11.1.1 A desktop review of relevant available marine archaeological information and relevant
geophysical data within the project area of the Wan Chai East Sewage Outfall was conducted by a qualified marine archaeologist. The results of the review are presented
11.2.1 In May 2001 the AMO commissioned SDA Marine Ltd to undertake a MAI
for Wanchai Reclamation Phase II. In accordance with AMO Guidelines the MAI comprised:
Baseline Review, Geophysical Survey and Underwater Inspection.
11.2.2 The study area exactly replicated the current study area with the
exception of a small section at North Point adjacent to the Causeway Bay
typhoon shelter. It can therefore
be assumed that the results of the previous study are directly applicable to
the current project.
11.2.3 The Baseline Review indicated a high marine archaeological potential
as the study area has always been at the centre of development and industry
within Victoria Harbour. However, the marine archaeological
potential is diminished by the existing reclamation and associated disturbance
on the seabed.
11.2.4 The geophysical survey deployed: echo sounder, seismic profiler and
side scan sonar. The survey was
commissioned to meet the needs of the MAI and therefore the methodology was
designed to enhance acquisition of archaeological data.
11.2.5 The survey provided 200% coverage of the seabed and subsurface
sediments. Nine anomalies were
identified in the survey data. A diver inspection was carried out to obtain
accurate information about their archaeological potential. Each anomaly was successfully located
and examined by a diver. There were
two modern shipwrecks, four pieces of metal construction material, two large
concrete blocks and a small metal container.
11.2.6 It was concluded that there were no archaeological resources within
the study area and no need for any mitigation measures or constraints on the
proposed development.
Since there is no archaeological
material present within the project area, there is no need for any further
archaeological investigation or mitigation measures.
No residual cultural heritage
impact is expected.
There is no monitoring and audit requirement for
the marine archaeology.
results of the MAI in 2001 (Report No. SDA8827) are applicable to the current
study since they cover the same seabed area. There have not been any significant
changes to the seabed since 2001 which would have affected its archaeological
potential. According to the MAI in 2001, it was concluded there were no
archaeological resources within the project area of the Wan Chai East Sewage