Table of Contents
3.2.1 Environmental Legislations, Policies,
Plans and Standards
3.2.2 Noise Sensitive Receivers
3.2.4 Prediction and Evaluation of Noise Impacts
3.2.5 Proposed Noise Mitigation Measures
3.2.6 Assessment of Noise Impacts with the
Application of Mitigation Measures
3.2.8 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
3.3.1 Environmental Legislations, Policies,
Plans and Standards
3.3.3 Prediction and Evaluation of Noise Impacts
3.3.4 Proposed Noise Mitigation Measures
3.3.5 Assessment of Noise Impacts with the
Application of Mitigation Measures
3.3.7 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
of Tables
Table 3‑1 Road Traffic Noise Assessment Criteria
Specified in the EIAO-TM
Table 3‑2 Summary of the Identified Planned NSRs in
the Project
Table 3‑3 Summary of Identified NSRs in the Project
Table 3‑4 Summary of Schools within Noise Assessment
Area with Noise Mitigation Measures
Table 3‑5 Summary of Each Representative NSR
Table 3‑6 Summary of Traffic Data of Major Road
Sections in the Project
Table 3‑7 Predicted Road Traffic Noise Levels at
Each Identified NSR under the Unmitigated Scenario
Table 3‑9 Predicted Road Traffic Noise Level at Each
Identified NSR under the Mitigated Scenario
Table 3‑12 Maximum SWLs for Selected “Quiet” and
Alternative Plants
Table 3‑14 Residual Construction Noise Impact after
Application of Noise Mitigation Measures
Table 3‑1 Road Traffic Noise Assessment Criteria
Specified in the EIAO-TM
Table 3‑2 Summary of the Identified Planned NSRs in the
Table 3‑3 Summary of Identified NSRs in the Project
Table 3‑4 Summary of Schools within Noise Assessment
Area with Noise Mitigation Measures
Table 3‑5 Summary of Selected Noise Assessment Points at
Each Representative NSR
Table 3‑6 Summary of Traffic Data of Major Road Sections
in the Project
Table 3‑7 Predicted Road Traffic Noise Levels at Each
Identified NSR under the Unmitigated Scenario
Table 3‑8 Summary of Proposed Noise Mitigation Measures
at Operational Phase for the Compliance of EIAO Noise Criteria
Table 3‑9 Predicted Road Traffic Noise Level at Each Identified
NSR under the Mitigated Scenario
Table 3‑10 Total Number of Dwellings, Classrooms and
Other Noise Sensitive Elements that will be Benefited From and be Protected by
Provision of the Direct Noise Mitigation Measures
Table 3‑11 Predicted Construction Noise Levels at
Representative NSRs during Normal Daytime Working Hours under the Unmitigated
Table 3‑12 Maximum SWLs for Selected “Quiet” and
Alternative Plants
Table 3‑13 Predicted Construction Noise Levels at
Representative NSRs during Normal Daytime Working Hours under the Mitigated
Table 3‑14 Residual Construction Noise Impact after
Application of Noise Mitigation Measures
List of Figures
Figure 3-1 DP Road Extents of the Project
Figure 3-2 Assessment Areas for Noise Impact Assessment
Figure 3-3 Locations of Representative Noise
Sensitive Receivers
Figure 3-4 Locations of Selected Noise Assessment
Points at each NSR
Figure 3-5 Locations
and Cross Sections of Proposed Direct Noise Mitigation Measures for Road
Traffic Noise at Operation Phase
List of
Appendix 3-A Photos
of Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers
Appendix 3-B Building
Layout Plans of Planned NSRs – Residential Developments at TW5, TW6, TW7 and
TWTL 394
Appendix 3-C Photos
of NSRs which are Government Aided Schools
Appendix 3-D Source
of Information Showing Government Aided Schools Under the “Noise Abatement
Appendix 3-E Photos
of NSRs with Window-type Air-conditioners Installed
Appendix 3-F Source
of Information Showing the Land Uses as Service Apartments with the Application
of Central Air Conditioning for Chelsea Court (TWTL 373), Indi Home (TWTL 406)
and H-Cube (TWTL 407)
Appendix 3-G Correspondences
for the Endorsement of the Final TIA Review Report Issued in January 2007
Appendix 3-H Traffic
Forecast at Year 2010 and Year 2030 in the Final TIA Review Report Issued in
January 2007
Appendix 3-I Locations
and Photos of Existing Noise Mitigation Measures on Route 9 in Front of Summit
Terrace and on Tsuen King Circuit
Appendix 3-J Locations
of Planned Noise Mitigation Measures on Tuen Mun Road and on Yeung Uk Road
Appendix 3-K Correspondence
for Information of Planned Noise Mitigation Measures and Low Noise Surfacing
Appendix 3-L Typical
Computer Plot of the “RoadNoise® 2000” Model
Appendix 3-M Detailed
Calculations for Construction Noise Impact Assessment and Complete PME
Appendix 3-N Detailed
Predicted Road Traffic Noise Results at Each Noise Assessment Point under the
Unmitigated Scenario
Appendix 3-O Detailed
Predicted Road Traffic Noise Results at Each Noise Assessment Point under the
Mitigated Scenario
Appendix 3-P Correspondence
Showing the Anticipated Development Completion Dates of Residential Development
at TW5 and TW7 Potential noise
impact arising from the Project would be contributed by both construction and
operational phase. This Chapter
summarizes the identified potential sources of noise impact during the both
phases, details of noise impact assessment and, where necessary, the recommended
noise mitigation measures to reduce the identified noise impacts to
acceptable levels. Road traffic
noise criteria are listed in Table 1A, Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM, which provides
guidance on acceptable road traffic noise levels at various types of noise
sensitive buildings. The relevant
criteria are shown in Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1. These standards apply to uses which rely on
opened windows for ventilation.
3‑1 Road Traffic Noise Assessment Criteria
Specified in the EIAO-TM
Uses |
Road Traffic Noise Assessment Criteria – Peak
Hour Traffic (L10,1 hour, dB(A)) |
All domestic premises including temporary housing accommodation |
70 |
Hotels and hostels |
70 |
Offices |
70 |
Educational institutions including kindergartens, nurseries and all
others where unaided voice communication is required |
65 |
Places of public worship and courts of law |
65 |
Hospitals, clinics, convalescences and homes for the aged, diagnostic
rooms, wards |
55 |
Note: The above standards apply to uses which
rely on opened windows for ventilation. Since the Project
is a road improvement work in nature which does not include fixed noise sources
such as ventilation systems of tunnels, noise impact generated by fixed noise
sources is not anticipated. Noise impact during the operational phase is mainly
contributed by road traffic noise. For operational
noise impact assessment, a spatial scope of 300m from the proposed Project
Boundary has been included as the Assessment Area. Road sections within the
Assessment Area are classified into “roads under the Designated Project (DP
roads)” or “roads not under the Designated Project (non-DP roads)” as follows:
DP road – A road which is an expressway, trunk road, primary
distributor road or district distributor road including new roads and major
extensions or improvements to existing roads, as defined under item A.1, Part
I, Schedule 2 of the EIAO is considered as a designated
project. Meanwhile, major extensions or
road improvement means a physical addition, alternation or re-alignment to
existing roads which results in an adverse environmental impact as defined in
the EIAO-TM. An environmental impact is
considered to be adverse if any factor listed in Annex 3 of the EIAO-TM applies
and the criteria in Annexes 4 to 10 of the EIAO-TM may be violated. One of the criteria for assessing if the traffic noise impact
would be considered significant is that the traffic noise
level with the road project would be greater than that without the road project
at the design year by 1.0 dB(A) or more; and
Non-DP road – A road section which is not classified as a DP road. Figure 3-1 illustrates
schematically the extent of DP roads in this Project. Figure 3-2 shows
the Assessment Area for noise impact study in this Project. Representative
NSRs have been identified in accordance with Annexes 5 and 13 of the EIAO-TM.
In general these are noise sensitive buildings within the Noise Assessment
Area, including domestic premises, hostels, temporary housing accommodation,
hospitals, medical clinics, educational institutions, places of public worship,
libraries, courts of law or performing art centres, having direct line-of-sight
and substantial angle of view to the Project Area. Besides, a number
of planned developments (planned NSRs) have been identified and reviewed with
reference to the latest published Outline Zoning Plans (OZPs) available at the
commencement of the assessment. These include the planned residential
developments of the Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC) at TW5, TW6, and
TW7, a proposed school site at TW7, as well as Tsuen Wan Town Lot (TWTL)
394. Details of the identified planned
NSRs are summarized in Table 3‑2Table
3‑2Table 3‑2.
3‑2 Summary of the Identified Planned NSRs
in the Project
Item |
Descriptions |
Number of
Buildings within Development |
Speciality of
Building Design on Noise Mitigation |
1 |
Residential Development at TW5 |
11 |
Single aspect design for six towers adjacent to/ facing Tsuen Wan
Road; Acoustic fins |
2 |
Residential Development at TW6 |
2 |
No special noise mitigation measure adopted |
3 |
Residential Development at TW7 |
7 |
Single aspect design for two towers near Tsuen Tsing Interchange;
Acoustic fins |
4 |
Residential Development at Tsuen Wan Town Lot No. 394 |
2 |
No special noise mitigation measure adopted |
5 |
Proposed School Site at TW7 |
1 |
No special noise mitigation measure adopted | Details of the
identified existing and planned NSRs are summarized in Table 3‑3Table
3‑3Table 3‑3 and their locations are
shown in Figure 3-3. Photographs of the existing NSRs are shown in Appendix
3-A. Floor plans of the identified planned NSRs including Residential
Developments at TW5, TW6, TW7 and TWTL 394 are provided in Appendix 3-B.
3‑3 Summary of Identified NSRs in the Project
ID |
Descriptions |
Use |
of Noise Sensitive Storeys above Podium/Site Level |
NSR (Base Year 2006) |
NSR (Base Year 2006) |
Remarks |
N1 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block A |
Residential |
30 |
P |
N2 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block B |
Residential |
31 |
P |
N3 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block C |
Residential |
31 |
P |
N4 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block D |
Residential |
31 |
P |
N5 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block E |
Residential |
31 |
P |
N6 |
Joyful Building Block A |
Residential |
27 |
P |
N7 |
Joyful Building Block B |
Residential |
27 |
P |
N8 |
Sheeny Terrace |
Residential |
26 |
P |
N9 |
Summit Terrace Block 1 |
Residential |
39 |
P |
N10 |
Summit Terrace Block 2 |
Residential |
39 |
P |
N11 |
Summit Terrace Block 3 |
Residential |
40 |
P |
N12 |
Summit Terrace Block 5 |
Residential |
40 |
P |
N13 |
Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital |
Hospital |
4 |
P |
N14 |
Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital Staff Quarter |
Residential |
5 |
P |
N15 |
Allway Gardens Block A |
Residential |
22 |
P |
N16 |
Allway Gardens Block B |
Residential |
22 |
P |
N17 |
Allway Gardens Block C |
Residential |
22 |
P |
N18 |
Wang Fat Ching She |
Place of Worship |
2 |
P |
No daytime
construction noise criteria in EIAO-TM |
N19 |
The Panorama |
Residential |
43 |
P |
N20 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden Block 1 |
Residential |
35 |
P |
N21 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden Block 2 |
Residential |
35 |
P |
N22 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden Block 3 |
Residential |
35 |
P |
N23 |
Serenade Cove Block A |
Residential |
33 |
P |
N24 |
Serenade Cove Block B |
Residential |
32 |
P |
N25 |
Serenade Cove Block C |
Residential |
33 |
P |
N26 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden Block 7 |
Residential |
41 |
P |
N27 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden Block 6 |
Residential |
41 |
P |
N28 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden Block 5 |
Residential |
41 |
P |
N29 |
Fu Yung House |
Residential |
7 |
P |
N30 |
Yen Wai Garden |
Residential |
23 |
P |
N31 |
Tak Yan Building Stage 15 |
Residential |
6 |
P |
N32 |
On Hong Building |
Residential |
24 |
P |
N33 |
Kan Fat Building |
Residential |
5 |
P |
N34 |
Heung Wo Building |
Residential |
21 |
P |
N35 |
On Fung Building |
Residential |
20 |
P |
N36 |
Po On Commercial Association Wong Siu Ching
Secondary School |
School |
6 |
P |
Protected under
"Noise Abatement Programme in schools", Stage IV |
N37 |
Tsuen Wan Plaza Block 1 |
Residential |
30 |
P |
N38 |
Tsuen Wan Plaza Block 2 |
Residential |
30 |
P |
N39 |
Salvation Army Ng Kok Wai Memorial Kindergarten |
School |
2 |
P |
Window glazing with window-type air-conditioners
were noted on site visit |
N40 |
Clague Garden Estate Block A |
Residential |
40 |
P |
N41 |
Clague Garden Estate Block B |
Residential |
40 |
P |
N42 |
Clague Garden Estate Block C |
Residential |
40 |
P |
N43 |
Skyline Plaza |
Residential |
35 |
P |
N44 |
Development at TW5 Cityside Tower 10 |
Residential |
50 |
P |
Anticipated to be completed by 2015-2016[1] |
N45 |
Development at TW5 Cityside Tower 11 |
Residential |
52 |
P |
N46 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 1 |
Residential |
49 |
P |
N47 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 2 |
Residential |
42 |
P |
N48 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 3 |
Residential |
42 |
P |
N49 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 4 |
Residential |
39 |
P |
N50 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 5 |
Residential |
39 |
P |
N51 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 6 |
Residential |
42 |
P |
N52 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 7 |
Residential |
42 |
P |
N53 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 8 |
Residential |
42 |
P |
N54 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 9 |
Residential |
42 |
P |
N55 |
Vision City Tower 1 |
Residential |
41 |
P |
O |
Formerly known as Development of Tsuen Wan Town Lot
398 |
N56 |
Vision City Tower 2 |
Residential |
43 |
P |
N57 |
No. 57 Yeung Uk Road |
Residential |
5 |
P |
N58 |
No. 59-77 Yeung Uk Road |
Residential |
5 |
P |
N59 |
Tsuen Wan Caritas Clinic |
Clinic |
4 |
P |
No daytime construction noise criteria in EIAO-TM |
N60 |
No. 85-99 Yeung Uk Road |
Residential |
4 |
P |
N61 |
Harmony Garden Block 1 |
Residential |
24 |
P |
N62 |
Harmony Garden Block 2 |
Residential |
24 |
P |
N63 |
Development at TWTL 394 Tower 1 |
Residential |
45 |
P |
N64 |
Development at TWTL 394 Tower 2 |
Residential |
45 |
P |
N65 |
Development at TW6 Tower 1 |
Residential |
48 |
P |
to be completed by 2011-2012 |
N66 |
Development at TW6 Tower 2 |
Residential |
46 |
P |
N67 |
Development at TW7 Tower 1 |
Residential |
44 |
P |
to be completed by 2012 – 2014[1] |
N68 |
Development at TW7 Tower 2 |
Residential |
44 |
P |
N69 |
Development at TW7 Tower 3 |
Residential |
44 |
P |
N70 |
Development at TW7 Tower 4 |
Residential |
42 |
P |
N71 |
Development at TW7 Tower 5 |
Residential |
42 |
P |
N72 |
Development at TW7 Tower 6 |
Residential |
40 |
P |
N73 |
Development at TW7 Tower 7 |
Residential |
40 |
P |
N74 |
Waterside Plaza Block 1 |
Residential |
37 |
P |
N75 |
Waterside Plaza Block 2 |
Residential |
37 |
P |
N76 |
Waterside Plaza Block 3 |
Residential |
32 |
P |
N77 |
Waterside Plaza Block 4 |
Residential |
31 |
P |
N78 |
Proposed School Site at TW7 |
School |
6 |
P |
N79 |
Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School |
School |
7 |
P |
N80 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 1 |
Residential |
31 |
P |
N81 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 2 |
Residential |
32 |
P |
N82 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 3 |
Residential |
36 |
P |
N83 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 4 |
Residential |
36 |
P |
N84 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 17 |
Residential |
34 |
P |
N85 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 18 |
Residential |
34 |
P |
N86 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 19 |
Residential |
30 |
P |
N87 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 20 |
Residential |
30 |
P |
N88 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 21 |
Residential |
30 |
P |
N89 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 22 |
Residential |
30 |
P |
N90 |
S K H Chu Yan Primary School |
School |
6 |
P |
Protected under
"Noise Abatement Programme in schools", Stage IV |
N91 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 6 |
Residential |
17 |
P |
N92 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 8 |
Residential |
24 |
P |
N93 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 9 |
Residential |
21 |
P |
N94 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 10 |
Residential |
14 |
P |
N95 |
CNEC Lee I Yao Memorial Secondary School |
School |
5 |
P |
Window glazing with window-type air-conditioners
were noted on site visit |
N96 |
Hibiscus Park Block 1 |
Residential |
35 |
P |
N97 |
Hibiscus Park Block 2 |
Residential |
35 |
P |
Latest completion programme for TW5 and TW7 are
shown in Appendix 3-P
Existing Noise Sensitive Buildings with Noise Mitigation Measures It is identified
that two government-aided schools within the Noise Assessment Area – Po On
Commercial Association Wong Siu Ching Secondary School (N36) and SKH Chu Yan
Primary School (N90) are under the “Noise Abatement Programme in Schools” Stage
IV. Meanwhile, it is noted on site visit
that air-conditioners and window glazing have been equipped for other schools
within the Noise Assessment Area.
Summary of schools with noise mitigation measures are listed in Table 3‑4Table
3‑4Table 3‑4. Site photos of existing government aided school NSRs are
presented in Appendix 3-C. Source of the information for the “Noise
Abatement Programme in Schools” Stage IV is attached in Appendix 3-D.
3‑4 Summary of Schools within Noise
Assessment Area with Noise Mitigation Measures
NSR No. |
Schools |
Mitigation Measures Descriptions |
N36 |
Po On Commercial Association Wong Siu Ching Secondary School |
“Noise Abatement Programme in Schools” Stage IV |
N90 |
S K H Chu Yan Primary School |
“Noise Abatement Programme in Schools” Stage IV |
N79 |
Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School |
Double-glazed window and window-type air-conditioners noted on site
visit |
N95 |
CNEC Lee I Yao Memorial Secondary School |
Double-glazed window and window-type air-conditioners noted on site
visit | In addition,
according to the site visit observation, window-type air-conditioners have been
installed at Salvation Army Ng Kok Wai Memorial Kindergarten (N39), Tsuen Wan
Adventist Hospital (N13) and Tsuen Wan Caritas Clinic (N59). Appendix 3-E shows the site conditions
of these three NSRs. Notwithstanding
the provision of window-type air-conditioners and double-glazed windows as,
since it is also possible for the schools and clinics abovementioned to rely on
opened window ventilation, all schools and clinics within the Noise Assessment
Area are still considered as NSRs for noise impact assessment. On the other
hand, Chelsea Court, H-Cube and Indi Home adjacent to Yeung Uk Road are
designed as service apartments with centralized air-conditioning system. As
such, it is considered that extraneous noise intrusion due to the road traffic
has been minimized for these residential developments, and thus no excessive
traffic noise level is anticipated. In this connection, these residential developments
are not considered as NSRs. Source of information presenting the approval of
service apartment design application by the Planning Department is attached in Appendix 3-F. Noise assessment points are
selected at each identified NSR in the Project. Details of the selected noise
assessment points are summarized in Table 3-5 and their locations are
demonstrated in Figure 3-4.
Table 3‑5 Summary of Selected Noise Assessment
Points at Each Representative NSR
Description |
Land Use |
No. of Noise Sensitive
Storeys above Podium/Site Level |
(P)/Site Level (S) (mPD) |
No. of Noise Assessment
Points at Each Floor |
N1 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block A |
Residential |
30 |
16.1 (P) |
1 |
N2 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block B |
Residential |
31 |
16.1 (P) |
1 |
N3 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block C |
Residential |
31 |
16.1 (P) |
1 |
N4 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block D |
Residential |
31 |
16.1 (P) |
1 |
N5 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block E |
Residential |
31 |
16.1 (P) |
1 |
N6 |
Joyful Building Block A |
Residential |
27 |
24.9 (P) |
2 |
N7 |
Joyful Building Block B |
Residential |
27 |
24.9 (P) |
2 |
N8 |
Sheeny Terrace |
Residential |
26 |
35.1 (P) |
1 |
N9 |
Summit Terrace Tower 1 |
Residential |
39 |
24.3 (P) |
2 |
N10 |
Summit Terrace Tower 2 |
Residential |
39 |
37.1 (P) |
5 |
N11 |
Summit Terrace Tower 3 |
Residential |
40 |
37.1 (P) |
5 |
N12 |
Summit Terrace Tower 5 |
Residential |
40 |
37.1 (P) |
5 |
N13 |
Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital |
Hospital |
4 |
37.6 (S) |
1 |
N14 |
Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital Staff Quarter |
Residential |
5 |
44.2 (S) |
1 |
N15 |
Allway Gardens Block A |
Residential |
22 |
57.1 (P) |
1 |
N16 |
Allway Gardens Block B |
Residential |
22 |
57.1 (P) |
1 |
N17 |
Allway Gardens Block C |
Residential |
22 |
57.1 (P) |
1 |
N18 |
Wang Fat Ching She |
Place of Worship |
2 |
25.3 (S) |
2 |
N19 |
The Panorama |
Residential |
43 |
30.4 (P) |
10 |
N20 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden Block 1 |
Residential |
35 |
18.0 (P) |
9 |
N21 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden Block 2 |
Residential |
35 |
18.0 (P) |
1 |
N22 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden Block 3 |
Residential |
35 |
18.0 (P) |
1 |
N23 |
Serenade Cove Block A |
Residential |
33 |
13.7 (P) |
7 |
N24 |
Serenade Cove Block B |
Residential |
32 |
13.7 (P) |
9 |
N25 |
Serenade Cove Block C |
Residential |
33 |
13.7 (P) |
8 |
N26 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden Block 7 |
Residential |
41 |
12.9 (P) |
4 |
N27 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden Block 6 |
Residential |
41 |
12.9 (P) |
1 |
N28 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden Block 5 |
Residential |
41 |
17.1 (P) |
1 |
N29 |
Fu Yung House |
Residential |
7 |
4.0 (S) |
2 |
N30 |
Yen Wai Garden |
Residential |
23 |
13.6 (P) |
2 |
N31 |
Tak Yan Building Stage 15 |
Residential |
6 |
4.0 (S) |
1 |
N32 |
On Hong Building |
Residential |
24 |
10.8 (P) |
2 |
N33 |
Kan Fat Building |
Residential |
5 |
4.0 (S) |
1 |
N34 |
Heung Wo Building |
Residential |
21 |
13.6 (P) |
1 |
N35 |
On Fung Building |
Residential |
20 |
13.6 (P) |
1 |
N36 |
Wong Siu Ching Secondary School |
School |
6 |
4.0 (S) |
2 |
N37 |
Tsuen Wan Plaza Block 1 |
Residential |
30 |
24 (P) |
7 |
N38 |
Tsuen Wan Plaza Block 2 |
Residential |
30 |
24 (P) |
7 |
N39 |
Salvation Army Ng Kok Wai Memorial Kindergarten |
School |
2 |
5.1 (S) |
2 |
N40 |
Clague Garden Estate Block A |
Residential |
40 |
4.0 (S) |
12 |
N41 |
Clague Garden Estate Block B |
Residential |
40 |
4.0 (S) |
12 |
N42 |
Clague Garden Estate Block C |
Residential |
40 |
4.0 (S) |
12 |
N43 |
Skyline Plaza |
Residential |
35 |
23.4 (P) |
10 |
N44 |
Development at TW5 Cityside Tower 10 |
Residential |
50 |
33.2 (P) |
4 |
N45 |
Development at TW5 Cityside Tower 11 |
Residential |
52 |
33.2 (P) |
4 |
N46 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 1 |
Residential |
49 |
30.6 (P) |
4 |
N47 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 2 |
Residential |
42 |
30.6 (P) |
5 |
N48 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 3 |
Residential |
42 |
30.6 (P) |
5 |
N49 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 4 |
Residential |
39 |
30.6 (P) |
5 |
N50 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 5 |
Residential |
39 |
30.6 (P) |
4 |
N51 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 6 |
Residential |
42 |
30.6 (P) |
3 |
N52 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 7 |
Residential |
42 |
30.6 (P) |
3 |
N53 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 8 |
Residential |
42 |
30.6 (P) |
3 |
N54 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 9 |
Residential |
42 |
30.6 (P) |
3 |
N55 |
Vision City Tower 1 |
Residential |
41 |
38.4 (P) |
1 |
N56 |
Vision City Tower 2 |
Residential |
43 |
38.4 (P) |
1 |
N57 |
No. 57 Yeung Uk Road |
Residential |
5 |
4 (S) |
1 |
N58 |
No. 59-77 Yeung Uk Road |
Residential |
5 |
4 (S) |
1 |
N59 |
Tsuen Wan Caritas Clinic |
Clinic |
4 |
4 (S) |
1 |
N60 |
No. 85-99 Yeung Uk Road |
Residential |
4 |
4 (S) |
1 |
N61 |
Harmony Garden Block 1 |
Residential |
24 |
10.4 (P) |
1 |
N62 |
Harmony Garden Block 2 |
Residential |
24 |
10.4 (P) |
1 |
N63 |
Development at TWTL 394
Tower 1 |
Residential |
45 |
30.6 (P) |
3 |
N64 |
Development at TWTL 394
Tower 2 |
Residential |
45 |
30.6 (P) |
3 |
N65 |
Development at TW6 Tower 1 |
Residential |
48 |
23.5 (P) |
2 |
N66 |
Development at TW6 Tower 2 |
Residential |
46 |
23.5 (P) |
2 |
N67 |
Development at TW7 Tower 1 |
Residential |
44 |
20.5 (P) |
5 |
N68 |
Development at TW7 Tower 2 |
Residential |
44 |
20.5 (P) |
4 |
N69 |
Development at TW7 Tower 3 |
Residential |
44 |
20.5 (P) |
5 |
N70 |
Development at TW7 Tower 4 |
Residential |
42 |
20.5 (P) |
5 |
N71 |
Development at TW7 Tower 5 |
Residential |
42 |
20.5 (P) |
5 |
N72 |
Development at TW7 Tower 6 |
Residential |
40 |
20.5 (P) |
3 |
N73 |
Development at TW7 Tower 7 |
Residential |
40 |
20.5 (P) |
3 |
N74 |
Waterside Plaza Block 1 |
Residential |
37 |
18.2 (P) |
7 |
N75 |
Waterside Plaza Block 2 |
Residential |
37 |
18.2 (P) |
5 |
N76 |
Waterside Plaza Block 3 |
Residential |
32 |
18.2 (P) |
5 |
N77 |
Waterside Plaza Block 4 |
Residential |
31 |
18.2 (P) |
5 |
N78 |
Proposed School Site at TW7 |
School |
6 |
17.5 (S) |
3 |
N79 |
Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School |
School |
7 |
4.5 (S) |
2 |
N80 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 1 |
Residential |
31 |
10.4 (P) |
6 |
N81 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 2 |
Residential |
32 |
10.4 (P) |
4 |
N82 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 3 |
Residential |
36 |
10.4 (P) |
2 |
N83 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 4 |
Residential |
36 |
10.4 (P) |
2 |
N84 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 17 |
Residential |
34 |
16.7 (P) |
1 |
N85 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 18 |
Residential |
34 |
16.7 (P) |
2 |
N86 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 19 |
Residential |
30 |
16.7 (P) |
2 |
N87 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 20 |
Residential |
30 |
24.6 (P) |
2 |
N88 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 21 |
Residential |
30 |
22.3 (P) |
4 |
N89 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 22 |
Residential |
30 |
22.3 (P) |
6 |
N90 |
S K H Chu Tan Primary School |
School |
6 |
61 (S) |
1 |
N91 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 6 |
Residential |
17 |
51 (S) |
6 |
N92 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 8 |
Residential |
24 |
61 (S) |
6 |
N93 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 9 |
Residential |
21 |
27.5 (S) |
4 |
N94 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 10 |
Residential |
14 |
27.5 (S) |
3 |
N95 |
Lee I Yao Secondary School |
School |
5 |
26.5 (S) |
1 |
N96 |
Hibiscus Park Block 1 |
Residential |
35 |
11 (P) |
2 |
N97 |
Hibiscus Park Block 2 |
Residential |
35 |
11 (P) |
2 | Traffic noise
level at Year 2010 is considered as the prevailing traffic noise level, which
will be applied for the assessment of the eligibility of the identified NSRs
for indirect technical remedies if necessary. According to
Section 5.1, Annex 13 of the EIAO-TM and EIAO Guidance Note No. 12/2005,
traffic noise impact assessment shall be conducted based on the design traffic
conditions or the maximum traffic projection within 15 years upon operation of
the road works (i.e. Year 2015 to Year 2030 for this Project). According to the Final Traffic Impact
Assessment (TIA) Review Report issued in January 2007 by Scott Wilson in
association with MVA Hong Kong Ltd., the maximum traffic flow is predicted to
be in the last assessment year (i.e. Year 2030) under the
“with Project” scenario. Therefore,
operational noise impact assessment for the unmitigated and mitigated scenarios
for the compliance of the noise criteria stipulated in the EIAO-TM is based on
the predicted traffic flow at Year 2030 under the “with Project” scenario.
Traffic data for major road sections within the Noise Assessment Area
of the Project at the assessment years are adopted from the endorsed Final TIA
Review Report. Correspondence of the endorsement is provided in Appendix 3-G.
Descriptions and road traffic flow compositions of the major roads related to
the Project at Year 2030 are summarized in Table 3-6. Key plans from the
Final TIA Review Report for the major road sections, as well as information
showing all road segments and their traffic data are shown in Appendix 3-H.
Friction course surface (pervious) is applied at any roads (DP or non-DP roads
in the Project) with vehicle speed limit at least 70 kph as a high speed road
3‑6 Summary of Traffic Data of Major Road
Sections in the Project
Segment Designation in TIA Review Report |
Segment Descriptions |
Category |
Carriageway |
Limit (kph) |
Surface |
Peak Hour Flow at Year 2030 (vph) |
Heavy Vehicles |
A |
Tuen Mun Road (Kowloon Bound) - Hoi Hing
Road Roundabout to Castle Peak Road
(Tsuen Wan) |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
900 |
49 |
B |
Tsuen Wan Road Viaduct (Kowloon Bound) -
Tuen Mun Road to Tai Chung Road Roundabout |
New Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
1050 |
58 |
C |
Tsuen Wan Road (Kowloon Bound) - Tuen Mun
Road to Tai Chung Road Roundabout |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
2700 |
33 |
D |
Tuen Mun Road (Kowloon Bound) - up to
Tsuen Wan Road |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
4650 |
43 |
E |
Tuen Mun Road (Tuen Mun Bound) - from
Tsuen Wan Road |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
3000 |
56 |
F |
Slip Road from Hoi Hing Road interchange
to Tai Chung Road Roundabout |
New Road |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
1850 |
34 |
G |
Slip Road from Tsuen Wan Road to Tai
Chung Road Roundabout |
Existing Road |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
450 |
51 |
H |
Elevated Road (Tuen Mun Bound) from
Castle Peak Road - Tsuen Wan to Tuen Mun Road |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
600 |
59 |
I |
Tsuen Wan Road Viaduct (Kowloon Bound) -
Tai Chung Road Roundabout to Wing Shun Street |
New Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
2900 |
43 |
J |
Tsuen Wan Road (Kowloon Bound) - Tai
Chung Road Roundabout |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
2250 |
29 |
K |
Slip Road from Tai Chung Road Roundabout
to Tsuen Wan Road (Kowloon Bound) |
Partially Expanded |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
1200 |
46 |
L |
Tsuen Wand Road Viaduct (Kowloon Bound) -
Wing Shun Street to Wing Kei Road |
New Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
2300 |
39 |
M |
Tsuen Wan Road (Kowloon Bound) - Tai
Chung Road Roundabout to Tsuen Tsing Interchange |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
3450 |
35 |
N |
Slip Road from Tsuen Wan Road Viaduct to
Tsuen Tsing Interchange (Kowloon Bound) |
New Road |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
600 |
34 |
O |
Slip Road from Tsuen Wan Road to Tsuen
Tsing Interchange (Kowloon Bound) |
Existing Road |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
1000 |
27 |
P |
Tsuen Wand Road (Kowloon Bound) - Tsuen
Tsing Interchange |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
2450 |
32 |
Q |
Slip Road from Tsuen Tsing Interchange to
Tsuen Wan Road (Kowloon Bound) |
New Road |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
1900 |
41 |
R |
Tsuen Wan Road (Kowloon Bound) - Tsuen
Tsing Interchange to Kwai Tsing Interchange |
New Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
6650 |
38 |
S |
Slip Road from Tsuen Wan Road to Kwai
Tsing Interchange (Kowloon Bound) |
Partially Expanded |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
1600 |
54 |
T |
Tsuen Wan Road Viaduct (Kowloon Bound) -
Kwai Tsing Interchange |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
5050 |
35 |
U |
Slip Road from Kwai Tsing Interchange to
Tsuen Wan Road (Kowloon Bound) |
Existing Road |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
1000 |
47 |
V |
Tsuen Wan Road (Tuen Mun Bound) - Kwai
Tsing Interchange |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
4750 |
43 |
W |
Slip Road from Tsuen Wan Road to Kwai Tsing
Interchange (Tuen Mun Bound) |
Existing Road |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
950 |
45 |
X |
Slip Road from Kwai Tsing Interchange to
Tsuen Wan Road Viaduct (Tuen Mun Bound) |
New Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
800 |
44 |
Y |
Tsuen Wan Road (Tuen Mun Bound) - Kwai
Tsing Interchange to Tsuen Tsing Interchange |
New Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
5550 |
42 |
Z |
Slip Road from Tsuen Wan Road to Tsuen
Tsing Interchange (Tuen Mun Bound) |
New Road |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
950 |
31 |
AA |
Tsuen Wand Road (Tuen Mun Bound) - Tsuen
Tsing Interchange |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
2550 |
40 |
AB |
Tsuen Wan Road Viaduct (Kowloon Bound) -
Tsuen Tsing Interchange to Tai Chung Road Roundabout |
New Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
2050 |
46 |
AC |
Elevated Road from Tsuen Wan Road to
Tsing Tsuen Road |
Existing Road |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
1700 |
39 |
AD |
Slip Road from Tsuen Tsing Interchange to
Tsuen Wan Road (Tuen Mun Bound) |
Existing Road |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
800 |
28 |
AE |
Tsuen Wan Road (Tuen Mun Bound) - Tsuen
Tsing Interchange to Tai Chung Road Roundabout |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
1650 |
38 |
AF |
Slip Road from Tsuen Wan Road to Tai
Chung Road Roundabout (Tuen Mun Bound) |
Partially Expanded |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
1100 |
32 |
AG |
Tsuen Wan Road (Tuen Mun Bound) - Tai
Chung Road Roundabout |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
550 |
51 |
AH |
Tsuen Wan Road (Tuen Mun Bound) - Tai
Chung Road Roundabout to Tuen Mun Road |
Existing Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
1150 |
49 |
AI |
Slip Road from Tai Chung Road Roundabout
to Tsuen Wan Road (Tuen Mun Bound) |
Existing Road |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
600 |
47 |
AK |
Slip Road from Tsuen Wan Road Viaduct to
Hoi Hing Road |
New Road |
Single way |
50 |
Impervious |
800 |
29 |
AL |
Tsuen Wan Road Viaduct (Tuen Mun Bound) -
Tai Chung Road Roundabout to Tuen Mun Road |
New Road |
Single way |
70 |
Pervious |
1250 |
62 | For the purpose
of operational noise impact assessment, all existing and planned noise
mitigation measures which will be completed within 15 years starting from the
operation year (i.e. Year 2015) on the adjacent roads within the Noise
Assessment Area have been taken into account. Identified
existing noise mitigation measures include those on Route 9 fronting Summit
Terrace and Tsuen King Circuit. Their locations and site photos are shown in Appendix 3-I. Identified
planned noise mitigation measures include those in proposed road projects on
Tuen Mun Road and Yeung Uk Road Widening. The locations of these planned noise
mitigation measures are shown in Appendix
3-J. Sources of
information of all identified planned noise mitigation measures on the adjacent
roads are shown in Appendix 3-K. Prediction of
road traffic noise impact and necessary noise mitigation design was conducted
with computer model “RoadNoise® 2000”, which adopts the methodology described
in “Calculation of Road Traffic Noise (CRTN)” (1988) developed by the UK
Department of Transport. CRTN takes
into account all major parameters related to effective traffic noise
prediction, including traffic flow and composition, road segment length and
gradient, road surface, propagation characteristics, barrier and façade
effects, as well as site layout settings etc. The operational noise impact
assessment was conducted based on the predicted future peak hour maximum
traffic flows under the following scenarios:
“With Project”, unmitigated scenario at the assessment year (i.e. Year
“With Project”, mitigated scenario at the assessment year (i.e. Year
2030); and
Prevailing scenario, i.e. “without Project” scenario at Year 2010 for
indirect technical remedies eligibility assessment (if necessary) Road traffic noise is
presented in terms of noise levels exceeded for 10% of the one-hour period for
the hour having the peak traffic flow (i.e. L10,1hour,
dB(A)). Typical “RoadNoise® 2000”
computer plot is shown in Appendix 3-L. Operational noise
impact assessment under the unmitigated scenario has been conducted at the
identified NSRs and the results are summarized in Table
results at each level of each noise assessment point of the identified NSRs are
presented in Appendix 3-N.
Table 3‑7 Predicted Road Traffic Noise Levels at
Each Identified NSR under the Unmitigated Scenario
Descriptions |
Range of Predicted Noise Level (Unmitigated) |
Noise Standard Under EIAO-TM |
EIAO Criteria Complied? |
Overall noise level |
non-DP roads only |
DP roads only |
Difference |
N1 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block A |
58~66 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N2 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block B |
61~66 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N3 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block C |
64~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N4 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block D |
- |
70 |
Yes |
71~73 |
71~73 |
50~58 |
0~0.2 |
N5 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block E |
70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~72 |
71~72 |
53~59 |
0~0.3 |
N6 |
Joyful Building Block A |
52~67 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N7 |
Joyful Building Block B |
51~64 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N8 |
Sheeny Terrace |
63~68 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N9 |
Summit Terrace Tower 1 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
71~72 |
71~72 |
51~60 |
0~0.4 |
N10 |
Summit Terrace Tower 2 |
61~69 |
70 |
Yes |
71~77 |
71~77 |
60~66 |
0.1~0.9 |
N11 |
Summit Terrace Tower 3 |
59~70 |
70 |
No |
71~75 |
69~74 |
63~67 |
0.6~1.3 |
N12 |
Summit Terrace Tower 5 |
60~70 |
70 |
No |
71~75 |
69~74 |
63~68 |
0.9~1.8 |
N13 |
Tsuen Wan Adventist
Hospital |
- |
55 |
Yes |
69~70 |
69~70 |
47~50 |
0~0.1 |
N14 |
Tsuen Wan Adventist
Hospital Staff Quarter |
69 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N15 |
Allway Gardens Block A |
63~68 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N16 |
Allway Gardens Block B |
61~67 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N17 |
Allway Gardens Block C |
61~66 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N18 |
Wang Fat Ching She |
53~60 |
65 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N19 |
The Panorama |
61~70 |
70 |
No |
71~76 |
71~76 |
5~67 |
0~1.3 |
N20 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden
Block 1 |
57~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~77 |
70~77 |
39~61 |
0~0.5 |
N21 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden
Block 2 |
49~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~77 |
70~77 |
46~55 |
0~0.2 |
N22 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden
Block 3 |
56~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~77 |
70~77 |
33~52 |
0~0.1 |
N23 |
Serenade Cove Block A |
62~69 |
70 |
Yes |
73~80 |
73~80 |
55~63 |
0~0.4 |
N24 |
Serenade Cove Block B |
59~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~80 |
70~80 |
57~64 |
0~0.7 |
N25 |
Serenade Cove Block C |
63~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~78 |
70~78 |
48~61 |
0~0.5 |
N26 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden
Block 7 |
70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~79 |
70~79 |
54~62 |
0~0.6 |
N27 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden
Block 6 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
74~79 |
74~79 |
53~55 |
0~0.1 |
N28 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden
Block 5 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
73~79 |
73~79 |
52~54 |
0~0.1 |
N29 |
Fu Yung House |
- |
70 |
Yes |
74~78 |
74~78 |
56~60 |
0~0.2 |
N30 |
Yan Wai Garden |
59~69 |
70 |
Yes |
71~75 |
70~75 |
60~65 |
0.2~0.8 |
N31 |
Tak Yan Building Stage 15 |
64~67 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N32 |
On Hong Building |
53~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N33 |
Kan Fat Building |
66 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N34 |
Heung Wo Building |
50~68 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N35 |
On Fung Building |
54~68 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N36 |
Wong Siu Ching Secondary
School |
- |
65 |
Yes |
73~76 |
73~76 |
57~64 |
0.1~0.4 |
N37 |
Tsuen Wan Plaza Block 1 |
62~70 |
70 |
No |
71~73 |
70~72 |
61~68 |
0.5~1.6 |
N38 |
Tsuen Wan Plaza Block 2 |
60~70 |
70 |
No |
71 |
70 |
64 |
0.9~1.1 |
N39 |
Salvation Army Ng Kwok Wai
Memorial Kindergarten |
- |
65 |
No |
70~78 |
68~76 |
66~73 |
1.5~1.9 |
N40 |
Clague Garden Estate Block
A |
52~70 |
70 |
No |
71~81 |
68~79 |
63~77 |
0.2~2.9 |
N41 |
Clague Garden Estate Block
B |
56~70 |
70 |
No |
71~78 |
68~75 |
65~75 |
1.0~3.0 |
N42 |
Clague Garden Estate Block
C |
68~70 |
70 |
No |
71~81 |
69~78 |
57~78 |
0~3.2 |
N43 |
Skyline Plaza |
61~70 |
70 |
No |
71~76 |
69~76 |
50~67 |
0~1.9 |
N44 |
Development at TW5 Cityside
Tower 10 |
55~70 |
70 |
No |
71~75 |
67~72 |
67~72 |
2.2~3.2 |
N45 |
Development at TW5 Cityside
Tower 11 |
52~70 |
70 |
No |
71 |
67~68 |
67~68 |
2.8~3.3 |
N46 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 1 |
51~70 |
70 |
No |
71~72 |
68~70 |
68~69 |
2.2~3.0 |
N47 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 2 |
51~70 |
70 |
No |
71 |
68~69 |
67 |
2.1~2.6 |
N48 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 3 |
51~70 |
70 |
No |
71 |
68~69 |
67~68 |
2.3~2.9 |
N49 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 4 |
45~70 |
70 |
No |
71~72 |
68~69 |
68 |
2.5~3.0 |
N50 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 5 |
50~61 |
70 |
No |
72~75 |
70~72 |
67~71 |
1.9~2.4 |
N51 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 6 |
69~70 |
70 |
No |
71~74 |
68~72 |
66~71 |
1.8~2.6 |
N52 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 7 |
66~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N53 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 8 |
65~70 |
70 |
No |
71 |
69 |
65~66 |
1.7~2.0 |
N54 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 9 |
68~70 |
70 |
No |
71~72 |
68~70 |
65~68 |
1.4~2.5 |
N55 |
Vision City Tower 1 |
68 |
70 |
Yes |
71~74 |
71~74 |
54~62 |
0~0.4 |
N56 |
Vision City Tower 2 |
63~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~73 |
71~72 |
55~58 |
0.1~0.3 |
N57 |
No. 57 Yeung Uk Road |
- |
70 |
Yes |
78 |
78 |
36~39 |
0 |
N58 |
No. 59-77 Yeung Uk Road |
- |
70 |
Yes |
78 |
78 |
22 |
0 |
N59 |
Tsuen Wan Caritas Clinic |
- |
55 |
Yes |
79~80 |
79~80 |
22~23 |
0 |
N60 |
No. 85-99 Yeung Uk Road |
- |
70 |
Yes |
80~81 |
80~81 |
23 |
0 |
N61 |
Harmony Garden Block 1 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
74~79 |
74~79 |
22 |
0 |
N62 |
Harmony Garden Block 2 |
68~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71 |
71 |
18 |
0 |
N63 |
Tsuen Wan Town Lot 394
Tower 1 |
70 |
70 |
No |
71~73 |
68~71 |
66~69 |
1.5~2.7 |
N64 |
Tsuen Wan Town Lot 394 Tower
2 |
70 |
70 |
No |
71~74 |
68~72 |
67~70 |
1.7~2.6 |
N65 |
Development at TW6 Tower 1 |
59~70 |
70 |
No |
71~78 |
68~75 |
67~74 |
1.9~2.9 |
N66 |
Development at TW6 Tower 2 |
60~70 |
70 |
No |
71~78 |
68~75 |
64~74 |
0.7~3.1 |
N67 |
Development at TW7 Tower 1 |
52~70 |
70 |
No |
71~72 |
68~71 |
64~68 |
1.0~2.6 |
N68 |
Development at TW7 Tower 2 |
47~70 |
70 |
No |
71 |
68 |
67 |
2.5~2.6 |
N69 |
Development at TW7 Tower 3 |
62~70 |
70 |
No |
71~74 |
68~71 |
67~70 |
2.2~2.9 |
N70 |
Development at TW7 Tower 4 |
64~70 |
70 |
No |
71~74 |
68~71 |
67~71 |
2.3~2.9 |
N71 |
Development at TW7 Tower 5 |
60~70 |
70 |
No |
71 |
68 |
67~68 |
2.8~2.9 |
N72 |
Development at TW7 Tower 6 |
69~70 |
70 |
No |
71~78 |
68~74 |
67~76 |
2.2~4.1 |
N73 |
Development at TW7 Tower 7 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
73~78 |
73~77 |
58~69 |
0.1~0.7 |
N74 |
Waterside Plaza Block 1 |
55~70 |
70 |
No |
71~74 |
69~74 |
63~67 |
0.4~1.9 |
N75 |
Waterside Plaza Block 2 |
49~68 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N76 |
Waterside Plaza Block 3 |
58~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N77 |
Waterside Plaza Block 4 |
53~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~72 |
70~72 |
62~64 |
0.5~0.8 |
N78 |
Proposed School Site at TW7 |
61~65 |
65 |
Yes |
66~76 |
65~76 |
59~65 |
0.2~0.9 |
N79 |
Shak Chung Shan Memorial
Catholic Primary School |
- |
65 |
Yes |
72~73 |
71~73 |
48~56 |
0~0.1 |
N80 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 1 |
43~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~75 |
70~75 |
40~62 |
0~0.5 |
N81 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 2 |
52~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N82 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 3 |
59~66 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N83 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 4 |
46~65 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N84 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 17 |
45~65 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N85 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 18 |
51~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71 |
71 |
31 |
0 |
N86 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 19 |
65~70 |
70 |
Yes |
73~76 |
73~76 |
26~31 |
0 |
N87 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 20 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
75~79 |
75~79 |
47~61 |
0~0.2 |
N88 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 21 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
73~77 |
73~77 |
30~65 |
0~0.5 |
N89 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 22 |
65~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~76 |
71~76 |
42~66 |
0~0.7 |
N90 |
S K H Chu Yan Primary
School |
- |
65 |
Yes |
71~74 |
71~74 |
50 |
0~0.1 |
N91 |
Kwai Shing West Est Block 6 |
35~70 |
70 |
Yes |
73~78 |
73~78 |
47~55 |
0~0.1 |
N92 |
Kwai Shing West Est Block 8 |
42~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~72 |
71~72 |
25~36 |
0 |
N93 |
Kwai Shing West Est Block 9 |
36~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~75 |
71~75 |
27~32 |
0 |
N94 |
Kwai Shing West Est Block
10 |
56~67 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N95 |
Lee I Yao Secondary School |
- |
65 |
Yes |
81~82 |
81~82 |
0 |
0 |
N96 |
Hibiscus Park Block 1 |
38~55 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N97 |
Hibiscus Park Block 2 |
45~59 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
EIAO noise
criteria are complied if (a) overall noise level ≤ noise standards under
EIAO-TM, or (b) noise level from DP roads only ≤ noise standards under
EIAO-TM and difference between overall noise level and noise levels of non-DP
roads < 1.0 dB(A).
representative NSR is divided into two groups according to the overall noise
level, namely (a) that with overall noise level ≤ noise standards under
EIAO-TM (upper row) and (b) that with overall noise level > noise standards
under EIAO-TM (lower row). For group (a), three kinds of predicted noise
levels, i.e. noise level from non-DP roads only, noise levels from DP roads
only, and difference between overall noise levels and noise levels from non-DP
roads only, are not considered (shaded). “-“ indicates that there is no
assessment point represented for that NSR belongs to that overall noise level
group. Table 3-7 shows that under
the unmitigated scenario the predicted road traffic noise levels at some
identified NSRs (i.e. N11, N12, N19, N37 to N51, N53, N54, N63 to N72, and N74)
do not comply with the EIAO noise criteria. Therefore, direct noise mitigation
measures are considered necessary to reduce the road traffic noise impact. As
stated in Section 6, Annex 13 of the EIAO-TM, there is a range of possible
measures available to mitigate road traffic noise. These include:
For planned developments:
alternative land use arrangement;
alternative sitting;
screening by noise tolerant buildings;
setback of buildings;
decking over;
extended podium;
building orientation;
special building design; and
architectural features/balcony;
For existing developments:
treatment of source;
alternative alignment;
noise barrier/enclosure; and
open-textured road surfacing In view of the
practicality, roadside noise barriers are considered to be an effective and
practicable mitigation option for the traffic noise impacts. In order to consider the worst-case
scenario, reflective type barriers are adopted in this operational noise impact
assessment. In general, concrete
parapet walls of 0.8m high are adopted in this operational noise impact
assessment along all elevated sections of the existing and planned roads, with
the exception of the elevated roads joining Castle Peak Road – Tsuen Wan
Section and Tuen Mun Road where noise barriers are currently in place. Direct noise
mitigation measures such as cantilevered noise barriers, as well as
semi-enclosures or full noise enclosures have been considered for the road
traffic noise impact. Major steps in the design of noise mitigation measures
for the compliance of noise standards stipulated in the EIAO-TM and the
requirements of EIAO Guidance Note No. 12/2005 regarding traffic noise
impact assessment are as follows:
1) The predicted
peak hour traffic flows at Year 2030 (highest traffic volume within 15 operational
years starting from Year 2015) under the “with Project” scenario are considered
to evaluate traffic noise levels at all noise assessment points.
2) “Baseline” study,
which takes into account all existing representative site layouts, building
developments, roads and the noise mitigation measures within the Noise
Assessment Area at Year 2030, is conducted.
Noise mitigation measures for the DP roads of the Project are not
included in this “baseline” study (unmitigated scenario).
3) Necessary direct
noise mitigation measures along the DP roads of the Project are considered
based on the results from the “baseline” study.
4) The necessity for
the application of direct noise mitigation measures (noise barriers/
enclosures) is determined based on the following conditions:-
5) If the predicted
overall noise levels at the noise assessment points do not exceed the specified
noise standards in the EIAO-TM (Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1), no direct noise mitigation
measures along the DP roads of the Project are required;
6) If the predicted
overall noise levels at the noise assessment points exceed the specified noise
standards stipulated in the EIAO-TM ((Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1Table 3‑1), direct noise mitigation
measures shall be considered, such that either requirement (a) or (b)+(c) below
could be fulfilled:
a) The mitigated
overall noise level is not higher than the specified noise level standards in
the EIAO-TM ((Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1);
b) The mitigated
noise level arising from DP roads only is not higher than the specified noise
level standards in the EIAO-TM ((Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1);
c) The contribution
of the mitigated noise level arising from the DP roads to the mitigated overall
noise level is less than 1.0 dB(A). Total number of dwellings, classrooms and other noise sensitive elements that will be benefited from and be protected by provision of direct noise mitigation measures is also determined as follows:
1) Dwellings, classrooms and other noise sensitive elements that will benefit from provision of direct noise mitigation measures are those:
a) exposed to
overall traffic noise levels exceeding the specified noise level standards in
the EIAO-TM ((Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1); and
b) benefited at least 1.0 dB(A) from the implementation of the direct noise mitigation measures.
2) Dwellings, classrooms and other noise sensitive elements that will be protected by provision of direct noise mitigation measures are those:
a) exposed to
overall traffic noise levels exceeding the specified noise level standards in
the EIAO-TM ((Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1); and
b) exposed to
overall traffic noise levels compiling with the specified noise level standards
in the EIAO-TM ((Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1) with the implementation of
the direct noise mitigation measures. In cases where
practicable direct noise mitigation measures alone are not adequate in
mitigating noise level for the compliance of noise standards stipulated in the
EIAO-TM, indirect technical remedies for existing NSRs may be adopted provided
that the residual impacts satisfy all of the following three criteria:
The predicted overall noise level exceeds the noise standards
stipulated in the EIAO-TM ((Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1);
2) The predicted
overall noise level is at least 1.0 dB(A) more than the prevailing traffic
noise level, i.e. the total traffic noise level existing before the works to
construct the road were commenced (“without Project” scenario at Year 2010);
The contribution from the DP roads to the increase in the predicted
overall noise level is at least 1.0 dB(A). Referring to the
road traffic noise prediction results under the unmitigated scenario presented
in Section 3.2.4, direct noise mitigation measures (noise barriers
and enclosures) were designed along the DP roads of the Project for the
compliance with the EIAO-TM noise criteria. Table 3‑8Table
3‑8 Table 3‑8 summarizes the proposed direct noise mitigation
measures along the DP roads of the Project. Their locations and cross-sections
are illustrated graphically in Figure 3-5.
3‑8 Summary of Proposed Noise Mitigation
Measures at Operational Phase for the Compliance of EIAO Noise Criteria
Item |
Noise Mitigation Measures |
Name |
Direction |
Major NSRs Protected |
ID |
Description |
Length (m) |
1 |
C1 |
5.5m with
3.5m cantilevered barrier |
200 |
Tsuen Wan Road |
Kowloon Bound |
Terrace Block 3 and Block 5 (N11, N12) |
2 |
C2 |
5.5m with
3.5m cantilevered barrier |
371 |
Tsuen Wan Road |
Kowloon Bound |
at TWTL 394 Tower 1 and Tower 2 (N63, N64) |
3 |
C3 |
5.5m with
3.5m cantilevered barrier |
560 |
Tsuen Wan Road |
Kowloon Bound |
at TW6 Tower 1 and Tower 2 (N65, N66), Development at TW7 Tower 1 to Tower 6
(N67-N72) |
4 |
C4 |
5.5m with
3.5m cantilevered barrier |
104 |
Tsuen Wan Road |
Tuen Mun Bound |
The Panorama
(N19) |
5 |
C5 |
5.5m with
3.5m cantilevered barrier |
635 |
Tsuen Wan Road |
Tuen Mun Bound |
at TW5 Cityside Tower 10 and Tower 11 (N44, N45), Development at TWTL 394
Tower 1 and Tower 2 (N63, N64) |
6 |
C6 |
5.5m with
3.5m cantilevered barrier |
334 |
Tsuen Wan Road |
Tuen Mun Bound |
at TW5 Tower 1 (N46), Development at TW6 Tower 1 and Tower 2 (N65, N66),
Development at TW7 Tower 1 (N67), Waterside Plaza Block 1 (N74) |
7 |
S1 |
Semi-enclosure |
50 |
Tsuen Wan Road |
Kowloon Bound |
at TW5 Bayside Tower 5 and Tower 6 (N50, N51) |
8 |
S2 |
Semi-enclosure |
229 |
Tsuen Wan Road |
Kowloon Bound |
Tsuen Wan
Plaza Tower 1 and Tower 2 (N37, N38), Clague Garden Estate Block A to Block C
(N40-N42), Development at TW5 Cityside Tower 10 and Tower 11 (N44, N45) |
9 |
S3 |
Semi-enclosure |
84 |
Tsuen Wan Road |
Tuen Mun Bound |
at TW5 Bayside Tower 5 and Tower 6 (N50, N51) |
10 |
S4 |
Semi-enclosure |
105 |
Tsuen Wan Road |
Tuen Mun Bound |
at TW7 Tower 3 to Tower 6 (N69 - N72) |
11 |
F1 |
enclosure |
110 |
Tsuen Wan Road |
Kowloon Bound |
Tsuen Wan
Plaza Tower 1 and Tower 2 (N37, N38), Clague Garden Estate Block A to Block C
(N40-N42), Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 2 to Tower 6 (N47-N51) |
12 |
F2 |
enclosure |
93 |
Tsuen Wan Road |
Tuen Mun Bound |
Tsuen Wan
Plaza Tower 1 and Tower 2 (N37, N38), Clague Garden Estate Block A to Block C
(N40-N42), Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 2 to Tower 6 (N47-N51) |
13 |
F3 |
enclosure |
58 |
Tsuen Wan Road |
Tuen Mun Bound |
Clague Garden
Estate Block A to Block C (N40-N42), Tsuen Wan Plaza Tower 1 and Tower 2
(N37, N38), Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 8 (N53) | Table 3‑9Table
3‑9Table 3‑9 summarizes the predicted road traffic noise level at
each identified NSR with the proposed direct noise mitigation measures
described in Table 3‑8Table
3‑8Table 3‑8 adopted.
Table 3‑10Table
3‑10Table 3‑10 provides the total number of
dwellings, classrooms and other noise sensitive elements that will be benefited from and be protected
by provision of the direct noise mitigation measures. Detailed results at each
floor of each noise assessment point are presented in Appendix 3-O. “RoadNoise®
2000” data files under the mitigated scenario are provided in the enclosed
3‑9 Predicted Road Traffic Noise Level at
Each Identified NSR under the Mitigated Scenario
Descriptions |
Range of Predicted Noise Level (Mitigated) (L10,1hour, dB(A)) [2] |
Noise Standard Under EIAO-TM |
EIAO Criteria Complied? [1] |
Overall noise level |
non-DP roads only |
DP roads only |
Difference |
N1 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block A |
58~66 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N2 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block B |
61~66 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N3 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block C |
64~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N4 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block D |
- |
70 |
Yes |
71~73 |
71~73 |
43~54 |
0~0.1 |
N5 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block E |
70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~72 |
71~72 |
45~55 |
0~0.1 |
N6 |
Joyful Building Block A |
52~67 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N7 |
Joyful Building Block B |
51~63 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N8 |
Sheeny Terrace |
63~67 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N9 |
Summit Terrace Tower 1 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
71~72 |
71~72 |
47~58 |
0~0.2 |
N10 |
Summit Terrace Tower 2 |
60~70 |
70 |
Yes |
72~77 |
71~77 |
53~64 |
0~0.6 |
N11 |
Summit Terrace Tower 3 |
58~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~74 |
70~74 |
60~65 |
0.3~0.8 |
N12 |
Summit Terrace Tower 5 |
60~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~74 |
70~74 |
62~66 |
0.6~0.9 |
N13 |
Tsuen Wan Adventist
Hospital |
- |
55 |
Yes |
69~70 |
69~70 |
45~47 |
0~0.1 |
N14 |
Tsuen Wan Adventist
Hospital Staff Quarter |
68~69 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N15 |
Allway Gardens Block A |
63~68 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N16 |
Allway Gardens Block B |
60~67 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N17 |
Allway Gardens Block C |
61~66 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N18 |
Wang Fat Ching She |
53~59 |
65 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N19 |
The Panorama |
53~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~76 |
71~76 |
7~65 |
0~0.9 |
N20 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden
Block 1 |
51~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~77 |
70~77 |
38~60 |
0~0.4 |
N21 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden
Block 2 |
49~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~77 |
70~77 |
37~53 |
0~0.1 |
N22 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden
Block 3 |
52~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~77 |
71~77 |
33~41 |
0~0.1 |
N23 |
Serenade Cove Block A |
62~69 |
70 |
Yes |
73~80 |
73~80 |
53~63 |
0~0.4 |
N24 |
Serenade Cove Block B |
59~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~80 |
70~80 |
57~64 |
0~0.7 |
N25 |
Serenade Cove Block C |
63~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~78 |
70~78 |
37~57 |
0~0.2 |
N26 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden
Block 7 |
70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~79 |
70~79 |
54~61 |
0~0.5 |
N27 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden
Block 6 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
74~79 |
74~79 |
53~55 |
0~0.1 |
N28 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden
Block 5 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
73~79 |
73~79 |
52~54 |
0~0.1 |
N29 |
Fu Yung House |
- |
70 |
Yes |
74~78 |
74~78 |
52~56 |
0~0.1 |
N30 |
Yan Wai Garden |
59~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~75 |
71~75 |
56~61 |
0~0.4 |
N31 |
Tak Yan Building Stage 15 |
64~67 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N32 |
On Hong Building |
52~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N33 |
Kan Fat Building |
66 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N34 |
Heung Wo Building |
50~67 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N35 |
On Fung Building |
54~68 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N36 |
Wong Siu Ching Secondary
School |
- |
70 |
Yes |
73~76 |
73~76 |
55~60 |
0~0.2 |
N37 |
Tsuen Wan Plaza Block 1 |
60~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~73 |
70~72 |
58~65 |
0.2~0.9 |
N38 |
Tsuen Wan Plaza Block 2 |
58~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N39 |
Salvation Army Ng Kwok Wai
Memorial Kindergarten |
- |
65 |
Yes |
68~76 |
68~76 |
49~56 |
0~0.1 |
N40 |
Clague Garden Estate Block
A |
50~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~79 |
70~79 |
55~70 |
0~0.9 |
N41 |
Clague Garden Estate Block
B |
55~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~75 |
70~74 |
56~67 |
0.1~0.8 |
N42 |
Clague Garden Estate Block
C |
66~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~78 |
70~78 |
38~68 |
0~0.9 |
N43 |
Skyline Plaza |
58~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~76 |
70~76 |
41~57 |
0~0.2 |
N44 |
Development at TW5 Cityside
Tower 10 |
51~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~72 |
71~72 |
52~65 |
0.1~0.9 |
N45 |
Development at TW5 Cityside
Tower 11 |
50~68 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N46 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 1 |
50~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N47 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 2 |
50~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N48 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 3 |
47~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N49 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 4 |
41~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N50 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 5 |
50~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~73 |
70~72 |
63~64 |
0.6~0.9 |
N51 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 6 |
68~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~72 |
70~71 |
59~61 |
0.2~0.6 |
N52 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 7 |
64~69 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N53 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 8 |
64~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N54 |
Development at TW5 Bayside
Tower 9 |
67~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N55 |
Vision City Tower 1 |
68 |
70 |
Yes |
71~74 |
71~74 |
48~51 |
0~0.1 |
N56 |
Vision City Tower 2 |
62~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~72 |
71~72 |
45~47 |
0~0.1 |
N57 |
No. 57 Yeung Uk Road |
- |
70 |
Yes |
78 |
78 |
35~37 |
0 |
N58 |
No. 59-77 Yeung Uk Road |
- |
70 |
Yes |
78 |
78 |
19 |
0 |
N59 |
Tsuen Wan Caritas Clinic |
- |
55 |
Yes |
79~80 |
79~80 |
22 |
0 |
N60 |
No. 85-99 Yeung Uk Road |
- |
70 |
Yes |
80~81 |
80~81 |
23 |
0 |
N61 |
Harmony Garden Block 1 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
74~79 |
74~79 |
22 |
0 |
N62 |
Harmony Garden Block 2 |
68~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71 |
71 |
18~19 |
0 |
N63 |
Tsuen Wan Town Lot 394
Tower 1 |
64~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N64 |
Tsuen Wan Town Lot 394
Tower 2 |
64~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71 |
70 |
63 |
0.7~0.8 |
N65 |
Development at TW6 Tower 1 |
55~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~74 |
70~73 |
62~66 |
0.3~0.9 |
N66 |
Development at TW6 Tower 2 |
54~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~74 |
70~73 |
61~65 |
0.4~0.9 |
N67 |
Development at TW7 Tower 1 |
52~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N68 |
Development at TW7 Tower 2 |
46~69 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N69 |
Development at TW7 Tower 3 |
60~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~72 |
70~71 |
62~63 |
0.5~0.8 |
N70 |
Development at TW7 Tower 4 |
62~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71 |
70~71 |
62~63 |
0.6~0.9 |
N71 |
Development at TW7 Tower 5 |
60~70 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N72 |
Development at TW7 Tower 6 |
66~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~73 |
70~73 |
46~61 |
0~0.5 |
N73 |
Development at TW7 Tower 7 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
73~78 |
73~77 |
58~69 |
0.1~0.7 |
N74 |
Waterside Plaza Block 1 |
52~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~73 |
70~73 |
50~56 |
0~0.2 |
N75 |
Waterside Plaza Block 2 |
49~66 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N76 |
Waterside Plaza Block 3 |
52~69 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N77 |
Waterside Plaza Block 4 |
50~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~72 |
70~72 |
61~64 |
0.5~0.7 |
N78 |
Proposed School Site at TW7 |
60~65 |
65 |
Yes |
66~76 |
65~76 |
58~65 |
0.2~0.8 |
N79 |
Shak Chung Shan Memorial
Catholic Primary School |
- |
65 |
Yes |
71~73 |
71~73 |
41~46 |
0 |
N80 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 1 |
43~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~75 |
71~75 |
38~62 |
0~0.5 |
N81 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 2 |
52~69 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N82 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 3 |
59~66 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N83 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 4 |
43~65 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N84 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 17 |
45~65 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N85 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 18 |
51~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71 |
71 |
31 |
0 |
N86 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 19 |
65~70 |
70 |
Yes |
73~76 |
73~76 |
26~32 |
0 |
N87 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 20 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
75~79 |
75~79 |
47~61 |
0~0.2 |
N88 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 21 |
- |
70 |
Yes |
73~77 |
73~77 |
30~65 |
0~0.5 |
N89 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 22 |
65~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~76 |
71~76 |
40~66 |
0~0.6 |
N90 |
S K H Chu Yan Primary
School |
- |
65 |
Yes |
71~74 |
71~74 |
50 |
0~0.1 |
N91 |
Kwai Shing West Est Block 6 |
35~70 |
70 |
Yes |
73~78 |
73~78 |
47~55 |
0~0.1 |
N92 |
Kwai Shing West Est Block 8 |
42~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~72 |
71~72 |
25~36 |
0 |
N93 |
Kwai Shing West Est Block 9 |
36~70 |
70 |
Yes |
71~75 |
71~75 |
27~32 |
0 |
N94 |
Kwai Shing West Est Block
10 |
56~67 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N95 |
Lee I Yao Secondary School |
- |
65 |
Yes |
81~82 |
81~82 |
0 |
0 |
N96 |
Hibiscus Park Block 1 |
38~55 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
N97 |
Hibiscus Park Block 2 |
45~59 |
70 |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
EIAO noise
criteria are complied if (a) overall noise level ≤ noise standards under
EIAO-TM, or (b) noise level from DP roads only ≤ noise standards under
EIAO-TM and difference between overall noise level and noise levels of non-DP
roads < 1.0 dB(A).
representative NSR is divided into two groups according to the overall noise
level, namely (a) that with overall noise level ≤ noise standards under
EIAO-TM (upper row) and (b) that with overall noise level > noise standards
under EIAO-TM (lower row). For group (a), three kinds of predicted noise
levels, i.e. noise level from non-DP roads only, noise levels from DP roads
only, and difference between overall noise levels and noise levels from non-DP
roads only, are not considered (shaded). “-“ indicates that there is no
assessment point represented for that NSR belongs to that overall noise level
3‑10 Total Number of Dwellings, Classrooms and
Other Noise Sensitive Elements that will be Benefited From and be Protected by
Provision of the Direct Noise Mitigation Measures
a) Dwellings
Descriptions |
No. of Dwellings
Represented |
No of Dwellings Subject to
Noise Exceeding EIAO Noise Criteria [1] |
No of Dwellings Benefited
from Noise Mitigation Measures [2] |
No of Dwellings Protected
by Noise Mitigation Measures [3] |
N1 |
Tak Gardens Block A |
240 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N2 |
Tak Gardens Block B |
248 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N3 |
Tak Gardens Block C |
248 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N4 |
Tak Gardens Block D |
248 |
124 |
0 |
0 |
N5 |
Tak Gardens Block E |
248 |
120 |
0 |
0 |
N6 |
Building Block A |
108 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N7 |
Building Block B |
108 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N8 |
Terrace |
104 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N9 |
Terrace Tower 1 |
312 |
156 |
0 |
0 |
N10 |
Terrace Tower 2 |
312 |
153 |
0 |
1 |
N11 |
Terrace Tower 3 |
320 |
135 |
13 |
6 |
N12 |
Terrace Tower 5 |
320 |
159 |
27 |
35 |
N14 |
Wan Adventist Hospital Staff Quarter |
25 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N15 |
Gardens Block A |
176 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N16 |
Gardens Block B |
176 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N17 |
Gardens Block C |
176 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N19 |
Panorama |
344 |
215 |
79 |
36 |
N20 |
I Belvedere Garden Block 1 |
280 |
135 |
41 |
40 |
N21 |
I Belvedere Garden Block 2 |
280 |
81 |
0 |
1 |
N22 |
I Belvedere Garden Block 3 |
280 |
68 |
0 |
2 |
N23 |
Cove Block A |
264 |
99 |
0 |
0 |
N24 |
Cove Block B |
256 |
146 |
0 |
3 |
N25 |
Cove Block C |
264 |
75 |
0 |
17 |
N26 |
III Belvedere Garden Block 7 |
328 |
159 |
0 |
4 |
N27 |
III Belvedere Garden Block 6 |
328 |
123 |
0 |
0 |
N28 |
III Belvedere Garden Block 5 |
328 |
123 |
0 |
0 |
N29 |
Yung House |
28 |
28 |
0 |
0 |
N30 |
Wai Garden |
46 |
34 |
0 |
1 |
N31 |
Yan Building Stage 15 |
24 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N32 |
Hong Building |
192 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N33 |
Fat Building |
100 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N34 |
Wo Building |
84 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N35 |
Fung Building |
80 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N37 |
Wan Plaza Block 1 |
240 |
126 |
3 |
5 |
N38 |
Wan Plaza Block 2 |
240 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
N40 |
Garden Estate Block A |
480 |
362 |
342 |
9 |
N41 |
Garden Estate Block B |
480 |
237 |
250 |
13 |
N42 |
Garden Estate Block C |
480 |
383 |
338 |
7 |
N43 |
Plaza |
280 |
105 |
83 |
13 |
N44 |
at TW5 Cityside Tower 10 |
450 |
45 |
98 |
53 |
N45 |
at TW5 Cityside Tower 11 |
468 |
0 |
35 |
35 |
N46 |
at TW5 Bayside Tower 1 |
294 |
0 |
43 |
43 |
N47 |
at TW5 Bayside Tower 2 |
294 |
0 |
25 |
25 |
N48 |
at TW5 Bayside Tower 3 |
294 |
0 |
27 |
27 |
N49 |
at TW5 Bayside Tower 4 |
273 |
0 |
32 |
32 |
N50 |
at TW5 Bayside Tower 5 |
234 |
115 |
117 |
2 |
N51 |
at TW5 Bayside Tower 6 |
252 |
47 |
104 |
57 |
N52 |
at TW5 Bayside Tower 7 |
252 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N53 |
at TW5 Bayside Tower 8 |
252 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
N54 |
at TW5 Bayside Tower 9 |
252 |
0 |
56 |
72 |
N55 |
City Tower 1 |
287 |
120 |
0 |
0 |
N56 |
City Tower 2 |
301 |
114 |
0 |
0 |
N57 |
57 Yeung Uk Road |
5 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
N58 |
59-77 Yeung Uk Road |
50 |
50 |
0 |
0 |
N60 |
85-99 Yeung Uk Road |
32 |
32 |
0 |
0 |
N61 |
Garden Block 1 |
120 |
96 |
0 |
0 |
N62 |
Garden Block 2 |
120 |
32 |
0 |
0 |
N63 |
Wan Town Lot 394 Tower 1 |
132 |
0 |
130 |
130 |
N64 |
Wan Town Lot 394 Tower 2 |
132 |
9 |
131 |
122 |
N65 |
at TW6 Tower 1 |
384 |
89 |
244 |
155 |
N66 |
at TW6 Tower 2 |
368 |
114 |
203 |
89 |
N67 |
at TW7 Tower 1 |
264 |
0 |
50 |
50 |
N68 |
at TW7 Tower 2 |
264 |
0 |
8 |
8 |
N69 |
at TW7 Tower 3 |
264 |
22 |
44 |
22 |
N70 |
at TW7 Tower 4 |
252 |
18 |
42 |
24 |
N71 |
at TW7 Tower 5 |
252 |
0 |
9 |
9 |
N72 |
at TW7 Tower 6 |
240 |
30 |
97 |
67 |
N73 |
at TW7 Tower 7 |
240 |
120 |
0 |
0 |
N74 |
Plaza Block 1 |
222 |
31 |
61 |
31 |
N75 |
Plaza Block 2 |
222 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N76 |
Plaza Block 3 |
192 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N77 |
Plaza Block 4 |
186 |
39 |
0 |
0 |
N80 |
Gardens Tower 1 |
248 |
67 |
0 |
1 |
N81 |
Gardens Tower 2 |
256 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N82 |
Gardens Tower 3 |
288 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N83 |
Gardens Tower 4 |
288 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N84 |
Gardens Tower 17 |
272 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N85 |
Gardens Tower 18 |
272 |
28 |
0 |
0 |
N86 |
Gardens Tower 19 |
240 |
60 |
0 |
0 |
N87 |
Gardens Tower 20 |
240 |
120 |
0 |
0 |
N88 |
Gardens Tower 21 |
240 |
120 |
0 |
0 |
N89 |
Gardens Tower 22 |
240 |
122 |
0 |
0 |
N91 |
Shing West Est Block 6 |
740 |
170 |
0 |
0 |
N92 |
Shing West Est Block 8 |
1,056 |
396 |
0 |
0 |
N93 |
Shing West Est Block 9 |
576 |
150 |
0 |
0 |
N94 |
Shing West Est Block 10 |
560 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N96 |
Park Block 1 |
210 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N97 |
Park Block 2 |
210 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total: |
22,855 |
5,707 |
2,732 |
1,264 |
b) Classrooms
Descriptions |
No. of Classrooms
Represented |
No of Classrooms Subject to
Noise Exceeding EIAO Noise Criteria [1] |
No of Classrooms Benefited
from Noise Mitigation Measures [2] |
No of Classrooms Protected
by Noise Mitigation Measures [3] |
N36 |
Siu Ching Secondary School |
48 |
24 |
0 |
0 |
N39 |
Army Ng Kwok Wai Memorial Kindergarten |
12 |
12 |
12 |
0 |
N78 |
School Site at TW7 |
48 |
24 |
0 |
0 |
N79 |
Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School |
56 |
49 |
0 |
0 |
N90 |
K H Chu Yan Primary School |
36 |
36 |
0 |
0 |
N95 |
I Yao Secondary School |
40 |
30 |
0 |
0 |
Total: |
240 |
175 |
12 |
0 |
c) Other Noise Sensitive Elements
Descriptions |
No. of Noise Sensitive
Elements Represented |
No of Noise Sensitive
Elements Subject to Noise Exceeding EIAO Noise Criteria [1] |
No of Noise Sensitive
Elements Benefited from Noise Mitigation Measures [2] |
No of Noise Sensitive
Elements Protected by Noise Mitigation Measures [3] |
N13 |
Wan Adventist Hospital |
36 |
36 |
0 |
0 |
N18 |
Fat Ching She |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N59 |
Wan Caritas Clinic |
40 |
40 |
0 |
0 |
Total: |
78 |
76 |
0 |
0 |
of dwellings, classrooms and other noise sensitive exposed to overall road
traffic noise levels exceeding the noise standards stipulated in the EIAO-TM (Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1).
classrooms and other noise sensitive elements be benefited from noise mitigation measures are those
exposed to overall road traffic noise exceeding noise standards stipulated in
the EIAO-TM (Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1) under
unmitigated scenario and be
benefited at least 1.0 dB(A) from the implementation of the noise
mitigation measures.
classrooms and other noise sensitive elements protected by noise mitigation
measures are those exposed to overall road traffic noise exceeding noise
standards stipulated in the EIAO-TM (Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1) under unmitigated scenario
and exposed to overall road traffic noise compiling with the noise standards
stipulated in the EIAO-TM (Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1) with the implementation of
the noise mitigation measures. Table 3‑9Table
3‑9Table 3‑9 shows that with the
application of the proposed direct noise mitigation measures along the DP
roads, the predicted overall road traffic noise levels at all of the identified
NSRs will comply with the noise standards stipulated in the EIAO-TM, or that
the predicted road traffic noise level from the DP roads only will not exceed
the noise standards stipulated in the EIAO-TM and the contribution of traffic
noise arising from the DP roads to the overall noise level will be less than
1.0 dB(A). In this connection, the application of indirect noise mitigation
measures is considered not necessary. In view of
the results listed on Table
3‑9Table 3‑9, it can be
noted that noise contribution from the DP roads to the overall noise level,
after the incorporation of proposed traffic noise mitigation measures, will be
all less than 1.0 dB(A). In other
words, there will be insignificant traffic noise contributed by the DP roads to
all of the identified existing and planned NSRs, and thus complies with the
EIAO noise criteria.Not used. Despite the
compliance of the EIAO noise criteria with the proposed noise mitigation
measures at DP roads, it is noted from Table 3‑9Table
3‑9Table 3‑9 that the overall noise
levels at some NSRs, particularly at The Panorama and Clague Garden Estate,
still exceed the standards by up to 9 dB(A) (N40 - Clague Garden Estate Block
A). Discussion of residual impacts is presented
in Section 3.2.7. It is estimated,
as shown in Table 3‑10Table
3‑10Table 3‑10, that 2,712 744 of the represented
dwellings, classrooms and other noise sensitive elements will be benefited from, and 1,264 of
them will be protected by provision of the proposed noise mitigation measures.
Despite the compliance of the EIAO noise criteria with the proposed
noise mitigation measures at DP roads, it is noted from Table 3‑9Table
3‑9Table 3‑9 that the
overall noise levels, particularly at The Panorama and Clague Garden Estate,
still exceed the noise standards stipulated by the EIAO-TM (Table 3‑1Table
3‑1Table 3‑1) by up to 9
dB(A) (N40 - Clague Garden Estate Block A). In order to provide additional noise mitigation to the tenants living at both The Panorama and Clague Garden Estate, a retrofitting study based on the noise mitigation measures presented in this report for the compliance of EIAO noise criteria will be conducted. Results and findings shall be presented in a separate environmental review report. Road traffic
noise monitoring is recommended at representative NSRs during the first year of
the road opening. Recommended noise
mitigation measures and their detailed implementation schedules, as well as
monitoring procedures and locations are presented in the EM&A Manual.
Traffic noise impacts and effectiveness of the noise mitigation measures could
be evaluated through the monitoring exercise.
In this operational noise impact assessment, the potential traffic
noise impacts on the identified NSRs within the Assessment Area have been
evaluated based on the maximum traffic flow projection of 15 years after the
completion of the Project (i.e. Year 2030). It was predicted that the traffic
noise levels arising from the Project at some NSRs exceed the EIAO criteria. As
a result, direct noise mitigation measures including cantilevered noise
barriers, semi and full noise enclosures have been proposed for the compliance
of noise criteria stipulated in the EIAO-TM and EIAO Guidance Note No.
12/2005. With the incorporation of these proposed direct noise mitigation
measures, it is anticipated that the noise levels at all of the identified NSRs
will comply with the criteria. Implementation of indirect noise mitigation
measures is therefore considered not necessary.
In order to provide additional noise mitigation to the tenants living
at both The Panorama and Clague Garden Estate, where the overall noise levels
exceed the noise standards stipulated in the EIAO-TM, a retrofitting study
based on the proposed noise mitigation measures for the compliance of EIAO
noise criteria will be conducted.
Results and findings shall be presented in a separate environmental
review report.
Monitoring of road traffic noise is recommended to verify the
effectiveness of the mitigation scheme during the first year after road
opening. More details are provided in
the stand-alone EM&A Manual. In Hong Kong,
control of construction noise is carried out under the Noise Control Ordinance
(NCO) and the two subsidiary Technical Memoranda on Noise from Percussive
Piling (PP-TM) and Noise from Construction Work Other Than Percussive
Piling (GW-TM). Construction Noise
Permit (CNP) is required for carrying out percussive piling at daytime on a day
not being a general holiday and for carrying out general construction works
during restricted hours (i.e. 1900 to 0700 hours on a day not being a general
holiday and at any time on a general holiday). In addition, there are
provisions under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) and the
associated Technical Memorandum (EIAO-TM) for assessing the impacts from
construction activities during 0700 to 1900 hours on a day not being a general
holiday. An additional
technical memorandum, the Technical Memorandum on Noise from Construction
Work in Designated Areas (DA-TM), deals with the control of noise generated
by Specified Powered Mechanical Equipment (SPME) and Prescribed Construction
Works (PCWs) in designated areas. SPME includes hand-held breaker, bulldozer,
concrete lorry mixer, dump truck and hand-held poker vibrator; PCWs include
erection/dismantling of formwork/scaffolding, loading/unloading or handling of
rubble, wooden boards, steel bars, wood or scaffolding material, and
hammering. Since a section of the
Assessment Area between Tai Chung Interchange and Tsuen Tsing Interchange is
within the designated areas, CNP is required for this section of the Project
for carrying out PCWs and construction works involving the use of SPME during
restricted hours (i.e. 1900 to 0700 hours and anytime on a general holiday). For constructions
carried out on a day not being a general holiday, daytime period (i.e. 0700 to
1900 hours), noise standard of 75 dB(A) Leq,30 min, as
stipulated in Table 1B, Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM, is adopted for this assessment
for all domestic premises including temporary housing accommodations and
hostels. For schools, a daytime noise standard of 70 dB(A) Leq,30 min,
lowered to 65 dB(A) Leq,30 min during examination periods, is
adopted. These standards apply to uses which rely on opened windows for
ventilation. Subsidiary
regulations of the NCO include the Noise Control (Hand Held Percussive
Breakers) and Noise Control (Air Compressors) Regulations, which require
compliance with relevant noise emission standards and the fixing of noise
emission labels to specified plants and equipment. While these requirements are not directly relevant to the
construction noise impact assessment, contractors must meet them during the
construction phase of the Project. Percussive piling
is prohibited between 1900 and 0700 hours on a day not being a general holiday
and at any time on a general holiday. A CNP is required for carrying out of
percussive piling between 0700 and 1900 hours on a day not being a general
holiday. Methodology for
assessing noise from the construction activities associated with the proposed
works is developed based on the GW-TM and is summarized as follows:
location of appropriate NSRs with respect to the work sites;
determination of distance attenuation and screening effects to NSRs
from notional noise source of relevant work site;
prediction of construction noise levels at NSRs in the absence of any
mitigation measures;
proposal of mitigation measures and determine their effectiveness;
determination of the residual impacts. The construction
noise impacts have been assessed against the noise standards given in the
EIAO-TM as follows:
75 dB(A) Leq,30min for residential dwellings;
70 dB(A) Leq,30min for schools; and
65 dB(A) Leq,30min for schools during examination period. The construction
noise impacts have been assessed at the identified NSRs as listed
in Table 3‑3Table
3‑3Table 3‑3.
slope excavation;
reinforced slopes and slope compaction;
slope trimming and landscaping;
bridge deck construction;
road pavement construction;
road drainage construction; and
piling works The extent of
construction noise impacts depends on the type and number of Power Mechanical
Equipment (PME) to be used in different construction activities and varies
during different construction phases. As shown in Figure 2-3, the
proposed construction programme is expected to last for 48 months, from June
2011 to May 2015. The construction activities are expected to be conducted only
during normal daytime working hours (i.e. 0700 to 1900 hours on any day not
being a Sunday or public holiday). The
corresponding predicted construction noise levels of the construction
activities listed in Section at the representative NSRs between Year 2010 and
2015 are shown in Table 3-11. Detailed calculations of
the construction noise impact assessment and complete PME inventory are
provided in Appendix 3-M. Planned NSRs have
also been taken into account in this construction noise assessment.
Correspondence showing anticipated completion dates of planned residential
developments at TW5, TW6 and TW7 are shown in Appendix 3-P. The period
during which respective planned NSRs would be exposed to the construction noise
impact from the Project are as follows:
Development at TW5 (N44 to N54)
January 2015 to May 2015.
Development at TW6 (N65 to N66)
June 2011 to May 2015
Development at TW7 (N67 to N73) January
2012 to May 2015.
Development at TWTL 394 (N63 to N64) June
2011 to May 2015
Proposed School Site at TW7 (N78) June
2011 to May 2015 The predicted
construction noise levels shown in Table 3-11 indicate that
construction activities of the Project, if unmitigated, would result in
exceedance of the daytime construction noise criteria during normal working
hours at 31 existing NSRs and 21 planned NSRs. Mitigation measures are
therefore considered necessary to reduce the construction noise impact to
acceptable levels.
3‑11 Predicted Construction Noise Levels at
Representative NSRs during Normal Daytime Working Hours under the Unmitigated
ID |
Descriptions |
Use |
dB(A) |
Predicted Construction Noise Levels at each Assessment Year (Leq,
dB(A)) |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
N1 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block A |
Residential |
75 |
71 |
71 |
71 |
67 |
40 |
N2 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block B |
Residential |
75 |
70 |
71 |
71 |
70 |
62 |
N3 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block C |
Residential |
75 |
70 |
72 |
72 |
70 |
61 |
N4 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block D |
Residential |
75 |
70 |
71 |
71 |
71 |
62 |
N5 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block E |
Residential |
75 |
71 |
73 |
73 |
71 |
63 |
N6 |
Joyful Building Block A |
Residential |
75 |
73 |
73 |
73 |
71 |
63 |
N7 |
Joyful Building Block B |
Residential |
75 |
72 |
72 |
72 |
70 |
62 |
N8 |
Sheeny Terrace |
Residential |
75 |
74 |
74 |
73 |
71 |
64 |
N9 |
Summit Terrace Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
73 |
74 |
74 |
71 |
63 |
N10 |
Summit Terrace Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
77 |
78 |
78 |
75 |
67 |
N11 |
Summit Terrace Tower 3 |
Residential |
75 |
78 |
79 |
79 |
75 |
68 |
N12 |
Summit Terrace Tower 5 |
Residential |
75 |
80 |
80 |
79 |
76 |
69 |
N13 |
Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital |
Hospital |
70 |
74 |
74 |
72 |
70 |
62 |
N14 |
Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital Staff Quarter |
Residential |
75 |
74 |
75 |
75 |
72 |
65 |
N15 |
Allway Gardens Block A |
Residential |
75 |
73 |
74 |
74 |
71 |
64 |
N16 |
Allway Gardens Block B |
Residential |
75 |
72 |
72 |
71 |
69 |
62 |
N17 |
Allway Gardens Block C |
Residential |
75 |
72 |
72 |
71 |
69 |
62 |
N18[4] |
Wang Fat Ching She |
Place of Worship |
70 |
79 |
73 |
70 |
67 |
62 |
N19 |
The Panorama |
Residential |
75 |
81 |
84 |
78 |
78 |
72 |
N20 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden Block 1 |
Residential |
75 |
74 |
75 |
72 |
72 |
65 |
N21 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden Block 2 |
Residential |
75 |
73 |
74 |
72 |
71 |
63 |
N22 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden Block 3 |
Residential |
75 |
71 |
72 |
71 |
69 |
62 |
N23 |
Serenade Cove Block A |
Residential |
75 |
74 |
76 |
75 |
72 |
64 |
N24 |
Serenade Cove Block B |
Residential |
75 |
74 |
76 |
74 |
73 |
65 |
N25 |
Serenade Cove Block C |
Residential |
75 |
74 |
76 |
74 |
72 |
65 |
N26 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden Block 7 |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
43 |
43 |
43 |
40 |
N27 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden Block 6 |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
43 |
43 |
43 |
40 |
N28 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden Block 5 |
Residential |
75 |
58 |
43 |
43 |
43 |
40 |
N29 |
Fu Yung House |
Residential |
75 |
70 |
75 |
77 |
75 |
71 |
N30 |
Yen Wai Garden |
Residential |
75 |
68 |
68 |
71 |
71 |
69 |
N31 |
Tak Yan Building Stage 15 |
Residential |
75 |
69 |
69 |
71 |
71 |
69 |
N32 |
On Hong Building |
Residential |
75 |
69 |
69 |
71 |
71 |
70 |
N33 |
Kan Fat Building |
Residential |
75 |
70 |
70 |
72 |
72 |
71 |
N34 |
Heung Wo Building |
Residential |
75 |
69 |
69 |
72 |
72 |
70 |
N35 |
On Fung Building |
Residential |
75 |
70 |
72 |
75 |
75 |
72 |
N36 |
Wong Siu Ching Secondary School |
School |
65/70 [2] |
76 |
80 |
81 |
81 |
76 |
N37 |
Tsuen Wan Plaza Block 1 |
Residential |
75 |
72 |
72 |
75 |
75 |
73 |
N38 |
Tsuen Wan Plaza Block 2 |
Residential |
75 |
71 |
71 |
73 |
73 |
72 |
N39 |
Salvation Army Ng Kok Wai Memorial Kindergarten |
School |
65/70 [2] |
83 |
91 |
94 |
93 |
88 |
N40 |
Clague Garden Estate Block A |
Residential |
75 |
82 |
87 |
88 |
87 |
82 |
N41 |
Clague Garden Estate Block B |
Residential |
75 |
79 |
85 |
86 |
86 |
81 |
N42 |
Clague Garden Estate Block C |
Residential |
75 |
82 |
89 |
92 |
92 |
87 |
N43 |
Skyline Plaza |
Residential |
75 |
84 |
85 |
87 |
87 |
84 |
N44 |
Development at TW5 Cityside Tower 10 |
Residential |
75 |
[1] |
83 |
N45 |
Development at TW5 Cityside Tower 11 |
Residential |
75 |
78 |
N46 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
76 |
N47 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
40 |
N48 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 3 |
Residential |
75 |
76 |
N49 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 4 |
Residential |
75 |
40 |
N50 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 5 |
Residential |
75 |
77 |
N51 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 6 |
Residential |
75 |
79 |
N52 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 7 |
Residential |
75 |
85 |
N53 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 8 |
Residential |
75 |
86 |
N54 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 9 |
Residential |
75 |
86 |
N55 |
Vision City Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
75 |
79 |
79 |
79 |
74 |
N56 |
Vision City Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
70 |
70 |
73 |
73 |
71 |
N57 |
No. 57 Yeung Uk Road |
Residential |
75 |
74 |
78 |
78 |
76 |
70 |
N58 |
No. 59-77 Yeung Uk Road |
Residential |
75 |
66 |
66 |
62 |
62 |
61 |
N59[4] |
Tsuen Wan Caritas Clinic |
Clinic |
70 |
73 |
77 |
77 |
75 |
67 |
N60 |
No. 85-99 Yeung Uk Road |
Residential |
75 |
71 |
74 |
74 |
69 |
64 |
N61 |
Harmony Garden Block 1 |
Residential |
75 |
70 |
73 |
73 |
66 |
60 |
N62 |
Harmony Garden Block 2 |
Residential |
75 |
70 |
72 |
72 |
65 |
60 |
N63 |
Development at TWTL 394
Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
77 |
81 |
81 |
80 |
72 |
N64 |
Development at TWTL 394 Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
78 |
82 |
81 |
79 |
72 |
N65 |
Development at TW6 Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
82 |
86 |
86 |
84 |
72 |
N66 |
Development at TW6 Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
83 |
87 |
86 |
81 |
72 |
N67 |
Development at TW7 Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
[1] [1] |
90 |
89 |
85 |
79 |
N68 |
Development at TW7 Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
89 |
89 |
87 |
81 |
N69 |
Development at TW7 Tower 3 |
Residential |
75 |
89 |
88 |
86 |
81 |
N70 |
Development at TW7 Tower 4 |
Residential |
75 |
86 |
86 |
86 |
80 |
N71 |
Development at TW7 Tower 5 |
Residential |
75 |
86 |
86 |
86 |
81 |
N72 |
Development at TW7 Tower 6 |
Residential |
75 |
89 |
89 |
90 |
84 |
N73 |
Development at TW7 Tower 7 |
Residential |
75 |
92 |
92 |
87 |
81 |
N74 |
Waterside Plaza Block 2 |
Residential |
75 |
87 |
90 |
90 |
88 |
76 |
N75 |
Waterside Plaza Block 2 |
Residential |
75 |
87 |
90 |
89 |
88 |
77 |
N76 |
Waterside Plaza Block 3 |
Residential |
75 |
86 |
89 |
89 |
87 |
77 |
N77 |
Waterside Plaza Block 4 |
Residential |
75 |
84 |
87 |
87 |
85 |
76 |
N78 |
Proposed School Site at TW7 |
School |
65/70 [2] |
82 |
85 |
85 |
83 |
73 |
N79 |
Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School |
School |
65/70 [2] |
79 |
82 |
81 |
79 |
71 |
N80 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
77 |
80 |
80 |
78 |
69 |
N81 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
73 |
75 |
74 |
72 |
40 |
N82 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 3 |
Residential |
75 |
70 |
72 |
72 |
70 |
40 |
N83 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 4 |
Residential |
75 |
68 |
70 |
70 |
69 |
40 |
N84 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 17 |
Residential |
75 |
70 |
72 |
72 |
70 |
40 |
N85 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 18 |
Residential |
75 |
69 |
72 |
72 |
70 |
40 |
N86 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 19 |
Residential |
75 |
68 |
70 |
70 |
68 |
40 |
N87 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 20 |
Residential |
75 |
72 |
75 |
75 |
74 |
67 |
N88 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 21 |
Residential |
75 |
75 |
78 |
78 |
76 |
69 |
N89 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 22 |
Residential |
75 |
76 |
80 |
80 |
78 |
70 |
N90 |
S K H Chu Tan Primary School |
School |
65/70 [2] |
76 |
78 |
78 |
75 |
68 |
N91 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 6 |
Residential |
75 |
74 |
77 |
77 |
72 |
64 |
N92 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 8 |
Residential |
75 |
77 |
78 |
78 |
75 |
69 |
N93 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 9 |
Residential |
75 |
74 |
74 |
74 |
73 |
68 |
N94 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 10 |
Residential |
75 |
74 |
74 |
74 |
73 |
68 |
N95 |
Lee I Yao Secondary School |
School |
65/70 [2] |
80 |
80 |
82 |
81 |
75 |
N96 |
Hibiscus Park Block 1 |
Residential |
75 |
67 |
67 |
68 |
67 |
40 |
N97 |
Hibiscus Park Block 2 |
Residential |
75 |
66 |
66 |
43 |
43 |
40 |
According to
the latest construction programme, residential development at TW5 is
anticipated to be completed by Year 2015 to 2016. In addition, residential development at TW6 and TW7 is expected
to be completed by Year 2012 the earliest.
Therefore, these dwellings are not considered as NSRs for construction
noise impact before the corresponding year of completion.
noise standard for schools is 70 dB(A) at normal school days and is reduced to
65 dB(A) during examination period. The more conservative 65 dB(A) standard is
applied in this construction noise impact assessment.
Noise levels
exceeding the construction noise standards are bold.
There are no
specific daytime construction noise criteria in EIAO-TM for place of worship
(N18 Wang Fat Ching She) and clinic (N59 Tsuen Wan Caritus Clinic) Mitigation
measures are required for the NSRs at which unmitigated construction noise
levels are predicted to exceed the corresponding construction noise criteria as
shown in Table 3-11. A number of
available construction noise mitigation measures have been considered in this
assessment, including:
selection and optimization of construction programmes, avoidance of
parallel operation of noisy PME, and/or reduction in number and/or the on-time
percentage of PME during noise sensitive periods such as school examination
use of “quiet” PME and working methods;
use of temporary at-source noise mitigation measures such as noise
barriers, noise enclosures, noise jacket and mufflers; and
use of good site practice to limit noise emission from construction
site. The timing and
sequencing of the various construction activities shall be carefully arranged according
to the actual site work situation, in order to limit the amount of concurrent
activities and where applicable, to avoid parallel operation of noisy PME in
order to minimize the total noise generated during construction periods. Limiting the quantity of PME to be operated
concurrently and also their on-time percentage were recommended in the Project
and incorporated in this assessment. The proposed quantity of PMEs and their
percentage on-time have been confirmed feasible by the Project Engineer and the
Proponent. In the case during school examination while more stringent
construction noise criteria should be imposed, the potentially most disruptive
construction activities should be avoided, and arranged to be conducted during
school holidays as far as practicable. In particular, NSR 39 (Salvation Army Ng Kok Wai Memorial
Kindergarten) is of
close proximity to works area S5 and subject to high level of unmitigated construction
noise. It is recommended that the work stages “transportation & utilities diversion” and
“piling” shall not take place simultaneously during operation time of the
kindergarten for
the same location
in works area S5, such that cumulative noise to this kindergarten is
further minimized.
This requirement will be specified in the EM&A Manual for Contractor to
follow. The use of
particular plant with equipment noise levels quieter than those specified in
the GW-TM can result in reduction of noise levels generated by the plant. The level of noise reduction achieved is
dependent on the contractor’s chosen methods of working. It is possible for the contractor to achieve
noise reductions from the adopted working methodologies by specifying maximum
limits of sound power level for specific plant equipment. “Quiet” plant is
defined as a PME having actual Sound Power Levels (SWLs) lower than the values
specified for PME in the GW-TM. SWLs for
typical PME provided in the GW-TM and that for equivalent “quiet” plants are
presented in Table 3‑12Table
3‑12Table 3‑12. The type of quiet
PME adopted in this assessment is for reference only and to be confirmed by the
contractors, based on the actual construction conditions and programmes. The
contractors are allowed to use other type of quiet PME to meet their needs.
Table 3‑12 Maximum SWLs for Selected “Quiet” and
Alternative Plants
Code in GW-TM |
of PME |
in GW-TM |
Code in BS5228 [1] |
of “quiet” PME, dB(A) [1] |
CNP 068 |
Dump Truck |
105 |
C9/ |
103 |
CNP 185 |
Road Roller |
108 |
C8/25 |
96 |
CNP 081 |
Excavator / loader |
112 |
C3/61 |
104 |
CNP 048 |
Mobile Crane |
112 |
C7/114 |
101 |
CNP 142 |
Lorry |
105 |
C8/25 |
96 |
CNP 001 |
Air Compressor, Air Flow |
100 |
C7/17 |
90 |
CNP 101 |
Generator, Standard |
108 |
C7/54 |
89 |
CNP 044 |
Concrete Lorry Mixer |
109 |
C6/23 |
100 |
CNP 170 |
Poker Vibrator, Hand-held |
113 |
C6/32 |
100 |
CNP141 [2 |
Segment Transporter |
112 |
C9/ |
104 |
CNP004 |
Asphalt Paver |
109 |
C8/24 |
101 |
CNP185 |
Road Roller |
108 |
C8/25 |
96 |
CNP 028 |
Breaker, excavator mounted |
122 |
C8/13 |
110 |
CNP 186 |
Roller, vibratory |
108 |
C3/116 |
106 |
Part 1: 1997 – Noise and Vibration Control on Construction and Open Sites –
Part 1: Code of practice for basic information and procedures for noise and
vibration control
C9/27 in
BS-5228 Part 1:1997 was referenced considering the task nature and maximum
capacity requirement of 38 tonnes for dump truck under this Project.
Lorry in
GW-TM was referenced considering the task nature and capacity requirement for
segment transporter.
C9/39 40 in BS5228 was
referenced considering the task nature and capacity requirement for segment
transporter. Temporary noise
barriers provide noise attenuation by screening NSRs from stationary and mobile
plants from direct line-of-sight in shadow zone. The use of 3m high moveable
barriers with skid footing and a small cantilevered upper portion can be located
within 6m from stationary plants and about 5m from mobile plants such as
excavators and bulldozersadopted. The barrier material shall
have a surface mass of not less than 14kg/m2 on skid footing with
25mm thick internal sound absorptive lining to achieve the maximum screening
effect. Whilst screening effects can be achieved at upper floors of NSRs,
greater benefits result at lower floors where screening is the most effective.
These temporary noise barriers will become more effective when located
immediately adjacent to working area, and can reduce the noise level by up to 5
dB(A) and 10 dB(A) for mobile and stationary plant, respectively. The temporary noise barriers should also be
located along the working area in order to make sure that the construction
plant could be screened during all kinds of construction activities as far as
practicable. A solid
hoarding will also be provided along the NSR 39 of height not less than 3m and
length well cover the NSR39, so as to further reduce the construction noise
impacts at NSR39. Depending on site
situation, when temporary noise barriers are not practicable or noise reduction
achieved is insufficient, noise jacket/muffler can be applied to cover the noisy
part of the engine or at the engine exhaust of particular mobile plants
respectively. Applicable PME with
temporary noise barrier include road roller, excavator, mobile crane, hand-held
breaker, poker vibrator, excavator mounted breaker, asphalt paver, vibratory
roller and paint line marker. It is assumed that temporary noise barriers of
this type can provide partial screening effect of 5 dB(A) for mobile plants in
the assessment. Considered the practicability, the site access of dump trucks
would not be screened by temporary barrier; yet, the unloading activities of
dump trucks should be screened by temporary noise barriers. In this connection,
the screening effect by temporary barrier on dump truck would not be accounted
in the construction noise impact assessment.
For the stationary plant bored pile oscillator, temporary noise
barriers of sufficient height with skid footing and small cantilevered upper
portion can provide total screening to the NSRs. It is estimated that temporary
noise barriers of this type can provide full screening of 10 dB(A) to the NSRs.
This is considered achievable by careful selection of insulation material, and,
if necessary, acoustic mats at noisy mechanical parts of the equipment. Barrier material of surface density of at least 10 14 kg/m2 is
recommended in order to achieve the necessary screening effect. Full noise enclosures, which completely cover the PME, can provide significant noise reduction up to 20 dB(A). The degree of reduction will vary depending on the nature of the material used for the enclosures. As an conservative approach, a 10 dB(A) noise attenuation is generally applied to fixed plants in this assessment for air compressor and generator. The use of good site
practice/techniques can provide considerable reductions in noise
emissions. Examples of these site
practice include:
use of well-maintained and regularly-serviced plant during the works;
plant operating on intermittent basis should be turned off or throttled
down when not in active use;
plant that is known to emit noise strongly in one direction should be
orientated to face away from the NSRs;
silencers, mufflers and enclosures for plant should be used where
possible and maintained adequately throughout the works;
where possible fixed plants should be sited away from NSRs; and
stockpiles of excavated materials and other structures such as site
buildings should be used effectively to screen noise from the works. Construction
noise calculations have been carried out with the incorporation of different
noise mitigation measures as discussed in Section 3.3.4, as far as practicable according to the actual construction
condition and limitation. Mitigation
measures adopted in this assessment include:
the use of quiet plants for PME (QPME);
temporary noise barriers for stationary PME, as well as noise jacket
and mufflers to cover the noisy part of PME and at the engine exhaust of mobile
plants respectively;
noise enclosures for air compressors and generators; and
limiting of number of plants operated concurrently. Construction
noise levels at the representative NSRs (which are predicted to be the worst
affected by the associated construction works) under the mitigated scenario are
summarized in Table 3‑13Table
3‑13Table 3‑13. Detailed calculations of
the construction noise impact assessment and complete PME inventory are
provided in Appendix 3-M.
Table 3‑13 Predicted Construction Noise Levels at
Representative NSRs during Normal Daytime Working Hours under the Mitigated
ID |
Descriptions |
Use |
Limit |
Predicted Construction Levels at
each Assessment Year (Leq,30min , dB(A)) |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
N1 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block A |
Residential |
75 |
58 |
59 |
57 |
54 |
34 |
N2 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block B |
Residential |
75 |
58 |
58 |
58 |
58 |
48 |
N3 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block C |
Residential |
75 |
58 |
59 |
58 |
58 |
48 |
N4 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block D |
Residential |
75 |
58 |
58 |
59 |
59 |
49 |
N5 |
Tsuen Tak Gardens Block E |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
60 |
59 |
59 |
49 |
N6 |
Joyful Building Block A |
Residential |
75 |
60 |
60 |
59 |
59 |
49 |
N7 |
Joyful Building Block B |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
59 |
58 |
58 |
49 |
N8 |
Sheeny Terrace |
Residential |
75 |
62 |
61 |
59 |
59 |
50 |
N9 |
Summit Terrace Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
61 |
61 |
60 |
59 |
50 |
N10 |
Summit Terrace Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
65 |
65 |
64 |
63 |
54 |
N11 |
Summit Terrace Tower 3 |
Residential |
75 |
66 |
66 |
64 |
63 |
54 |
N12 |
Summit Terrace Tower 5 |
Residential |
75 |
68 |
67 |
65 |
64 |
55 |
N13 |
Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital |
Hospital |
70 |
62 |
61 |
58 |
58 |
49 |
N14 |
Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital Staff Quarter |
Residential |
75 |
63 |
62 |
61 |
60 |
52 |
N15 |
Allway Gardens Block A |
Residential |
75 |
62 |
61 |
60 |
59 |
51 |
N16 |
Allway Gardens Block B |
Residential |
75 |
61 |
59 |
57 |
57 |
48 |
N17 |
Allway Gardens Block C |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
59 |
57 |
57 |
49 |
N18[4] |
Wang Fat Ching She |
Place of Worship |
70 |
78 |
60 |
56 |
55 |
48 |
N19 |
The Panorama |
Residential |
75 |
72 |
71 |
66 |
66 |
58 |
N20 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden Block 1 |
Residential |
75 |
68 |
63 |
60 |
60 |
52 |
N21 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden Block 2 |
Residential |
75 |
67 |
61 |
59 |
59 |
50 |
N22 |
Phase I Belvedere Garden Block 3 |
Residential |
75 |
66 |
59 |
58 |
57 |
49 |
N23 |
Serenade Cove Block A |
Residential |
75 |
64 |
63 |
61 |
60 |
51 |
N24 |
Serenade Cove Block B |
Residential |
75 |
63 |
63 |
61 |
61 |
52 |
N25 |
Serenade Cove Block C |
Residential |
75 |
65 |
63 |
60 |
60 |
51 |
N26 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden Block 7 |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
35 |
34 |
34 |
34 |
N27 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden Block 6 |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
35 |
34 |
34 |
34 |
N28 |
Phase III Belvedere Garden Block 5 |
Residential |
75 |
58 |
35 |
34 |
34 |
34 |
N29 |
Fu Yung House |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
63 |
64 |
63 |
58 |
N30 |
Yen Wai Garden |
Residential |
75 |
58 |
58 |
57 |
57 |
56 |
N31 |
Tak Yan Building Stage 15 |
Residential |
75 |
58 |
58 |
57 |
57 |
57 |
N32 |
On Hong Building |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
59 |
58 |
58 |
57 |
N33 |
Kan Fat Building |
Residential |
75 |
60 |
60 |
59 |
59 |
58 |
N34 |
Heung Wo Building |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
59 |
58 |
58 |
57 |
N35 |
On Fung Building |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
61 |
62 |
62 |
59 |
N36 |
Wong Siu Ching Secondary School |
School |
65/70 [2] |
65 |
68 |
69 |
68 |
63 |
N37 |
Tsuen Wan Plaza Block 1 |
Residential |
75 |
62 |
62 |
61 |
61 |
61 |
N38 |
Tsuen Wan Plaza Block 2 |
Residential |
75 |
61 |
61 |
60 |
60 |
59 |
N39 |
Salvation Army Ng Kok Wai Memorial Kindergarten |
School |
65/70 [2] |
71 |
79 |
79 |
79 |
74 |
N40 |
Clague Garden Estate Block A |
Residential |
75 |
70 |
75 |
75 |
75 |
68 |
N41 |
Clague Garden Estate Block B |
Residential |
75 |
68 |
72 |
73 |
73 |
68 |
N42 |
Clague Garden Estate Block C |
Residential |
75 |
71 |
77 |
79 |
79 |
74 |
N43 |
Skyline Plaza |
Residential |
75 |
73 |
74 |
74 |
73 |
72 |
N44 |
Development at TW5 Cityside Tower 10 |
Residential |
75 |
[1] |
70 |
N45 |
Development at TW5 Cityside Tower 11 |
Residential |
75 |
65 |
N46 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
62 |
N47 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
34 |
N48 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 3 |
Residential |
75 |
62 |
N49 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 4 |
Residential |
75 |
34 |
N50 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 5 |
Residential |
75 |
63 |
N51 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 6 |
Residential |
75 |
65 |
N52 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 7 |
Residential |
75 |
71 |
N53 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 8 |
Residential |
75 |
72 |
N54 |
Development at TW5 Bayside Tower 9 |
Residential |
75 |
71 |
N55 |
Vision City Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
64 |
67 |
66 |
66 |
61 |
N56 |
Vision City Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
60 |
60 |
59 |
59 |
59 |
N57 |
No. 57 Yeung Uk Road |
Residential |
75 |
63 |
66 |
64 |
63 |
57 |
N58 |
No. 59-77 Yeung Uk Road |
Residential |
75 |
54 |
54 |
49 |
49 |
48 |
N59[4] |
Tsuen Wan Caritas Clinic |
Clinic |
70 |
61 |
65 |
63 |
61 |
54 |
N60 |
No. 85-99 Yeung Uk Road |
Residential |
75 |
58 |
61 |
60 |
57 |
50 |
N61 |
Harmony Garden Block 1 |
Residential |
75 |
58 |
61 |
59 |
54 |
47 |
N62 |
Harmony Garden Block 2 |
Residential |
75 |
57 |
60 |
58 |
53 |
46 |
N63 |
Development at TWTL 394
Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
65 |
69 |
67 |
66 |
59 |
N64 |
Development at TWTL 394
Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
66 |
69 |
67 |
66 |
59 |
N65 |
Development at TW6 Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
70 |
74 |
72 |
70 |
59 |
N66 |
Development at TW6 Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
71 |
74 |
72 |
68 |
59 |
N67 |
Development at TW7 Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
[1] |
77 |
75 |
73 |
66 |
N68 |
Development at TW7 Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
76 |
75 |
75 |
68 |
N69 |
Development at TW7 Tower 3 |
Residential |
75 |
75 |
74 |
74 |
67 |
N70 |
Development at TW7 Tower 4 |
Residential |
75 |
73 |
72 |
74 |
67 |
N71 |
Development at TW7 Tower 5 |
Residential |
75 |
73 |
73 |
74 |
67 |
N72 |
Development at TW7 Tower 6 |
Residential |
75 |
76 |
75 |
78 |
71 |
N73 |
Development at TW7 Tower 7 |
Residential |
75 |
80 |
78 |
74 |
68 |
N74 |
Waterside Plaza Block 2 |
Residential |
75 |
76 |
77 |
76 |
75 |
63 |
N75 |
Waterside Plaza Block 2 |
Residential |
75 |
76 |
76 |
76 |
75 |
63 |
N76 |
Waterside Plaza Block 3 |
Residential |
75 |
76 |
76 |
75 |
75 |
63 |
N77 |
Waterside Plaza Block 4 |
Residential |
75 |
73 |
74 |
73 |
73 |
62 |
N78 |
Proposed School Site at TW7 |
School |
65/70 [2] |
71 |
72 |
71 |
70 |
60 |
N79 |
Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School |
School |
65/70 [2] |
67 |
69 |
68 |
67 |
57 |
N80 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 1 |
Residential |
75 |
66 |
67 |
66 |
66 |
56 |
N81 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 2 |
Residential |
75 |
62 |
62 |
60 |
60 |
34 |
N82 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 3 |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
59 |
58 |
58 |
34 |
N83 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 4 |
Residential |
75 |
58 |
58 |
57 |
56 |
34 |
N84 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 17 |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
59 |
58 |
58 |
34 |
N85 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 18 |
Residential |
75 |
59 |
59 |
58 |
58 |
34 |
N86 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 19 |
Residential |
75 |
57 |
57 |
56 |
56 |
34 |
N87 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 20 |
Residential |
75 |
61 |
62 |
62 |
62 |
54 |
N88 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 21 |
Residential |
75 |
63 |
65 |
64 |
63 |
55 |
N89 |
Riviera Gardens Tower 22 |
Residential |
75 |
65 |
67 |
66 |
65 |
57 |
N90 |
S K H Chu Tan Primary School |
School |
65/70 [2] |
65 |
66 |
65 |
62 |
55 |
N91 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 6 |
Residential |
75 |
63 |
65 |
64 |
59 |
51 |
N92 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 8 |
Residential |
75 |
65 |
66 |
65 |
62 |
56 |
N93 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 9 |
Residential |
75 |
63 |
63 |
63 |
60 |
56 |
N94 |
Kwai Shing West Estate Block 10 |
Residential |
75 |
63 |
62 |
62 |
59 |
55 |
N95 |
Lee I Yao Secondary School |
School |
65/70 [2] |
69 |
69 |
69 |
67 |
62 |
N96 |
Hibiscus Park Block 1 |
Residential |
75 |
56 |
55 |
55 |
53 |
34 |
N97 |
Hibiscus Park Block 2 |
Residential |
75 |
54 |
52 |
34 |
34 |
34 |
According to
the latest programme, residential development at TW5 is anticipated to be
completed by Year 2015 to 2016. In
addition, residential development at TW6 and TW7 is expected to be completed by
Year 2012 the earliest. Therefore,
these dwellings are not considered as NSR for construction noise impact before
the corresponding year of completion.
noise standard for schools is 70 dB(A) at normal school days and is reduced to
65 dB(A) during examination period. The more conservative 65 dB(A) standard is
applied in this construction noise impact assessment.
Noise levels
exceeding the construction noise standards are bold.
There are no
specific daytime construction noise criteria in EIAO-TM for place of worship
(N18 Wang Fat Ching She) and clinic (N59 Tsuen Wan Caritus Clinic) In view of the
results listed on Table 3‑13Table
3‑13Table 3‑13, it can be noted that the
predicted construction noise levels with noise mitigation measures at the
majority of the representative NSRs shall comply with the corresponding
construction noise limits. Slight
exceedance in predicted construction noise levels would occur at the following
NSRs at different stages of the construction work:
N18 - Wang Fat Ching She (no specific daytime construction noise
criteria in EIAO-TM)
N36 - Wong Siu Ching Secondary School (during examination period only)
N39 - Salvation Army Ng Kok Wai Memorial Kindergarten (during both
normal and examination periods)
N42 - Clague Garden Estate Block C
N67 – Development at TW7 Tower 1
N68 – Development at TW7 Tower 2
N72 – Development at TW7 Tower 6
N73 - Development at TW7 Tower 7
N74 - Waterside Plaza Block 1
N75 – Waterside Plaza Block 2
N76 – Waterside Plaza Block 3
N78 - Proposed School Site at TW7 (during examination period only)
N79 - Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School (during
examination period only)
N90 - S K H Chu Tan Primary School (during examination period only)
N95 - Lee I Yao Secondary School (during examination period only)
Discussion of residual impacts is presented in Section 3.3.6.
In view of the results listed on Table 3‑13Table
3‑13Table 3‑13, it can be noted that the
predicted construction noise level with noise mitigation measures at the
majority of the representative NSRs shall comply with the corresponding
construction noise limits. Slight
exceedance of predicted construction noise level would occur at some of the
NSRs at different stages of the construction work. The list of subjected NSRs and their residual construction noise
impacts are summarized in Table 3‑14Table
3‑14Table 3‑14.
3‑14 Residual Construction Noise Impact after
Application of Noise Mitigation Measures
Descriptions |
Construction Levels under Unmitigated Scenario, dB(A) |
Predicted Construction Levels under
Mitigated Scenario, dB(A) |
Predicted Construction
Noise due to the Project ONLY under Mitigated Scenario, dB(A) |
Period of Exceedance (Overall Noise
Level) |
Period of
Exceedance (due to this Project only) |
Construction Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
N18 |
Wang Fat Ching She |
62-79 |
47-78 |
46-60 |
June 2011 to December 2011 |
Nil |
70 [5] |
N36[3] |
Siu Ching Secondary School |
72-81 |
59-69 |
58-68 |
July 2012 to July 2014 |
September 2012 to February
2014 |
65 / 70 [2] |
N39 |
Army Ng Kok Wai Memorial Kindergarten |
73-94 |
71-79 |
70-79 |
June 2011 to April 2015 |
June 2011 to April 2015 |
65 / 70 [2] |
N42 |
Garden Estate Block C |
73-88 |
69-79 |
45-79 |
September 2012 to July
2014 |
September 2012 to April
2014 |
75 |
N67 |
at TW7 Tower 1 |
79-89 |
64-77 |
64-77 |
January 2012 to September
2012 |
January 2012 to September
2012 |
75 |
N68 |
at TW7 Tower 2 |
79-89 |
66-76 |
66-76 |
January 2012 to September
2012 |
75 |
N72 |
at TW7 Tower 6 |
82-90 |
69-78 |
69-78 |
December 2012; January
2014 to |
December 2012; January
2014 to |
75 |
N73[1] |
at TW7 Tower 7 |
80-92 |
65-80 |
65-80 |
January 2012 to May 2013 |
January 2012 to May 2013 |
75 |
N74 |
Plaza Block 1 |
76-90 |
60-77 |
60-72 |
June 2011 to March 2013 |
Nil |
75 |
N75 |
Plaza Block 2 |
76-90 |
61-76 |
61-71 |
June 2011 to March 2013 |
Nil |
75 |
N76 |
Plaza Block 3 |
76-89 |
61-76 |
61-70 |
June 2011 to April 2012;
December 2012 |
Nil |
75 |
N78[1] |
School Site at TW7 |
73-85 |
56-72 |
56-69 |
June 2011 to December 2014 |
January 2012 to March 2014 |
65 / 70 [2] |
N79[4] |
Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School |
69-82 |
54-69 |
54-67 |
June 2011 to |
April 2012 to March 2013 |
65 / 70 [2] |
N90[3] |
Chu Tan Primary School |
65-78 |
52-66 |
June 2012 to September
2012 |
June 2012 to September
2012 |
65 / 70 [2] |
N95[4] |
I Yao Secondary School |
75-82 |
62-69 |
62-69 |
June 2011 to July 2014 |
June 2011 to January 2013;
March 2013 to July 2014 |
65 / 70 [2] |
criteria of 70 dB(A) for normal days and 65 dB(A) during examinations
“Noise Abatement Programme in Schools” Stage IV, refer to Section 3.2.2
window and window type air-conditioners noted on site visit
are no specific daytime construction noise criteria in EIAO-TM for place of
worship (N18 Wang Fat Ching She) There are 15 NSRs
with predicted construction noise level exceeding the corresponding
construction noise criteria under the mitigated scenario, while 5 of them (N67,
N68, N72, N73 and N78) are planned developments. For other NSRs
(N18, N36, N39, N42, N74, N75, N76, N79, N90 and N95), it is recommended that
more detailed construction work programme should be considered before actual
construction work is undertaken by the contractor, and applicable noise
mitigation measures should be implemented according to the actual site
condition and constraints, in order to minimize the potential construction
noise impact. In particular, special
arrangement on PME operations should be determined during school examination
period. In addition, a
detailed work programme according to the environmental monitoring and audit
manual should be provided by the Environmental Team (ET) of the Contractor, and
to be approved by Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) before actual
Environmental monitoring and audit measures are recommended during the
construction phase of the Project. Schedule and extent of the monitoring
programme is presented in the stand-alone Environmental Monitoring and Audit
(EM&A) Manual. A proactive EM&A programme is necessary to be provided
by the contractor, in order to ensure that construction noise impact to the
NSRs should be minimized as far as practicable. An appropriate path for noise
complaints handling procedures is a key element of the EM&A programme. Detailed implementation schedules of all
mitigation measures are also provided in the EM&A Manual. Practical
mitigation measures such as the use of QPME employed in the works, temporary
noise barriers, noise jackets, mufflers, noise enclosures and limiting the
number of plants operated concurrently, are proposed to minimize construction
noise impact. Further
mitigation including good site practices as mentioned in Section 3.3.4, as well as proper scheduling to avoid noisy
construction during school examinations, can be adopted to further minimize the
construction noise impact. Environmental monitoring and audit should be implemented to ensure the application of necessary noise mitigation measures, construction noise monitoring, as well as to establish an appropriate path for noise complaints handling. EM&A Manual will be prepared in separate with this report.