7                     Landscape and Visual

7.1               Introduction

7.1.1          Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment in the EIA Report has identified the key issues and the possible impacts due to the proposed work. It has also recommended mitigation measures for minimizing the impacts and for improving overall landscape and visual quality. The main Contractor to be employed by Project Proponent will be responsible for the implementation of mitigation measures. The main Contractor shall employ their own qualified landscape consultants for the construction and maintenance periods.

7.2               Monitoring Requirement

7.2.1          A Registered Landscape Architect (RLA) as a member of the environmental team shall be responsible for conducting the baseline review and monitoring the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures during construction phase in accordance with the EIA Report.

Construction Phase

Baseline Review

7.2.2          A baseline review shall be undertaken at the commencement of the construction contracts.  The purpose of the review is:

·         to check the status of the landscape resources within, and immediately adjacent to, the construction sites and works areas

·         to determine whether any change has occurred to the status of the landscape resources since the impact assessment

·         to determine whether amendments in the design of the landscape and visual mitigation measures are required for those changes

·         to recommend any necessary amendments to the design of the landscape and visual mitigation measures

Design of Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures

7.2.3          The landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be incorporated to ensure the mitigation effect and achieve the intended aims as described in Table 8.8 & 8.9 of EIA report. Any changes to the mitigation measures that may be recommended as a result of the Baseline Review or ongoing Monitoring of the Design, Construction and Establishment Works shall be taken into account.

Landscape and Visual Monitoring

7.2.4          The design, implementation and maintenance of landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be checked bi-weekly to ensure that they are fully realised. Any potential conflicts between the proposed landscape measures and any other project works or operational requirements shall also be recorded for the Contractor to resolve in early stage, without compromising the intention of the mitigation measures.



Operational Phase

Landscape and Visual Monitoring

7.2.5          All landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be monitored monthly during the first year of the Operational Phase to ensure that the effectiveness of the mitigation measures.

7.3               Mitigation Measures

Construction Phase

7.3.1          During the construction of the Project, the following mitigation measures shall be implemented:

·         CM1 - Topsoil, where identified, should be stripped and stored for re-use in the construction of the soft landscape works, where practical.

·         CM2 - Existing trees to be retained on site should be carefully protected during construction.

·         CM3 - Trees unavoidably affected by the works shall be transplanted where possible and practical.

·         CM4 - Compensatory tree planting should be provided to compensate for felled trees.

·         CM5 - Control of night-time lighting.

·         CM6 - Erection of decorative screen hoarding compatible with the surrounding setting.

7.3.2          Inspection / site supervision by qualified resident site staff, such as Registered Landscape Architect (RLA).

Operational Phase

7.3.3          During the operation of the project, the following mitigation measures shall be implemented:

·         OM1 - Aesthetic design of road-related structures, including viaducts, footbridges and noise barriers and enclosure.

·         OM2 - Vertical Green Panels and Green Roof to soften the noise barriers and enclosures

·         OM3 - Buffer Tree and Shrub Planting to screen proposed roads and associated structures.

·         OM4 - All hard and soft landscape areas disturbed temporarily during construction shall be reinstated to equal or better quality, to the satisfaction of the relevant Government departments.