the construction site runoff

Project Site / During land based construction works






ProPECC PN 1/94



Oil interceptors should be provided in the drainage system and regularly emptied to prevent the release of oil and grease into the storm water drainage system after accidental spillages.  The interceptor should have a bypass to prevent flushing during periods of heavy rain.

To minimise the construction site runoff

Project Site / During land based construction works






ProPECC PN 1/94



All temporary and permanent drainage pipes and culverts provided to facilitate runoff discharge should be adequately designed for the controlled release of storm flows.  All sediment traps should be regularly cleaned and maintained.  The temporary diverted drainage should be reinstated to the original condition when the construction work has finished or the temporary diversion is no longer required.

To minimise the construction site runoff

Project Site / During land based construction works






ProPECC PN 1/94



Sewage Generated by Workforce

Sewage from toilets should be collected by a licensed waste collector.


To prevent contamination to nearby environment


Project Site / During land based construction works









Water Pollution Control Ordinance



Storage and Handling of Oil, Other Petroleum Products and Chemicals

Waste streams classifiable as chemical wastes should be properly stored, collected and treated for compliance with Waste Disposal Ordinance or Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation requirements.


To prevent contamination to nearby environment


Project Site / During land based construction works









Waste Disposal Ordinance



All fuel tanks and chemical storage areas should be provided with locks and be sited on paved areas. 

To prevent contamination to nearby environment

Project Site / During land based construction works






Waste Disposal Ordinance



The storage areas should be surrounded by bunds with a capacity equal to 110% of the storage capacity of the largest tank to prevent spilled oil, fuel and chemicals from reaching the receiving waters.

To prevent contamination to nearby environment

Project Site / During land based construction works






Waste Disposal Ordinance



Oil leakage or spillage should be contained and cleaned up immediately.  Waste oil should be collected and stored for recycling or disposal, in accordance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance.  The Contractors should prepare guidelines and procedures for immediate clean-up actions following any spillages of oil, fuel or chemicals.

To prevent contamination to nearby environment

Project Site / During land based construction works






Waste Disposal Ordinance



Vehicle and plant servicing areas, vehicle wash bays and lubrication bays should, as far as possible, be located within roofed areas.  The drainage in these covered areas should be connected to foul sewers via a petrol interceptor.

To prevent contamination to nearby environment

Project Site / During land based construction works






Waste Disposal Ordinance

6.9.1 and 11.6.1


EM&A Requirements

Monitoring of marine water quality during the construction phase is considered necessary to evaluate whether any impacts would be posed by these marine works on the surrounding waters during the operation of dredging and filling works. 


To ensure the construction works would not arise any impacts to the surrounding waters


Marine water outside the Project Site / During dredging and filling works


ET and Contractor







Water Quality – Post-Construction Phase (After the completion of the construction and before the operation of the beach)

6.9.2 and 11.6.2


EM&A Requirements

E. coli monitoring should be conducted at the outlet of two diverted drains and at EPD’s beach water monitoring stations for the identification of pollution loading and to establish relationship between the loading and EPD’s beach monitoring programme.



To investigate the pollution loading of E. coli and to establish relationship with EPD’s beach monitoring data


Two diverted drains and the Bathing Beach/ Within six weeks after the completion of the construction works




Post-Construction Phase (After the completion of the construction and before the operation of the beach)



Water Quality – Operational Phase











Surface Runoff from Project Site

A petrol interceptor should be provided in the drainage system and regularly emptied to prevent the release of oil and grease into the storm water drainage system after accidental spillages.  The interceptor should have a bypass to prevent flushing during periods of heavy rain.  Where appropriate, the design should follow or of similar functions as stated in the ProPECC PN 1/94.


To prevent contamination to nearby environment


Beach Park area / During operation










Water Pollution Control Ordinance and ProPECC PN 1/94



Oil leakage or spillage should be contained and cleaned up immediately.  Waste oil should be collected and stored for recycling or disposal in accordance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance.

To prevent contamination to nearby environment

Beach Building Facility / During operation






Waste Disposal Ordinance

Waste Management – Construction Phase











The Contractor should submit the plan to Project Proponent’s Engineer Representative for endorsement prior to the commencement of the construction works.  The plan should incorporate site-specific factors, such as the designation of areas for the segregation and temporary storage of reusable and recyclable materials.

To ensure that adverse environmental impacts are prevented

Project Site / Contract mobilisation and during construction









It will be the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that only reputable licensed waste collectors are used and that appropriate measures to reduce adverse impacts, including windblown litter and dust from the transportation of these wastes, are employed. 

To ensure that adverse environmental impacts are prevented

Project Site / Contract mobilisation and during construction









The Contractor must ensure that all the necessary permits or licences required under the Waste Disposal Ordinance are obtained for the construction phase.

To ensure compliance with relevant statutory requirements

Project Site / Contract mobilisation and during construction









Waste Management Hierarchy

·       Nomination of approved personnel to be responsible for good site practices, arrangements for collection and effective disposal to an appropriate facility of all wastes generated at the site; 

·       Training of site personnel in proper waste management and chemical handling procedures;

·       Provision of sufficient waste disposal points and regular collection for disposal;

·       Appropriate measures to reduce windblown litter and dust transportation of waste by either covering trucks or by transporting wastes in enclosed containers;

·       Separation of chemical wastes for special handling and appropriate treatment at the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre;

·       Regular cleaning and maintenance programme for drainage systems, sumps and oil interceptors; and

·       A recording system for the amount of wastes generated/recycled and disposal sites.

To ensure that adverse environmental impacts are prevented

Project Site / Contract mobilisation and during construction






Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation;

Works Bureau Technical Circular No.31/2004; and

Annex 5 and Annex 6 of Appendix G of ETWBTC No. 19/2005



Waste Reduction Measures 

·       Segregation and storage of different types of waste in different containers, skips or stockpiles to enhance reuse or recycling of material and their proper disposal;

·       Encourage collection of aluminium cans and waste paper by individual collectors during construction with separate labelled bins being provided to allow the segregation of these wastes from other general refuse generated by the workforce;

·       Any unused chemicals and those with remaining functional capacity be recycled as far as possible;

·       Use of reusable non-timber formwork to reduce the amount of C&D materials;

·       Prior to disposal of construction waste, wood, steel and other metals should be separated, to the extent practical for re-use and/or recycling to reduce the quantity of waste to be disposed at landfills;

·       Proper storage and site practices to reduce the potential for damage or contamination of construction materials; and

·       Plan and stock construction materials carefully to reduce amount of waste generated and avoid unnecessary generation of waste.


To reduce construction waste generation

Project Site / During construction









Dredging Materials

The final disposal site for the dredged sediments should be determined by the MFC and a dumping licence should be obtained from EPD prior to the commencement of the dredging works.  Uncontaminated sediments should be disposed of at open sea disposal sites designated by the MFC.  For contaminated sediments requiring Type 2 confined marine disposal, relevant contract documents should specify the allocation conditions of the MFC and EPD.

To ensure adverse environmental impacts are prevented

Dredging area / During construction






Dumping at Sea Ordinance



Excavated Materials and C&D Waste

Management of Waste Disposal

The contractor should open a billing account with EPD in accordance with the Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation for the payment of disposal charges.  Every waste load transferred to Government waste disposal facilities such as public fill, sorting facilities, or landfills should require a valid “chit” which contains the information of the account holder to facilitate waste transaction recording and billing to the waste producer.  A trip-ticket system should be established in accordance with ETWBTC No. 31/2004 to monitor the reuse of surplus excavated materials off-site and disposal of construction waste and general refuse at transfer stations/landfills, and to control fly-tipping.  The billing “chit” and trip-ticket system should be included as one of the contractual requirements and implemented by the contractor.  Regular audits of the waste management measures implemented on-site as described in the Waste Management Plan should be conducted.

A recording system (similar to summary table as shown in Annex 5 and Annex 6 of Appendix G of ETWBTC No. 19/2005) for the amount of waste generated, recycled and disposed of (including the disposal sites) will be established during the construction phase.

To properly handle the excavated materials and C&D waste and thus avoid any adverse impacts

Project Site / During construction






Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation




Reduction of C&D Materials Generation

Public fill and construction waste should be segregated and stored in different containers or skips to facilitate reuse or recycling of the public fill and proper disposal of the construction waste.  Specific areas of the work site should be designated for such segregation and storage if immediate use is not practicable.

To reduce the potential dust and water quality impacts of site formation works, C&D materials should be wetted as quickly as possible to the extent practicable after excavation/filling.


To reduce the generation of C&D waste

Project Site / During construction









Chemical Waste

The Contractor should register as a chemical waste producer with the EPD.  Chemical waste, as defined by Schedule 1 of the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, should be handled in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Handling and Storage of Chemical Wastes.  Containers used for the storage of chemical wastes should:

·       Be suitable for the substance they are holding, resistant to corrosion, maintained in a good condition, and securely closed;

·       Have a capacity of less than 450 L unless the specifications have been approved by the EPD; and

·       Display a label in English and Chinese in accordance with instructions prescribed in Schedule 2 of the Regulations.

The storage area for chemical wastes will:

·       Be clearly labelled and used solely for the storage of chemical waste;

·       Be enclosed on at least 3 sides; 

·       Have an impermeable floor and bunding, of capacity to accommodate 110% of the volume of the largest container or 20% by volume of the chemical waste stored in that area, whichever is the greatest;

·       Have adequate ventilation;

·       Be covered to prevent rainfall entering (water collected within the bund must be tested and disposed of as chemical waste, if necessary); and

·       Be arranged so that incompatible materials are appropriately separated.

Chemical waste should be collected by a licensed chemical waste collector to a facility licensed to receive chemical waste, such as the Chemical Waste Treatment Facility.

To ensure proper handling of chemical waste

Project Site / During construction







Code of Practice on the Packaging, Handling and Storage of Chemical Wastes




An adequate number of portable toilets should be provided for the on-site construction workforce during construction phase.  All portable toilets should be maintained in a state that will not deter the users from using them.  Night soil should be regularly collected by a licensed collector for disposal.  The sewage generated from the visitors during operation of the Proposed Beach Development should be discharged to the adjacent foul sewer conveying to Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works for treatment. 

To ensure proper handling of sewage

Project Site / During construction









General Refuse

General refuse should be stored in enclosed bins or compaction units separately from construction and chemical wastes.  A reputable waste collector should be employed to remove general refuse from the site, separately from construction and chemical wastes, on a daily basis to reduce odour, pest and litter impacts.  The burning of refuse on construction sites is prohibited by law.

Recycling bins should be provided at strategic locations to facilitate recovery of aluminium cans and waste paper from the Project Site.  Materials recovered should be sold for recycling. 

To ensure proper handling of general refuse

Project Site / During construction









Staff Training

Training should be provided to workers on the concept of site cleanliness and appropriate waste management procedures, including waste reduction, reuse and recycling at the beginning of the construction works.

To ensure that adverse environmental impacts are prevented

Project Site / Contract mobilisation and during construction









EM&A Requirements

Joint site audits by the Environmental Team and the Contractor should be undertaken on a weekly basis.  Particular attention should be given to the Contractor’s provision of sufficient spaces, adequacy of resources and facilities for on-site sorting and temporary storage of C&D materials.  The C&D materials to be disposed of from the Project Site should be visually inspected.  The public fill for delivery to the off-site stockpiling area should contain no observable non-inert materials (e.g., general refuse, timber, etc). 

The waste to be disposed of at refuse transfer stations or landfills should as far as possible contains no observable inert or reusable/recyclable C&D materials (e.g., soil, broken rock, metal, and paper/cardboard packaging, etc).  Any irregularities observed during the weekly site audits should be raised promptly to the Contractor for rectification.  

To ensure that adverse environmental impacts are prevented

Project Site / During  construction

ET and Contractor






Waste Management – Operational Phase











EM&A Requirements

EM&A is not required during the operation phase of the Proposed Beach Development.









Ecology  – Construction Phase











Measures for Common Rat Snake

To undertake a search of the Common Rat Snake within the land based Project Site just before the commencement of the construction works.  Due to the small size of the Project Site and given that there are no optimal habitats for Common Rat Snake, one day-time search is considered sufficient.  The surveyor(s) should actively search the areas within the Project Site and pay special attention to the leaf litters and rocks.  All recorded Common Rat Snake should be caught by hand and translocated to the shrubland at the north of the Study Area, immediately after the search.  The Common Rat Snake search and translocation works should be undertaken by a qualified ecologist with relevant experience in faunal translocation works. 


To ensure that adverse impacts arising from the Project to Common Rat Snake are prevented



Project Site (land based) / prior to commencement of construction works



ET / Qualified Ecologist











Dredging and Sand Filling Operations

It is predicted that the sediment plume and the sediment deposition will not be large in extent and no unacceptable water impacts including DO depletion, release of contaminants and nutrients are expected.  Although no unacceptable water quality impacts would result, the following good construction site practice and proactive precautionary measures are recommended to ensure dredging and sandfilling operations would be undertaken in such a manner as to avoid any uncontrolled or unexpected incidents during the marine works:

·       A movable cage type / metal frame type silt curtain should be deployed around the dredging area next to the grab dredger prior to commencement of dredging works;

·       Standing type silt curtains should be deployed around the proposed sandfilling extent prior to commencement of sandfilling works; and

·       Proper equipment, dredging rate, filling rate and good construction practices should be implemented, details refer to Section 6.6.1.

To minimise ecological impacts arising from dredging and sand filling works

Project Site / During dredging and sand filling works










Measures for Controlling Construction Runoff

·       Storm water run-off from the construction site should be directed into existing drainage channel via adequately designed sand/silt removal facilities such as sand/silt traps and oil interceptors.  Channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers should be provided on site to properly direct storm water to such silt removal facilities.  

To minimise ecological impacts of construction runoff

Project Site / During dredging and filling works










Planting along the Western Drainage Diversion

·       Provide tree/ shrub/ climber planting along the gabion wall of the new drainage channel.  Regular monitoring and removal of the weed plant Mikania micrantha during the establishment and maintenance period.

To provide an ecological habitat

Along gabion wall of the new western drainage channel/ After completion of the gabion










Good Construction Practices

·       Erect fences along the boundary of the Extension Site before the commencement of works to prevent vehicle movements, and encroachment of personnel, onto adjacent areas; and

·       Regularly check the work site boundaries to ensure that they are not breached and that damage does not occur to surrounding areas. 

To avoid any adverse ecological impacts

Project Site / During construction works








Ecology – Operational Phase











A total of approximately 382 mangrove seedlings will be provided.  Detailed mangrove seedling planting proposal providing information of planting methodology, recipient sites, planting species and mix, implementation programme, post-planting monitoring and personal involved shall be submitted to and approved by EPD and AFCD. 

Mangrove seedling planting should be undertaken and supervised by a suitably qualified botanist/ horticulturist.  After planting, one year monitoring should be undertaken to check the performance and health conditions of the planted individuals on a monthly basis.  Remedial actions should be discussed with AFCD in the event of unsuccessful mangrove seedling planting and follow an approved Event and Action Plan as indicated in Table 8.30 of the EIA Report.  

To monitoring the conditions of mangroves after re-planting

Next to Eastern Box Culvert / after plantation works

ET/ Qualified Ecologist






8.10.3 and 8.12.2


Mangrove seedling planting location is proposed along the outer sides of the groynes and western drainage channel at a level of about 1.2 to 1.6 mPD with a total size of 300 m2.  After planting, one year monitoring will be undertaken to check the performance and health conditions of the planted individuals on a monthly basis.  Regular monitoring and removal of the weed plant Mikania micrantha during the establishment and maintenance period.

To monitoring the conditions of mangroves after re-planting

Next to Eastern Box Culvert / after plantation works

ET/ Qualified Ecologist/Contractor






Fisheries – Construction Phase











EM&A Requirements

EM&A is not required during the construction phase of the Project.   However, water quality monitoring will be conducted at the Yim Tin Tsai Fish Culture Zone.  Details should be referred to the Water Quality Section.

To ensure that no water quality deterioration in the Fish Culture Zone as a result of the dredging and sandfilling works

Details refer to Section 12.6 of the EM&A Manual.

ET and Contractor





Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, Annex 21 of the EIAO-TM

Fisheries – Operational Phase











EM&A Requirements

EM&A is not required during the operation phase of the Proposed Beach Development. 









Landscape and Visual Impact – Construction Phase











Landscape Mitigation

A Landscape Plan will be submitted before the commencement of Works.


To provide landscaping work.


Before commencement of construction phase


ET and Contractor










Cultivation of areas impacted during construction.  Areas impacted during the construction phase that are not required during the operation phase, are to be cultivated to a depth of 300mm in accordance with accepted Hong Kong practice and guidelines.  The cultivation shall involve ripping of compacted soil by mechanical means and the addition gypsum and/or organic fertiliser if required.


To improve the soil allowing plants to thrive


Project Site / During  construction











Car Park Tree Planting. Advanced trees are to be planted in the car park

To provide shade to the carpark areas and to reduce the mass of the paved areas

Project Site / During  construction









Tree and shrub planting.  All planting of trees and shrubs is to be carried out in accordance with the relevant best practice guidelines.  Plant densities are to be provided in future detailed design documents and are to be selected so as to achieve a finished landscape that matches the surrounding, undisturbed, equivalent landscape types.  Regular monitoring and removal of the weed plant Mikania micrantha during the establishment and maintenance period.

To improve the appearance of the development

Project Site / During  construction









Roof Terrace Planting. Trees, shrubs and climbers shall be established in planters on the roof terraces of the new structures where possible.

To improve the appearance of the development by softening the building element

Project Site / During  construction









Natural Rock Groynes New rock groynes are needed to contain the sand of the new beach. Natural stones will be used for construction of the Groynes.

To improve the appearance of the development to make the man-made feature be more compatible with the surroundings

Project Site / During  construction









Inter-Tidal Re-generation. It is likely that a build up of sediment and sand will occur at the outer edges of the rock groyne. This is a natural process and the development proponent has no control over the implementation of this mitigation measure.

To improve the appearance of the development

Adjacent areas









Mangrove Re-generation. Mangroves of similar species to existing to be manually established by planting of droppings.

To improve the ecological value of the project

Project Site / During  post-construction









Buffer Planting. Trees and shrubs are to be planted along Ting Kok road to screen the development from the nearby Village/Developed Areas.

To improve the appearance of the development

Project Site / During  post-construction









Early Planting Works Where technically feasible, new plantings are to be installed during the construction works to reduce landscape impacts. 

To improve the appearance of the development

Project Site / During  construction









Tree Protection/Transplantation. Where technically feasible, existing trees in the Trees/Backshore Vegetation LR are to be retained. Those trees that cannot be retained that are of value are to be transplanted.

To improve the appearance of the development

Project Site / Before commencement of construction









Visual Mitigation

Design of Structures. The structure shown in the photomontages are to illustrate the mass of the structures only. During the design phase of the development, features such as the location of doors, windows, eaves etc. will be detailed. All of these elements will greatly improve the appearance of the structures. Where possible, built structures will utilise appropriate designs to complement the surrounding landscape.  Materials and finishes will also be considered during detailed design.


To reduce visual impacts and improve the appearance of the development


Project Site / During  construction











Colour Scheme. Colours for the structures can be used to complement the surrounding area.  Lighter colours such as shades of light grey, off-white and light brown may be utilised where technically feasible to reduce the visibility of the structures.

To reduce visual impacts and improve the appearance of the development

Project Site / During  construction









Plantings. In addition to the landscape mitigation plantings proposed in Section 10.5.9 of the EIA report, appropriate new plantings will be installed as appropriate to help integrate the new structures into the surrounding landscape.

To help integrate the new structures into the surrounding landscape

Project Site / During  post-construction









Colour of Site Hoardings.  In order to mitigate the visual impact of these temporary hoardings, it is recommended that the hoardings be erected at a uniform height, with a uniform colour that complements the existing surrounding landscape.

To mitigate the visual impact of temporary hoardings

Project Site / During  construction









EM&A Requirements

A specialist Landscape Sub-Contractor should be employed for the implementation of landscape construction works and subsequent maintenance operations during a 12-month establishment period.

A Registered Landscape Architect should be employed to supervise the specialist Landscape Sub-contractor for the implementation of landscape works, both hard and soft, involved.

Measures undertaken by both the Contractor(s) and the specialist Landscape Sub-Contractor during the construction phase and first year post-construction will be audited by the Registered Landscape Architect of the ET.

Site inspections should be undertaken at least once every two weeks throughout the landscaping plants establishment period when planting works are being undertaken.   

A tree survey should be prepared, for DLO submission, and for the purpose of existing trees protection. Removal of existing trees to be minimized. The Contractor should consider to employ a certified arborist when sizable and valuable existing tree(s) protection of transplant is required.

Post-construction phase auditing will be restricted to the 12-month establishment works of the landscaping proposals.

Advance planting- monitoring of implementation and maintenance of planting, and against potential incursion, physical damage, fire, pollution, surface erosion, etc.

Protection of trees to be retained-identification and demarcation of trees / vegetation to be retained, erection of physical protection (e.g. fencing), monitoring against potential incursion, physical damage, fire, pollution, surface erosion, etc.

Clearance of existing vegetation-identification and demarcation of trees / vegetation to be cleared, checking of extent of works to reduce damage, monitoring of adjacent areas against potential incursion, physical damage, fire, pollution, surface erosion, etc.

Transplanting of trees-identification and demarcation of trees / vegetation to be transplanted, monitoring of extent of pruning / lifting works to reduce damage, timing of operations, implementation of the stages of preparatory and translocation works, and maintenance of transplanted vegetation, etc.

Plant supply-monitoring of operations relating to the supply of specialist plant material (including the collecting, germination and growth of plants from seed) to ensure that plants will be available in time to be used within the construction works.

Soiling, planting, etc-monitoring of implementation and maintenance of soiling and planting works and against potential incursion, physical damage, fire, pollution, surface erosion, etc.

Architectural design and treatment of all structures (where practicable), retaining walls, elevated road structures and other engineering works-implementation and maintenance of mitigation measures, to ensure conformity with agreed designs.

Erection of Site Hoardings/Fences- Erection of site hoardings/fences during the construction phase to reduce visual impacts.

Establishment Works- monitoring of implementation of maintenance operations during Establishment Period.


To check the implementation and maintenance of landscape mitigation measures and ensure that they are fully realised and that potential conflicts between the proposed landscape measures and any other project works and operational requirements are resolved at the earliest practical date and without compromise to the intention of the mitigation measures


Project Site / During construction and post-construction phase


Specialist Landscape Sub-contractor,Registered Landscape Architect and ET







Landscape and Visual Impact – Operational Phase











Plant Maintenance. All installed plant material to be maintained to the relevant Hong Kong standard for the life of the Proposed Beach Development

To improve the appearance of the development.

Proposed Beach Development / During  operation







([1])  The operation phase of the Proposed Beach Development is considered as commencement of the handover date to LSCD so that the proposed measures recommended under EM&A should be carried out as appropriate after the handover. However, there may be a time lapse between the handover date and the formal opening for public use due to the application of the beach gazette by LCSD.