2.                              ProJect Description


2.1                          Project Background              The existing Pillar Point Sewage Treatment Works (PPSTW) is a preliminary treatment works of 5.79 m3/s capacity.  The operation of the existing PPSTW is to remove screenings followed by grit removal prior to discharging its effluent into the sea via twin submarine outfalls.  Under the Review of the Tuen Mun and Tsing Yi Sewerage Master Plan (RTMTYSMP) commissioned in February 1999, recommendation was made to upgrade the existing PPSTW to chemically enhanced primary treatment with disinfection.  Figures 2.1 and 2.2 show the location and layout of existing PPSTW.              The effluent discharged from the Project, with respect to the designed capacity of the upgraded PPSTW at ultimate development scenario, must be able to meet the Water Quality Objectives of the North Western Water Control Zone as set out under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 348) and to improve the aquatic environment therein as far as practically possible.  The impacts on environment must be kept within the limits set out under the EIA study of this Assignment throughout the construction and operation of the Project.              The EIA Study is to provide information on the nature and extent of environmental impacts arising from the construction and operation of the Project following the preliminary design and related activities that take place concurrently.


2.2                          Need of the Project              The aim of the upgrading works is to expand the sewage treatment capacity and to upgrade the treatment level of the PPSTW in order to cater for the projected ultimate population and planned developments in the Tuen Mun area. The Project will improve the effluent quality and reduce the pollution loadings to the receiving waters, namely the North Western Water Control Zone.


2.3                          Project Description


2.3.1                    Project Objective              A Preliminary Project Feasibility Study (PPFS) for the Project was completed in June 2001 after the RTMTYSMP confirmed the viability of the upgrading works to the PPSTW, which comprised the following:

Ÿ               expanding the treatment capacity of the existing PPSTW to cope with the increased peak wet weather sewage flow under the ultimate development scenario (UDS);

Ÿ               upgrading the sewage treatment level of the existing PPSTW to incorporate chemically enhanced primary treatment (subject to EIA Study under the Assignment) with disinfection;

Ÿ               providing proper septic waste reception facilities at the PPSTW; and

Ÿ               providing and upgrading ancillary facilities within the PPSTW for the operation and maintenance of the upgraded PPSTW.              The construction of the upgrading works and the operation and maintenance of the upgraded PPSTW will be implemented under a design-build-operate (DBO) contract arrangement.  A preliminary design taking into account all the Project requirements is carried out.  In the preparation of the preliminary design, the sewage flows and loads are to be estimated in order to determine the treatment capacity and effluent standards of the upgraded PPSTW.  Moreover, an appropriate treatment process is to be selected for the upgraded PPSTW. 


2.3.2                    Design Flow and Loads              In estimating the sewage flow for the preparation of the preliminary design, the 2003-based Territorial Population and Employment Data Matrices (TPEDM) provided by the Planning Department were utilized for the population projection for the PPSTW catchment. The design flows were then projected on the basis of the unit flow factors recommended in the Guidelines for Estimating Sewage Flows for Sewage Infrastructure Planning (Version 1.0), EPD, March 2005.  The projected Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF) and Peak Wet Weather Flow (PWWF) for the PPSTW catchment are summarized in Table 2.1. 


Table 2.1   Projected ADWF and PWWF for PPSTW Upgrading



Flows from Septic Waste


ADWF (1)


PWWF (2)















(1) ADWF includes the average flows from DWFIs, average leachate flow and maximum design flow of septic waste.

(2) PWWF includes the maximum flows from DWFIs, design maximum leachate flow and maximum design flow of septic waste.

(3) Total average and maximum flow from DWFIs are 0.22 m3/s and 0.44 m3/s respectively.

(4) The average and design maximum leachate flows are 900 m3/day and 2,700 m3/day respectively.

(5) ADWF and PWWF are roundup figures.              In estimating the sewage loads for the preparation of the preliminary design, the global unit load factors recommended in DSD Sewerage Manual Part 1 (SM1) were adopted in the loads projections. The estimated pollution loads have been compared with the results from laboratory tests conducted in Years 2000 and 2006. With application of correction factors to the estimated pollution loads derived using the SM1, the corrected average pollution loads from 2012 to UDS is shown in Table 2.2. 


Table 2.2   Corrected Average Pollution Loads for PPSTW Upgrading



Pollutant Concentration



















2.81 x 107







2.81 x 107







2.81 x 107              The following design flows and pollutant concentrations based on ultimate scenario are recommended for the PPSTW upgrade.


·         ADWF = 230,000 m3/day

·         PWWF = 525,000 m3/day (6.08 m3/s)

·         Influent Loads Note:

-            TSS = 270 mg/l

-            BOD = 280 mg/l

-            COD = 940 mg/l

-            TKN = 47 mg/l

-            NH3-N = 22 mg/l

-            E. coli = 3 x 107 counts/100 ml


Note: The influent loads being stated are average values for design purpose.


2.4                          Project Location              The PPSTW is located at north of the Tuen Mun River Trade Terminal bounded by Lung Mun Road at the north. The location of the Project site with a total area of about 5.0 hectares is shown in Figure 2.1, which covers the existing PPSTW (about 1.7 hectares) and an open area (about 3.3 hectares) adjacent to it.  The open area has been designated for the future upgrading of the treatment works. The design of the PPSTW upgrade shall therefore be confined within the extent of the existing PPSTW and the open area, and impact during construction and operation on the existing road etc. must be fully assessed.


2.5                          Consideration of Sewage Treatment Options              Based on the RTMTYSMP and the subsequent PPFS, the minimum removal efficiency of TSS, BOD5 and E.coli for PPSTW upgrading should be 70%, 55% and 99.9% respectively, which is achievable by chemically enhanced primary treatment process (CEPT) with disinfection.              Water quality assessment (see Section 4) indicates that there will be improvement for BOD5, TSS and E.Coli in sensitive water bodies due to the proposed upgrading works because of the reduced overall loadings of BOD5, TSS and E.Coli from the effluent discharge after the upgrading of current preliminary treatment process, based on the results of mathematical water quality modelling.    The assessment also indicates that there will be increase in the TIN levels in the receiving waters as compared to the existing baseline level which already breached the WQO.   However, the assessment indicates such increase in the TIN level would unlikely increase the chance of algal bloom in the receiving waters.  Consideration of other feasible sewage treatment options for the Project, i.e. secondary treatment with nitrogen removal plus disinfection has also been made and the impact on the water quality has been assessed.   The assessment indicates that the reduction of TIN levels is insignificant.    Based on water quality impact assessment results, CEPT with disinfection is found to be the most effective treatment option for PPSTW in minimizing the water quality impacts.  The effluent quality standards are shown in Table 2.3.  


Table 2.3 Recommended Effluent Standards for Upgraded PPSTW








Sampling Frequency


80 mg/L


120 mg/L


24-hour Composite

2 times a week


120 mg/L


180 mg/L


24-hour Composite

2 times a week


20,000 counts/100ml

geometric mean

300,000 counts/100ml


Grab Sample

3 times a week



(a)   The recommended sampling method and sampling frequency will be incorporated into the discharge license to be issued by EPD.              The water quality impact assessment (provided in Section 4) showed that, with the adoption of effluent standards (which are equivalent to 99.9% E.coli removal) recommended in Table 2.3, the discharge of PPSTW effluent after disinfection would not cause any adverse water quality impact on the nearby bathing beaches in the Tuen Mun District.


2.6                          Comparison of Sewage Treatment Options   


2.6.1                    General              The purpose of this Section is to present the comparison of engineering and environmental benefits and dis-benefits of possible sewage treatment options.  The selection of the preferred option will take into consideration of avoiding the adverse environmental impacts to maximum practicable extent. The objective of PPSTW upgrading works is to improve the effluent quality, and to meet the demand of future population and pollutant loads at UDS. With reference to the RTMTYSMP and the subsequent PPFS, the minimum treatment level for PPSTW upgrading is to be able to achieve 70%, 55% and 99.9% removal of TSS, BOD5 and E.coli. Various treatment processes have been considered and it is found that chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) method is possible for the PPSTW upgrading works.  CEPT is a sewage treatment process using chemicals to coagulate and flocculate with raw sewage in order to enhance the performance of primary sedimentation with higher removal of TSS and BOD.  The treatment method is capable to fulfil the Project requirements without causing adverse water quality and ecological impacts.              Viewing that there is a general understanding that secondary treatment processes, which are capable to remove biodegradable organic matter (in solution or suspension) and suspended solids, have an advantage of producing better quality of treated effluent over primary treatment processes. In this regard, secondary treatment processes are also considered for the PPSTW upgrading works.              Five options adopting CEPT process and four other options adopting compact secondary treatment processes, which are widely used in sewage treatment works, are identified and evaluated for the PPSTW upgrading works.  For the five options adopting CEPT process, their sewage treatment mechanisms are identical.  The effluent standards achieved by the five CEPT process options are similar.  Similarly, the sewage treatment mechanisms of all the options adopting compact secondary treatment process are identical and the achievable effluent standards amongst the selected options have no significant difference.              However, all the options with adopting CEPT process or compact secondary treatment process are different in geometry and the selection of the sewage treatment options is therefore based on their advantages and disadvantages in different engineering aspects, including “Sludge Production”, “Ease of Operation”, “Hydraulic Head Requirements” and “Land Requirement”.  However, taking into account the environmental benefit, the option with low “sludge production” is a preferable option.   Details of the selection exercise and details of the preferable option for the PPSTW upgrading works are presented in Section 2.6.2.              CEPT and secondary treatment process have been considered for PPSTW upgrading works.  Different options are available for each treatment process.  Provided that same treatment process is adopted, the effluent standards achieved by these options are similar.  Therefore these options have no difference in terms of water quality or marine ecology impact.  However, secondary treatment process could produce better water quality than CEPT process.  Assessment of the water and marine ecology impact arising from using the two treatment processes are presented  in Section 4 and Section 6 of this EIA report respectively.


2.6.2                    Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment (CEPT) and Compact Secondary Treatment Processes


List of Possible Options              The following chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) options, including available proprietary high rate clarification processes, have been identified for evaluation:


·       CEPT with Primary Clarifiers (Single-deck)

·       CEPT with Primary Clarifiers (Multi-level)

·       CEPT with Lamella Clarifiers

·       Actiflo Process (Proprietary High Rate Clarification Process)

·       DensaDeg (Proprietary High Rate Clarification Process)


General descriptions of the proposed processes are presented in Appendix 2-1.              Since the site area required for secondary treatment process is generally large and the land available for the PPSTW upgrading works is limited, only compact secondary treatment processes are considered feasibility for the Project.  In addition, the conventional activated sludge process is a common secondary process being used in Hong Kong and a feasible option for the Project.  A list of the identified secondary processes for evaluation is given below:


·       Biological Aerated Filter (BAF)

·       Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR)

·       Membrane Biological Reactor (MBR)

·       Activated Sludge Process


General descriptions of the proposed processes are presented in Appendix 2-1.


Option Assessment              All the CEPT and secondary treatment options mentioned above are capable to fulfil the Project requirements and have similar water quality and ecological impacts.  Selection of the sewage treatment processes are therefore mainly considering their advantages and disadvantages in different engineering aspects, including “Sludge Production”, “Ease of Operation”, “Hydraulic Head Requirements” and “Land Requirement”.  Results of option assessment in respect of the four engineering aspects are detailed in Table 2.4.


It is revealed that, with reference to Table 2.4, adopting secondary treatment processes will warrant environmental disbenefits in collecting, handling and disposal of increased quantities of sludge produced due to higher removal efficiencies and also warrant environmental disbenefits in the associated odour control due to increased treatment units and surface areas. On the other hand, all five CEPT options will produce less sludge and less potential for odour emission, when compared with secondary treatment processes. Moreover, the CEPT processes render relatively less land requirement. 


Table 2.4   Shortlisting of Promising Processes



Sludge Production

Ease of Operation

Hydraulic Head Requirements

Ability to Meet Effluent Standards

Land Requirement(a)


Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment Process

CEPT with Conventional Clarification (Single-deck)





~1 Hectare

CEPT with Conventional Clarification (Multilevel)





~ 0.5 Hectare

CEPT with Lamella Clarification





~ 0.5 Hectare

Actiflo Process





<0.5 Hectare

DensaDeg Process





<0.5 Hectare


Secondary Treatment Process

Activated Sludge Process





> 3 Hectares

SBR Process





~ 3 Hectares

BAF Process





> 2 Hectares

MBR Process

Moderately High




> 2 Hectares

Remarks (a):

- For the primary sedimentation processes, the land requirement includes the process tanks associated to CEPT/sedimentation process only.

- For the secondary treatment processes, the land requirement is developed from single-storey design and includes the liquid stream of sewage treatment only.              Although secondary treatment processes generally have an advantage of producing better quality of treated effluent over primary treatment processes, in assessing the associated water quality impacts on the aquatic environment (findings are presented in Section 4 of this EIA Report), it is indicated in the water quality impact assessment that there would be no substantial improvement in the extent of water quality impacts resulting from the adoption of an even higher treatment level (secondary treatment plus nitrogen removal and disinfection).  As such, it is concluded that CEPT plus disinfection would be the most effective treatment option for the PPSTW in minimizing the water quality impacts (refer to Section to Section Moreover, the secondary treatment process renders relatively large footprint of site area.              Based on the assessment in and, the five CEPT processes are retained for further evaluation.  


Preferred Sewage Treatment Options              Of the selected five CEPT processes, they have their own advantages and disadvantages.  Since all the five processes adopt similar technology of using chemicals to coagulate and flocculate with raw sewage in order to enhance the performance of primary sedimentation with higher removal of TSS and BOD, their environmental impacts to water quality, marine ecology and air quality are similar.  With reference to the assessment results presented in Section 4 (Water Quality Impact Assessment) and Section 6 (Marine Ecological Impact Assessment), it is noted that all the selected five CEPT processes create no adverse impacts to the water quality and the marine ecology.  Moreover, referring to the assessment results as presented in Section 3 (Air Quality Impact Assessment), the impact to the air quality is able to be mitigated by providing common deodorizing units with practically achievable odour removal efficiency of 90%, as such, all of the five CEPT processes are considered to be appropriate for the upgrading of PPSTW.              Based on the preliminary design, the single clarifier option is adopted in view of its relative large footprint with no proprietary processes like Actiflo and DensaDeg. 


2.6.3                    Disinfection Options        Disinfection is the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.  Chlorination and Ultraviolet irradiation (UV) are the most widely used disinfection methods in Hong Kong and they are further considered and evaluated.        Chlorine, as a form of hypochlorite, is a common disinfectant used for chlorination. It is an effective and readily available disinfectant.  However, chlorination generates by-products if not properly controlled and they would cause some detrimental impacts to human and marine fauna at high dosage.  These by-products include trihalomethanes (THMs), chloramines and haloacetic acids.  The concentration of these by-products in the chlorinated effluent can be reduced by lowering the total residual chlorine (TRC) through dechlorination, thereby reducing the toxicity of effluent.        UV irradiation is a physical disinfection process and no harmful effluent by-products would be produced.  UV irradiation, at a suitable wavelength, modifies the DNA in the cells of pathogens so that they can no longer reproduce, and thus they will present no threat to human health.  Moreover, effluent disinfection by UV irradiation also would have the beneficial effect of controlling pathogen levels (measured as E.coli) thereby protecting marine water quality at water sensitive receivers.  As presented in Section 6, the reduction of E. coli, BOD5, SS and sedimentation rate in the receiving water and a slight increase in DO level localized at the PPSTW outfall after the upgrading works would have a positive impact on marine ecology as well as the health of the Chinese White Dolphin and its prey.  Moreover, with the same treatment capacity, UV irradiation requires less space than chlorination facilities in general.        Both chlorination and UV irradiation are proven disinfection processes.  At this stage there is no enough information to conclude which one is a preferred option in terms of effectiveness as well as environmental impacts.  In view of the limitation of the land area for the upgrading for this project, UV irradiation technology will be adopted as the disinfection method in the preliminary design of the upgraded PPSTW.  The water quality impact assessment results as presented in Section 4 showed that the discharge of effluent from the upgraded PPSTW after CEPT and UV disinfection would not cause adverse water quality impacts.              There is some local and international experience with disinfection of CEPT effluents by UV irradiation[1].  For example, locally, the Sui Ho Wan CEPT STW (Phase 1) (design ADWF 96,000m3/d) uses UV disinfection.  Internationally, the Canadian Halifax (133,920m3/d) and the US Hawaiian Sand Island (320,000m3/d) CEPT plants use UV irradiation disinfection.  Overall, for the size of disinfection plant anticipated at PPSTW, it is considered that disinfection of CEPT effluent by UV irradiation is proven. General description of UV irradiation disinfection is presented in Appendix 2-2.


2.6.4                    Septic Waste Reception              The septic waste is now being discharged into the inlet chamber of PPSTW.  Generally, the quality of septic waste fluctuates according to the location. It would be impractical to predict the quality variation of septic waste. The fluctuation of quality and quantity of septic waste may have significant effect on the treatment processes, especially when the quantity of septic waste increases up to 1200m3/day in the future.              In the upgraded PPSTW, the septic waste is proposed to be handled with the sludge stream instead of discharged into the inlet chamber to facilitate odour control and wastewater treatment process.              A septic waste reception area with deodorization facilities will established within the PPSTW site.  Enclosed compact septage receiving stations will be built within the septic waste reception area for suspended solids and grits removal and for septic waste collection.  The deodorization facilities will minimize the odour impact to the nearby air sensitive receivers. The collected septic waste will then be discharged to the future sludge holding tanks in PPSTW for temporary storage.


2.6.5                    Sludge Dewatering              Currently, only screenings and grit are being generated in the PPSTW from the existing preliminary treatment process. Upon commissioning of the upgraded PPSTW, sludge production is contemplated. Dewatering process will be required for primary sludge to satisfy the disposal requirement of 30% dry solid content of sludge to EPD’s strategic landfills.              The estimated volume of primary sludge to be handled in the dewatering process is 2260 m3/day. In addition, a maximum volume of 1200m3/day of septic waste is designed to be conveyed to the sludge holding tanks for dewatering.


2.7                          Preliminary Layout and Process Flow Diagram              A preliminary layout plan for the upgraded PPSTW with the recommended treatment options are shown in Figure 2.3. The maximum height of the new structures is approximate 17.5m above the existing ground level. In addition, the process flow diagram is shown in Figure 2.4. 


2.8                          Project Programme              It is intended to implement the upgrading works of the PPSTW and to thereafter operate and maintain the whole of the STW under DBO contract arrangement. The DBO contract is currently scheduled to commence in mid 2009 for completion of the construction in 2012.  The major construction activities for the Project would comprise site formation, excavation and backfilling, erection of formwork and reinforcement, concreting, fabrication of steelwork, and testing and commissioning.


2.9                          Interactions with Other Projects              No other major project was identified to be carried out concurrently in the vicinity of the Project site and within the 500m assessment area for the air quality impact assessment and landscape impact assessment.  No cumulative construction dust impacts are likely to arise from the Project.  It is noted that there are planned developments in the Tuen Mun Area 38, which include Permanent Aviation Fuel Facility and EcoPark.  However, all of the developments are located outside 500m from the PPSTW site boundary and they would only be considered in the visual impact assessment of the Project. Environmental effects of the existing developments located within 500m from the PPSTW site boundary, which include River Trade Terminal (RTT), have been considered in the assessment of the Project.  Cumulative impacts from effluent discharge from other sewage treatment facilities in the assessment area including Stonecutters Island STW, San Wai STW, Siu Ho Wan STW, Sham Tseng STW, Yuen Long STW and Shek Wu Hui STW have been considered in the water quality impact assessment.


2.10                      Construction Methods for the Upgrading Works


The construction works involved in this project include Civil & Structural works, E&M works and Building Services works.  For Civil & Structural works, bore-piling will be adopted for foundation, tradition excavation and cast-in-situ concreting will be adopted for pile caps, basements and superstructures constructions.  For E&M works, general fixing and installation of treatment plants and facilities such as UV lamps, pumps and conveyors are required.  For Building Services works, small sized utilities installations such as pipe-laying, ducting and cabling will be conducted.  As such, apart from Civil & Structural works, all the works involved in the PPSTW Upgrading are considered to create no adverse impact to the environment.


For foundation, piling is required since the site is a reclamation area with deep level of rock head.  Bore-piling is preferred since it is a non-displacement piling method, which produces less noise and ground vibration then the other displacement piling methods. General description of bore-piling process is presented in Appendix 2-3.


Due to the hydraulic requirement, some facilities are required to be constructed below the ground level and therefore, excavation for underground structures like basements and pile caps is required.  Air quality and water quality impacts during the construction phases have been assessed and presented in Section 3 and Section 4 respectively.  It is concluded that with implementation of mitigation measures specified in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation and stated in Section 3.7.1, dust nuisance is not expected.  It is also concluded that only minor water quality impact would be associated with the land-based constructions.  Impacts may result from the surface runoff and sewage from on-site construction workers, which however could be controlled to comply with the WPCO standards by implementing the recommended mitigation measures and unacceptable residual impact on water quality is not expected.


[1]       UV irradiation, at a suitable wavelength, modifies the DNA in the cells of pathogens so that they can no longer reproduce, and thus they will present no threat to human health.