11                              Conclusions

11.1                        Introduction

This Section presents the conclusions of the assessments undertaken for of the potential environment impacts associated with the construction and operation of the Project.

11.2                        Noise Impact

This assessment has predicted the construction noise impacts of the Project during normal daytime working hours.  With the use of quiet PME, movable noise barriers and scheduling of PMEs/construction activities, the predicted construction noise levels arising from the Project at all representative NSRs will comply with the EIAO-TM construction noise criteria. 

A construction noise EM&A programme is recommended to check the compliance with the noise criteria.

The potential road traffic noise impacts have been assessed based on the worst year traffic forecast for Year 2026.  With the provision of a 2.5m high vertical noise barrier for the planned school, no adverse noise impacts are predicted at the NSRs during the operational phase of the Project as a result of the limited traffic flow at the road sections within the meaning of Item A.1 of Schedule 2 under the EIAO.  The traffic noise impact is considered insignificant as the traffic noise level with the Project is not greater than that without the Project at the design year by 1.0dB(A) and the mitigated noise levels due to the road sections within the meaning of Item A.1 of Schedule 2 under the EIAO complied with the noise criteria as stipulated in the EIAO-TM.

Monitoring of road traffic noise is recommended to confirm the results of the traffic noise impact assessment during the first year after the operation of the Project.

11.3                        Air Quality Impact

In view of limited scale of construction area, adverse dust impact at the ASRs is not expected from the Project.  Appropriate dust control and suppression measures as stipulated in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation will be implemented to minimize any potential dust impact.

During operation, the vehicular emission sources within the Study Area are dominated by road traffic on the proposed new road sections and the existing road network including POR, Castle Peak Road and YLH.  An assessment was conducted to predict the vehicle emissions from open road networks and the implementation of noise barriers and the proposed planters and concrete parapet wall for the flyover.  No mitigation measures are required as no exceedances of the relevant air quality criteria are predicted.

11.4                        Water Quality Impacts

Water quality impacts due to land-based construction, including road works, minor slope modification works and construction of noise barriers, are mainly associated with the surface runoff, effluent discharge from the site, and sewage from on-site construction workers.  Impacts can be controlled to comply with WPCO-TM standards by implementing the recommended mitigation measures.  No unacceptable residual impacts on water quality are anticipated.

It is considered that impacts resulting from the operation of the Project, in terms of water quality, will be minimal given that the Project will be designed with adequate drainage systems. 

11.5                        Waste Management Implications

Wastes generated by the construction activities are likely to include C&D material, general refuse from the workforce and chemical waste from the maintenance of construction plant and equipment.  Provided that these identified waste arisings are handled, transported and disposed of using approved methods and that the recommended good site practices are strictly followed, adverse environmental impacts are not expected during the construction phase.

11.6                        Landscape and Visual Impact

Three Landscape Character Areas (LCAs) , LCA1 Miscellaneous Rural Fringe Landscape, LCA2 Miscellaneous Urban Fringe Landscape, and LCA 3 Urban Peripheral Village Landscapes, were identified.  The residual impacts on all three LCAs will be negligible.

A total of seven Landscape Resources (LRs) , LR1 Roads, LR2 Agricultural Land, LR3 Roadside Plantation, LR4 Developed Area, LR5 Disturbed Area, LR6 Nullah and LR7 Village, were identified.  LR3 Roadside Plantation will experience moderate adverse and slight adverse residual impacts during construction and operation respectively.  However, there will be negligible residual impacts on all other Landscape Resources.

Four Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs) , VSR1 Sun Yuen Long Centre, VSR2 Pok Oi Hospital, VSR3 Kwong Ming Ying Loi School and VSR4 Yeung Uk Tsuen, were identified.  There will be negligible residual impacts (impact at year 10) on all four VSRs.

According to Annex 10 of the EIAO-TM, the landscape and visual impacts are considered acceptable with mitigation.

11.7                        Overall Conclusion

The environmental impact assessment has concluded that no unacceptable environmental impacts are envisaged as a result of the construction and operation of the Project, provided that the recommended mitigation measures are implemented.