Table 14.1 Implementation Schedule for Air Quality Control
# |
Environmental Protection Measures / Mitigation
Measures |
Location / Timing |
Implementation Agent |
Implementation Stages* |
Relevant Legislation and Guidelines |
Des |
C |
O |
Dec |
Construction Phase |
S3.8.1 |
Implementation of dust
suppression measures stipulated in Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust)
Regulation. Ÿ
hoist for material transport should be totally enclosed by impervious
sheeting Ÿ
vehicle should be washed to remove any dusty materials from its body and
wheels before leaving a construction site Ÿ
area where vehicle washing takes place and the section of the road between
the washing facilities and the exit point should be paved with concrete,
bituminous materials or hardcores Ÿ
a site boundary adjoins a road, streets or other accessible to the public,
hording of not less than Ÿ
stack of more than 20 bags of cement should be covered entirely by impervious
sheeting places in an area sheltered on the top and the 3 sides Ÿ
dusty materials should be sprayed with water prior to any loading, unloading
or transfer operation so as to maintain the dusty materials wet Ÿ
height from which excavated materials are dropped should be controlled to a
minimum practical height to limit fugitive dust generation from unloading |
Work site / during
construction |
Contractor |
S3.8.1 |
load of dusty materials carried by vehicle leaving a construction site should
be covered entirely by clean impervious sheeting to ensure dust materials do
not leak from the vehicle Ÿ
of an environmental monitoring and auditing program to monitor the
construction process in order to enforce controls and modify method of work
if dusty conditions arise |
Work site / during
construction |
Contractor |
Ö |
Operational Phase |
Nil |
# All recommendations and
requirements resulted during the course of EIA/EA Process, including ACE and /
or accepted public comment to the proposed project.
* Des - Design, C -
Construction, O – Operation, and Dec - Decommissioning
Table 14.2 Implementation Schedule for Noise Control
# |
Environmental Protection Measures / Mitigation
Measures |
Location / Timing |
Implementation Agent |
Implementation Stages* |
Relevant Legislation and Guidelines |
Des |
C |
O |
Dec |
S4.8.1 |
of quiet powered mechanical equipment |
Work Sites / During
Construction |
Contractor |
Ö |
S |
paving - Adoption of quiet PMEs, movable noise barrier and scheduling of PMEs
during normal teaching period, only one PME to be operated and the work area
not less than 22m from NSR TLLF or cease operation of PMEs if work area less
than 30m from NSR TLLF during examination period. The barrier material shall have a surface mass of not less
than |
Work Site for road paving,
road marking and construction of noise barrier in the vicinity of NSR TLFF (The Church of Christ in |
Contractor |
Ö |
& S4.8.7 |
marking - Adoption of quiet PMEs and movable noise barrier during normal
teaching period and examination period.
The work area should be located not less than 18m from NSR TLLF during
examination period. The barrier
material shall have a surface mass of not less than |
Work Site for road marking
in the vicinity of NSR
TLFF / During Construction |
Contractor |
Ö |
& S4.8.8 |
of noise barrier - Adoption of quiet PMEs and movable noise barrier during
examination period, piling operation for construction of noise barrier would
also be ceased during examination period. The barrier material shall have a surface mass of not less
than |
Work Site for construction of noise barrier in the
of NSR TLFF / During Construction |
Contractor |
Ö |
S |
Good Site Practice: Ÿ
Only well-maintained plant should be operated on-site and plant should
be serviced regularly during the construction program. Ÿ
Silencers or mufflers on construction equipment should be utilized and
should be properly maintained during the construction program. Ÿ
Mobile plant, if any, should be sited as far away from NSRs as
possible. Ÿ
Machines and plant (such as trucks) that may be in intermittent use
should be shut down between works periods or should be throttled down to a
minimum. Ÿ
Plant known to emit noise strongly in one direction should, wherever
possible, be orientated so that the noise is directed away from the nearby
Material stockpiles and other structures should be effectively
utilized, wherever practicable, in screening noise from on-site construction
activities. Ÿ
Scheduling the noisy work to be conducted in non-school hours or long
holiday such as summer vacation as possible. |
Work Sites / During
Construction |
Contractor |
Ö |
Operational Phase |
About 100m long
of a 6m high cantilevered barrier with 3.5m cantilever inclined at 23° on the About 80m long
of a 6m high cantilevered barrier with 2.5m cantilever inclined at 23° on the Yuen Long bound of TMR. Low Noise
Surfacing on the ‘New’ road section of |
Long bound of
TMR / Before commencement of operation of road project ‘New’
road section of Tuen Mun Road/Before commencement of operation of road
project |
HyD |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
# All recommendations and
requirements resulted during the course of EIA/EA Process, including ACE and /
or accepted public comment to the proposed project.
* Des - Design, C -
Construction, O – Operation, and Dec - Decommissioning
Table 14.3 Implementation Schedule for Water Quality Control
EIA Ref # |
Environmental Protection Measures / Mitigation
Measures |
Location / Timing |
Implementation Agent |
Implementation Stages* |
Relevant Legislation and Guidelines |
Des |
C |
O |
Dec |
Construction Phase |
S5.7.2 |
Measures for Ÿ
Site runoff would be directed towards regularly cleaned and maintained
sand traps, silt traps and where appropriate. Ÿ
Oil/grease separators to minimise risk of sedimentation and pollution
to the River Channel. Ÿ
Debris and rubbish generated on-site would be collected, handled and
disposed of properly. Ÿ
The stockpile or temporary storage area and chemical waste storage area
shall be located at least 30m away from Tuen Mun River Channel. |
Work site / During
the construction period |
Contractor |
Ö |
ProPECC PN 1/94; WPCO (TM-DSS) |
S5.7.3 |
Construction Runoff and
Drainage The site practices outlined in ProPECC PN 1/94
“Construction Site Drainage” shall be implemented including: Ÿ
Sand/silt removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps or sediment
basins shall be provided to remove sand/silt particles from runoff to meet
the requirements of the Technical Memorandum standard under the Water
Pollution Control Ordinance. The
design of silt removal facilities should be based on the guidelines provided
in ProPECC PN 1/94. All drainage
facilities and erosion and sediment control structures should be inspected
monthly and maintained to ensure proper and efficient operation at all times
and particularly during rainstorms.
Water pumped out from foundation excavations should be discharged into
silt removal facilities. Ÿ
Careful programming of the works to minimise surface excavations during
the rainy season. If excavation
of soil cannot be avoided during the rainy season, or at any time of year
when rainstorms are likely, exposed slope surfaces should be covered by a
tarpaulin or other means. Other
measures that need to be implemented before, during, and after rainstorms are
summarized in ProPECC PN 1/94. Ÿ
Exposed soil surface shall be protected by paving as soon as possible
to reduce the potential of soil erosion. Ÿ
Open stockpiles of construction materials on site shall be covered with
tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms. |
Work site / During
the construction period |
Contractor |
Ö |
ProPECC PN 1/94; WPCO (TM-DSS) |
S |
Sewage from General
Construction Activities Debris and rubbish generated on-site shall be collected, handled and
disposed of properly to avoid entering the nearby nullah and stormwater
drains. Stockpiles of cement and
other construction material should be kept covered when not being used. Oils and fuels should only be used and stored in designated areas which
have pollution prevention facilities.
All fuel tanks and storage areas shall be provided with locks and be
sited on sealed areas, within bunds of a capacity equal to 110% of the
storage capacity of the largest tank.
The bund should be drained of rainwater after a rain event. |
Work site / During
the construction period |
Contractor |
Ö |
(TM-DSS) |
S5.7.6 |
Sewage Effluent Temporary sanitary facilities, such as portable chemical toilets, shall
be employed on-site. A licensed
contractor would be responsible for appropriate disposal and maintenance of
these facilities. |
Work site and
adjacent water / During the design and construction period. |
Contractor |
Ö |
Ö |
Operational Phase |
S5.7.7 |
surface water
drainage system provided with adequately designed silt trap would be provided to
collect road runoff. . |
design and operational period |
Ö |
Ö |
# All recommendations and
requirements resulted during the course of EIA/EA Process, including ACE and /
or accepted public comment to the proposed project.
* Des - Design, C -
Construction, O – Operation, and Dec - Decommissioning
Table 14.4 Implementation Schedule for Waste Management
EIA Ref # |
Environmental Protection Measures / Mitigation
Measures |
Location / Timing |
Implementation Agent |
Implementation Stages* |
Relevant Legislation and Guidelines |
Des |
C |
O |
Dec |
Construction Phase |
S6.6.1 |
Good Site Practices Recommendations for good
site practices during the construction activities include:
nomination of an approved person, such as a site manager, to be
responsible for good site practices, arrangements for collection and
effective disposal to an appropriate facility, of all wastes generated at the
site; Ÿ
training of site personnel in proper waste management and chemical
waste handling procedures; Ÿ
provision of sufficient waste disposal points and regular collection
for disposal; Ÿ
appropriate measures to minimise windblown litter and dust during
transportation of waste by either covering trucks or by transporting wastes
in enclosed containers; Ÿ
regular cleaning and maintenance programme for drainage systems, sumps
and oil interceptors; and Ÿ
a recording system for the amount of wastes generated, recycled and
disposed of (including the disposal sites). |
Work site / During the construction period |
Contractor |
Ö |
Waste Disposal
Ordinance (Cap.354) |
S6.6.2 |
Waste Reduction Measures Waste reduction is best
achieved at the planning and design stage, as well as by ensuring the
implementation of good site practices.
Recommendations to achieve waste reduction include: Ÿ
segregation and storage of different types of waste in different
containers, skips or stockpiles to enhance reuse or recycling of materials
and their proper disposal; Ÿ
to encourage collection of aluminium cans, PET bottles and paper,
separate labelled bins shall be provided to segregate these wastes from other
general refuse generated by the work force; Ÿ
any unused chemicals or those with remaining functional capacity shall
be recycled; Ÿ
use of reusable non-timber formwork to reduce the amount of C&D
material. Ÿ
prior to disposal of C&D waste, it is recommended that wood, steel
and other metals shall be separated for re-use and / or recycling to minimise
the quantity of waste to be disposed of to landfill; Ÿ
proper storage and site practices to minimise the potential for damage
or contamination of construction materials; and Ÿ
plan and stock construction materials carefully to minimise amount of
waste generated and avoid unnecessary generation of waste. |
Work site / During planning and design stage, and construction stage |
Contractor |
Ö |
Ö |
S6.6.4 |
General refuse should be stored in enclosed bins or
compaction units separate from C&D material. A licensed waste collector should be employed by the
contractor to remove general refuse from the site, separately from C&D
material. A collection area should be provided where wastes can
be stored and loaded prior to removal from site. An enclosed and covered area is recommended to reduce the
occurrence of 'wind blow' light material. |
Work site / During the construction period |
Contractor |
Ö |
Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) |
S6.6.5 |
After use, chemical wastes (for example, cleaning
fluids, solvents, lubrication oil and fuel) should be handled according to
the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical
Wastes. Spent chemicals should
be collected by a licensed collector for disposal at the CWTF or other
licensed facility in accordance with the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste)
(General) Regulation. |
Work site / During the construction period |
Contractor |
Ö |
Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical
Wastes |
S6.6.6 & 6.6.7 |
Construction and Demolition Material Excavated fill material shall be reused on-site as
backfill material as far as possible.
The material to be disposed at public fill reception facility shall be
free from marine mud, household refuse, plastic, metals, industrial and
chemical waste, animal and vegetable matter, and other material considered to
be unsuitable by the Filling Supervisor. |
Work site / During the construction period |
Contractor |
Ö |
ETWB TCW No. 33/2002, 31/2004, 19/2005 |
# All recommendations and
requirements resulted during the course of EIA/EA Process, including ACE and /
or accepted public comment to the proposed project.
* Des - Design, C -
Construction, O – Operation, and Dec - Decommissioning
Table 14.5 Implementation Schedule for Hazard to Life
EIA Ref # |
Environmental Protection
Measures / Mitigation Measures |
Location / Timing |
Implementation Agent |
Implementation Stages* |
Relevant Legislation and
Guidelines |
Des |
C |
O |
Dec |
Construction Phase |
S8.8.4 |
Ÿ The number of workers
on site during construction stage should be kept as the level as assessed in
this report. Ÿ Emergency
evacuation procedures should be formulated and Highways Department (HyD)
should ensure all workers on site should be familiar with these procedures as
well as the route to escape in case of gas release incident occur. Relevant
Departments, such as Water Supplies Department and Fire Services Department,
should be consulted during the development of Emergency procedures. Diagram
showing the escape routes to a safe place should be posted in the site notice
boards and at the entrance/exit of site. Ÿ The emergency
procedures should specify means of providing a rapid and direct warning (e.g.
Siren and Flashing Light) to construction workers in the event of chlorine
gas release in the Tuen Mun Water Treatment Works (TMWTW). Ÿ
The construction site officer of HyD should establish a communication
channel with the TMWTW operation personnel during construction stage. In case
of any hazardous incidents in the treatment works, operation personnel of
TMWTW should advise the site officer to evacuate the construction workers. |
Works area/ During
construction phase |
Contractor |
Ö |
- |
S8.8.5 |
Induction Training
should be provided to any staff before working on site at the Tsing Tin
Interchange work site
Works area/During
construction phase |
Contractor |
Ö |
- |
S8.8.6 |
Periodic drills
should be coordinated and conducted to ensure all construction staffs are
familiar with the evacuation procedures. Upon completion of the drills, a
review on every step taken should be conducted to identify area of
Works area/ During construction
phase |
Contractor |
Ö |
# All recommendations and requirements resulted during the course of
EIA/EA Process, including ACE and / or accepted public comment to the proposed
Des - Design, C -
Construction, O – Operation, and Dec - Decommissioning
Table 14.6 Implementation Schedule for Ecology
EIA Ref # |
Environmental Protection Measures / Mitigation
Measures |
Location / Timing |
Implementation Agent |
Implementation Stages* |
Relevant Legislation and Guidelines |
Des |
C |
O |
Dec |
Construction Phase |
S9.7.2 |
Construction activities would be confined to
developed areas of low ecological value, and there would be no direct impact
to other habitats within the Assessment Area.
Works area / During construction phase |
Contractor |
Ö |
- |
S |
To mitigate the noise impacts to habitats and associated wildlife within and adjacent to the proposed works area, quite
mechanical plants and well-maintained plants should be used wherever possible. Noise-emitting
construction plant should be installed away from the egretry as far as practical.
Schedule of construction programme should be carefully planned to avoid
noise-generating construction activities with high disturbance impact during
the breeding seasons of the ardeids (i.e. mid-March to August).
Works area / During construction phase |
Contractor |
Ö |
- |
S |
Noise barrier should also be implemented to mitigate
the noise impact in operation phase. To minimize the bird collision
impact, precautionary
and bird-friendly approach to noise barrier design should be
The transparent materials of the noise barriers would be non-glaring
and not light-reflective. Ÿ
Noise barrier panels would be with either tinted materials, embedded
opaque stripes or superimposed patterns of thin opaque stripes. Ÿ
Noise barrier would be made visible to birds, such as putting falcon
stickers on the transparent panels. |
area / during
construction phase |
Contractor |
Ö |
- |
S |
Standard good site practice measures should be implemented throughout
the construction phase. The measures should include:
Placement of equipment in designated works areas selected on existing
disturbed land. Ÿ
Construction activities should be restricted to the proposed works area
that would be clearly demarcated. Ÿ
The proposed works area should be reinstated immediately after
completion of the works. Ÿ
Open burning on proposed works sites is illegal, and should be strictly
enforced. Ÿ
Waste skips should be provided to collect general refuse and
construction wastes. The wastes should be disposed of timely and properly
off-site. Ÿ Any soil contamination with fuel leaked from construction plants should be removed off-site. |
Works area / during construction phase |
Contractor |
Ö |
- |
S |
To minimize the
construction dust impact to the vegetation within and in vicinity of the proposed
works area, the following mitigation measures as listed below should be
Regular watering should be used during the construction stage. Ÿ
Any aggregate or dusty material storage piles should be completely
covered. Ÿ Minimum practical height for dropping of excavated material should be applied. |
Works area / During construction phase |
Contractor |
Ö |
- |
S |
To minimize the indirect
impacts to the nearby Tuen Mun River Channel, the following measures should
be implemented:
Any runoff and drainage water with high levels of suspended solids
should be prevented from entering the nearby water-bodies. Ÿ
Site runoff should be directed towards regularly cleaned and maintained
silt traps and oil/grease separators to avoid and minimise the risk of
sedimentation and pollution of the nearby stream courses and drainage
culvert. Ÿ
The silt and oil/grease separators should be appropriately designed for
the local drainage and ground conditions. Ÿ Debris and rubbish generated on-site should be collected, handled and disposed of properly. |
Works area / during construction phase |
Contractor |
Ö |
- |
S |
Compensatory planting of
a ratio not less than 1:1 ratio in terms of quality and quantity should be
provided to compensate for the loss of roadside trees due to the construction
area / during
construction phase |
Ö |
- |
# All recommendations and
requirements resulted during the course of EIA/EA Process, including ACE and /
or accepted public comment to the proposed project.
Des - Design, C - Construction, O – Operation, and Dec -
Table 14.7 Implementation Schedule for Landscape and Visual - Construction
EIA Ref # |
Environmental Protection
Measures / Mitigation Measures |
Location / Timing |
Implementation Agent |
Implementation Stages |
Relevant Legislation and Guidelines |
Des |
C |
O |
Dec |
Construction Phase |
For the Whole Project |
Work site / During Construction Phase |
HyD |
Ö |
Ö |
EIAO-TM Annex 10, 18 ETWB TCW 2/2004 ETWB
TCW 3/2006 |
Work site / During
Construction Phase |
HyD |
Ö |
Ö |
Work site / During
Construction Phase |
HyD |
Ö |
Ö |
Work site / During
Construction Phase |
HyD |
Ö |
Ö |
Work site / During
Construction Phase |
HyD |
Ö |
Work site / During
Construction Phase |
HyD |
Ö |
Operation Phase |
Table 10.7 |
Work site / During Design
Stage and Operation Phases |
HyD |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
EIAO-TM Annex 10, 18 ETWB TCW 2/2004 ETWB TCW 3/2006 |
Work site / During Design
Stage and Operation Phases |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Work site / During Design Stage
and Operation Phases |
HyD |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Work site / During Design
Stage and Operation Phases |
HyD |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
# All recommendations and
requirements resulted during the course of EIA/EA Process, including ACE and /
or accepted public comment to the proposed project.
Des - Design, C - Construction, O – Operation, and Dec –